Finding the Jewel

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Finding the Jewel Page 19

by Evangeline Anderson

  “A-all right,” Tark growled, though it was apparent he wasn’t happy with the situation. He lay still, holding most of his weight off of Chloe by resting on his forearms. Clearly he didn’t want her to feel crushed, which was nice and considerate of him.

  But nice and considerate or not, he’s still buried balls-deep inside you, whispered a panicked little voice. Or no—not quite that deep. Because the flaring ridge around the base of his shaft was still outside her, thank goodness!

  It’s all right, Chloe tried to reassure herself. Yes, it’s frightening and confusing and it feels right and wrong and good and bad all at the same time but as long as he keeps that big scary part out of me and we’re not moving I’ll be okay. I mean, this is super awkward, but it’s not like he’s doing it on purpose. We can get past this, I just have to breathe.

  Breathe and try to ignore how good it felt to have him pressing against her clit, that was. But Chloe tried hard not to think about that. Instead, she closed her eyes and concentrated on deep yoga breaths—in and out through the nose.

  Calm…calm…I am here…I have arrived…I am calm, she told herself.

  But the gella mattress beneath her didn’t seem to like the fact that she and Tark weren’t moving. It began swaying and rocking and at the same time, a long, clear arm of it looped around Tark’s lean hips, pressing him down as the Jell-O like material beneath Chloe pressed her up to meet him.

  “Oh!” she moaned, unable to help herself. Her calm shattered completely and her heart began to race. She knew it wasn’t the big Kindred’s fault but he was filling her…fucking her whether he wanted to or not.

  “Sorry! G-goddess damn it!” Tark sounded really distressed. He was struggling with the loop of gella which was holding him down and forcing his hips to thrust but without any success. The moment he squeezed the loop in two and broke it with his hand, it simply formed again in a slightly different place and continued its motion as the surface beneath Chloe continued as well, tilting her hips up to him and spreading her thighs wide to take the big Kindred’s shaft deep in her pussy.

  “Oh, you’re…the mattress, it…it’s making us…oh!” Chloe gasped. She had never felt so opened in her life—so stretched. If she hadn’t been incredibly wet to start with from the way he’d been rubbing against her clit, there was no way she could have taken the big Kindred so deep in her pussy without pain.

  And he’s not even all the way in, whispered that little voice in her head. If you’re not careful and he gets that other part in you—the really wide thick part—you’ll never get free!

  The little voice caused panic to swell inside her and Chloe put her hands to the big Kindred’s muscular chest, trying vainly to hold him off, at least a little.

  “Please,” she gasped as she felt the thickness at his base began to breach her again. “Please, not…not all the way inside me! And don’t…don’t come in me, Tark—I’m not on birth control!”

  “I’ll t-try to keep my m-mating fist from breaching you,” the big Kindred growled. “B-but I can’t promise n-not to come. You’re so damn tight, Chloe.” His eyes were glowing a brighter gold than she’d ever seen them and she could feel his thickness swelling inside her as the gella mattress forced him to fuck her.

  “But…” Chloe bit her lip. To be honest, she was close to orgasm herself. The way he was pressing against her clit with each deep thrust was pushing her there, filling her with illicit pleasure that she couldn’t fight or ignore. After all, it wasn’t like she didn’t like the big Kindred or find him attractive—quite the opposite in fact. It was just that she didn’t feel ready to take this step with him yet. But the gella mattress was forcing her to take it, ready or not.

  “Chloe, I…I’m t-rying,” Tark grated and she could see by the set of his jaw and the way his hands were fisted on either side of her head how hard he was working to keep the base of his shaft from going into her—although how she could even begin to stretch to accommodate him there she couldn’t imagine. “Sorry—C-can’t…help…”

  And then the gella mattress changed positions again—just a subtle shift this time but it seemed to make Tark’s thickness press something inside her—some pleasure center she hadn’t even known she’d had. Maybe her G-spot? Or some other elusive pleasure button all the women’s magazines claimed women had but which Chloe had never actually found on her own.

  Whatever it was, suddenly, Chloe was coming. She didn’t want to come—didn’t want it at all. This orgasm was being forced from her courtesy of the freaking gella mattress.

  But when you come down to it, orgasm is a physical response to stimulation. And Chloe was more than stimulated by the big Kindred’s warm, animal scent filling her senses and his massive shaft stretching her little pussy wide.

  With a low moan, she felt herself tilting over the edge of pleasure, her inner muscles contracting helplessly around Tark’s thickness, almost as though she was milking him…urging him to fill her with his seed.

  “Chloe…” her name was a deep, agonized cry on his lips. “Can’t…stop.”

  Then she felt his shaft grow even thicker inside her—if that was possible—and something hot and wet was spurting deep in her pussy, filling her up with his heat and seed.

  To Chloe’s dismay, this feeling of being filled somehow triggered a second orgasm. She felt her pussy contracting again, sucking and pulling at the thick shaft penetrating her to the core, almost as though it was drinking him in and begging for more…as though it was trying to stimulate the big Kindred to come even more—to fill her with even more of his seed.

  “No!” she gasped, even as her body shouted the opposite and her back arched in illicit pleasure. “No, I can’t…I don’t want to get pregnant right now! I can’t do this—we can’t do this!”

  But there seemed to be no stopping the river of come that was flowing into her hungry womb. Tark’s massive shaft kept pumping inside her even as he was clearly trying to pull out. Chloe could feel it leaking out of her, wetting her thighs, and still he kept coming, filling her to the brim and overflowing. God, would he ever stop?

  Finally, he did. And, as though the gella mattress sensed its work was done, it suddenly let him up.

  Tark rolled off her at once and onto his back, panting with effort, his broad chest heaving like a bellows. Clearly it had taken all his strength just to keep the swelling at the base of his cock—his mating fist as he called it—out of her. But Chloe could hardly feel happy about that when she looked down and saw the river of his seed that was wetting her thighs.

  Get up! shrieked a little voice in her head. Go get cleaned up—washed up—now! Maybe you can wash it off you—out of you!

  It was probably a ridiculous idea. Tark had filled her with so much of his seed her entire womb was probably flooded with it. But Chloe couldn’t help trying.

  “Chloe,” he began in a low, grating voice. “S-sorry…don’t worry about…b-baby. Can’t h-have one if we aren’t b-bonded.”

  Chloe had no idea what he was talking about—his words didn’t seem to make any sense.

  “I have to go,” she said, struggling to her feet. The minute she got in an upright position, even more of his creamy seed came gushing out of her, wetting her thighs shamefully. God, was she really going to have to do the walk of shame nude? Where was her robe-dress when she needed it?

  As if in answer to her thoughts, the dress, which had melted away, suddenly reformed. Chloe took it as her cue to escape from the cubby.

  “Have to go,” she said and then called up to the podium where Monk Aaroni was still standing. “Excuse me—I’m sorry to interrupt class but I really need to use the, uh, facilities.”

  “Oh, of course, my child.” He nodded and made a gesture with one hand. At once, the heavy metal door swung open and Chloe was free to go. She spared one last glance over her shoulder and saw that Tark had an anguished, self-loathing look on his face.

  She felt a flash of sympathy. He hadn’t done this on purpose—it wasn’t his fault.
But she didn’t have time to think about it now—she had to get cleaned up.

  “I’ll be back,” she promised and then walked as quickly as she could on shaky legs through the door, not looking back.

  * * * * *

  Tark called himself a weak fool as he watched her go. He shouldn’t have allowed the damn mattress to force him to take her like that! What was wrong with the fucking thing, anyway? It had seemed to go crazy, forcing them together like that. Had anyone else had such trouble? Tark doubted it—he was certain he would have heard cries of alarm or complaints from some of the other cubicles if they had.

  As though you could blame the whole thing on the damn mattress, whispered an accusing voice in his head. Maybe it finished the fucking but you damn well started it yourself. When you first slipped into her by accident, you weren’t going to let her go.

  Tark shook his head, as though to negate the accusation. But he knew it was true. Before Chloe had begged him to pull out of her, a kind of animalistic lust had come over him—the need to claim her had been so strong it was like some kind of instinct he could barely control.

  It probably had something to do with the fact that he had touched and tasted her earlier. In the Kindred tradition, the Tasting week of the Bonding Period was followed by the Claiming Week. His body had been primed to take her—expecting to make her his mate.

  The sensation had overwhelmed him and the feeling that he needed to bond her to him—to make certain she was his and could never leave—had been overpowering until he heard her soft, broken whisper in his ear, telling him she was afraid.

  That whisper had made his heart clench like a fist. He cared for Chloe—loved her, though he knew most would say they had known each other too short a time for such an emotion to grow. Nevertheless it was true—he loved her. And the fact that he was hurting and frightening the woman he loved, had cut through the animalistic lust and need to claim and caused him to come back to himself and realize what he was doing.

  But the realization had come too late. If he hadn’t already been in her, he doubted the gella could have forced them together. However, with his shaft already halfway inside her, the damn alien mattress had been able to force him to commit an act no better than rape. And he had done it to the woman he loved…the woman he was certain could never love him back, now.

  He had promised never to hurt her…to keep her safe and then he had broken his promises to pieces at her feet.

  How he hated himself!

  Gods, Chloe—I’m so damn sorry! I never wanted to hurt you…never wanted to frighten you!

  And how much more do you think she fears you now? whispered the voice of shame. She probably hates you too, after what you did! And don’t say the mattress was all to blame—you filled her with your seed. You should have held off—shouldn’t have let yourself come!

  But Goddess damn it, he’d been unable to help himself! He’d been so hungry for her and the feel of her sweet, wet pussy clasping his shaft like a fist in a velvet glove had been too much for him to take. He’d tried to explain to her that she couldn’t get pregnant with his child as long as they weren’t bonded, but he was pretty certain she hadn’t understood his words.

  Well, he would have to try to explain again when she came back…and to beg her forgiveness—though the Goddess knew, he doubted she’d give it. He certainly didn’t deserve it.

  In the meantime, he still had to get the jewel and get out of this Goddess damned cavern. The class seemed to be winding down and the couples were emerging from the other cubicles. It seemed a good as time as any to do what he had come here to do.

  With a muttered curse, Tark walked over to the wall and wrenched the jewel from its spot in the corner of the cubby.

  “Excuse me, pilgrim” said a voice from behind him. “But may I ask why you are taking the Resonite Rainbow-faceted Crystal from your love-making chamber?”

  Chapter Seventeen

  It took Chloe a while to find the facilities. At first she was afraid there were none on the top level and she would have to walk down the excruciatingly high ramp to get down to the dining area by herself. The thought of trying to traverse the narrow, two-foot wide slope by herself made her feel dizzy and weak. But at the same time, the idea of asking Tark to carry her back down again felt wrong too.

  She knew what had happened in the Cavern of Precious Treasures hadn’t been all his fault. But she couldn’t help the shaky feeling she got when she felt his seed running down her thighs, making her sticky and wet. She felt violated and yet, the violation hadn’t been of the big Kindred’s doing, even though it had been his shaft inside her.

  It was all extremely confusing and she found her legs were shaking so hard she could barely walk.

  What if I’m pregnant? she kept thinking. I’ve only known him two days! He’s a sweet guy but that doesn’t mean he’ll want to raise a baby with me! What am I going to do?

  She could find no answers but she did at last find the bathroom around the corner and down a dark, shadowy hall from the Cavern of Precious Treasures. She cleaned up as well as she could—though it seemed like every time she thought she was all done, a fresh trickle of seed would slide from between her thighs and force her to start again.

  “God, how much did he come in me?” Chloe muttered, her voice whispery and unhappy in her own ears. She had read somewhere that the average adult human male came between one and three teaspoons when he ejaculated. Kindred must come between one and three liters or some crazy amount like that—she just couldn’t seem to get it all out of her!

  At last, however, she decided she was as clean as she was going to get. With a shaky sigh, she lowered the hem of her robe-dress and stepped out of the bathroom, back into the long, shadowy hallway. She didn’t know what she was going to say to Tark, but she knew she had to face the big Kindred again sooner or later. No doubt it was going to be super awkward and both of them were going to be stumbling and stuttering even more than usual, trying to talk about it but—

  “Did you know this is the way to the dimensional rift the Resort is built on?”

  Chloe gave a little scream of surprise at the voice in her ear. Turning her head, she saw glowing orange eyes in the shadows in front of her, blocking her way back to the main cavern.

  “Who…what…?” she began. Then the owner of the eyes stepped closer and she recognized the junior monk who had been peeping at her earlier.

  “Hello,” he said pleasantly, but his orange eyes had a scary expression—they reminded Chloe more than ever of the glowing eyes of a jack-o-lantern.

  “What do you want? Leave me alone!” she demanded at once, trying to push past him.

  “I would have been happy to leave you alone if your complaint hadn’t gotten me kicked out of the resort—out of the only home I have ever known,” he snarled, grabbing her by the wrist. “Do you know my senior monk was proposing to force me to leave without a credit to my name and only the robes on my back? I was cloned here—grown in the gestation tanks. The resort is my home as well as my livelihood!”

  “I’m sorry but you shouldn’t have been peeping at people if you wanted to keep your job,” Chloe snapped. “It’s not my fault you’re a perverted little asshole who got caught. Now let…me…go!”

  She tugged at his hold on her and nearly succeeded in breaking free on the last word. But the junior monk—hadn’t Taroni said his name was Zaroni?—managed to grab a hank of her hair in his fist and reel her in before she could run down the shadowy hallway.

  “Ow! You little bastard!” The sharp pain in her scalp brought her up short. Chloe started to shriek for help but Zaroni clamped a hand over her mouth and began dragging her backward down the hall.

  “As I said, my elders wanted to kick me out without a credit—all because of you. Luckily, just as I was about to leave, I got a better offer.”

  What is he talking about? Where is he taking me? What is he planning to do to me?

  Chloe couldn’t ask any questions since his hand was still ov
er her mouth. She tried to bite him but he yanked her hair again and snarled.

  “None of that, you nasty bitch. You’re coming with me.”

  He dragged her all the way down the hallway and Chloe kept expecting them to come out into another room or cavern. Instead, the hall ended in a kind of blind alley with a high, glimmering wall that looked like it was made of the same stuff as the huge jewel in their cubby—the one Tark was going to take. It glittered with rainbow facets like a wall made of pure diamond.

  Wow, gorgeous, babbled a little voice in her brain. I’m sure I could appreciate it more if I wasn’t being freaking kidnapped!

  Zaroni turned her roughly to face the wall. He looped one arm around her throat, choking off her voice and keeping her still at the same time.

  “Now,” he grated in her ear. “You’re going to be still, you little bitch! It’s time you paid for what you did to me.”

  Chloe tried to struggle—she wriggled madly against him and stamped down hard on one of his feet. But since she was barefoot, it did no good. Zaroni just grunted in her ear and tightened his grip on her throat until she couldn’t breathe and black specks danced in her vision.

  He was doing something to his robes—for a moment she was afraid he was taking his dick out and was intending to rape her. But when he pulled his hand free, she saw that he had a huge glittering jewel just like the one in their cubby in one hand.

  “Now,” he breathed and pressed the jewel to the matching wall in front of them.

  Suddenly, the wall started moving. It almost seemed to flow like a waterfall, the rainbow facets turning from hard rock to something as soft and malleable as a curtain that you could walk through.

  “Buyer,” Zaroni shouted, like someone shouting into another room. “Buyer are you there? I’ve brought the girl!”

  “Exxxxcellent! I am here…” The low, burbling voice that sounded like someone talking underwater was horribly familiar. Suddenly the shimmering curtain that the diamond wall had become went transparent and a huge form was visible.


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