Matrimony & Mayhem: A Made in Savannah Cozy Mystery (Made in Savannah Mystery Series Book 11)

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Matrimony & Mayhem: A Made in Savannah Cozy Mystery (Made in Savannah Mystery Series Book 11) Page 4

by Hope Callaghan

  Her heart swelled with pride as she gazed at her children, standing at the front, waiting for Shelby to join them and become a member of the Garlucci family.

  A lone tear trickled down Carlita’s cheek, and she swiped it away. The Good Lord had blessed the Garlucci family, despite the heartbreaking loss of her husband. She was thankful for all of her blessings…her health, her children, her grandchildren, her friends.

  Shelby and her uncle reached the front, and the pastor spoke. “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

  “Her aunt and I do.” Shelby’s uncle gently kissed his niece’s cheek. When he turned, Carlita noticed his cheeks were wet.

  The vows were quick, followed by a few words the couple spoke to each other. They exchanged rings as the pastor pronounced them husband and wife. “You may kiss your beautiful bride.”

  The passionate kiss got a few hoots and hollers, followed by applause. “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my pleasure to introduce Tony and Shelby Garlucci.”

  The applause continued as Tony picked Violet up and the trio strolled down the center aisle to the back of the courtyard.

  Carlita eased past the guests, who stopped to congratulate the newlyweds. While the couple greeted the well-wishers, she hurried to the kitchen to check on the food and beverages.

  A harried Dominic met her at the door.

  “The wedding ceremony just ended. The guests will be ready for appetizers and drinks to start making their rounds in the next ten minutes or so.”

  “Of course.” Dominic nodded. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Mrs. Garlucci. We have a small problem.”

  Chapter 5

  “What kind of problem?”

  “The risotto croquettes, they are very bland. Here, try one.” Dominic grabbed a set of tongs and picked up one of the fried balls.

  Carlita bit the side. A burst of hot steam poured out, along with the fragrant aroma of her special Italian spices. The rich fontina cheese mingled with the salty goodness of the ham melted in her mouth.

  “This is delicious Dominic.” Carlita popped the rest of the morsel in her mouth. “It doesn’t taste bland at all.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. Don’t forget the sun dried tomato sauce. It will give the dish a nice pop.”

  “You must sample the rest of the appetizers as well.” Dominic lifted a tray off the table. “Please.”

  Carlita’s keen eye honed in on the presentation. She had hand-picked the menu, from the chicken parmesan sticks, risotto croquettes and mini Italian cheese rolls for appetizers to the spaghetti and meatballs, lasagna stuffed shells and mini pizza pies for the main entrees.

  Dessert consisted of bite-size cheesecakes, tiered trays of Nonna Garlucci’s Italian cookies, and of course, the wedding cake Shelby and Tony selected.

  She’d asked for the couple’s input for the menu. Both insisted they wanted her to make the final decision.

  Carlita finished taste testing the appetizers, giving them her seal of approval before returning to the courtyard to join her children.

  Pirate Pete and Victoria “Tori” Montgomery stood outside the gate. She also spotted Glenda and Mark Fox. Autumn, a family friend, was also nearby. Autumn’s brother, Steve, stood talking to Cool Bones.

  The Walton Square neighbors were in attendance, as were the pawnshop employees, several of Tony’s associates, Mercedes’ group of author friends and many more familiar faces.

  Carlita had also invited several of the local restaurant owners, a few she’d gotten to know since joining the Savannah Area Restaurant Association. Pirate Pete Taylor was also a member.

  A beaming Tony and his beautiful bride, along with Violet, made their way into the restaurant. Carlita trailed behind, passing by a couple of servers who were making their rounds, offering drinks and goodies to the guests milling about.

  Elvira, clad in a crisp, navy blue security uniform, stood near the restaurant entrance. She slipped something into her pocket as Carlita approached.

  “What was that?”

  “What was what?”

  “In your pocket. I saw you slip something into your pocket.”

  “It was nothing.”

  Carlita held out her hand. “Let me see nothing.”

  “All right.” Elvira reluctantly reached into her pocket. She pulled out a stack of business cards and dropped one of them into Carlita’s hand.

  “What’s this?”

  “What does it look like?”

  “Business cards.” Carlita flipped it over. “EC Security Services. No job too big or too small.” She waved the card in Elvira’s face. “You’re handing out business cards to the wedding guests?”

  “Sort of.”

  “How do you ‘sort of’ hand out cards?” Carlita asked. “Either you are, or you aren’t.”

  “I am. You didn’t tell me I couldn’t. Besides, I’m doing this gig for free when I could be out making money somewhere else.”

  “Oh, brother.” Carlita cast her eyes skyward. “Why am I surprised?” She leveled her gaze. “This is tacky.”

  “Tacky schmacky. I’ve already got a handful of interested parties.”

  A couple approached, someone Carlita didn’t recognize. “Welcome. I’m Carlita Garlucci. You’re friends of Shelby?”

  “We’re friends of both Shelby and Tony,” the woman replied. “Unfortunately, we’re running a little behind and missed the wedding ceremony.”

  “The couple is inside greeting guests,” Carlita said.

  Elvira held out a card. “EC Security Services is handling the wedding security. We’re on call twenty-four hours a day. There’s no job too big or too small for EC Security.”

  The man gave Elvira an odd look. He dropped the card in his pocket and followed the woman inside.

  “Elvira,” Carlita hissed. “That’s enough.”

  “Fine. I’m running out of cards anyways. You got more people at this shindig than I thought you would. I didn’t know you knew that many people.”

  “Well, I do. Now try to behave yourself. I’ll ask one of the servers to swing by with some hors d’ oeuvres.” Carlita glanced behind her. “Where is Dernice?”

  “She’s covering the other side,” Elvira said. “Don’t forget the champagne.”

  “I’ll have them bring some goodies to Dernice, too.” Carlita eased past Elvira.

  “Wait.” Elvira stopped her. “Who are the two goons hanging around? I saw one of them camped out on your back step last night and again this morning. A few minutes ago, I saw the other one pacing up and down the block, like he was casing the joint.”

  “They’re…friends of my son, Vinnie,” Carlita said. “They won’t bother you. Just don’t try to give them a business card.”

  “Too late. The one with the weird white hat looked at me like I had two heads.” Elvira lowered her voice. “They’re mafia, aren’t they? I can peg a mobster a mile away.”

  “Unbelievable,” Carlita muttered under her breath. “I’ll go track down a server.”

  “Don’t forget the champagne,” Elvira hollered.

  “No drinking on the job.” Carlita stepped back inside and nearly collided with one of the servers, stationed near the door. “Could you please take some goodies to the security guards?”

  “Elvira Cobb?” The woman grinned.

  “Don’t tell me…she gave you a business card, too.”

  The woman chuckled and patted her pocket. “No worries. I’m headed outside since a number of guests are mingling out in the courtyard, enjoying this beautiful summer day.”

  She headed to the exit with her tray full of goodies.

  Carlita scanned the crowd, searching for the bride and groom, and found them near the head table, talking to Pirate Pete.

  The DJ, a man Steve Winter recommended, began to speak. Carlita half-listened as he announced the bride, groom and Violet, telling everyone dinner would begin shortly.

  “Am I late?” Carlita spun around to find her new fr
iend and trolley driver, Reese, standing behind her.

  “Not at all. We’re still in the midst of the pre-meal festivities.” Carlita led Reese to one of the servers, who loaded a small plate with tempting treats.

  “These look delish.” Reese picked up a chicken parmesan stick and nibbled the end. “Oh, man. This is good stuff.” She took a big bite. “Well? How was the ceremony? Did you bawl your eyes out? I know when my son got married I bawled like a baby.”

  “No, I did get teary-eyed. We love Shelby and are excited to have her as a part of our family, and of course Violet.” Carlita nodded toward the entrance. “Did you see Elvira?”

  “You can’t miss her. She tried to give me a business card and then when she realized it was me, she snatched it right out of my hand.” Reese laughed. “I told you about the time we had a run in, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, and I don’t doubt it for a minute.” Carlita placed a light hand under Reese’s elbow. “Have you met my son, Tony? I don’t think he’s ever been on the Big Peach.”

  The women crossed the room, and Carlita waited until Tony was free before introducing them.

  Tony shook Reese’s hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Reese. My mom sure does enjoy riding the Big Peach.” He turned to a beaming Shelby. “This is my wife, Shelby.”

  “How do you do.” Shelby smiled warmly as she shook Reese’s hand.

  “You two make a snazzy couple.” Reese elbowed Carlita. “You got some good lookin’ kids right here, Carlita. Why if I was forty years younger and fifty pounds lighter…and your son wasn’t married.” She winked at Tony. “I might have given Shelby a run for her money.”

  “I’m Violet.” Violet wiggled between her mom and Tony.

  “Hello, Violet.” Reese set her plate of food on the table and knelt down. “I love your name. Your dress is pretty. You look like a princess.”

  “Except when she’s being naughty,” Shelby said.

  “I’m not naughty.” Violet crossed her arms. “Who are you?”

  “Reese drives the Big Peach,” Carlita explained.

  Violet’s eyes widened. “You drive a peach?”

  “It’s the nickname for my trolley. Maybe Nana will take you on a trolley ride one day.”

  “Will you, Nana?” Violet tugged on Carlita’s hand.

  “Of course. We’ll ride the Big Peach soon, maybe even while mommy and Tony are on their honeymoon,” Carlita promised.

  “See you later.” Reese held up her hand for Violet to give her a high five and then slowly stood. “You’re lucky, Carlita. You’ve got a nice family.”

  “I’m blessed,” Carlita nodded. “I see my son, Paulie, and his family over there.”

  “Carlita.” Sam Ivey quietly came up behind her and tapped her shoulder.

  “Hello, Sam. I’m glad you could make it.” Carlita noted a troubled look on his face. “Is something wrong?”

  “Yes. I think you should come out to the courtyard. It’s about one of the wedding guests.”

  Chapter 6

  “A female guest collapsed. She’s not responding, and her pulse is weak. I took the liberty of calling 911 and requested an ambulance.”

  Carlita and Sam dashed out of the restaurant. Reese, curious to find out what had happened, followed behind.

  Vito’s bodyguard stood sentinel at the gate, watching as they passed through. Carlita cast him a quick glance, wondering if he was somehow involved.

  A small crowd had already gathered around the woman; including a woman who was screaming hysterically. “Megan! Megan! Can you hear me?” Her eyes scanned the crowd as tears streamed down her face. “Can someone please help?”

  “An ambulance is on the way.” Sam knelt next to the woman. “Is this your friend?”

  “Yes. Megan was talking to this good-looking Italian guy, the best man in Tony and Shelby’s wedding. I think it was Tony’s brother.” The woman paused.

  “Go on.”

  “Well, they were making small talk. All of the sudden a blonde chick in a clingy pink dress showed up. She got in our faces, griping about us talking to him. After she left, I went to use the bathroom. When I got back, Megan started complaining she wasn’t feeling well. Next thing I know, she collapsed.”

  “Does your friend have any medical conditions, a possible cause for her collapse?” Sam asked.

  “Not that I know of.” The woman’s face crumpled. “Something is terribly wrong with her, isn’t it?”

  Off in the distance, Carlita could hear the faint wail of sirens. “Help is on the way.”

  Mercedes quietly crept up behind her mother. “What happened?” she whispered.

  Carlita shook her head and motioned Reese and her daughter off to the side.

  “Something suspicious is going on. According to the woman’s friend, Vinnie was talking to them. Brittney showed up and caused a minor scene. Shortly after, the woman complained to her friend that she was feeling ill and then collapsed. Sam isn’t saying it, but I think this woman is in rough shape.”

  “What do we do?” Mercedes whispered.

  “First of all, Elvira needs to keep the guests inside the restaurant and away from the courtyard.”

  “I’m on it.” Reese darted out of the courtyard.

  Carlita eyed Vito’s guy. “We need a record of everyone here in the courtyard. Can you take a quick video with your cell phone?” She gave a slight nod toward the door. “Make sure you include Vito’s employee.”

  “His name is Ricco.” Mercedes slipped her hand into her blouse and pulled out her cell phone.

  “Mercedes.” Carlita wrinkled her nose.

  “What? I didn’t have anywhere else to put it.” She shifted off to the side and took a step back while Carlita hustled to the entrance. “Ricco?”

  The man nodded. “Yes, Mrs. Garlucci.”

  “Could you do me a huge favor?”

  “It’s done.”

  “What’s done?”

  “I’ve secured the scene. I’m stopping anyone who tries to get in.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” She turned to go and then turned back. “You didn’t happen to see anything, did you?” Their eyes met.

  “You did see something?”

  “Maybe,” Ricco said. Before he could elaborate, an ambulance barreled around the corner and screeched to a halt. Two EMTs sprang from the vehicle and ran toward the gate.

  “In here.” Carlita quickly led them to the young woman and Sam Ivey, who was still kneeling next to the woman’s chair.

  Sam briefly explained what had transpired and then made room for them to begin examining the unconscious woman. The men threw out medical mumbo jumbo, which went right over Carlita’s head.

  One of them made their way back to the ambulance and returned with a stretcher. Together, they gently loaded the woman onto it.

  The EMTs exited the gate, passing by two police officers who had just arrived. Sam and the woman’s friend joined them on the sidewalk, talking in low voices.

  After a brief exchange, one of the officers entered the courtyard.

  Carlita greeted him near the gate. “I’m the owner of this property.”

  “Ivy…er…Sam Ivey, told us Megan Burelli, the woman on her way to the hospital, was a wedding guest.”

  “Yes, although I don’t know her personally. In fact, I didn’t even know her last name. I believe she may be a friend of my son’s new wife, Shelby Townsend. As far as we know, Ms. Burelli suffered some sort of medical incident.”

  “I got the call on my radio, and my partner and I stopped by to see if we could assist since we were in the vicinity.” The officer rocked back on his heels. “For some reason, your address stuck in my mind. I’m pretty sure we’ve been called to this location a few times.”

  “What are you trying to say?” Carlita’s eyes flashed in anger.

  “Easy Nate.” Sam placed a light hand on the officer’s shoulder. “As a tenant of Mrs. Garlucci’s, I can personally vouch for her and h
er family. Notwithstanding evidence, I don’t believe they had anything to do with Ms. Burelli’s unfortunate collapse.”

  “I didn’t mean to ruffle feathers. You know the beat. We gotta cover all the bases.” The young officer, Nate, extended his hand to Sam. “We miss you down at the precinct. You staying busy?”

  “You betcha. Staying busy and having the time of my life,” Sam said.

  “Unless you need anything else, I have a wedding to celebrate.” Carlita pinned Officer Nate with a pointed stare.

  “Yes, ma’am. Hopefully, you won’t be hearing from us again.”

  “But someone will let me know the status of Megan Burelli’s condition?” Carlita asked.

  “Of course.”

  Mercedes and Reese stood waiting for Carlita on the other side of the gate. “Well?”

  “So far, it appears Ms. Burelli experienced some sort of medical episode.” Carlita pressed a hand to her chest. “At least I hope that’s what it was and that she’ll be all right.”

  “Me too,” Mercedes tapped the bodice of her bridesmaid’s dress. “I got it.”

  “Got what?” Reese asked.

  “I videotaped everyone inside the courtyard, just in case.”

  “Good girl.” Carlita caught a movement out of the corner of her eye. She’d completely forgot about Ricco. “Mr. Ricco, I have to get back to my son’s wedding. Before I do, I was wondering if you happened to witness the young woman’s collapse.”

  “I did.” Ricco nodded. “Course, that’s my job…to keep an eye on everyone and everything, and especially Brittney and Vinnie.”

  “Yes, and I appreciate your…dedication to your job.”

  “Thank you.” Carlita could’ve sworn Ricco smiled.

  “So you saw what happened,” Mercedes prompted.

  “Yes. The woman and her friend were sipping champagne and eating some of the appetizers the servers brought around. Might I add that the food was delicious.”

  “Thank you,” Carlita said. “And then what happened?”

  “All of the sudden, the woman clamped a hand over her mouth. She fell backward onto the chair and then keeled over.”

  “Clamped a hand over her mouth?” Reese clarified.


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