Grey Dawn

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Grey Dawn Page 9

by K L Rymer

  “I love you, Crystal,” he whispers into my ear, his breath hot on my lobe. “If this is what being dead’s really like... then I’d gladly die a thousand times over... if it means I get to be with you...”

  A lump clogs my throat, and at the back of my mind I know we can’t stay this way forever. We must get back to earth and stop my father, but the only thing I care about now is Eli.

  So we continue to fuck like dogs, and soon I throw my head back and come. Eli follows suit, and it trickles warm down my leg.

  My heart thumps throughout my body, and I press my sweaty forehead to the glass, heavy breaths escaping my lungs.

  Eli wraps his arms around me, planting a tender kiss onto my dishevelled hair, and I sigh, enjoying the feel of his warm, strong arms.

  Eventually, we pull apart and curl up on the floor, hot, wet and covered in our own fluids.

  17. Misaki

  I breathe a sigh of relief.

  Somehow, I know Eli and Crystal are finally together again. And if my spidey senses deceive me, it was the reunion of a lifetime.

  I can sense the sexual energy all the way down from earth, and I smile, knowing they can finally rest in peace.

  They deserve it.

  Once again, I have been summoned to His Holiness’s private study, and I make sure to wear my extra short robes, the ones that show a little bit of ankle (for shame). I know White still wants me. Crystal’s entire existence was proof that he enjoyed a good time every now and then, so maybe I can bring back that old spark.

  Does it bother me that he is thirty-five years my senior? In short, no. It doesn’t help that he’s ripe and buff for his age, but there’s just something kinky about doing it with someone old enough to be your dad. Maybe even grandfather (if they’re hot enough that is). Tony, my sexy pilot lover, was a spring chicken at age forty compared to some of the men I’ve been with.

  In the end, I use my sexuality as a weapon, and I’m going to make White pay big time for what he did.

  For the past few days, I have had Ashley report back all the things Lord White has told him, and so far I have not been disappointed.

  In two days White plans to travel to London and practice the first wave of his cleansing, and my heart quakes.

  No city is perfect, but I worry for the people of London. All those rude commuters and shoppers, and not to mention corrupt politicians and celebrities.

  Yep. They’re screwed.

  Though the Queen’s safe since she’s away at the moment (I hear White’s on good terms with the Royal Family, so no worries there).

  Still, it’s my second home (all my friends live there), so I have to stop him. A life is a life. And White doesn’t get to choose who lives and who dies.

  I stop outside the solid oak of the door, my hand closing around the gold handle. Hopefully, White doesn’t suspect I’m going to double cross him. If he does, then he’s good at hiding it. So I still have to keep my wits about me.

  Finally, I push through the door, meeting those cool blue eyes on the other side of the desk.

  “Ah, Misaki. Do come in.”

  It’s as if I’ve stepped into Dracula’s office. I shut the door, and we gaze at each other for a time.

  His brilliant blues wander down my black robes, falling straight to my ankles, and I splay them out, drawing more attention to them.

  I do have sexy ankles, after all.

  If I’m not mistaken, darkness flashes through those ocean eyes, and I remember what Ashley told me about White’s wings.

  There’s evil growing inside White. He may not see it himself, but he’s become more corrupt, if not more, than my own family.

  He’s completely thrown the balance of good and evil into chaos. There’s more destruction on the streets. Violence has increased, the death toll on the rise with all the stabbings and shootings. Even the police aren’t safe, and I worry for the world.

  I may be evil, but what good is there in letting all this hate and crime continue? Lives will be destroyed. Soon there will be nothing left.

  Plus, I like to live in a civil world. Death and destruction just depresses me.

  “Please sit, Misaki,” White says, indicating his hand to the seat in front of his desk.

  I do as he asks and we sit in silence, a jet black raven cawing in the trees outside (nevermore, hey).

  It’s all so miserable and gloomy, combined with the bleak, grey sky and icy chill.

  Funny, I’d have thought White’s land would be filled with the cheerful song of bluebirds. Corvids were often a frequent visitor of the Black Estate, but it appears they’ve made their way up here too.

  After a while, he lets out a great big sigh, meeting my eyes.

  “I suppose you’re wondering why I have summoned you today, Lady Black.”

  Lady Black? We no longer on first name terms? A shame; I was looking forward to calling him Mikey.

  “Well, now that you mention it,” I reply, repositioning my legs.

  He gives a friendly smile, one that crinkles his eyes, and my lady parts come to life. He’s such a sexy dad type.

  It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve slept with a friend’s dad (may Crystal rest in peace). Lilac’s father was unusually hot for his age too, and we used to have so much fun together.

  Lord White’s face turns grave once again, and the friendly wrinkles disappear. “You’re well informed by now of what I plan to do, Misaki.”

  First names again. He’s giving me a bloody headache.

  I give a small nod, keeping my eyes firmly on his. Yeah, but are you well informed of what I plan to do, Lord White?

  He continues. “In two days’ time, we head south, and I will need your family’s tower.”

  I’m all ears now. “What for, Your Holiness?”

  I know I sound like a suck-up, but I need to make him think I’m on his side. Also, I want to know what the fuck he plans to do with my family’s headquarters. It’s all mine now, anyway — the Black tower, the billions...

  White looks me straight in the eyes, and once again that blackness flashes through his luminous blues. “It will be the location of my first cleansing.”

  My heart thumps, and suddenly a chill sweeps up my spine.

  I expected as much, but it’s just the way in which he says it. You’d think you were looking at The Devil himself, and again I contemplate those black wings.

  His dismal expression disappears, and now he’s happy, sunny White once again. “That will be all, Lady Black.”

  I take a deep breath and rise to my feet, heading to the door. Just as my fingers close around the handle, White says, “I have decided not to burn your cousin’s body, Misaki. If you wish, you can take his body back to London with you and give him a decent burial, and declare his death to the press. I trust you will give a convincing story? I believe Eli was a regular abuser of drugs and alcohol. I would suggest something along those lines.”

  The blood pumps hot in my veins at his callous suggestion.

  You fucking scumbag...

  I doubt he’s declared Crystal’s death. Not that she mattered, anyway, being his stupid little mistake he’d rather brush under the rug. As far as anyone’s aware, Crystal was never at the compound. She’s as obscure as a little mouse.

  Well, not so much; I made her the star of my online saga after all.

  One day, the world will know the truth of their deaths. I promise.

  I give a sweet smile, and I see the lust in his eyes. “I would much rather keep Eli here, Your Holiness. He may have been a Black, but he was in love with your daughter. I know that’s what he would have wanted.”

  He gives an irritated scowl at the word love. Crystal had loved Eli too, and White knew it, yet it still drives him crazy to have such a traitor of a daughter.

  What father likes their daughter’s boyfriend after all? But Crystal couldn’t have found anyone worse in Lord White’s eyes.

  Truth be told, the only reason I chose to keep Eli here, for now, was to try and resur
rect him. I don’t think I would be able to achieve the impossible if Eli and Crystal were separated. Somehow, I knew they had to be together. Their powers worked in harmony, like ebony and ivory. To break them apart would be unthinkable.

  At least now I know White has no sinister plans for my cousin’s body. I’d thought he’d have made use of his powers somehow, but it seems not.

  Eli’s just as useless to him dead as he was alive.

  But there’s still Crystal, and I wonder if he still plans to use her powers too as he’d originally planned.

  After all, he can’t purge the population on his own. London was one thing, but the rest of the world?

  Even in death, Crystal wasn’t safe from her father, and I seethe.

  He’ll still exploit her powers.

  White gives a tight smile, and I see he clenches his jaw. It appears he wanted Eli’s body removed from his compound, but he still respects my wish. Well, he better. If not, there will be hell to pay.

  “Then it is agreed, Lady Black. Eli will stay at the compound. And you will allow me to use Black Headquarters for my first cleansing.”

  Oh, so now it was blackmail.

  If I scratch his back, he’ll scratch mine.

  Trust me, there’s going to be plenty of scratching. Lord Michael White won’t know what hit him.

  I bow graciously, something I haven’t done since I was a kid, and exit the room. “Thank you, Your Holiness.”

  I finally take my leave, and I know he’s staring at my arse.

  Looks like my ankles aren’t the only thing he wants after all.

  18. Eli

  Crystal and I have completely fogged the glass, giving us some semblance of privacy.

  All those sentient stars will see on the other side of the mirror now is our blurred, naked bodies.

  Fuck... that had been the best sex I’d ever had. We orgasmed about a thousand times, and that’s not an exaggeration.

  Being dead was fun.

  My heart bangs against my ribs, Crystal’s hot body curled up beside me. She lays her head on my chest, circling the shape of my abs.

  We’re sticky with sweat, and our bodily fluids cover the floor. I know I’m a stickler for cleanliness, but this is a good kind of dirty, and it makes me horny thinking about our combined filth plastered all over the glass.

  Crystal’s absolutely filthy. Who knew good girls liked it from behind too? I hope whoever watched us enjoyed the show. I know I did.

  I don’t think my cock will ever go down again, and I’d be happy to go for another round, but Crystal wanted to snuggle instead.

  Snuggling’s still new to me, but with her, I don’t mind. I could snuggle her for an eternity (so long as she lets me stick my penis inside her again).

  There may be a good chance we won’t leave this place. Unless I fucked her hard enough again, and we ended up, say, in the middle of a glacier.

  With our hot bodies, it would be a welcome change (we’d melt a hole right through the ice).

  Boy, it is getting hot. I can even feel the sweat gathering on my philtrum. Sweat even drips from the mirrors, crying tears of shame.

  Crystal seems to enjoy my sweaty torso, sliding her finger between my slick abs, and I know I’m loving hers too. Sweat drips from her arse, and I shake my head lest I get horny again.

  She releases a long sigh, and her hot breath does nothing to assuage my rising temperature.

  I’m a demon, and even the fiery pits of hell couldn’t compare to this heat.

  Finally, she raises her head, and a sweet smile curves her lips. She still wears that cherry red lipstick, though a little smudged from our steamy sessions.

  “What are you thinking about?” she sings, brushing a finger over my pecs.

  I look into her perfect blues. How many times I’d yearned for them when I wandered limbo.

  “How fucking hot it is. It’s like a sauna.”

  She giggles and moves closer. Her breasts dangle above me now, dripping with sweat. A droplet hangs of her tight nipple, and I grow even hotter.

  “Only because we’re making it hot,” she whispers inches from my face, and her breath does crazy things to my head.

  She still smells of sweet candy, even in death, and once again I marvel at how flawless she is.

  “You’re amazing, you know?” I say.

  Crystal bites her lip, taking in my features, then reaches down to wipe the sweat of my philtrum. “My... you must be getting hot, Eli. Your upper lip’s sweating.”

  I smirk, “So are your breasts.”

  She nudges my head and I chuckle, focusing on her eyes again. They shine playfully now, and I sit up, placing my mouth to hers. I don’t care how hot it is; I’ll have her all over this foggy glass again.

  “Ready for round one thousand and one?”

  Crystal smiles, threading her fingers through my wet hair. It hangs damp over my eyes.

  “You’ve been keeping count?” she says, and I see my crimson eyes reflect of her blue ones.

  My demon has just come out to play.


  Her eyes burn electric blue, and now she leans forward. I close my eyes, anticipating her kiss.

  Before our lips meet, she vanishes with a poof, and I feel the coldness of her absence immediately.

  My eyes snap open, and I search the room. “Crystal?”

  Her body still leaves a mark in the glass, a perfect imprint of her arse left behind to taunt me, and my breath amplifies, bouncing off the mirrored walls.

  “N-no... bring her back!”

  I jump to my feet and rush to a mirror, banging the fogged glass. “No, I won’t let you take her!”

  I’m still naked, my dick erect between my legs, yet I continue to pound the glass, begging for them to return my angel.

  Then I start to cry. Yes, like a baby...

  A big, bad former playboy like me crying over a single girl? Perish the thought. But imagine having the only thing you ever loved taken from you without a second thought. Sucks doesn’t it.

  I press my forehead to the glass and slide down, sobbing. “You... fucking bastards...”

  No reply. Not even a giggle or a creepy echo, and I splutter now, knowing I will never see her again.

  True hell.

  It’s been so long since I’ve cried; I’d forgotten how much it physically hurt. My lungs feel like they’re going to burst, and my eyes sting as if someone sprayed perfume inside them.

  Fuck crying.

  “I... I loved her...” I hiccough, “and you... and you took her from me...”

  So pathetic.

  A cold breeze wafts through the room next, clearing away the fog, and I finally see my reflection.

  I’m grey-eyed Eli Black once again, a heartbroken mess.

  I curl up in a foetal position, wishing for the heat of Crystal’s body beside me once again.

  In fact, ice starts to form on the glass, and then I see my breath, shivering.

  The ice creeps up my body, but it’s not like I could freeze to death.

  Instead, I will lie frozen in this freezer for all eternity.

  Suddenly, I feel myself being sucked away, a million stars flashing before me, and then everything turns black.

  And now I see no more.

  Had I just died a second time?

  19. Crystal

  I awake once again in a dark room, and everything’s a blur.

  What’s going on? What happened to the mirrored room? To Eli?

  I can’t breathe. My soul feels as if it’s being crammed into a tight box, and when I finally come to, I turn over and vomit.

  My body’s so weak, and my head won’t stop spinning. Whereas before I was strong, now I’m vulnerable and limited in my powers.

  What kind of new hell have I awoken in?

  I’m sick of this, going back and forth, back and forth, over and over. I just want to finally rest in peace and be with Eli.

  “L-Lady White...?”

  A small voice whispers
from the darkness, and I peer up, seeing those two indistinguishable shapes.

  My heart jumps to my mouth when I finally recognise Leticia and Leila, and I choke on a lump, shaking my head.

  No... they can’t be dead too. My father... had he taken their lives?

  “L-Leticia... Leila... p-please... don’t tell me...”

  Suddenly, they do the unthinkable. They get down on their knees and bow. A tear drips down the usually stoic Leticia’s cheeks, and I watch in awe.

  What was happening? What were they doing?

  “It’s... it’s a miracle...” Leticia cries, keeping her head to the ground. “Lady Crystal... you’re alive.”


  It all comes crashing back to me, and I pass out on the cold, stone table, trying to find my breath again.

  How can it be? I was dead. I was with Eli in some strange, surreal world, one that I’m finding hard to recall now.

  All I remember is Eli’s face and my heart thuds against my chest. I sit back up, searching for him.


  My eyes fall on that lifeless figure next to me, and I draw a loud breath.

  My prince... he’s as still as a rock, his body motionless and silent.

  I crawl closer and place my hands around his cheeks. They’re still warm. He’s not far behind. Somehow, I know he will be joining me soon.

  He has to.

  I shake his head. “Eli... come on... wake up...”

  His eyes remain closed, but I don’t give up.

  “Eli, can you hear me? Please, come back to me. Just like you always do.”


  I start to panic, heavy breaths escaping my lungs, and I shake him by the shoulders now. “Eli! Don’t you dare leave me! We still have to beat my father!”

  Again, he doesn’t wake, and I shut my eyes, letting the tears fall at last.

  I don’t think he’s coming back.

  I place my forehead against his and howl. The sound rebounds off the walls, so harrowing and heart-breaking, it numbs my blood.

  I don’t even sound human anymore.

  We’d reunited, but only for a short while. Fate had a cruel trick up her sleeve in the end, waiting to break us apart at the last moment, but I will always cherish the small time we had together.


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