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Matrimony & Mayhem: A Made in Savannah Cozy Mystery (Made in Savannah Mystery Series Book 11)

Page 11

by Hope Callaghan

  “No kidding. I never would’ve pegged you for driving a big tank like that.”

  “It was my husband, Vinnie’s, car. Mercedes and I inherited it after his death.”

  Mercedes reached for the seatbelt. “We inherited it, and then we spent some fun-filled hours learning how to drive it.”

  Reese pulled her door shut and started the jeep. “I can’t imagine it’s much different than driving any other vehicle, except bigger.”

  “We didn’t know how to drive,” Carlita said.

  Dumbfounded, Reese’s jaw dropped. She stared at Carlita. “You didn’t know how to drive…a car?”

  “Nope. Vinnie always drove me around, or I took the bus. Mercedes had a driver’s license, but rarely drove.”

  “We didn’t have much use for it in New York,” Mercedes explained.

  “We lived a different life back then.”

  “I guess you don’t need to drive much here in Savannah either,” Reese said.

  “Because we have a friend who drives the trolley and I can get wherever I need to go.”

  “But you do know how to drive now.” Reese stopped at the stop sign before pulling onto the street.

  “Yes. We both know how to drive, and open bank accounts and balance a checkbook,” Carlita said. “Which comes in handy when you own several businesses.”

  “You mentioned before you lived a sheltered life in New York. I had no idea.” Reese tapped the steering wheel. “Well, you got it all going on now and a mysterious poisoning to boot.”

  It didn’t take long for them to get to the other side of town. Reese steered her jeep into the alley behind the apartment. “Am I gonna see you tomorrow?”

  “I don’t know.” Carlita reached for the door handle. “Paulie and Gina will still be in town. I think Vinnie and Brittney are heading out in the morning, along with Vinnie’s co-workers. Tony and Shelby will be back from their short honeymoon.”

  “We need to get with Pirate Pete,” Mercedes reminded her mother.

  “Yes, we do. If I don’t see you tomorrow, I’m sure I’ll see you on Tuesday.” Carlita slid out of the jeep. “Thanks again for trying to help. You’re a good friend Claryce…Reese, Magillicuddy.”

  “And so are you, Carlita Garlucci.” Reese held up a hand. “I do have one more thing up my sleeve.”

  “Concerning our investigation?”

  “Yep. I have a friend who happens to be a ticket agent for the bus station our two mysterious riders were asking about.”

  “You do? Can you ask your friend if she remembers seeing them?”

  “I already have. I’m just waiting for a call back from Dixie, my friend.”

  Mercedes squeezed out of the back seat. “Do you need identification to buy a bus ticket?”

  “It depends. Not if it’s a local ticket used for riding around Savannah. If the person or persons were going out of state or out of the area, they would need a photo ID to buy a ticket.”

  “We may have a match and even a name.” Carlita clasped her hands. “That would be awesome.”

  Mercedes smiled. “You sure do have connections.”

  “Friends with planes, trains and automobiles,” Reese joked.

  “And busses.”

  “I’ll let you know as soon as I hear back. I already gave her all of the information, including a description of the young couple. I mentioned the purple camo backpack the guy was carrying. Dixie has a pretty good memory. She said she needed some time to dig through her records.”

  “Please let me know as soon as you hear anything,” Carlita said.

  “Will do.” Reese gave her a thumbs up. “As soon as I hear back, I’ll give you a buzz.”

  “Thanks for the lift.” Carlita gave Reese a quick wave before following Mercedes inside. “She’s a character.”

  “Yes, she is, and she definitely has connections. It’s a shame we weren’t able to glean any solid clues from the handbag,” Mercedes said. “I wonder if or when we’ll hear from the authorities again.”

  “Officer Clousen said it may take several days.”

  The door to Tony’s former studio apartment opened. Vinnie stuck his head out. “I thought I heard voices.”

  “How was your shoe shopping adventure?” Mercedes teased.

  “Let’s just say I’m glad it’s over. Brittney isn’t feeling well. I think she ate something that didn’t agree with her or the baby. She went to bed early, so it’ll only be me for dinner.”

  Vinnie changed the subject. “There was a surprise visitor waiting on your back doorstep when we got here.”

  Chapter 18

  “What kind of surprise visitor?”

  “It was a cop. He said his name was Clousen something.”

  “Did he tell you what he wanted?”

  “Nope. In fact, he didn’t tell me he was a cop. He was dressed in street clothes, but I can pick them off a mile away.”

  “Great. I wonder if he tried calling.” Carlita reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone. “I don’t have any messages.”

  “My guess is he wanted to catch you off guard,” Vinnie said. “Cops are sneaky like that.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be back. He probably wants to search the restaurant.”

  “Wouldn’t he have asked to search it yesterday?” Mercedes asked.

  “Who knows? All I know is I have nothing to hide and no crime has been committed.” Carlita rubbed her brow. “I guess it’s just the three of us for dinner since Paulie, Gina and the kids are going to hang out at the hotel tonight. Are you still planning on leaving in the morning?”

  “Yeah. I gotta get back to work. Vito’s guys are gettin’ antsy to head out.”

  “Where are Vito’s guys?” Carlita hadn’t thought to ask where the two bodyguards might be staying.

  “They’re sleepin’ in their car.”

  “You’re kidding? How awful.”

  “Nah. They’re used to it.”

  “I suppose.” Carlita shifted her purse to her other hand. “Do you mind leftovers from the wedding?”

  “Leftovers are fine. I’ll follow you up.” Vinnie quietly closed the door, checking to make sure it was locked and then followed his mother up the stairs. Mercedes went on ahead and was already inside the apartment.

  Vinnie chatted with his sister while Carlita warmed the food, careful not to touch the appetizers still boxed and in the back of the fridge.

  After the food warmed, they filled their plates and carried them to the dining room table.

  Carlita enjoyed the relaxed and quiet dinner with her two children. They discussed Vinnie’s managerial job at the casino, the remodeled apartment in Atlantic City and the baby. They also talked about Ravello’s Ristorante and the pawnshop. Finally, the topic turned to Megan Burelli.

  “You find out for sure what happened to her?” Vinnie stabbed a meatball with his fork and took a big bite.

  “Not yet. We’re still leaning towards food poisoning, at least that’s what Elvira said. If, and this is a big ‘if’ it was my food, it must have been one of the drinks or appetizers. She collapsed during the cocktail hour.”

  Carlita twirled spaghetti around her fork. “There were a coupla employees who took off before the reception ended. Pirate Pete spotted them out back, and then the trolley driver told Reese he picked up a couple matching Pete’s description, at the trolley stop out front.”

  “They were acting strange,” Mercedes added.

  “Find out who they are and ask them to come in to talk to you.”

  “First, we have to figure out who they are. We think we may have gotten at least one of them on the video I recorded in the courtyard when we were waiting for the ambulance.” Mercedes sprang from her chair and grabbed her cell phone off the desk.

  She fiddled with the screen before handing it to her brother. “One of these may have been one of them, posing as an employee.”

  Vinnie squinted his eyes. “It’s hard to tell anything from this tiny screen.”

; “I got a copy.” Carlita grabbed her purse off the counter. She pulled out the printed copy of the two servers and handed it to her son.

  “I recognize both of ‘em. They were working the courtyard.” He pointed at one of the women. “This one. She was serving the food. The second time she came around, I was gonna grab something, but she took off with the goods.”

  “With a tray full of food?” Carlita shook her head, confused.

  “Yeah. That was definitely her.” Vinnie started talking about something else, and Carlita only half-listened as she mulled over Vinnie’s words. Why would the woman leave with a tray full of food?

  Could it be the hit was only on Brittney? Was she the same woman Pete spotted, the one who was crying in the alley?

  Maybe she was a remorseful killer, realizing she’d injured Megan Burelli, whom she believed was Brittney, and then decided she couldn’t carry through in taking anyone else out.

  Another troubling thought surfaced. If it were a paid hit, the woman’s life would be in danger…her life and anyone else involved.

  Carlita and her children discussed at length, the theory of Louie’s soldiers infiltrating Ravello’s restaurant staff with the sole purpose of taking Brittney…and possibly Vinnie, out by poisoning their food.

  “Except they somehow got Megan Burelli and Brittney mixed up,” Vinnie said. “They could easily have taken both of us out.”

  “With his bodyguards standing by watching, no less.”

  “The fact there are a couple of employees whose numbers have been disconnected is a clue,” Mercedes said.

  “I agree.” Carlita polished off her last bite of leftover pizza. “Dominic might also be able to help. He was around them more than we were.”

  Vinnie finished his food and then glanced at his watch. “I better head back downstairs to check on Brittney.”

  Carlita reluctantly followed him to the door. “Your visit went by way too fast, Son.”

  “New Jersey ain’t that far away, Ma. Why don’t you and Mercedes come visit as soon as you get everything settled with the restaurant?”

  “If we open our doors.” A troubled look crossed Carlita’s face. “If the authorities determine my food poisoned Megan Burelli, I might not have a restaurant to open.”

  “You’ll be fine, Ma. If not, I’ll come back down here and knock a few heads together.”

  “That should do the trick.” Carlita watched her son make his way down the stairs before returning to the apartment. “I wonder if Tony and Shelby are ready to come home.”

  “Speaking of Tony and Shelby…how is Violet?” Mercedes asked.

  “Oh my gosh. I forgot to check on Violet.” Carlita fumbled inside her purse for her cell phone. “I promised Violet I would stop by to check on her. It completely slipped my mind.” She dialed Paulie’s cell phone. The call went to voice mail, so she tried Gina’s number.

  Thankfully, her daughter-in-law picked up. “Gina. It’s me, Carlita. I promised Violet I would stop by to check on her. I forgot until now.”

  “She’s on the sofa watching cartoons with the kids. Would you like to talk to her?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Violet’s small voice came on the line. “Hello?”

  “Violet, this is Nana. How are you doing?”

  “I’m good. I’m eating popcorn. We’re watching Nemo.”

  “Are you having fun?”

  “Uh-huh. We made a tent, and we’re going to sleep in it tonight.”

  “So you want to spend the night with Aunt Gina and Uncle Paulie?”

  “Yep. When is Mommy coming home?”

  “She’ll be home tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” There was a muffled sound. “Bye, Nana.”

  “Bye, Violet.” She was already gone. Gina returned to the line. “The kids are having fun.”

  “Thanks for watching Violet,” Carlita said.

  “You’re welcome. Violet is keeping the others from fighting. She’ll be a great big sister.”

  “Yes, I think you’re right. She’s a sweet little girl.”

  Gina promised to give her a call in the morning to let her know when they would be by to drop Violet off.

  Carlita had a sudden thought. “Why don’t you and Paulie have dinner or a night out before you leave? Mercedes and I would love to take the kids…not that we wouldn’t love to spend time with you and Paulie, too.”

  Gina laughed. “I know what you mean. It would be nice. Sure.”

  “Great. It’s a plan. Let me know what works for you.” Carlita thanked Gina again for watching Violet and hung up the phone. “Violet is having a ball.”

  “See? You worried over nothing.”

  “I have to worry about something, don’t I?” Carlita rubbed her eyes. “I think I’m going to head to bed. Tomorrow is shaping up to be a very long day.”

  She had no idea how accurate her statement would turn out to be.

  Chapter 19

  Carlita struggled to sleep. Every time she woke, she began worrying about something else.

  First, was Megan Burelli’s collapse. If the investigators determined Megan became ill after eating one of the wedding appetizers, what would stop the local authorities or the Georgia Department of Public Health, the department in charge of restaurant inspections, from shutting Ravello’s down before it ever opened up?

  Next on her list of worries was Violet’s sleepover. She’d seemed excited when Carlita talked to her, that the children were “camping out.”

  If all of that wasn’t enough, she wondered what possessed Elvira to buy the building across the alley. Perhaps her motivation was money. Not long ago, she’d snuck into the upper level of her apartment building and found an antique dagger hidden in one of the boxes.

  Could it be Elvira unearthed more valuables upstairs and decided to buy the building, lock stock and barrel? Carlita wouldn’t put anything past her former tenant if it involved money.

  The thought of Elvira owning the building a stone’s throw away was cause for concern. Her nosy neighbor would have no qualms about spying on her and her family. It was enough to make Carlita want to install surveillance cameras of her own.

  Which brought up something else… she still needed to ask Elvira if she’d caught anything on her camera, a glimpse of whoever left the mysterious, unmarked box containing the headless cake topper on their doorstep.

  Rambo was Carlita’s regular alarm clock, but he was nowhere in sight when she woke the next morning. Bright sunlight beamed in through a crack in her bedroom curtains.

  She slipped her robe on and then wandered into the living room. Mercedes was at the office desk, her hair pulled back in a ponytail, clad in a pair of sweatpants and a V-neck t-shirt.

  “You’re up early.”

  “Nana.” Violet rolled off the sofa and hurtled her small body at Carlita.

  “Violet.” Carlita scooped her up. “How did you get here?”

  “Gina called first thing this morning,” Mercedes said. “Violet woke up sad and wanted to come home. I guess your cell phone was plugged into the charger in the kitchen, so she tried my number. You looked tired last night, so I wanted to let you sleep in. I took the trolley across town and picked Violet up.”

  Violet placed a chubby hand on each side of Carlita’s cheek. “I woked up because I missed Rambo and Grayvie.”

  “I’m sure they missed you too.” Carlita held her close. “And guess what else?”

  “What?” Violet wiggled out of Carlita’s arms.

  “Mommy and Tony will be home today.”

  “Today.” Violet hopped up and down. “I made them a special card. It’s in my backpack.”

  “Are you hungry?” Carlita followed Violet into the kitchen.

  “Aunt Mercedes bought me breakfast.”

  “We were hungry, so we grabbed some food at Colby’s on our way home. I left a breakfast sandwich in the fridge for you,” Mercedes said.

  “What time is it?” Carlita glanced at the clock on the stove. “Oh
my gosh. I thought I was up early. It’s almost ten.”

  “We tried to keep quiet to let you sleep.”

  “Thanks, Mercedes.”

  “I already checked on Josh in the pawnshop. I also returned a couple of phone calls, on prospective tenants. One of them is interested in Shelby’s unit. I told them they would have to wait a couple of days until Shelby finished moving out, to take a look at it.”

  “Perfect. We need to get those units rented as soon as possible.” Carlita poured a cup of coffee and carried it into the dining room. “In case the health department shuts Ravello’s down before it even opens.”

  “It won’t happen,” Mercedes said. “We still need to question the employees who were working Saturday.”

  “I agree. First, I want to stop by Pete’s restaurant to see if he recognizes either of the women in the photo.”

  “Right. Why don’t you grab a bite to eat and then get ready? We can go together.”

  Carlita wolfed down the breakfast sandwich and then headed to the bathroom. Mercedes and Violet were both ready and waiting for her when she finally emerged. “I want to stop by Elvira’s place first, to see if her surveillance camera recorded whoever dropped the box with the headless you-know-what on the back step.”

  “I forgot about that,” Mercedes said. “You have a sharper memory than I do, Ma.”

  “That’s because I spent half the night, lying awake in bed worrying about everything. It’s a wonder I got any sleep at all.”

  The trio crossed the alley, and Carlita knocked on Elvira’s back door. The door opened a crack. She caught a glimpse of Dernice, peering out. “Yeah?”

  “Is Elvira here?”

  “She’s taking care of an important business matter. She should be home soon.”

  “Maybe you can help.” Carlita briefly explained wanting to check Elvira’s video from Friday morning, the timeframe of when the headless cake topper was dropped off.

  She didn’t mention that Elvira hadn’t technically offered to let Carlita see the video, and instead planned to use it as some sort of bargaining chip, yet to be determined.

  Dernice lifted a brow. “She said you could see it?”

  “I don’t think those were her exact words. I believe she was going to let me have a look.”


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