Atticus And The Orb Of Time

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Atticus And The Orb Of Time Page 29

by M K Drake

  Professor Snugglebottom quickly turns around, “Ahhh, so, you still live. It was wise that Elric hid your identity, protector − or should I use your real name? Marcellus! One of The Fallen?”

  “Whatever name you wish,” says Marcellus, “I will still be ending your existence!”

  Professor Snugglebottom moves away from the door, and walks towards Marcellus.

  “I should warn you, Majjai, I have been gifted the Cocoon of Enhancement!” says the traitor, “I should tell you my true name: Scourge!”

  Snugglebottom’s skin begins to bubble, his head and body begin to expand, while his face flattens then morphs into an ovular shape, with bat-like ears and fangs dripping with saliva.

  Marcellus steps back, and fires several fireballs at Scourge, who catches each one and throws them back towards their origin.

  Marcellus jumps out of the way and smashes his fist into the ground, sending a pressure wave towards Scourge.

  Scourge stumbles to the floor, but leaps up again quickly. He is still growing, and he is now towering over Marcellus.

  Marcellus pulls out an emerald-encrusted metal whip and creates a blue shield of light, “Die demon!” he screams as he leaps into the air, lashing at Scourge.

  The whip cuts the demon’s back. Scourge screams in pain and retaliates by sending a massive jet of flame from his mouth.

  Marcellus raises his shield to deflect the flame away from him before lashing his whip again. This time Scourge is ready and grabs it, pulling Marcellus towards him and throwing him into the air. Marcellus crashes into the wall and falls to the floor.

  Scourge leaps upwards and aims his massive claws towards Marcellus as he descends. Just before Scourge lands, Marcellus raises his shield and protects himself from the attack. Using both of his legs, he kicks Scourge back into the air and flips himself back up.

  Marcellus launches another attack, his whip causes another deep cut, but this time Scourge uses the attack to land a blow of his own. His massive fist punches into Marcellus’s chest, sending him flying through the air again and crashing into the floor, dazed.

  Scourge walks over to him and looks down, “You Majjai were so easy to fool for all these years. My King, Razakel, gifted me the cocoon all those years ago, when Atticus was first found. I am more powerful than you could ever imagine. It has been frustrating hiding my true form from all of you; but now, now you will feel pain and death like you never thought possible,” says Scourge, “We chose Bradley, to turn him − it was my idea. His hatred was easy to focus. Diverting your attention away from our plan was just too easy; we’ve slipped him potions, prepared him for months, intensifying his rage. Razakel will reward me again, and you… you Majjai will cease to exist.”

  The beast stomps on Marcellus’s head roaring as he does so, “I slept for thousands of years, waiting for Alvarez to wake me, and rejoiced when he finally came. I then infiltrated this school and assumed the Professor’s identity. I am the traitor within. The Professor’s family bled, the taste was enjoyable. But it will not be anywhere near as enjoyable as tasting the blood of the chosen one. Bradley will get the first bite, of course; he is so looking forward to it.”

  Scourge throws another bone-crunching blow at Marcellus, who still lies on the floor, this time kicking him with enough force to slam him into the stage.

  “You Majjai did all of the hard work for us − we knew the chosen one would retrieve the Orb. Your weakness is your compassion. If you had let the girl die, the Orb would still be safe. This Atticus is no match for Razakel − he will destroy him utterly,” says the beast.

  Marcellus groans, “I would not underestimate him. His power is still to be realised.”

  “FOOL!” screams Scourge, “What makes you think he will have the time to become so powerful? Bradley will tear him apart; and if not, Razakel will crush him easily. Heh, Atticus wasn’t even a match for Alvarez, and his strength is dwarfed by our King!” the beast stomps forward, slamming one of his massive feet into Marcellus’s head, pummelling it into the ground, “I hold you all in contempt! Now you will die.”

  Scourge walks back to the main stage area to access the rooms behind it, a few moments pass. Marcellus drifts in and out of consciousness, he sees Scourge return, the Quantorbium in his hands. The beast walks up to him and drags him by his collar.

  Marcellus feels himself being lifted high into the air. Opening his eyes again, he looks upwards, Scourge has sprouted massive wings and flies high into the night sky, carrying him in his arms. His eyes close again.

  Next all Marcellus feels is weightlessness, as if he himself is flying. His eyes open, and he sees the Manor as he falls through the air towards one of the towers. The last thing he sees is the stone wall of the rampart’s stonework, then nothing.

  Scourge flies south, happy with the knowledge that he has dealt the Majjai a damaging blow by killing one of their most powerful warriors. He screams into the night like a banshee, and continues his journey.

  The sky around Wysardian Manor falls silent. Marcellus lies still, a gentle breeze whispering around him. The quietness is soothing as Marcellus sleeps.

  Suddenly, a pair of bright lights appear, followed by a deep rumble as a deathly black figure rolls into view.

  A faint whisper floats towards the sleeping Majjai, “Marcellus…”

  # # #

  Olof stands outside a traditional pub in Sweden. At Elric’s request, he has taken a slight detour on his journey. Two figures sneak up behind him; he hears their footsteps crunching on the snow and spins round quickly.

  “Hey Olof,” says Alvar, “No need to be so jumpy. You wanted to meet us? What do you need?”

  Kalle steps forward, “I think I know.”

  “Where can we get an army?” asks Olof, “And quickly.”

  “Has the time come?” asks Alvar, “Is Razakel coming?”

  Olof nods, “I do not have much time.”

  “We have already prepared something,” says Kalle, “There was talk of the demons’ retrieving Loki’s medallions?”

  “It is true,” says Olof.

  “Then, indeed, we do not have much time my friend,” replies Kalle, “And it has taken you too long to come and show us this,” he says, pointing to Thor’s hammer.

  “Time has been short,” replies Olof, “We have also found the Quantorbium. Razakel comes for it. You say you already have something prepared?”

  “We do; come with us,” says Kalle.

  The three pass through a blizzard, fighting the cold winds for what seems like an hour before they reach their destination.

  “In there,” says Alvar, pointing to an old cave, “We have a little surprise for you,” Olof follows the other two into the cavern and is amazed; over 200 Norse Majjai stand before him, chanting his name, “Olof! Olof! Olof!”

  Olof stands on a higher plinth filling himself with pride, this show of acceptance that his fellow Norse Majjai finally unite and join him in his quest, “Fellow Norsemen!” he shouts, “Today is a day where we fight. Not just for ourselves, but for every living being in this realm. We walk into a dangerous battle. Do not be fooled into thinking otherwise; the demons we face are real. I come to you after facing the might of Nithhoggr and Leviathan, and yet I still stand!” a huge cheer erupts throughout the cave.

  Olof holds the hammer of Thor above his head, “With Mjolnir guiding our path we shall be victorious! Or we will die a death of honour, only to rise from the grave and fight again! Until every… last… demon… burns in flames!!”

  # # #

  Serenity is putting her son, Joshua, to bed. For the first time in what seems like years, she is smiling as she does so. Mage Callan stopped by just a little earlier that day and brought four bouquets of flowers, which are currently throwing their scent gracefully around the house.

  She ponders for a moment, for Mage Callan was not as jovial as he usually is, but he still left with a kiss and some chocolate. Carrying on with her nightly routine she continues to make some hot chocola
te for herself from some fresh cocoa. The aroma blends with the scent from the flowers to create a warmth that gently hugs her, almost as if Mage Callan is there in spirit himself.

  “He was so tender this last visit,” she thinks to herself, but some things he said have troubled her ever so slightly. This last visit seemed a little sombre, there was something hidden in his tone, but she ignores it and soaks in the velvety smooth memory of that final kiss. She pauses again.

  It hits her finally − what if it’s time? What if Razakel comes now and this is why he came to see her? The thoughts of happiness turn to fear.

  She gets up and starts to search for the communications crystal that Mage Callan had given her. She tries to activate it, but there is no answer. Her heart sinks, and she kisses the small gemstone in the hope that it will send some luck her suitor’s way.

  # # #

  Khan steps into the hot sand, the grains burn into his sandaled feet as he traverses the Dubai desert. It feels like he has walked for hours, but in truth the journey has lasted mere minutes such is the burden of the heat and dry arid air. He searches for the secret camp where he was trained all those years ago. Each step gets harder as the sun bears down. A voice calls out to him.

  “Who goes there?”

  Khan stops and speaks, “It is I, Abd Al-Hakim Khan. I seek council with the elders.”

  “Khan?” says the voice, “You have grown, my dear boy.”

  “Assaad?” says Khan, recognising the figure that emerges from the heat wave’s glare, “It has been a long time, my friend.”

  “Indeed; the elders have been expecting you, we sense great danger,” says Assaad.

  “The demon comes,” says Khan, “It will not be long.”

  Assaad nods and creates a portal, which both he and Khan walk into.

  They step through to the League of Aria training grounds. Before them lies what appear to be ruins more than actual areas that could be used to train future generations. But the landscape is still imposing. Giant waterfalls are seen in the distance with tropical rainforest-sized trees dotting the horizon, their foliage thickening as they disappear into the distance. Birds and insects can be heard all around them, as well as the sound of the leaves rustling in the calm, warm breeze.

  They stand on a makeshift wooden platform, high above the ground, attached to one of the taller trees.

  “Always a breathtaking sight,” says Khan, as his gaze takes in the wonders of the diverse landscape.

  “Welcome home, Khan,” says another voice.

  Khan turns around and sees a very old man, but one who still has the strength to wield a mighty sabre. The body may be old, but Khan immediately recognises the face of his teacher.

  “My Lord,” says Khan, as he kneels to the ground.

  “Rise, Khan. You know I see you like a son; there is no need to kneel,” says the elder figure, “I am a king merely in name these days; I no longer have the wealth or power I once had.”

  “You still have our respect, my Lord,” says Khan, “And my allegiance to my duties as the last remaining marked League member still hold true.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” replies the elder, “You do not need to worry. I already know why you are here, the demon's arrival is imminent. I have amassed a small group of fighters to help you in your quest.”

  “I see your wisdom is still as great as ever, my Lord,” says Khan.

  “Yes, well, Assaad has been keeping my mind sharp; he is a superb chess player you know,” replies the elder.

  “That I am all too aware of,” replies Khan, “He has beaten me many times.”

  “How is she?” asks the elder, “How is my sister?”

  “The Princess is fine, my Lord,” replies Khan, “She is strong, and has learned to control her powers with the guidance from Elric. She misses you.”

  “I miss her, too,” says the Elder, “But you know she can never know I survived; to lose me again would be devastating for her, and there is no telling how it will affect her. History sees me as dead, and therefore, that is how I, King Ismail must remain.”

  Khan nods reluctantly.

  “Good; you and Elric are the only ones that know the secret outside of the League’s circle,” says King Ismail, “Maybe, one day, I will be able to reunite with my sister; but that time is not now. Long life is a curse, but Elric thought it wise that I receive a potion borne from the Orb. Time will indeed tell.”

  Khan looks towards his mentor. He sees the same wisdom in his eyes that he sees in Elric’s, but also the same sadness. He does not question anything, dutifully moving the conversation on, “I suspect she knows I am from the League, my Lord. I fear the mark may have been revealed to her after our last battle.”

  “I wouldn’t worry too much. I’m surprised it has taken her this long to figure it out,” says the King, “Protecting her might be a little easier now.”

  “I need to leave now, the battle nears,” says Khan.

  “Very well,” replies King Ismail, “The warriors I have amassed for you will join you; give the location to Assaad. You have the heart of a warrior. I will see you again, soon, Abd Al-Hakim Khan. Fight well. May Allah be with you.”

  Khan bows again and walks outside with Assaad. He gives Assaad the location of the other Majjai. He has missed his long-time companion; he cannot control himself and wraps his hands around his brethren-in-arms.

  “Fight well, brother, I want to see you back here again soon,” says Assaad.

  “Do not worry. We will see each other again soon, in this life or the next,” says Khan, before stepping back through the portal.

  # # #

  The night is cold in London. Most people are asleep in their beds or snuggled up indoors. Only shadows move in the moonlight. One shadow, in particular, is busier than most, moving between crevices and buildings. The quiet night aids its progress and it soon reaches its destination.

  A small cocker spaniel wanders the streets, lost, trying to find its way home. It sniffs at this strange shadow that appears not to have an owner. Once the scent has taken hold the little dog freezes, and in a panic begins to bark loudly. The last thing it sees is a couple in the distance, through a window, who seem to be dancing. Then a claw severs its neck, and it sees nothing.

  Chapter 28

  The Return to Aria

  The moon shines across the desert sands. Atticus and the other Majjai stand atop the highest dune they can find, and look towards where Aria once stood. Elric cloaks the area as much as possible, but is still visibly weakened from sensing the invasion earlier.

  Atticus spots Mage Callan supporting Elric while he tries to regain his strength. Olof, Ju Long, and Khan all return from their travels and report straight to the others.

  The tension is high. For the first time in all of this Atticus finally feels real fear. In all the previous battles he took solace in the confidence of his friends, his teachers, Elric. But now, all he senses is worry. A realisation that this battle has come too soon overwhelms him as he looks across the desert. There are only ruins now where there a grand city once stood, the stonework is all but broken, nonetheless, its still imposing. Citadels have fallen, houses and walls crumbled. To the west, the sunlight begins to give way to the night as the wind kicks up small ripples in the sand. Atticus times his breathing, trying to calm his soul. He slowly begins to take in the moment. He looks towards Joyce, he gains strength from her, his muse; he has found his something to die for, and in that moment, realises he has also found his reason to live.

  “What word comes from the Norse Mages, Olof?” asks Elric. Atticus can see he is trying to break the tension.

  Olof adjusts the hammer on his belt, to ensure it is ready when needed before answering, “They are willing to help and should be here shortly.”

  “And the Saracen Elders?” asks Elric, looking towards Khan who nods in confirmation.

  Ju Long puts a hand on Elric’s shoulder, “Do not worry, my guild will also be sending their most powerful Majjai.”

  “Good, good,” says Elric, “Hopefully the portals will be narrow, and it will be easier to pick them off as they come through.”

  A flash of light indicates the arrival of the Norse Mages’; all of them are dressed in the finest battle armour, glistening against the dusk’s ever increasing moonlight. They take their position behind the Majjai Six. Things seem calm, but then a spark appears, and then the skies cloud over, challenging the moon to break through.

  “Here they come!!” screams Professor Morgan.

  A portal forms in mid-air not too far from where they stand, it floats high and turns on its axis, now facing downwards it settles on the desert floor.

  “What is happening?” asks Atticus.

  “I’m not sure,” says Khan.

  The ground begins to shake violently, causing several dunes to collapse.

  Khan spots something beneath the sand, “Slugs!” he screams, “They are coming through the ground!”

  “Slugs!” shouts Atticus, “What the hell are Slugs?”

  A giant, worm-like creature smashes through the desert surface and shows its ugly head. A large central mouth surrounded by tentacles, each with their own smaller mouths.

  “That’s a slug, Atticus,” says Safaya.

  Another Slug crashes through the Majjai, forcing them to scatter.

  “Hold your lines!” screams Khan, “They are trying to divide us. Atticus, just hit anything that's ugly!”

  “Maybe we should divide them?” says Mage Callan, who hands Elric into Professor Morgan’s care. He unsheathes his swords and throws one like a boomerang at the first Slug, slicing part of its body, before speeding on and slicing the other half of the Slug with his other sword. He picks his first sword from the sand and uses it to pierce through the Slug’s head, killing it.

  The remaining Slug circles round and leaps into the air, forcing the Majjai apart again. Another three Slugs make their presence known and attack the Norse Mages, who defend themselves with blasts of ice and fire.


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