Douluo Dalu - Volume 45 - Seagod Inheritance

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 45 - Seagod Inheritance Page 5

by Tang Jia San Shao


  Tang San wanted to shout, but he could produce no voice. The golden flames devouring Bo Saixi turned from faint to bright gold, and then to pure gold, and Bo Saixi’s body also gradually faded as the color changed.

  “Child, don’t be sad. This is my mission. The day I became high priest of Seagod Island, and supervisor of the Seagod Palace, this day was destined to come. As the high priest of Seagod Island, I not only protect the island, spreading the Seagod’s favor, at the same time I also became the guide of the new generation’s Seagod. Now, all this is accomplished. Next, you can only rely on your own strength. Child, I have lived for more than a hundred years, like your grandfather. At our age, it’s not a premature end. No need to be sad, I must complete the mission given my by the lord Seagod. In this, I am the same as Qian Daoliu. I can tell you now that, although Qian Renxue has become god, as her guide, Qian Daoliu is the same as me, sacrificed for the inheritance of divinity. This is what we must do. Using our bodies as bridge to draw the true divine power, helping you complete the inheritance of divinity. If, Tang Chen was still alive, maybe I would have regrets, but he left one step ahead of me, so what is there to be reluctant about?”

  Tang San’s eyes were already hazy. At this moment, many memory fragments appeared in his mind. He still clearly remembered how Bo Saixi had exposed killing intent in the middle of the test when she learned he would undergo the Seagod nine Trials. Now he understood Bo Saixi’s reaction. His Seagod Inheritance, required the Seagod Douluo’s life as guide!

  Tang San also recalled the expressions of the seven sacred Seagod pillar guardian Douluo when they met again, it was not frustration at losing their lifelong mission, but rather sadness that Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi was about to give her life for the Seagod inheritance.

  If he had known this earlier, would he still have chosen to inherit the Seagod? To continue the Seagod, Bo Saixi had not only given her youth, her lifetime, in the end she would still give her life.

  “Child, don’t cry. Death is not frightening. To me, this is instead a release. Originally, when you began the Seagod Nine Trials, my heart was still unwilling, even unbalanced and rejecting. I also once tried to use my power to influence your trials. That wasn’t because I feared death, and even less because I wanted to reject the lord Seagod’s mission, but rather because in my heart there were still some matters not yet finished. I still wanted to see Tang Chen. And you’ve already fulfilled my wish. We cannot be companions in this world, so now it’s my turn to follow him. I believe that I can definitely be with him in another world. Now, you can only rely on your own strength. Even if you no longer have the Seagod Trident’s aid, I’ve already seen you create miracles. I trust that this time will be no exception. You must succeed, you must become the true Seagod. In bringing you to the road of the Seagod’s inheritance, to see you take this last step, actually, I’m luckier than Tang Chen. Go, child, use your strength, courage and boundless will to accept the lord Seagod’s final trial. I wish you success……”

  Bo Saixi’s voice gradually grew distant, her body also gradually disappearing in that golden flame. At this moment the surrounding energy suddenly became ruthless, the pure golden light suddenly becoming a giant pillar, completely swallowing Tang San.

  Tang San’s heart was in so much pain. Tang Chen’s death had upset him considerably, and Bo Saixi now sacrificing her life for him was like daggers cutting his heart. These elders still had to experience such torment in their later years. Heaven was too unjust.

  Violent pain corroded Tang San’s heart. Even though the surroundings grew hotter and hotter, it was nothing compared to the pain within.

  Senior Bo Saixi, what you paid will not be in vain. I will definitely succeed your and great grandfather’s wishes, and obtain the Seagod’s inheritance. Tang San was a stubborn person, he absolutely wouldn’t sink into grief, he would only make it his strength. In this instant, his willpower grew incomparably solid, watching the surrounding golden flames without a hint of fear and straightening his back.

  It was also because of this movement that Tang San discovered he could move again. All the pure golden flames suddenly dwindled, and a gate of pure golden flame appeared before him.

  Described as a door, yet not truly a door, that looked like a portal of flame. The pure golden flames seemed to beckon to him.

  Tang San knew that this was what Bo Saixi had traded her life for, the gate of the Seagod inheritance. She had opened this gate!

  Forcefully drawing a deep breath, filling his lungs, Tang San gripped the Seagod Trident in his right hand, and stepped towards that golden gate without looking back.


  By the sea, Qian Renxue dressed in gorgeous palace dress opened her eyes without warning, looking out over the boundless ocean, two tangible golden flames suddenly shooting from her eyes. Behind her, the Angelic Holy Sword appeared, slowly floating out in front of her.

  A somewhat strange expression appeared on Qian Renxue’s face,

  “It’s starting? Tang San, you really don’t disappoint me. Worthy of the only man I have looked upon in my life. I’ll wait for you here. Once you have inherited the Seagod, let’s see if you can defeat me, or if I can conquer you.”

  No longer working to prevent Tang San from inheriting divinity, Qian Renxue’s divine senses had already become incomparably clear, without the slightest distracting thoughts. Her heart had also been cultivated to truly enter the level of gods in this time. All the powers of the god of angels were bit by bit being digested and absorbed. She had now truly become the god of angels, truly obtained the power of gods.


  Passing through that golden flame gate, Tang San felt his whole body restrained by enormous pressure seeming trying to crush him. But, after stepping through the gate, all the pressure instantly disappeared. The surrounding scenery transformed, revealing another world.

  It was a world of blue. Just arriving here, Tang San discovered that even though there was no pressure, he was still unable to breathe. Around him was piercing blue, and he was descending.

  This was…… Tang San calmly sized up his surroundings. As he descended, he had already sensed what kind of place he was in.

  Different from the true angelic shrine where Qian Renxue inherited the god of angels, Tang San arrived in an underwater world.

  The god of angels belonged to the sky, and the Seagod belonged to the ocean. Therefore, when the god of angels was inherited, Qian Renxue was in the Angel Shrine in the infinite starry sky, and Tang San inherited the Seagod, so he appeared at the bottom of the sea. Of course, this ocean world didn’t exist in the real world. This place could only be reached through the gate of the Seagod’s inheritance.

  That he was sinking was clearly because of the Seagod Trident’s weight. Tang San was sinking very quickly, and the pressure around him was also growing, but the rays of light around him didn’t change with the depth.

  This was the place for the Seagod’s inheritance? Tang San used a ray of Seagod’s Light to control his Seagod Trident, keeping its weight the same as the buoyancy of the water around him. At the same time, he floated in place in this sea with unchanging light. First he would observe the circumstances around him.

  Stabilizing his body, fixing his attention, burying the grief from Bo Saixi’s sacrifice at the bottom of his heart, Tang San began to size up everything he saw.

  As he looked down, he instantly grew incomparably shocked. For a moment he became completely motionless.

  What was that? What Tang San saw was a palace. Yes, a thousand meters below him, in this sea of unchanging light, silently stood a vast palace.

  With spirit power at rank ninety nine and peak achievements in Mysterious Heaven Skill, Tang San could completely rely on internal breathing to support himself, at least there wouldn’t be any problems anytime soon. But as he saw this strange scene, he nearly inhaled seawater.

  That palace was ten times larger than the Heaven Dou imperial palace
Tang San had seen. Even from a thousand meters away, it was still imposing.

  The palace was situated alone on the seabed, and by eye, it was at least two hundred meters tall, and a kilometer both wide and long. What a grand palace! Moreover, around it was a faintly golden barrier of light. It seemed to be this barrier that illuminated this ocean world.

  Too beautiful, Tang San couldn’t help sighing inwardly. This should be the true Seagod Temple. Using the Seagod Trident’s weight, Tang San slowly descended towards the Seagod Temple. The place to inherit the Seagod’s divinity was without a doubt this Seagod Temple.

  Very soon, Tang San arrived by that golden barrier. Just as he was about to enter the light, a problem appeared.

  An ice cold voice without any semblance of life echoed in the seawater. Due to the voice, the water even rippled slightly.

  “Only holders of the Seagod’s Heart may enter the Seagod Temple. Without the Seagod’s Heart, you may not enter.”

  Where the voice came from and who issued it wasn’t important to Tang San. What was important, was the discovery that he really was unable to enter this very faint golden light barrier.

  What energy formed it was unknown, but it was extremely solid, firmly separating Tang San outside.

  What to do? If he couldn’t enter the barrier, without a doubt, he couldn’t undergo the Seagod’s inheritance. But, how could Tang San obtain the Seagod’s Heart? In order to save him, the Seagod’s Heart had already shattered. Seeing the inheritance in front of hum, but having lost the Seagod’s Heart, Tang San was in trouble.

  Tang San calmly sat down on the light barrier, without being discouraged by the problem in front of him. He clearly understood that since the Seagod’s divine intent had willingly sacrificed the Seagod’s Heart for him, this inheritance wouldn’t be hopeless. Moreover, even though this light barrier felt solid, he simply judged that it was at most equal to a god level defense. And to a certain degree, through the Great Sumeru Hammer technique plus his own strength, Tang San already possessed god level attack power. Perhaps, breaking this barrier wasn’t impossible.

  While thinking, Tang San moved the Seagod Trident to his other hand, turning the blade down. Holding the haft with both hands, Gravity Control started, making the Seagod Trident instantly reach one million eighty thousand jin in weight. At the same time, he also released his Clear Sky Hammer spirit. All his spirit power suddenly congregated, the Seagod’s Light also shooting like lightning from the Seagod Trident brand on his forehead, pouring into the Seagod Trident. He was going to destroy this light barrier, and force his way into the Seagod Temple.

  Chapter 312: Seagod And Asura God

  Tang San passed through the pure golden flame gate Bo Saixi opened for him, arriving outside the true Seagod Temple, but was blocked by the golden barrier of light protecting it. He immediately thought of the most direct method, to force his way inside. WIthout the Seagod’s Heart, this was the most direct method he could think of.

  Just as Tang San focused the energy, ready to start, the ice cold voice from before echoed once again,

  “Breaking the Seagod Temple barrier, will lead to to temple being crushed by the water pressure.”

  Having no choice but to disperse the just focused energy because of these words, Tang San couldn’t help frowning. How come? If he couldn’t break the barrier, and without the Seagod’s Heart, how could he enter the Seagod Temple?

  If it was someone else, their first action might be to turn around and look in the direction they came for, to see if that pure golden flame gate was still there. If it was, at least they had a way back. But Tang San didn’t. In his heart, there was no longer any way back. As the Seagod’s successor, Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi had given her life for him, it was impossible to retreat.

  Looking at the barrier in front of him, Tang San calmed down as far as possible. Even though he was inwardly anxious, at this moment anxiety was useless.

  The Seagod’s Heart was the key to passing through this barrier. This was undoubtedly because the Seagod’s Heart was the Seagod’s token. He had already passed eight Seagod trials to come here, there was no chance he was stopping here. Since that was the case, the problem was very clear. The best way to deal with this issue was to prove he was the Seagod candidate to this barrier, that he was the Seagod’s chosen. If he proved this, wasn’t that the same as having the Seagod’s Heart?

  Thinking so, Tang San focused his attention, condensing all his mental strength, and then slowly infusing it into the Seagod Trident brand on his forehead.

  Rich golden light shone from the Seagod Trident brand, illuminating the barrier in front of him. Just as Tang San expected, it trembled slightly under the Seagod’s Light, and the ice cold warning from before didn’t reappear.

  This barrier was extremely solid before, but Tang San discovered that when illuminated by his Seagod’s Light, the barrier began to slowly soften. Its ability to stop the seawater wasn’t influenced, but the barrier softening undoubtedly ignited hope in Tang San’s heart.

  At the same time as he constantly radiated Seagod’s Light, Tang San began to control the Seagod’s Light to envelop his body. Then he slowly leaned into the place softened by the Seagod’s Light.

  At the very start it was extremely difficult, but influenced by the Seagod’s Light, Tang San began to gradually enter that light barrier. He wasn’t breathing in the seawater to begin with, so not breathing in this barrier didn’t matter. Of course, Tang San didn’t plan to force his way through. He still clearly remembered the ice cold voice’s warning. After his whole body was inside the barrier, passing through the area softened by the Seagods Light, Tang San stuck both hands into either side of the barrier, and slowly pulled it together behind him, closing it, and then intensifying the Seagod’s Light to use as something like glue, welding together the gap opened where he passed throught. Like this, when the inside broke through, the outer barrier would still be closed and block the seawater from breaking through.

  After checking repeatedly, the barrier was already flawless, without any cracks. Tang San then poured even more Seagod’s Light below him, causing the barrier to soften even more. At the same time, the Seagod Trident’s main blade began to cut into the barrier while infused with his spirit power.

  It had to be said that this barrier was extremely tough.If not for the Seagod’s Light, it would have been impossible for Tang San to cut through it without at least increasing his strength above his level with Ring Detonation. Only, with the Seagod’s Light, this barrier’s resistive ability was reduced by a lot. Finally, was Tang San stabbed full strength with the Seagod Trident, a splashing sound came, and his whole body felt lighter, squeezed out of the light barrier, falling straight down. And the light barrier above was still as before, showing no difference from before.

  Wisdom was infinite power, Tang San knew he had passed this first obstacle.

  Releasing the Blue Silver Emperor Right Leg Bone’s flight ability, balancing himself in the air, Tang San descended towards the Seagod Temple.

  It was already apparent that this great palace was grand when viewed from the outside, but as he really floated down into the grounds, he still couldn’t help being shocked once again.

  Standing in front of the temple, Tang San felt insignificant. Everything around was extremely quiet, and when looking up, the seawater outside of the barrier was still crystal clear blue.

  Drawing a deep breath and adjusting the spent mental strength from opening the barrier just now, Tang San gripped the Seagod Trident, and walked into the Seagod Temple with large strides.

  Two large sliding doors blocked Tang San’s bath. The Seagod Temple was two hundred meters high, and the gates in front of him now were a hundred meters tall, the thickness clearly unknown. Designs were carved on the two gates, on the left was carved a likeness of the Seagod, tall, holding the Seagod Trident, standing on waves. The right carving was the Seagod striking forward with the trident, and in front of him was a giant whale soaring through the
seawater. Its appearance was just like that of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King that Tang San killed and got his spirit ring from.

  Just standing before these gates, Tang San could deeply feel the shock the designs on the gates gave him. The carvings weren’t particularly detailed, but standing there, he still felt like he was part of it. As if he was personally seeing the Seagod rushing forward.

  “August lord Seagod, Tang San has come to accept your inheritance.”

  Tang San shouted loudly. At the same time he gripped the Seagod Trident with both hands, bowing slightly in salute to the two gates.

  “You’ve already lost the Seagod’s Heart, do you still want to vainly attempt to inherit my strength?”

  A dignified voice suddenly appeared. There was basically no way to tell where the voice came from, but listening to it still made the soul tremble.

  Lowering his head, gazing at the Seagod Trident in his hands,Tang San’s eyes revealed a shameful expression,

  “Yes, I lost the Seagod’s Heart. The Seagod’s Heart chose me, but I didn’t protect it. But, I still want to inherit your power. I need your power to protect my family, my friends, and I also need your power to avenge the broken Seagod’s Heart. Please give me a chance, I will accept the punishment for the Seagod’s Heart shattering.”

  “Since that’s the case, enter.”


  With a rumbling sound, the two hundred meter tall giant gates slowly opened, folding into the Seagod Temple. Immediately, intense golden light shot from the Seagod Temple, dazzling Tang San so he couldn’t open his eyes. Enveloped by the vast sacred power, that feeling of insignificance appeared once again. At this moment, he felt like a grain of sand immersed in the ocean, so negligible and insignificant.


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