Savage Love

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by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Savage Love

  Sandrine Gasq-Dion © Copyright 2014

  Smashwords Edition


  To my editor, Jenjo. May we have many

  more years together.

  Brandi Reynolds

  My Facebook family and all the newest readers.

  All the readers and writers at LRO. Thank you for riding the crazy train.

  All the bloggers and reviewers.


  Lev Chirkoff leaned forward in his recliner and held his breath. This was it, the last play of the game. Ten seconds were left in the game, and the Seahawks lined up.

  His eyes were glued to one man and one man alone.

  Chaz Savage.

  The man was beautiful and Lev had fallen hard and fast for him, even though he’d never met him. Every interview Chaz had given was ingrained in Lev’s brain. He was smart and funny. And, boy, did he look hot in a uniform.

  As one of the highest paid players in the NFL, Chaz Savage was a star to watch. He wore his hair short, which Lev loved. The blond, close-cropped hair and crystal-blue eyes were a mesmerizing combination. Muscles covered his body, and his six-foot-four frame carried them very well. Lev sighed and then straightened as the center snapped the ball.

  His eyes followed Chaz as the quarterback threw the ball.

  “Come on baby, come on!” Lev bounced up and down in the chair.

  The ball sailed through the air and Lev’s eyes widened as Chaz leapt up, miraculously catching it one-handed. Lev stood up and screamed at the TV.

  “Run, baby!”

  Lev whistled, clapped and shouted as Chaz powered down the field and into the end zone. The crowd went crazy and Lev whistled loudly, smiling at Chaz celebrating on the field with his teammates.


  His father stormed into the room. He scowled, and Lev turned off the TV.

  “What’s up, Dad?”

  “Jesus Christ, Lev! We live in New York; can’t you root for your own team?”

  Lev crossed his arms. “When they start playing better, I will.”

  “I got a job tonight, kid.”

  Lev sighed and sat down.

  He knew what that meant.

  As an enforcer for the Bonini family, Lev’s father killed people for money. Mario Bonini expected Lev to become an enforcer as well, but Lev didn’t have it in him to kill someone with no mercy. A car bomb killed his mother. A bomb probably meant for someone else.

  The Mob was a scary place to be and he’d been born into it.

  He didn’t have too many friends; he couldn’t. With his ties to the Mafia, anyone he got close to would be a target for other families. He and a few others had been allowed to attend a school close by when they were younger; even then, it was a crapshoot if you made it home alive.

  “Dad, can’t you just get out?” he sighed.

  Lev’s father pulled him into the bathroom and ran the shower and the sink to cover their conversation. He couldn’t be too careful. He leaned in close to his son’s ear.

  “I’m trying to. You know how this goes, kid. You don’t get out unless you’re put out. Got it? I’m trying to put something together for us.”

  Lev leaned back and met his father's eyes. “Dad…”

  “Just stay here and don’t do anything stupid.”

  Lev sighed as his father left. He made his way back to the living room and turned the TV back on. Chaz Savage was giving his post-game interview. Lev turned up the sound.

  “You got the winning touchdown, Chaz. How do you feel right now?”

  “I feel exhilarated! And hungry. I’m going to go eat a huge bacon sandwich.”

  Lev’s jaw dropped. “A bacon sandwich?”

  “A bacon sandwich?” the reported repeated.

  “Yep. Bacon.” Chaz winked at the camera.

  The wink made Lev’s pulse race. He’d known he was gay since he was twelve, but Mafia life meant not coming out. His mom had known and he was pretty sure his father did, too.

  Lev sighed and turned off the TV. He made his way to his room and flopped down on the bed.

  They lived in a tiny, two-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. The sounds of the city floated through the open window of his room. God, how he’d love to be able to go to Seattle and meet Chaz Savage. Unfortunately, no money meant no traveling.

  He was twenty-one and had never even been with anyone. Lev rubbed his dick, and thought about Chaz. He was hard in an instant, and spurting a minute later.

  Chaz Savage just did it for him. Closing his eyes, he hoped he’d dream about Chaz again.


  The sounds of the city woke him up. Lev squinted at the clock. It was almost ten in the morning. He rolled out of bed and stopped dead in the doorway to the kitchen.

  The head of the Italian New York Mafia, Mario Bonini, and his goons were sitting around the kitchen table drinking coffee.

  “Um. Morning, Boss.” Lev poured himself a cup of coffee.

  “Your father was killed last night, Lev.” Mario announced baldly.

  Lev dropped the cup and stared.


  Bonini stood and paced in front of Lev. He stopped and leveled a glare at him.

  “What do you know about your father’s bank accounts?”

  “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about! He’s dead?”

  One of Mario’s goons, Samson Demarco, stood up and grabbed Lev by the neck. He fought for air as the man squeezed.

  “Stop!” Lev gasped. “I don’t know anything!”

  “Let him go, Samson,” Mario sighed. He regarded Lev closely. “I don’t take too kindly to people skimming off the top, Lev. Your father knew this about me. I’m already struggling with trying to make ends meet with the damn Santorno family breathing down my neck; now I find out I’m missing money?” He crossed his arms and gave him a level look. “I have a job for you.”

  “What? Wait…look, I don’t know what my father took or didn’t take, okay?”

  Mario waved his hand in the air. “I’m in need of a big cash flow, so you’re going to blackmail someone for me.”

  Lev’s mouth dropped open. “What?”

  “You heard me. You’re on a flight out of here today from La Guardia. You’re going to Seattle, Lev.”

  “To blackmail whom?” Lev said slowly.

  “I think you know.” Mario smiled. “The rumor is that Chaz Savage is gay. I want you to prove those rumors correct. I want pictures and video, if you can get it, and I want it fast.”

  “But…why Chaz Savage? And why me?”

  “Because he’s loaded. I can blackmail him into throwing games and get a good payment from him once a month. This isn’t a request, Lev. You wouldn’t want to end up like your father, now would you?”

  “How do you even know I can pull this off?” Lev fought back the tears threatening to spill. They’d killed his father over money — and probably not even very much by Mario Bonini standards.

  “Oh, please. Look at you! If I were gay, I’d be pounding your ass. Do you not even see the women who stare at you, Lev? Oh, wait, of course not — you’re too busy staring at the boys.” Mario smirked.

  Lev gasped.

  “Oh yes, we know you like men, Lev. That makes you perfect for the job. I want you to seduce Chaz Savage. Am I clear? I’m meeting with an important group of men in a few months, and I want that money in my hand.”

  “What if I can’t get him to admit to it?” Lev whispered.

  “You will, or you’ll end up at the bottom of the Hudson.” Mario narrowed his eyes. “Don’t think you can try anything funny, either. We have a long reach, Lev. Just think of this as proving your worth. This isn’t a free ride. If you can’t get Chaz Savage, the ride stops.�
� Mario pulled a ticket from his suit pocket and threw it on the table.

  “Pack up.”

  Lev stared out the window of the plane and wiped at his eyes. He was alone in the world now. His mother was gone, and now his father. He looked around discreetly, wiping at his eyes again. He sniffled a bit and sighed. Now he had to go prove Chaz was gay. How could he possibly betray the man like that? Okay, so he didn’t know him. The man could be a complete asshole. But Lev really didn’t think so.

  The ‘fasten seat belt’ sign came on, and Lev buckled up. He was going to see Chaz Savage, live and in person. He needed to concentrate on that.


  Lev Chirkoff had been in Seattle for almost a month and he loved it. Mario had given him all of the information they had on Chaz Savage: where he lived, his practice schedule, the places he frequented, his friends, family and gym routine.

  He’d gotten a piece of shit car and a small apartment near the stadium. After a tense argument with Mario, Lev had procured a ticket for one of the football games, pointing out that it would look good if he actually attended a game.

  He had a great seat, with a perfect view of Chaz down on the field. He was beautiful. As always, he played a hell of a game. After exiting the stadium with the rest of the crowd, Lev waited in the parking lot for the players to emerge.

  Chaz strolled out, looking freshly showered and gorgeous. Lev sighed at the sight of his crush in person. He followed him, and was surprised to see him enter a bar right across from the stadium.

  Lev grabbed a bag from the backseat of his car and pulled on a jersey. He checked his hair in the side mirror and took a deep breath. He was either going to get his ass kicked, or get thrown out on it.

  Either way, he’d grab someone’s attention.

  Lev nervously entered the bar. Immediately, all eyes fell on him. He knew he was asking for it. He was wearing a New York Giants football jersey.

  Grumbling voices followed him as he walked up to the bar and waited for the bartender to see him.

  “Are you stupid or something?”

  Lev glanced over his shoulder at the two man mountains glaring at him.

  “Excuse me?” Lev replied.

  “You come into the Hawk’s Nest with a Giants jersey on? Do you have a death wish? You’re in Seattle, kid. You’re a Hawk or you’re out.”

  “It’s a free country.” Lev shrugged his shoulders.

  “You little shit.” One of them grabbed at the back of Lev’s jersey.

  “Hey now, guys.”

  Lev’s spine tingled as a voice he knew well sent shivers down his spine. He turned slowly to find Chaz Savage smiling at him.

  “Let the guy wear what he wants. We took care of the Giants, didn’t we?”

  A cheer went up in the bar and Chaz winked at him.

  “He’s loyal; that deserves some respect.” Chaz turned to the crowded bar. “Come on, let’s all calm down. The next round is on me.”

  Another cheer went up and Chaz leaned against the bar with a smile.

  “What will you have, Giants fan?”

  “Is there a micro-brew? Something they make here in Seattle?” Lev asked.

  “Yes. Why?”

  “Maybe that will soften them up a bit of I drink that,” Lev chuckled softly.

  “You like dark ale?” Chaz asked.

  “I could.” Lev nodded.

  Chaz laughed and smacked his hand down on the bar. “Barkeep! A Schooners, please!”

  “Coming right up, Savage!”

  Chaz turned his attention to the man perched on the stool. He was all kinds of adorable. Dark hair, cut short and styled, enhanced his light complexion and very light green eyes. The guy was breathtaking. He was several inches shorter than Chaz was, but filled out his jeans quite nicely. Damn. He hadn’t been this attracted to someone in a very long time.

  “So, where are you from?” Chaz asked.

  “Um, New York?”

  Chaz cracked up. “I’m getting that. What brings you to Seattle?”

  “I needed a change of scenery.” Lev nodded to the bartender as he handed him his beer. He sipped it and smiled. “It’s good.”

  “So a change of scenery, huh? You wanted rain instead of snow?” Chaz laughed as the guy blushed. “I’m sorry, where are my manners? I’m Chaz Savage.”

  “Lev Chirkoff.” Lev extended his hand.

  “You know, my best friend would make a ‘Star Trek’ reference right now.”

  “That’s Chekov,” Lev pointed out.

  “See? Shows you how much I know.” Chaz shrugged and grinned. He sobered and studied Lev’s face. “Do you know who I am?”

  “Yes, you just told me. Chaz.”

  Chaz narrowed his eyes. “Are you fucking with me?”

  “Yep.” Lev grinned. His pulse raced as the biggest smile he’d ever seen graced Chaz’s lips.

  “Oh, you’re good, Giants Man.” Chaz glanced around the crowded sports bar. “Feel like venturing out? I know a great sandwich place down by the piers.”

  “Do they have bacon?”

  Chaz’s mouth dropped open. “Yeah. They have the Baconalia.”

  “Oh, I’m in!” Lev jumped up.

  Chaz threw a few hundred-dollar bills on the bar and grabbed the bartender’s attention. “Put it on my tab if it goes over.”

  “No prob, Chaz. Have a good night.”

  They walked into the street and Lev motioned to the nearly empty stadium lot. “Um, we can take my car if you want?”

  “How about I drive and then bring you back here?”

  Lev narrowed his eyes. “You’re going to kill me in some dark alley for being a Giants fan, aren’t you?”

  “Don’t be silly. I’ll only maim you.” Chaz crossed his arms.

  Lev scowled as a grin appeared on Chaz’s lips. “Not funny.”

  “So funny. Come on, let’s go.”


  The lights on the pier illuminated their surroundings but didn’t outshine the beautiful full moon. Lev sat on a bench, munching on a Baconalia. It was delicious. He’d never seen so much bacon piled on a sandwich unless he’d made it himself. Chaz had devoured one and was starting on his second.

  “Wow, you can eat,” Lev said in awe.

  Chaz nodded, finished chewing and then swallowed. He wiped his mouth and turned to Lev. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Are you gay?”

  Lev choked on the bite of sandwich he’d just taken. He swallowed hard, cleared his throat and took a sip of his drink. Chaz was watching him carefully.

  This was the moment of truth.

  “Um, why? Do I look gay?”

  “Is there a gay look?”

  “I don’t know. Why would you think I am?”

  “Because you’ve been eyeing me from the moment you saw me.”

  “Oh God. I’m sorry.” Lev turned away.

  “Hey, it’s cool. I’ve got nothing against gay people.” Chaz shrugged. “Besides, you’re cool to hang out with. Most people hang on my every word as if I’m giving them the secret to life. It’s actually kind of annoying. I’m just a regular guy who plays football.” Chaz smiled at Lev. “You’re different. If it weren’t so refreshing, I’d be insulted.”

  Lev leaned over. “What is the secret to life?” he whispered.

  “Asshole,” Chaz laughed, pushing him.

  “Eat your sandwich.” Lev shoved him back.

  They ate in silence for a few minutes. Lev was afraid that maybe he was changing his mind about hanging out with a gay guy. Chaz crumpled up the sandwich paper and threw it into the trashcan.

  “Well, I should get you back to your car.”

  “Sure.” Lev stood and tossed his trash.

  Chaz began walking, and then stopped. “Hey, what are you doing next weekend?”

  “Um, nothing? I don’t know anybody here.”

  “Well, now you’re doing something.”

  Lev raised his eyebrows questioningly.

  “Hey, you’re new in town; you don’t know anyone but me. Must be your lucky night. Come on.”


  For the next two months, Lev spent every waking moment with Chaz. He’d gotten so preoccupied having fun that he’d forgotten he had a job to do: get very close to Chaz Savage so Mario Bonini could blackmail the wealthy football player.

  They were having dinner at a nice pizza place and Lev excused himself to go to the bathroom. The moment he entered it, one of Mario’s enforcers shoved him into the wall. Samson Demarco, another of Mario’s goons, was leaning against the wall, arms crossed.

  “Having a good time?” Samson raised his brows. “Did you forget why you were here?”

  “No, of course not! Come on — things like this don’t happen overnight! Good God, the man isn’t even gay!”

  “Bullshit! We’ve heard you’re with him every damn day, Lev.”

  “That doesn’t mean shit. We get along, and that’s all.”

  Samson leaned into Lev’s face. “Make a move, Lev. Do it tonight. Got it? You’ve got a limited amount of time to do this job. Don’t end up like your father.”

  Lev slumped against the wall as Samson and his partner left. He splashed cold water on his face and exited the bathroom. Chaz smiled as he approached the table.

  “Everything come out all right?” he joked.

  “Yeah.” Lev tried to smile.

  “Hey, is everything okay?”

  God, how could he do this? He’d never even kissed anyone and Mario wanted him to get proof Chaz was gay? He didn’t even know how to flirt. Besides, he truly liked Chaz and he hated what he was doing. Lev sighed and rubbed his face with his hands.

  “Can we just go, please? I’m tired.”

  “Sure.” Chaz nodded, waving for the check.

  The car ride back was quiet. When Chaz turned down the wrong street, Lev turned in his seat to look at him.

  “Where are we going?”

  “My place.” Chaz glanced over his shoulder as he switched lanes.

  “But … you always just drop me off.”

  “I want you to see my house.”

  Lev fidgeted until they got into the driveway, then he exploded into a full-blown panic attack. He was going to be alone with Chaz Savage without prying eyes around. Chaz walked up to the door and Lev followed behind him quietly. They entered the house and Chaz shut and locked the door. Lev stood against the wall in the semi-darkness.


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