Chosen Magic (Demon Bayou Book 3)

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Chosen Magic (Demon Bayou Book 3) Page 10

by S Lawrence

  Holy shit, the two words are drawn out into about sixteen syllables in my head. I look over my shoulder at my friend, at my brother, and see him for exactly what he is, maybe for the first time. Badass. I also understand and believe he truly is my friend. He punches the screen so hard on his phone I’m sure I hear it crack before he shoves it in his pocket.

  His eyes are glowing a bright icy blue when they lock onto mine. “I’ve always had your back, brother, even before.” He blinks and they go back to their normal dark blue with pale flecks through them. They remind me of a snow storm, like those in the north where he has always been more comfortable. “My powers didn’t come from the demon. He only amplified what had already been there.”

  It is the night for me to stand around like an idiot with a shocked look on my face, I guess. The night sky calms as I focus on his revelation though.

  “I didn’t realize it until Luc released my memories but oh yes, I’ve always been able to see the true nature of people in their minds.”

  I, for one instant, think of how he could have stopped all of this. “People, not angels. That’s how He amplified them. I do wish I could have known her plans, all of those sukas would have died well before they could have done any of this.”

  Anger radiates off of him, and I can see the warrior he tries to keep so well hidden.

  Aren’t we the pathetic pair?

  Chapter 23


  Lightning crashes, the song, plays through my head as I wish for death.

  Wish for it because my powers won’t let me die, but something either done by Theon, the others, or maybe this fucking house is also keeping them from healing me.

  I’ve tried since the second day of laying on this Godforsaken lounger. I’ve tried to use them and I’ve tried to not, but neither works. Instead, I’m floating in a sea of pain and stench.

  Bed sores have formed all along the underside of my body. After years of working in the jungle, I know the scent of dying flesh. I’m positive the cushion is soaked with not just my body fluids but also other worse things.

  I only know the passing of the days because of the movement of the sun and the woman.

  I noticed her on the first day. I noticed her because unlike every other person that walked by or paused with a map outside the wrought iron fence, she noticed me.

  Whatever hides Avalon from the world, whatever makes it seem so unassuming, doesn’t work on the woman. She has a routine, one that now includes coming near the corner of the fences. She never makes direct eye contact but she watches me, she watches the house. She stays somewhere near, and I’ve seen her on a rooftop down the block.

  I let my eyes travel around the yard after I notice her movement coming up the street. Just like every moment since they left me here, I’m alone. More lightning crashes around the city. Arkyn.

  She pauses at the brick corner pillars, like she has every day, leaning against it with the book open in her hands. Her eyes are scanning the grounds of Avalon, though they light on me only for seconds, narrowing, and I wonder if she is checking for signs of life.

  Today is the day for me to take a chance.

  I look around again, listening for signs of other life. Nothing.

  “I don’t know how you can see me. I know you understand this place is different. I know you understand there is more in this world than we can see.” I pause, wishing I had been like her, aware of the more. “I need you to help me. I know you don’t have any reason to but I’m begging you to.” A sound catches my attention. Stilettos on tile, fucking angels, worst Goddamn timing. I lock my eyes on her, no time to waste on deception. “Demon Bayou Rum, call them and tell Arkyn where to find this place.” I feel Theon even without seeing him. “Please.”

  She spins away just as the door opens, disappearing into the shadows the way she’s done every day. They don’t even stop or, hell, pause as they make their way down the walkway and out the gate.

  Off to murder, I’m sure.

  I hope they run into Arkyn and his brothers. My luck, they would kill them before they found out where I was, the demons that is.

  I scan the rooftops, looking for the woman. I can’t see her but that doesn’t mean she isn’t there. I kind of hope she isn’t. I hope those damned demons have an office in this fucking town and the mystery woman is racing toward it as I lay here literally rotting.

  I try again to reach out for Arkyn or any of them and once again scream out at the pain that ricochets through my brain.

  Darkness sweeps through me. It is no slow fade to black, and I gladly let it take me away from everything, even as the brilliant flash of Arkyn’s power lights up the sky.

  There she is, outlined against the darkened sky. When did it get dark? How long was I out?

  Before I can answer either of those questions, it turns into Hell on Earth outside the iron gate. My eyes are still locked on the woman, and I don’t fail to see her head nod just once before she disappears.

  Chapter 24


  Those of us with wings drop from the sky, death and retribution from above.

  Torryn and Charlie bring Hellfire and heat with them. Dagen keeps the locals from being incinerated by bringing ice and water. We could use Evander, but he has been unpredictable to say the least. Luc has placed him back in New Orleans for now.

  I haven’t missed the strange whispered conversations between Dagen and Lillian; something very strange is going on, but no one is talking to me. Zeph is suspicious also. He’s been flexing his powers, pushing at their mental blocks. His fault, for he taught us all how to keep him out. I just never bother; everyone knows my shame.

  But those people got secrets. If anyone can get them out, it’s Zeph. I’ve heard stories of him in Heaven. He was The Interrogator, the one who was sent to find out who had started the war. Luc gave him access to all of those that ended up in his domain. Zeph questioned every angel that died in the war. Luc pulled them from darkness and gave them to Zeph before sending them back to the nothing.

  I can’t imagine and I don’t want to. Theon, Seraphina, and Celine have been joined by their newest recruits.

  “Did you tell them they are cannon fodder?” Zeph calls out.

  The newbies glance around, and I can smell the apprehension on the air. Get them, Zeph. I wonder if they feel his power drifting over them, through them.

  He stokes their fears while Charlie and Torryn show them what their future will hold. Newbs. Too easy.

  It is worrisome how many new recruits they have. In all the years since this stupid war started, all the time I’ve, we’ve, been hunting these fucking bitches, I’ve never seen this many at the same time. Sure, there’s always been those that have grown hungry for the things they feel they are missing out on.

  I can’t blame them, especially now that I’ve gotten my memories back. Heaven is as bland as unflavored oatmeal. I wouldn’t return for anything; give me Hell any day.

  I let them deal with the new guys and focus on the ward around Avalon. Theon has done something to it. Even Sitara is unable to move through it. Dark magic is woven through it now. I can tell when the lightning hits it. I can see the blackened veins running throughout, like a plague, like a parasite feasting on blood.

  I can see her, see my girl just in the yard, forgotten like some piece of trash. A figure moves between us, and I drag my eyes up the body. Celine. Literally the bane of my entire existence.

  “Hello, Arky.” She grins and waggles her fingers at me. “Here to fight?”

  I don’t respond.

  “Didn’t end well last time. You remember, right?” Her eyebrows raise as she waits. “I do.” She glances over her shoulder at Lali. “I killed you. I cut you from stem to stern.”

  My molars grind together as I fight to keep my face blank. Her finger moves slowly from her crotch up the midline of her body, stopping just below her collarbone. There it slides under a gold chain I hadn’t noticed before. Pulling it out, she grins bigger as I glance d
own at what is now hanging from that finger. I blink slowly as I try to understand what it is I’m looking at.

  Zeph growls as he moves to my side, “You bitch, you fucking bitch.”

  I look over at him then back at the necklace, finally my brain makes sense of it.

  “Now you got it.” She giggles. “I took it after you were dead. Destroyed it so everyone would know you were spineless but I kept a couple had them gilded in gold and keep them close to my heart. They bring me great joy, Arky. Memories of a great day.”

  I watch as her fingers slide over the set of four of my smallest vertebrae.

  My wings flare out and up, Lillian’s eyes widen, and I glance back at them. They have changed. Even more different than before, now blackened forks of electricity are patterned through them. A belly-burning rage has broken free in me and it is fueling my powers.

  ‘I love you. They are so beautiful.’ Citlali’s voice whispers through my mind. ‘Make it rain, baby.’

  I let my hands float out away from my body and reach with my power, pulling electricity from the city’s grid. I let it flow through me and then hit the barrier with everything I had in me. Two thousand years of every shitty thought I’ve ever had about myself channels into my power, releasing something new.

  “Finally.” Luc’s voice echoes through the night.

  I look at him through silver, my eyes having changed with my wings.

  “Finally, what?” Torryn looks back and forth between us.

  “Awe, it’s a good thing you’re so damn sexy, babe.” Lillian shakes her head at him. He frowns at her, and Zeph chuckles. “He’s glad Arkyn finally believes in himself, sweetheart.”

  “Oh. Well then, yeah, about Goddamn time.” He turns back to the barrier and sends a wave of heat, one hot enough to melt the iron of the fence. “Keep it up, White Lightning. You’re getting through.”

  I swear to Satan, he’s like a big dumb lovable puppy but he’s right. I can feel the power of the barrier wavering. I reach deeper, imagining that spine she said I didn’t have, and I straighten it, letting the energy course through it.

  Locking my gaze on Lali, I draw in a breath then release it slowly.

  Time to save my avenging Angel of Death.

  Focusing my strength like a laser, I just have to break one thread in the weave, one tiny string, and it all unravels. Sitara steps up to my shoulder, and I feel the delicate touch of her magic join mine. It moves over mine like a tendril of a vine. I can almost see it as it waits patiently at the edge of Avalon’s protection.

  “You’ve perverted this place that once protected us.” Her voice is filled with sadness as she stares at her brother.

  “YOU caused this. You,” he spits as he yells at her. “You could have come with me.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Torryn barks out a laugh. “All this because you’ve got some separation anxiety. Poor baby-waby, his little sissy didn’t pick him for her team.” The giant, tattooed beast pokes out his bottom lip and makes a sound like a small child.

  Theon roars from the other side. I watch Celine and Seraphina as they feel their first hint of fear. Worry. Uncertainty.

  I smile at them, pushing harder.

  I will do this. I will break them. It will be me who opens the Gates of Hell to them. I will.

  We all feel the barrier shudder. The tension sky rockets as we all prepare to go to war. Then something amazing happens. Avalon chooses sides.

  It chooses us.

  Avalon disappears.

  Shock shines in the Fallen’s eyes and it brings me joy. I let my power fall away. My eyes lock on her.

  Citlali. The Angel of Death. My angel of dark destruction. She rises like a specter. Her bones shining through her all too thin skin, she looks on the verge of death herself. She’s so fucking beautiful.

  “Isn’t my girl beautiful?” I glance around. “Whatever, assholes, she’s gorgeous.

  “Thank you, baby.” She smiles, and I have to admit the blood stain on her teeth leaves a little to be desired.

  Wings burst from her back, silver satin feathers literally glowing from within as her power sweeps out of her. First her body heals before our very eyes. I didn’t think it was possible but she’s even more amazing. Heavenly.

  She slowly rotates as she floats off the ground, her eyes locking on Seraphina and Celine. Seraphina disappears, leaving Celine, who tries to flee when she realizes her fearless leader has abandoned her. My girl has other plans for her though.

  Death grips her tight, holding her in this place where it was tortured.

  Her voice is dark and layered with venom when she speaks. “I have it in my power to send you to the darkness with a snap of my finger.” A hand floats up and fingers are poised to do just that but it doesn’t. “I can be merciful or I can do to you what you did to Arkyn.”

  Those delicate, sensitive fingers point at the necklace still clutched in Celine’s hand. It disappears and reappears in Lali’s palm. She strokes over the pieces of my spine lovingly before slipping the necklace over her head.

  “A symbol of your strength. Keeping you close to my heart. Always.” Her voice sounds so strange, a bit creepy, but I can hear nothing but love, can see nothing but pride in her midnight eyes. She smiles eerily before looking back at Celine. “How long have I been here?”

  I glance at Zeph, who grimaces as his head tilts, leaving it up to me.

  “Seven days.” I hate admitting that. “I’ve searched seven days since you contacted me.”

  She nods once.

  “Not the snap of a finger then.” Death shines bright and retribution rings in her voice.

  We all stand frozen as she rises higher in the air, taking Celine with her. Higher and higher until they are small in the sky. Citlali draws the angel to her, speaking to her. Those of us with supernatural hearing can just hear the sound of it. Words are lost in the winds.

  Lillian gasps and Charlie screams as they begin to fall.

  Celine screams and fights, but Citlali holds her tight with hands and magic.

  We all watch as she drives her into the ground. The sound of her spine breaking echoes around us. Fucking shattering.

  Lali straightens and death stares at us all.

  “Move her to the lounger.”

  Zeph starts forward to do as she says, but I reach out and stop him. I will help my angel.

  Bending down, I whisper in Celine’s ear, “Now who doesn’t have a spine?”

  She screams as I drag her to the lounger.

  “Sitara, set a ward. It’s time for us to go.”

  I turn around and there is Lali. Death has receded. I walk to her, pulling her into my arms.

  “Except you, Zeph. I think you should stay around here. Watch the rooftops.”

  His eyes scan them as soon as the words leave her mouth.

  Charlie steps close to him and leans in, her mouth close to his ear.

  “I have heard an interesting beat in this town.”

  Chapter 25


  Death wants to claim more. Hundreds. Thousands.

  But Arkyn calls to me, the woman, the healer. I focus on that call and return to him, tucking the dark side of my power away.

  I let the light side of the power surge forward.

  It floats on the air through the city, healing those that are sick and broken before I can rein it in.

  I glance around as those close to me make soft sighing sounds. Shit. They all look a little more—more healthy, more youthful, more everything.

  “Sorry,” I mumble against Arkyn’s chest.

  “Don’t apologize, sweetheart.” He rubs his hands over my back.

  Searching for the break, I can tell, but it’s healed, like it never happened. I turn my head and look at Celine. Maybe it’s like it didn’t happen but it most certainly did.

  “Take me away, Arkyn.” Looking at the faces that surround us, I continue, “Leave her. Seven days and she will wither and die. The darkness will take her, an
d even you, Lucifer, will not be able to pull her free.” I feel Death looking out at the King of Hell, who only nods.

  “Why would I wish to, Citlali?” His voice is beautiful and melodic.

  If he had been gorgeous before, now he is something otherworldly. I feel mesmerized by his eyes, the cosmos glowing in them.

  Dragging my gaze away from him, I look at the woman that has been my mother for almost my entire life. She looks like Sitara but different, and I wonder if this is her true form. I doubt it, somehow.

  “Where would you like to go, my love?” Arkyn whispers in my ear.

  “Anywhere. I would go anywhere with you.”

  He smiles at my words, at the truth he can hear in them. I let my fingers travel over the wings curved against his shoulders; they remind me of the velvet I like to wrap around me when I sleep.

  “Maybe we should all stay here in the city. Just in case,” Dagen suggests as he leads Charlie away, fingers intertwined, heated looks shared between them. “We have the office building with the penthouse above it.”

  Lillian and Torryn nod and start to follow them.

  “I need to check on the baby.” Luc’s voice is low as he fades away.

  “Are you keeping her?” Lillian stops and turns back to look at him.

  I have no idea what baby they are speaking about, but it is curious. Lucifer with a baby. Sitara is watching him closely, her interest piqued as well.

  “I don’t know, Lillian. She seems to calm the demon.”

  I frown, as do the others, except Lillian and Dagen. Those two glance at each other.


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