Wolflord: A Dark Shifter Romance

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Wolflord: A Dark Shifter Romance Page 3

by Delta James

  As she was dozing, Arielle realized that her means of escape to Eire lay within her grasp, she had only to be bold enough to take it. She would stow away on Alaric’s warship. Once in Eire, she could make her way to the western shore. She would take enough money and things to trade so that she could get a horse... maybe even a little caravan like the travelers so she could avoid towns. If she was lucky, Alaric would never know she had used his warship to facilitate her escape. She would show him, and his brother, that they had woefully underestimated her.

  * * *

  Ruari entered the chambers of the alpha of his clan... chambers that had so recently been occupied by his elder brother and his mate. He glanced around the room, noting that nothing remained of his brother or Bridget. Lost in his thoughts, he was startled by the sound of rustling skirts behind him.

  “He wouldn’t want you to brood or mourn his loss as alpha,” she said quietly. “His brother, perhaps, but not as clan leader. He often said you should have been born first.”

  Ruari smiled. “You didn’t have to move from here. I would have been fine with my old rooms.”

  Bridget shook her head. “No, these are the chambers of the alpha of the Dundalk clan, and that is now you.” She crossed the room and gently laid her hand on his arm. “Besides, I have no desire to sleep in the bed I once shared with your brother.”

  “He loved you deeply and was among the most fortunate wolves I have ever known to have had you as his mate.”

  Touching the scar from his brother’s mark, she smiled. “I would argue that I was the lucky one. I had a mate who always ensured I knew the depth of his feelings for me... even when those feelings were anger for something I did that resulted in my feeling his displeasure applied to my backside.”

  Ruari laughed in spite of himself. “Surely that was a rare occurrence.”

  “I wish,” she laughed. “You will need to look to finding a mate of your own. Do not follow the path the alpha of Ravenscar chose for his first mate. Seeking to secure an alliance is no way to take a mate. The she-wolf who shares your bed should be your greatest source of comfort and support. They say he was called to his second mate in so profound a way that he turned her without her consent and forced her vows from her.”

  Ruari nodded. “I was there. His Sloan is a she-wolf of rare quality. She is wild and fierce and matches him in his passion and spirit. She will be a rival to their great Madonna as mistress... if she doesn’t drive him mad or get him killed.”

  “Will you seek a mistress with such fire?”

  “No. I would follow my brother’s path and find a mate raised to be a great lady and happy to know her place in her mate’s bed and at his side.”

  Bridget laughed again. “Best you follow his lead and seek your fated mate regardless of how she was raised or where you find her. You do know he found me gutting a fish, don’t you? I was never raised to be mistress of a clan. I had my eye set on a young fisherman who worked for my father. I was none too pleased when your brother informed my father he had been called to me and would take me to mate.”

  “He was your fated mate...”

  “But she-wolves of my class are not raised to believe in fated mates. We mate for practical reasons.”

  “I saw you with my brother. You loved him every bit as much as he did you...”

  “You saw me after your brother had marked and knotted me. He could be most persuasive when he had me locked in the embrace of a tie.”

  Ruari watched as the joy of that memory was replaced by the reminder that his brother was gone.

  Bridget took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “These chambers now belong to you. I only ask that you and your mate find at least half the happiness I shared with your brother.”

  “I hope I will be that fortunate.”

  “Hmmm... sounds to me like you may have found her?”

  Ruari nodded. “Yes. She is the younger sister to the mistress of Calon Onest.”

  “The Welsh Wildcat?”

  “The very same, but while Rowan was trained for war, Arielle was raised to be mistress.”

  “But, if you’re called to her, why isn’t she with you?”

  “Her destiny was always to be mistress to a great pack...”

  “If she is called to you, it shouldn’t matter...”

  “Arielle is not schooled in the ways of the world or love. I did not act on my feelings as I was not alpha.”

  Bridget shook her head. “I hope she makes you dance a merry tune for keeping her waiting.”

  “You wouldn’t have done that to my brother.”

  “No. I wasn’t raised to be a fancy lady in a castle. I would have hit him across the face with a dead mackerel.”

  Ruari laughed. “Arielle is no pampered princess. Calon Onest wasn’t an easy place to live and their she-wolves had little in structure or support...”

  “Bah! That’s what you wolves like to call it when you yank us across your laps so you can paddle our behinds when we point out your shortcomings. And when it’s your mate who finds herself on the wrong side of your temper, the lot of you like to use it as a rough form of foreplay.”

  “As I understand it, a mated she-wolf finds it the same and responds accordingly,” he teased, enjoying this side of Bridget’s personality he had never known. “I understand so much better now why my brother treasured you.”

  “I’m glad to hear you have been called to your Arielle. I look forward to getting to know her and welcoming her into the family. As you describe her as somewhat sheltered, perhaps I should instruct her in the alternative uses of dead mackerels.”

  Ruari wagged his finger at her. “You do and I’ll have my beta see to your need for structure and support.” He sobered for a moment. “Do you think Connor will want to remain as our beta?”

  “Ruari, you have done everything right since returning. Connor would have followed your brother into the grave were it not for the skills of the surgeon you brought with you. Even now, she is dividing her time between tending to those who were wounded, teaching new skills to our own surgeon and helping to train a new midwife. You have shown nothing but care for those of Clan Dundalk and we are happy to call you our alpha and pledge our fealty and loyalty to you. I am sure Connor would be honored to remain as beta.”

  “Thank you, Bridget. Don’t think that I don’t appreciate your easing my way with our people.”

  “If I did anything, it was only to hasten their love and acceptance of you. Your brother passed knowing he had left the clan in good hands. Now, I’d best see to dinner...”

  Giving Ruari’s arm a final squeeze, she left him. Ruari watched her go and looked forward to the day when his own mate, Arielle, would tell him the same.

  Chapter Three

  Arielle had been unnaturally quiet for several days after her punishment and had only reluctantly joined her pack in the evenings at Tristan’s urging. She had been withdrawn at first but gradually realized that no one was going to tease her about being spanked and some of the she-wolves even commiserated with her. She was shocked when she realized that even though they didn’t like being spanked, they had no desire to leave, or even change, the way they were treated.

  After retiring to her chambers one evening, Arielle took out the rope and grappling hook Sloan had pressed into her hands before leaving for Ravenscar with Gareth.

  “You never know,” Sloan had quipped, “you might just need it and be able to make better use of it.”

  Earlier in the day, Tristan had secured the door from her chambers into the tunnels on Alaric’s orders. While the castle settled down for the night, Arielle prepared for her departure. She planned to enter the tunnels via the door from the council chamber. She would need to secure a pair of breeches, which she was sure she would find in the laundry.

  Silently she opened her door and sneaked down the hall to the great staircase and down to the laundry. She found two pairs of breeches and several shirts she felt could fit her. Quickly she changed into a dark pair and a bl
ack shirt. She stuffed her dress into her bedroll, which contained all she would take from Calon Onest including a small amount of food and water.

  She crept into the council chamber and engaged the handle that would allow her to escape. Standing in the opening, she turned to take a last look. She saw her family’s crest emblazoned on the battle shield that both her father and sister had carried. Rowan had hung it on the wall with three swords sticking out from behind it—Rowan’s on the left, Alaric’s in the middle, and their father’s on the right. Arielle removed her father’s sword, surprised at how heavy it was but determined to take it with her and learn how to use it.

  Arielle moved into the tunnels and closed the door to the council chamber and on her old life. Squaring her shoulders, she made her way to the sea cliff and then to the warship that was scheduled to leave on the morning tide. As she passed along the docks, she found a black knit fisherman’s cap that she donned to tuck her hair up under. Securing the sword to her bedroll, Ariel stripped and added her clothing to the pack before shifting. Once wolf, she engineered getting her things secured around her before plunging into the icy water.

  She struck out for the boat, grateful that Rowan had insisted she learn to swim. It seemed further than she had thought, but she continued on. She had no other option. She could make it to the ship and find a way on board, or she could turn back and find herself face down over Tristan’s knee, or she could drown. As the latter two options were equally unacceptable, she continued to swim.

  Finally, she made it to the great chain that anchored the boat. She shifted back to her human form and crawled up the chain. As she reached the railing, Arielle peeked over to ensure no one was on guard to prevent her stowing away. She could see the watch standing on the bridge but he was facing the other way.

  Raising herself up, she eased her possessions onto the deck before slipping over the railing. Shifting again, she belly crawled to a cargo hold and made her way down deep into the bowels of the ship. She found a small space between the crates of supplies and made herself a nest. She spread out her clothing to dry. Curling up, she wrapped her luxurious tail over her nose and eyes and slept.

  Arielle woke the next morning to the rhythmic rocking of the sea as the ship moved through it and the strange feeling that she was being watched.

  “You may as well shift. Alaric doesn’t think much of stowaways. Get dressed and join me on deck.” The voice had a French accent and was not unkind.

  Although she had only met him once, Arielle was fairly certain that she knew him—Lucien, the man who had once served as navigator and had been promoted to master of ships and captain when needed. Deciding to try to brazen it out, Arielle dressed in the breeches and shirt, ensuring she was able to tuck all of her hair up under the cap.

  She teetered and almost lost her footing when she emerged on deck into the bright sunshine of midday and salt-tanged wind.

  One of the sailors reached out to steady her. “Master Lucien is on the quarterdeck. It’s up those stairs.”

  Arielle nodded, but said nothing. Securing her bedroll across her back, she proceeded to the quarterdeck.

  Lucien stood with his hands clasped behind his back. Alaric’s master of ships was not a particularly tall or imposing man physically, but he had a commanding presence nonetheless. His scowling countenance was relieved almost immediately when he grinned and his eyes danced with amusement.

  “God’s teeth, but you have more of your sister in you than any of us thought,” he said with a laugh.

  Arielle stared at him in surprise. “You knew?”

  “Not until you came on deck and secured your pack. A word to the wise, not that you’ll ever need it, but placing a strap so that it falls between your breasts only calls attention to the fact that you are a woman. And you have the look of your sister... and, it would seem, some of her spirit.”

  “Why won’t I need your advice?”

  “Because I doubt you’ll ever engage in this kind of foolishness again after you get a strap taken to your backside. That’s a fine sword you have with you. Your father’s?”

  Arielle nodded.

  “Bad idea unless you know how to use it.”

  “I can learn,” she said a bit more defensively than she would have liked.

  “My guess is that won’t be an education you are offered. We had a falcon early this morning. Your presence has been missed. Tristan thought it highly unlikely, but if you’d managed to secret yourself on board, I was given instructions to make sure you were safe and comfortable and deliver you into Ruari’s capable hands. I also have a note from Alaric to Ruari.”

  “What does it say?”

  “Do I look like the alpha of Clan Dundalk?”

  “No, but it doesn’t matter. I’m not going to Dundalk. And if the beta of Ravenscar thinks he’s going to drag me back...”

  “Ruari is no longer beta to Gareth. His brother was killed and Ruari has taken over the leadership of his pack, which those in Eire call clans. The leader of the clan is known as its alpha.”

  “I’m not going. I didn’t escape Alaric’s tyrannical rule only to be hauled back.”

  “What is it you plan to do, little wolf?”

  “Be free.”

  Lucien shook his head. “Freedom has a price. One which you are ill-equipped to pay. Better you remain who you are and trust that Alaric will see to finding you a mate.”

  “If I decide I want a mate, I will choose my own.”

  “I doubt that. My guess is that some young alpha wolf will be called to you and will take you to his bed to mark and claim you.”

  “No,” she said defiantly, secretly afraid that he was right.

  “I have a daughter of my own. I am sure that Alaric will ensure that you find happiness in your mate’s embrace.”

  “Why would he? He didn’t care about how Rowan felt, and he let his brother mark and claim Sloan in the tunnels.”

  “I would point out that at the time, Sloan was trying to evade her fated mate. It isn’t a good idea to enrage one, especially before he’s had a chance to mark and claim you.”

  “I don’t want any mate not of my choosing... especially an alpha.”

  Lucien reached out and gently stroked her cheek. “It is not your choice, little one. Trust that Alaric will do right by you. You have a choice; you can stay out here on deck if you like or go to my cabin. We should be at Dundalk tomorrow if the wind holds.”

  “I will stay outside. Thank you for letting me choose.”

  “Make no mistake; tomorrow I put you in the capable hands of Dundalk’s new alpha. I would suggest you heed my advice and behave yourself.”

  Arielle said nothing but turned away so that he couldn’t see the tears that slipped silently down her cheeks.

  * * *

  The dawn had been heralded by a bright sky in a shade of blue Ruari only recalled being in Eire. His discussion the evening before with Bridget had gone a long way to making him feel as though he had truly returned home as the clan’s new alpha. He stood by the window looking out over the land, feeling at once powerful and questioning as to whether or not he was up to the task. Musing about how he had come to stand in the alpha’s chambers, he was somewhat surprised by the knock on the door.

  “Come in,” he called over his shoulder as he continued to stand at the window overlooking the sea.

  He turned to find Connor standing, looking a bit worse for wear. Ruari crossed the room and clasped his forearm with one hand as he wrapped his other arm around his back.

  “It’s good to see you standing. Now, come and sit before you fall down and Fallon has both of our heads on a platter.”

  Connor smiled. “She’s quite the force of nature.”

  “That she is and completely unfazed by battle. And if I thought I could steal her away from Ravenscar, I would.”

  “Afraid Gareth would come after you?”

  Ruari laughed. “He’d have to beat Tyler, Ravenscar’s omega, to it.”

  “Ahh... I
wondered if there wasn’t something like that.”

  “My hope is that her absence will get him to pull his head out of his ass and take her to mate.”

  “And what of our alpha claiming a mate of his own?”

  “Spoken like a true beta. I would need to know I have my ranking members in place before thinking of heirs and daughters.”

  “That’s why I came to see you...”

  “Connor, it would please me a great deal if both you and Seamus would consider remaining in your positions. I know Seamus doesn’t know me very well, but you and I grew up together...”

  A broad smile broke across Connor’s face. “Nothing would please me more and I know Seamus feels the same. I’m only sorry I failed your brother.”

  “You did no such thing. As I hear it, it was you picking up my brother’s sword and charging that won the day.”

  “I would have given my life for his...”

  “I know you would have, and he would never have allowed it—good betas are hard to find while we alphas are a dime a dozen.”

  Connor laughed. “Not the capable ones. So now that we have that settled, when are you going to take a mate and start siring offspring?”

  Ruari joined his laughter, wondering if he hadn’t sounded much the same with Gareth over the years.

  “I plan to get started on that as soon as I can get a message to Alaric of Calon Onest.”

  “Isn’t he Gareth’s brother?”

  Ruari nodded.

  Connor continued, “So someone there caught your fancy? Weren’t the she-wolves at Ravenscar to your liking?”

  “There is plenty of beauty at Ravenscar. I was more invested in getting Gareth to settle with a mate. His first was a political alliance and an unhappy union, which ended when she and the child she carried died in childbirth.”

  “But now you are alpha, and it’s my turn to pester you. So it was one of the she-wolves at Calon Onest that caught your eye? Were you called to her?”


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