Chosen Magic (Demon Bayou Book 3)

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Chosen Magic (Demon Bayou Book 3) Page 1

by S Lawrence

  Chosen Magic

  Demon Bayou Series Book Three

  S Lawrence



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44


  Also by S Lawrence

  About the Author


  Copyright © 2019 by S. Lawrence.

  All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  For information contact :

  [email protected] sign up for my newsletter to stay up to date on new releases and for exclusive giveaways

  Cover design by Sanja Balan (Sanja’s Covers)


  First Edition: 2019

  Created with Vellum


  He should have woken by now.

  His injuries were severe but have healed, so I’m afraid he has given up. He is choosing to stay in that place between worlds. He has grown tired over the years, hiding his growing despondence from those around him, retreating from them and everything else more and more.

  Even without his memories, he was drawn to those he was given to protect. It was in a tiny village that I first saw him and followed him to the others.

  I had been living with the First People for hundreds of years by then, moving from tribe to tribe whenever I felt power linger near me for too long.

  I didn’t run from him though; something about the way he played with the children touched me.

  He has always helped when he could, but the destruction of the people, of the tribes, hurts him. Each one he couldn’t save destroyed a small piece of him.

  Now he understands why. They were his to save, and he failed them.

  At least, that’s what he thinks. I smile as she comes in, carrying a bowl of cold spring water and a rag to wash his face.

  It is almost time.

  Chapter 1


  Staring in the mirror, I don’t know why I’m even bothering, but it doesn’t stop me. Dagen bought all this stuff. I glance at the clothes hanging behind me and smile. He asked me if I was adventurous once; tonight he’s testing to see how far I’m willing to go.

  I focus on my face, working on the “beard” I’m creating. If he wants a man tonight, I’ll give him just that. I think I would do anything for him.

  Rio is a city of sin, and he is a demon.

  I smile as I transform.

  He is waiting in the living room when I finally emerge. We’ve rented a house, and so did Lillian and Torryn. I think Torryn is upset we didn’t want to share, but I don’t care and neither does Dagen. He is sprawled on a low couch, legs spread wide and head dropped back on a cushion, eyes closed.

  He hears me coming, I know that for certain, but he doesn’t react; he just waits.

  “So where are we going?” I ask, keeping my voice a couple octaves lower than my normal speaking voice.

  A slow smile spreads over his face, and my heart pounds. I was right—I would do anything for that. His eyes open and the scent of chocolate hits me hard. Oh, he likes this very much.

  His eyes travel over the clothes he picked out—tailored slacks, dress shirt, and vest. I don’t miss the pause at my crotch and fight not to grin. He wasn’t expecting me to be packing apparently. Well, this girl doesn’t do anything half-assed.

  “I found a club.” Do tell.

  “Oh, yeah? What kind?” The look he gives me is positively wicked, and I shiver. “Oh.” I lose my deeper voice in my excitement, and he raises a brow. I shrug because he can’t blame me. “I’m ready when you are.” Sin is here and ready to play.

  He crooks a finger, and I walk to him, climb over his legs, and seat myself snug against him.

  “I almost don’t want to take you out now.” His breath whispers over my neck as he nips at the sensitive flesh there.

  I roll my hips a little, pushing the prosthetic against him, and he groans. “I got all ready, so take me out and show me off.” He growls just before biting me hard enough to mark me as his. I smile as I climb off and hold out my hand. His slips into it, squeezing it tightly for a moment.

  I realize in that instant he had been very worried about my reaction. I’ve never considered myself to be gay or straight, bi or anything else. I just am. I find people beautiful and I tend to be drawn to their souls more than their bodies. I love who I love. Period. I’m attracted to who attracts me, male, female, human or demon. I chuckle at the thought, and he glances at me as we walk out to the car. I just shake my head.

  I stare at the car when we stop. It is low-slung and sleek, fast and powerful, just like the man at my side. I have no idea where he found it in such a short time. But I love the way the leather hugs me as I slide into the seat.

  He closes the door after watching my reaction. I don’t miss his as he adjusts it when he gets in a few seconds later.

  The rumble of the engine vibrates through me, and I hold on as we race down the hill. Curving through switchbacks, he is driving like what he is. Demon.

  I fucking love it.

  The club is not what I was expecting. We pull into an underground garage, and he parks and helps me out. When we reach an elevator, he reaches in his breast pocket, pulls out a card, and scans it.

  This is some Fifty Shades shit, is all I can think as we step in and the elevator starts without us doing anything. There are no numbers, no buttons, and he leans back, just watching me.

  I mirror his stance, only jumping slightly when the thing dings and stops. The jump totally blows my attempt at nonchalance. I don’t care. I’m nervous, but it’s excitement that’s driving it. He pushes off the wall and steps up to me.

  “Last chance. We can leave.” I shake my head. “It’s fine if you don’t want to do this.”

  I know it would be. “Dagen, I’m not even sure what this is but I’m not scared or freaked out. I want to do whatever this is with you.” His face lights up, and I once again know I’d do anything.

  The doors slide open, and I feel my mouth drop open. Holy shit. Okay, this is more than Fifty Shades. I don’t even know where to

  It certainly shouldn’t have been at the couple in the furry suits.

  Chapter 2


  I keep waiting for my punishment. Death lurks in every shadow, although the Creator has never been one to hide...exactly.

  I know when it comes, it will be...well...biblical.

  I smile as I hear giggling coming from somewhere far outside this temple. Few venture inside this sacred place now.

  I came here so many years ago; I can remember when it was full of members of all the surrounding tribes. People would come from great distances to see the priestess that had the power to heal.

  Glancing at the altar, which is now holding the stubborn demon, my face softens as I watch Citlali wipe at his brow.

  She is the last of her very long line, one that started with Raphael. Crossing, I touch her shoulder, drawing her attention.

  “I’m going to be gone for a day or so. I need to check on his people.” She looks back at the man that has been under her care for days now.

  “Who are his people?” It is the first question she’s asked about her charge.

  “They are very important. Not just to me but to us all.” I reach out and brush the tendrils of hair that have come loose from his braids away from his eyes. “He is special.”

  “Special to who?” She studies him closer. I shrug and she rolls her eyes. “Fine. Keep your secrets; you always do.”

  “He should be awake by now.” I say what I’ve been thinking.

  “You should’ve taken him to the hospital.”

  “Why? I have the best doctor right here.” She shakes her head.

  “Citlali, you come from a line of healers that started at the beginning of time.” She raises her brow. “Just watch over him, please.”

  She nods, once again focusing on her patient. I step back on silent feet until I can fade away without her noticing.

  I stop first in the city just down the mountain. Two houses filled with love shine like beacons in the night. The prophecy is beginning to be fulfilled. Those babies I hid so long ago and kept safe until the destined ones were born are finding their way to those that can take over their protection.

  Farther north I travel in the blink of an eye, stopping in New Orleans to check on Evander. His broken heart calls to more than me. I don’t fail to notice the angel that lingers near. Caliel is unaware of myself and the one that watches him. She hides her form but not the love that shines from her. I shake my head at the oblivion the men seem to be lost in. Evander is wrapped in heartache and anger; I understand both. He has been robbed twice now. I wish I could have stopped it but I had been hiding from my brother and the Fallen.

  My brother. Those words hurt.

  It took me a long time to admit that he was unsaveable, even longer to separate my love for him from what I know must happen.

  What I must do. What I will do.

  I hope I’m strong enough.

  Shaking my head, I refocus on Evander, wishing there was something I could do for him. I’ve liked him since the beginning, since I saw how much he cared for the others. He worked so hard to keep them safe, not just from dangers but from their pasts.

  He made them the men they are, to an extent.

  I let myself drift away. I’ve stayed away as long as I can. He makes me nervous. He knows too much.

  The desert is quiet and breathtaking in the evening, the sky a mixture of pinks and oranges. I stand at the edge of the cliff, looking out at the beautiful creation of the Father. I hate that tears fill my eyes at the thought of Him. I hate that I still miss being in His presence.

  Movement forces me to turn, and there he is. The Morning Star. God’s favorite. The one that was strong enough to stand up for what was right. My eyes widen as I watch him sway from side to side, a baby held snugly in his arms.

  The look on his face is absolutely angelic. Then the sound of his voice reaches me, and my breath catches in my throat. It is so amazing that I don’t realize I’m moving until my feet hit the concrete that surrounds the pool. Freezing, I listen to my heart pound as he looks up.

  His eyes lock on the area where I stand, invisible to everyone, watching him like I’ve done for so long. His brow furrows and his eyes narrow as he studies the area. The baby makes a noise, upset that he has stopped singing.

  “Shh, Chana, it’s alright, baby girl.” His voice rumbles as he responds, never taking his eyes off me. Or at least where I would be, if he could see me. “You are playing with fire.”

  I smile when those almost silver wings flare out, lifting him and the child into the air. I choose to ignore the warning.

  “Goodbye, Morning Star.”

  Chapter 3


  I don’t want to live.

  I’m ready to greet the darkness. I have failed at every task set before me, either by God or by Lucifer.

  I’m not worthy of this world, much less some destined mate. I would only fail them too.

  The light fades until only grayness, a single shade lighter than black, surrounds me. I welcome it, pulling it around me like a shroud.

  Just letting myself drift away.

  Selfish asshole that I am, I hardly feel any remorse for leaving…well…the entire world in the lurch. What I do feel is like an icepick straight through my heart.

  But, in typical Arkyn fashion, I will let them all down. I always do.

  I wonder if God gave me the job He did because He knew I would fail. Maybe He needed someone to fail them. Probably was His plan all along.

  ‘I’m sorry, brothers.’

  I pray, the word sticks in my throat, they can forgive me.

  I can actually feel my tethers breaking as I give in to the desire I’ve had for as long as I can remember.

  ‘Arkyn, why won’t you come back to us?’

  Who the fuck is she? I don’t recognize the voice and I have no idea how she is speaking directly to me or how she knows my fucking name.

  I let my mind roam the darkness and then there I see a tiny flame, so hot and bright that it is white. What the hell?

  ‘Your friends must miss you. Sitara says you are very important.’

  Who the fuck is Sitara?

  ‘She wouldn’t have brought you here and saved you if you weren’t, so it’s time for you to come back to us. To her.’

  I’m so far from important. No one needs me to come back. The flame flickers, and I’m suddenly scared it will die out. I try to ignore that fear, to ignore the light.

  Stay away from the light, Carol Anne, and all that.

  ‘Sorry, I can’t come back and I’m so far from important. To anyone.’

  I just barely whisper the thought out at her.

  The light winks out, and I’m so disappointed. What a fucking girl I am.

  ‘Arkyn?’ The voice is filled with both terror and excitement, and suddenly the darkness is blasted away and the heat of her flame warms me. ‘How? What? I don’t understand.’

  Neither do I. Shit. I guess I ain’t dying today.

  Chapter 4


  I drop the cloth and run. My fear far outweighs any curiosity my mind might have.

  I run until I’m to my truck parked a few miles from the hidden temple. I ignored all the looks from the people that had been outside the temple leaving offerings to the healer, to Sitara.

  My hand shakes as I fumble in my shorts, trying to dig the keys out. I gasp for air and I know rationally I’m having a panic attack, to go along with the fact I’m not used to running anywhere that far.

  Her cryptic words woven into everyday conversation for my entire life play out in my head. It’s a head that has been shaking from side to side since I heard his voice.

  Her last words stand out—since the beginning of time. Nope. No. No way. She has told me the story of the beginning of time many times since I was a child, of how before the ancestors there had been others but the gods had grown angry at them. How they had built the temple, how it had b
een entrusted to her people. Right, her people. I have explored areas that even she doesn’t go to. She should because if she did, she’d have known about the paintings. Crude at first, but then more and more detailed.

  Paintings of her, not her people. Long ago, I realized she does not age. She makes it look as if she does but she doesn’t. Maybe she’s not good at it because she didn’t used to have to worry about it, as my people died young.

  But, like she said, I’m a very good doctor and I’ve studied her since I was a child after my mother brought me to Sitara.

  I, the last of my family, was given to the healer to keep safe. I’ve often wondered if my mother knew who she gave me to, what she gave me to.

  I’ve had a wonderful life with Sitara and the people she had raise me but I’ve known for some time she has bigger plans for me. She shaped and molded me into the person I am.

  I have a very bad feeling that the man laying on the stone table is a huge part of that plan.

  ‘Where are you going?’ Oh shit, the key shakes as I try to get it into the ignition.


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