Atticus And The Orb Of Time

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Atticus And The Orb Of Time Page 25

by M K Drake

  The rock door opens outwards allowing the other Majjai access to this new cavern, as Atticus withdraws himself from Ju Long’s vision, he becomes quietly more confident in his growing grasp of this ability.

  Khan finds some torches at the entrance and lights them, handing them round once complete; Atticus completes his waking from his connection with Ju Long. Once they all gather together they inspect their new location and they find a strange sight.

  “What is it?” asks Safaya.

  “Looks like a sliding puzzle,” replies Atticus, “I used to be really good at these, but this one… it just has different spots, no pictures or numbers.”

  In front of the Majjai fixed onto a wall stands a large square, with smaller squares cut out from it, all hinged together forming a random pattern, and each movable piece has a dot in a different place.

  “And what are those?” asks Ju Long, pointing to a series of dots on the wall.

  “I don’t know,” says Atticus.

  They all move toward the puzzle; as they do so, the door behind them slams shut. A massive egg timer rises from the floor and flips over, triggering the sand to fall through the glass, beginning a countdown.

  “Err, this doesn’t look good,” says Ju Long.

  “I guess this is where the ‘speed of thought’ bit of the riddle comes from,” says Atticus, “Think, what else did it say?”

  “‘Below the wings of Pegasus lies their bed,’” says Safaya, “Stars!”

  “Stars?” asks Khan.

  “Yes, stars. I used to love looking at them when I was younger, and Elric gave me a telescope so I could continue to do so here. I studied the constellations. These dots, they each resemble a star, and this one,” Safaya says, pointing to one of the patterns on the wall, “this is Pegasus.”

  “Quickly,” says Olof, “We do not have much time, the sand is falling quickly.”

  Atticus runs to the puzzle and starts to rearrange the squares, trying to match it against the pattern on the wall.

  “Hurry, Atticus, the sand is almost out!” shouts Khan.

  The walls of the chamber begin to shake violently; small openings appear and searing hot lava starts to seep from the cracks.

  Olof fires ice towards the molten rock, but it only slows it down for a moment before more lava appears.

  “Just a few more seconds,” says Atticus.

  “I doubt we have many, my friend,” screams Khan, “Faster!”

  The egg timer runs out of sand. A larger opening appears, Olof tries to fill it with ice, but the lava is too hot and cuts through it easily.

  “I can’t hold it for much longer!” he shouts.

  “Almost… there,” says Atticus as he slides the last piece into place.

  The chamber stops shaking and the lava tunnels re-seal themselves.

  “That was close,” says Safaya, “Well done, Atticus.”

  The others look at each other in amazement − a compliment from Safaya is rare, and this is the first time she has given one to Atticus so openly. Their focus returns to the task at hand as the floor beneath the puzzle gives way, collapsing into a spiral staircase moving downwards, revealing another chamber.

  They peer through the opening beneath their feet and try to look into the darkness.

  “We need to be careful here, the last part of that riddle refers to the Eater of the Dead. There is too much coincidence that his statue existed at Dragonclaw Mountain, and now the latest riddle refers to him via his alias,” says Olof, “We must be silent.”

  “Guess that means me again, then,” says Ju Long. He hovers into the air and falls gently through the new opening. His torch dimly lights this new chamber, but he doesn’t need it for long. A giant river of lava flows through a deep crevice. He lands lightly, looks around, and spots a large chest with a large hammer and an orb engraved on the front. Above the carvings lay two hand imprints’, the one above the orb has ‘Atticus’ written above it, and the other has the name ‘Olof’.

  Ju Long flies back up to the other chamber and begins to help the others down. He carries Olof down last.

  Ju Long pants on purpose, “Olof, my friend.”

  “Yes?” replies Olof.

  “When we get back to the Manor, remind me to put you on a diet.”

  Ju Long lands and quickly steps out of the way of another clip to the back of his head.

  The Majjai walk towards the chest.

  “I guess we put our hands on it then?” says Atticus.

  Olof walks with him and they both slide their hands onto the imprints. A light glows around them where they touch the cold metal, designed perfectly around them, and the lock clicks open. Olof and Atticus lift the lid together. Inside, they find masses of red velvet. On one side lies the Quantorbium, and on the other, Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor.

  Between the two objects is a crystal. Atticus picks it up. As soon as he touches it, it begins to glow and hovers out of his hand. The image of Myrddin appears.

  “Well done, Atticus and Olof,” says the ghostly image of the wizard, “I’m sorry I had to move the hammer, Olof, it was not safe there. The guard here is much scarier than Brokk; be sure not to wake him. Atticus, you must take the Quantorbium to Elric, he will know how to activate it. Hurry now! Joyce does not have much time. Pass these words to Elric, along with the parchment within the chest. ‘The hammer of Thor is both nemesis and ally to the orb.’”

  As quickly as the image appeared, it disappears, and the crystal drops back into the chest.

  “Quickly, let’s teleport out of here before whatever is here wakes,” says Olof.

  Safaya’s curiosity gets the better of her, and she peers over the edge of the crevice to observe the lava flow beneath.

  “Safaya, come, we must leave!” says Olof.

  “Coming,” she replies. As she twists around, a small piece of the fracture supporting her gives way and drops below. Safaya slips and screams loudly. Khan is quick to act and catches her arm before she falls too far. He pulls her up, and holds onto her until they are safely away from the edge.

  Safaya doesn’t let go of Khan; she stares into his eyes, as if daring him to make a romantic move.

  “What game are you playing?” whispers Khan.

  “It’s no game,” replies Safaya.

  Atticus turns around to hurry them up, but as he moves towards them he stops.

  “What’s wrong, Atticus?” asks Ju Long.

  “Shhhh, do you hear it?” replies Atticus, “A deep flapping noise?”

  A gust of wind flows through the cave they are in, getting stronger with each passing moment.

  “It’s coming,” says Olof, “Khan, Safaya… HURRY!”

  The Majjai quickly gather themselves together, preparing to teleport out as the dragon Nithhoggr appears, roaring into the chamber.

  “Nithhoggr,” says Olof.

  “Now!” screams Atticus, “Do it NOW!”

  Olof and Ju Long begin the teleportation, a shimmer of light, a flash, and they disappear just as Nithhoggr shoots a jet of fire towards their position.

  The Majjai reappear outside of Hekla.

  “Why are we not back at the Manor?” asks Atticus.

  “I do not know,” replies Olof, “Perhaps the power of the hammer or the orb is limiting our ability to teleport far enough.

  “It’s coming!” shouts Safaya.

  Nithhoggr blasts through the side of Hekla in a shower of lava. The dragon circles around. Its size is breathtaking, dwarfing what Atticus remembers of Draconus. Opening its massive jaws, Nithhoggr shoots a gigantic jet of fire towards the startled Majjai who scatter as fast they can. Safaya is able to divert much of the fire away from them, but she cannot control the intensity for long. Ju Long swoops in to save her, teleporting her away before the dragon’s fire breaks out of Safaya’s control.

  Khan looks towards Olof, “You have to use it − it is the only thing that will have any effect,” he says, pointing to the chest holding the hammer.

  “This mu
st be what Myrddin meant by ‘ally’ − the hammer can protect the orb,” says Atticus, “Ju Long, get to the Manor, tell Elric we need a portal back home, quickly.”

  Ju Long doesn’t need to be asked twice; he gently returns Safaya to the ground and teleports himself away. Nithhoggr circles again, then lands just in front of the remaining Majjai.

  “Atticus, your hand, now!” shouts Olof, his palm already in the indentation on the chest. Atticus quickly opens it with Olof, allowing the Norse Majjai to grab the hammer.

  “I call forth the power of Thor!” shouts Olof as he holds the hammer above his head. The clouds above the volcano begin to darken. Nithhoggr is all too aware of the power of Thor’s hammer and is wary to attack. A huge bolt of lightning fires downward from the sky and strikes the hammer. Olof’s hair turns from light blonde to a striking, blinding white. His eyes cloud over and his body begins to hover just off the ground. Olof soars towards Nithhoggr, striking the beast on his jaw. The dragon is knocked back. The others join the attack and launch as many powerful fireballs as they can. Safaya uses her command of earth and wind to send masses of rock into the beast’s belly. Slowly but surely together they force Nithhoggr back.

  Olof charges over and launches another attack with the hammer, hurting Nithhoggr once more. The dragon’s anger grows; it slams its massive horned tail into the ground making it tremble beneath the Majjais’ feet, then swings it towards the now unstable group. Khan is hit hard and flung backwards, his robes tearing as the force of the blow sends him sliding across the ground. Safaya looks around, and rushes to catch him. She drags his unconscious body away from the dragon’s flames; as she does so, she notices some markings on his back she believes she seen before.

  The dragon attacks again. Safaya has no time to ponder what she has seen, but she knows now that things are starting to make sense. She drags Khan to safety behind a rock and returns to the battle.

  Atticus creates a blue shield below his feet and uses his telekinesis powers to levitate it. He surfs through the air on his new board of light, brandishing his sword, and blocks an attack heading towards Safaya, slicing one of the horns from Nithhoggr’s tail in the process.

  Olof holds the hammer high in the air and crashes it to the ground sending a massive wave of energy through the surface, forcing the dragon to stumble.

  Nithhoggr takes to the air and launches several fire attacks. Safaya manages to divert these smaller flames back towards the dragon. The Majjai are so distracted fighting the Norse dragon that they do not notice Ju Long’s return.

  “Quickly, this way!” shouts Ju Long standing next to the newly-opened portal.

  Safaya and Atticus grab the chest while Olof grabs Khan. They race to the portal, barely avoiding another massive jet of fire from Nithhoggr. The portal disappears taking the Majjai with them. Mage Callan quickly grabs Khan and takes him to the medical ward. Elric stands with a look of concern when he sees Khan, he immediately goes to check on him, addressing the other Majjai on his way.

  “I knew you could do it,” he says, looking at Ju Long, Olof, Safaya, and Atticus, he waves a hand over the Saracen’s body, trying to sense his condition, “Khan will be fine; he looks to be just a little stunned. Come, we must take the Quantorbium to our new meeting room.”

  Professor Morgan and Professor Sprocking join them. Safaya seems distracted as she follows the others. What she saw on Khan’s back is still troubling her.

  “Elric,” she says, “Can we please talk. I have something on my mind.”

  Elric beckons the others to continue to the meeting room and stays behind with Safaya, “I’m all ears dear.”

  Atticus, curious as to what could be so important, invades their privacy. Closing his eyes, he thinks of Safaya and tries to see into the room.

  “What do you know of the League of Aria?” asks the Princess, sensing that Elric knows something that he is keeping from her.

  “All I know is that they are shrouded in mystery. Created to protect you throughout the ages. Their skills passed from generation to generation. Beyond that, I have no new knowledge that I am able to tell you,” replies Elric, “Why do you ask?”

  “I think I saw something,” says Safaya, “Did the league disappear without a trace? Or is their secrecy so great that they will not even inform the one they are protecting of their existence?”

  “What does your heart tell you, Safaya?” asks Elric.

  “That my brother would never let me down,” she replies.

  “Then I think you have answered your own question,” says Elric, “Now go, sit with him; the others should be able to handle this final task by themselves. I will send Mage Callan with them just in case.”

  Safaya nods and races to the Medical Ward. She informs Mage Callan that Elric would like him to join the others, and then sits down next to Khan.

  He lays still, eyes closed. His shirt has now been removed allowing Madam Healsey to apply ointments to his wounds. The nurse returns, flicking her long black hair over her shoulder as she moves Khan onto his side. It is then Safaya sees it fully: the tattoo of an eagle’s head within a pyramid. The mark of the League of Aria.

  She waits for the nurse to finish dressing Khan’s wounds before stroking his hair away from his forehead.

  “You never told me,” she whispers, “Do not worry, my prince. Your honour is safe with me,” she moves towards him slowly and gently kisses Khan’s forehead.

  Atticus withdraws himself, “It’s enough now, enough,” he thinks, as he learns that some things must remain private. An overall guilt overcomes him; this power requires much discipline, it cannot be abused for it is wrong to do so. Atticus sighs and rejoins the other Majjai.

  Chapter 24

  Eye Of The Storm

  Atticus follows his friends to the round-table room. As they walk he feels something, a tingle at first, then a tugging, as if his very soul is being ripped from him. He falls to the floor and drifts away. Atticus’s mind is clouded, he sees nothing. Then the mist begins to clear and as it does so, he instantly recognises the people he sees.

  “The boy has been prepared, my King,” says Alvarez, his head bowing to the ground as he kneels.

  Razakel breathes heavily, “Very good. How has Herensugue’s healing progressed?” he asks.

  “He has sealed the wound, but fears the head will never re-grow. I doubt he will be ready for the taking,” replies Alvarez.

  “Then you must go. Bring the boy to me − his turning will be our secret weapon,” says Razakel. He stands from his mighty throne and steps in front of Alvarez, “You have done well. Redeemed yourself with the re-acquisition of the medallions. Now tell me of this new Majjai Six.”

  “They are no match for you, my lord. They are children, mostly. The Majjai elders overestimate their abilities,” replies Alvarez.

  “Or maybe you have underestimated them?” quizzes Razakel, “Elric is no fool, neither is Myrddin. These young Majjai could still pose a threat to our plans,” Razakel returns to his throne, “Leave me.”

  The chamber empties at his command. Alvarez is the last to leave and closes the massive doors behind him, leaving Razakel in silence.

  The demon king ponders his next move. The medallions are in his possession, but he is still hampered. He tires of his reliance on those in the Earth realm, longing for total control, but his frustration is eased with the knowledge that absolute power is merely moments away in his relative existence. He takes the minute to smile, savouring his impending victory.

  “They will never see it,” he whispers to himself, his smile turning into a callous laugh, echoing around his throne room, “But you might… won’t you, Atticus!”

  # # #

  Atticus shivers and wakes up, “They’re after me,” he says, looking at Elric.

  “Who, Atticus?” asks Elric.

  “Alvarez and Razakel. They’re planning some sort of kidnapping.”

  “You saw them?” asks Ju Long.

  “Yes, but it was strange. I didn’t
instigate it this time. It just happened.”

  Elric strokes his beard, “The gift of insight does not work this way, unless it has been overused. Atticus, you must be careful, there is consequence when power is abused. The doorway to your mind can work both ways.”

  Atticus remembers the other night, where he tried to use his power to find the traitor. He tells Elric about what happened. But keeps to himself his recent foray into Safaya’s mind, an act he already feels shame for.

  “You were warned of this, Atticus,” Elric says sternly, “Razakel’s traitor could have killed you. You are lucky the protector was there watching over you.”

  “I know, I’m sorry,” replies Atticus.

  “We’ll sort this out later,” says Elric as they all pick Atticus up off the floor, “Right now, we have more important tasks to take care of. While you are with us, you are protected.”

  Elric and the other Majjai continue to the table room, leaving Joyce, Safaya, and Khan in the medical ward. They take their seats at the round table. Elric carefully places the orb in the centre. Atticus opens the unlocked chest and hands Elric the parchment along with Myrddin's message about the hammer being both nemesis and ally.

  As soon as Elric makes contact with the parchment, it shimmers into a fountain of light which circles around his forehead before resting on his skin and melting into him.

  Elric closes his eyes.

  “Are you ok?” asks Professor Sprocking.

  “Yes,” replies Elric, “It was a message, from Myrddin. There is one last task we must perform before we can use the Orb.”

  Elric stands and walks to the rear wall of the room. He touches some of the stone bricks, activating a glow of light, which surrounds the walls in the room. The light forms into shapes, bookshelves, drawers and chests, as it finishes, the shapes morph into solid objects.


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