Fake It For Daddy: Sugar Daddy Series 1

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Fake It For Daddy: Sugar Daddy Series 1 Page 11

by Hamel, B. B.

  “What could they possibly get out of this?” I ask him, exasperated.

  “They’ll have gotten under our skin.” He arches an eyebrow and smirks a little. “At least, under your skin.”

  I glare at him. “That’s not funny, asshole.”

  “I know, but this is what they want. They want us to fight and get upset with each other. We have to keep it under control until we’re really back home.”

  “You can’t know they’re going to let us leave. What if we just disappear here?”

  “Paige, please. I’m way too rich for them to just make me disappear.”

  I glare at him but he’s grinning right back.

  “I’m not rich.”

  “You’re with me.”

  “Makes me feel so special.”

  “Sit down,” he says again, and finally I listen. I sit across from him, seething and frustrated.

  Another hour slowly ticks past. Leon takes off his jacket and tie and leans against the wall, eyes shut. He looks like he’s sleeping although I know he isn’t. Nobody could sleep in these conditions.

  I can’t sit still. I alternate between pacing and sitting down while bouncing my legs up and down. I’m twitching and anxious and above all, really fucking angry.

  I don’t know how anyone could do something like this. It’s beyond inhumane, especially when we’re innocent. They just want to fuck with us, all over some business deal.

  It’s insane. And I have to admit, I hate them.

  Eventually there’s a loud knock at the door. It scares the hell out of me and I nearly jump out of my chair. Leon opens his eyes lazily and gestures for me to come sit next to him.

  I obey just as the door opens.

  In walks Maxime, smiling ear to ear. If Leon’s surprised, he doesn’t show it.

  “Friends,” he says, sounding sincere. “I am so, so, so very sorry.”

  He does not look sorry. He’s smiling, ear to ear, like he just won a prize.

  “I have great news,” Maxime says, strolling over to the other side of the table.

  Leon just looks at him.

  “You’re letting us go?” I blurt out.

  Maxime gives me an enormous smile. “Even better!”

  I stare at him like he just sprouted tentacles and asked me out on a date.

  He grins huge and sits in a chair. He leans back, crosses his legs, and beams at us.

  Leon sighs and rubs his temples. “What is it, Maxime?”

  “I got your approvals!”

  Leon sits up straight and stares at Maxime without a word. I stare at Leon, my whole body frozen in horror. I don’t know what’s happening but I know this isn’t what Leon expected.

  “You got… what?”

  “The approval. I am so sorry I haven’t been available to you, I really am, my friend. I know it has been hard. I am very sorry I detained you as well, I truly am, but I couldn’t let you leave, not when I was on the verge of finishing this deal!” Maxime is practically dancing out of his chair with excitement.

  Leon leans forward and stares at Maxime with a flat expression. It’s actually pretty menacing, I have to admit. I feel a flutter of excitement just looking at him.

  “You got the royals to approve?” he asks, his voice almost a whisper.

  “Oh, yes! Oh, yes, I did! That’s what I’ve been doing, I am so sorry I sent Claude, that man is an incompetent. He made you feel neglected, but you were not neglected! I was simply too busy working hard at finalizing this deal. I am truly sorry for all this, but my friend, we are finished! You can build!”

  Maxime practically screams this last sentence and Leon winces as he sits back in his chair and crosses his arms.

  “Show me the documents,” Leon says.

  Maxime blinks. “You are not excited?”

  “Show me the documents,” Leon repeats. “Show me the contracts, the signatures, and maybe then I’ll be excited.”

  Maxime looks like he wants to shout at Leon. His face turns red and one eye twitches. “You want… you don’t believe me?”

  “Show me the documents,” Leon answers, almost stifling a yawn.

  Maxime takes a deep breath and lets it out before reaching into his breast pocket. He produces some folded pages and slides them across the table to Leon. “There you are,” he says. “The documents.”

  Leon takes the pages and opens them. He rubs his eyes then begins to read slowly, taking in the words. I look over his shoulder and the type is tiny and there are at least seven pages there, maybe more, printed front and back. This is going to take a while.

  Clearly, Maxime is too impatient to wait.

  “Skip to the end,” he says. “You’ll see the royal seal and the signature. It is all there, my friend, if you are ready to sign.”

  “I don’t sign anything I don’t read first,” Leon says. “Normally I’d have a lawyer I pay a lot of fucking money do this, but since you’re forcing me to do it here, well, you’d better get comfortable. My friend.”

  Maxime winces at those last words. “It is all there, as we discussed.”

  “No changes?”

  “Well…” Maxime hesitates.

  “What changes, Maxime?”

  “Certain, well, small things. The monarchy insisted, you see, I had to give them some ground, you know how the monarchy can be. They must get a taste of all things.”

  “What did they want?” Leon asks him, tubbing one temple.

  Maxime hesitates. “The tax rates will be higher. Percentage of local residents hired will be higher. Restrictions on games played, bets made, that sort of thing. Also, a requirement to have all signage in multiple languages.” Maxime chuckles. “As if you wouldn’t do that already.”

  Leon stares at him. “That’s a lot of changes.”

  “Ah, well. The monarchy.” He shrugs.

  Leon puts the pages down and stares at the table for a second. I think he’s about to turn to the end and sign when he slams his palms flat onto the pages and glares at Maxime with all the venom of a deadly snake.

  “You motherfucker,” he growls. “You think you can force me into signing a deal like this? You can take this trumped-up bullshit and shove it so far up your ass that you cry ink.”

  Maxime sits back like Leon just clocked him in the face.

  “What are you saying, friend?” he says, blinking. “You, you, you think I’m trying to force you into something?”

  “I think you cooked up some bullshit story about the monarchy to have someone to blame for all these changes you’re making,” he growls. “I think you’re trying to change our deal at the last second to get better terms, and you’re doing it in this fucking cell after making us sit in here for several hours just to soften me up. I think you’re a snake, Maxime, and I will never, ever, ever, sign something under these conditions. Now, either let Paige and I walk out of this cell right this instant or I swear to fucking Christ I will burn this country down with every penny I own.”

  Silence falls over the room.

  I almost want to laugh.

  It’s the most terrifying thing I’ve ever heard in my life. And I believe every single word. I believe he’d do exactly that, he’d burn down this whole country just to get revenge for this.

  Maxime blinks rapidly. Sweat beads on his forehead. “You truly… cannot mean that?” he asks. “You think I’d do that to you? I’ve called you friend.”

  “And I’ve called you an asshole,” Leon barks. “Let us go.”

  Maxime finally gets himself under control. He leans forward and his face drops the nice guy act completely.

  “I don’t think so,” he says. “Oh, I won’t keep you in this room. I know that could cause an incident. But you will stay at your hotel until you are called upon. Do you understand?”

  “You can’t keep us under house arrest,” Leon growls.

  “Of course we can. You’re under suspicions of spying for a foreign government.”

  “Spying?” Leon barks a laugh. “You couldn’t just p
lant drugs?”

  “Oh, that’s a good idea. Maybe we’ll do that too.” Maxime stands up. “You’ll be escorted back to your hotel where you can be comfortable while we decide what to do with you. Good day, Leon. I’m very disappointed in you.”

  Maxime leaves the room and Leon snarls at him like a wild animal.

  I don’t know what’s happening, but a moment later, armed guards come into the room. We’re rounded up and herded through back alleys and out into an underground parking structure. There’s a van waiting for us, unmarked and white. We’re hustled inside and the guards flank us the whole time.

  Leon doesn’t speak… but I know what he’s thinking.

  This whole country… it’s going to burn.

  Every inch of it will burn.

  And I’m afraid for them.



  We’re escorted back to our hotel room by three armed guards. They don’t speak but they don’t need to.

  The message is clear. We stay here and we stay out of trouble.

  Once the door is shut and we’re safely inside, I walk to the bar, pour a glass of whiskey, drink it back, and then smash the glass against the far wall.

  I’m shaking with rage. I’ve never been so disrespected in my entire life.

  Maxime thought he could put us in a bad position and leverage a better deal out of me. He thought he could just fuck me however he pleased. That was fucking extortion, plain and simple.

  And now we’re being left in this fucking hotel room to rot, all at the pleasure of those two psychopaths Maxime and Cerise.

  “This was a mistake,” I growl, clutching the edge of the bar. Pieces of glass glitter on the floor.

  Paige comes over to me and I feel her hands on my shoulders. “Leon, it’s okay. You didn’t know.”

  “Didn’t know?” I turn to her, eyes pleading. “I knew. Of course I knew. Those two, they’re psychos, they’re snakes. Cerise wanted to fuck me. We had to pretend to be together just to avoid all that. And they’re fucking married. I knew what kind of people they were. I was just too blinded by my own arrogance.”

  She steps closer, presses her body against me. “It’s okay,” she whispers.

  “No,” I growl, hating myself. “No, it isn’t. I won’t let them do this. I won’t let them get away with locking you in a cage.”

  She looks up at me, her eyes big and beautiful. “Leon…”

  “If it were just me, I’d deal with it. But they’re doing this to you, too, and I can’t handle that. I can’t live with it. I’m going to break them, Paige.”

  “You don’t have to do that for me. I don’t want it.”

  I shake my head, rage rolling through me.

  I can’t control it. I can’t calm down. I feel like I might explode at any second. I move away from her, afraid that I might rage and smash everything around me.

  “That fucking bastard,” I growl. I’m a wild animal, ready to attack anything.

  Paige appears by my side again. She puts her hands on me, gently pushes me down onto the couch. She kneels down between my legs and puts her head on my chest and hugs me tight.

  At first, I want to get up. I want to rage and scream.

  But slowly, her touch…

  It doesn’t quell the storm, but it quiets something. Her touch makes me able to think.

  She looks up into my eyes and I bend down to kiss her. I know it’s the only thing I can do right now. It’s the only thing that might feel good, might calm me enough to think.

  She returns my kiss, just as greedy, just as hungry. I let it linger, taking a sharp breath, letting myself calm. Her touch and taste spread through me, cooling my temper, soothing my rage.

  By the time she unbuckles my belt and tugs my slacks off, my rage is completely gone, replaced with something else.

  She pulls off her blouse and unhooks her bra before pulling off my boxer briefs. She takes my cock in one hand and strokes it before leaning forward to kiss me. I grab her hair tight and kiss her back, letting the pleasure grow between my legs as she strokes my big cock, barely able to fit her hand around my shaft.

  “Darling Paige,” I whisper. “You know how to make me happy, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she says back. “I just… I know what you want.”

  “What is that, then?”

  “You want me.”

  I bite her lip and tighten my grip on her hair. “That’s right, darling Paige. My little darling Paige.”

  She strokes my cock before dropping down and taking me into her mouth. I groan, gripping her hair tighter. She bobs up and down, her perfect back muscles taut, her breasts shaking slightly. I cup one in my free palm and groan at the pleasure of her tongue rolling around my tip.

  Fucking hell, she’s right. I don’t think anything else would’ve calmed me, would’ve made me think straight…

  Except for this.

  I growl as she takes me into her throat, sucking me faster, gagging slightly but not stopping. She strokes me faster and I groan, unable to help it. Pleasure rips through me, fighting back my anger, my resentment, my brewing feelings of betrayal and hate.

  She takes it all away.

  Or, she replaces it all with something better.

  She stands suddenly, urgently. I lean forward, kissing her stomach, her breasts, as she takes off her pants. She pulls down her panties and straddles me, pushing me back on the couch. She gasps as she rubs my cock against her pussy and I easily slide myself forward just enough to sink my cock inside.

  She groans and wiggles her hips, sliding down my shaft. God, it feels good, warm and tight and soaking wet. She bites her lip, straddling me, and slowly starts to ride.

  “I know what you want,” she whispers. “I know it, Daddy. I can give it to you. Let me give it to you.”

  “You’re a good girl, you know that?” I growl, grabbing her hair. She moans and rides me, up and down, slick and soaking and perfect.

  I lick a nipple, tease it, bite it softly. Her skin is white and her nipples are pink and hard. I tease her breasts with my hands as she rides me, fingers buried in my shoulders, grabbing on tight. Her hips work and I reach back to slap her ass, that perky, firm little ass. She moans again and works herself faster.

  It’s intense and right. I don’t need to take control because I’m already in control. She’s doing this for both of us, taking away both of our pain. I groan and kiss her lips, hungry for her, swirling images of her body invading my mind as the pleasure grows hotter, faster.

  She rides me faster. I let her do the work, admiring her body, her hips. She has such a beautiful figure, perky breasts, full lips, gorgeous hair. I grab it, slap her ass, thrust up faster and make her ride. She moans and doesn’t stop.

  I can feel sweat on her skin. I can feel myself growling, a deep tickle in my throat. I can’t help myself. She keeps going, not stopping, not slowing.

  Her body tightens, tenses. I know what she’s thinking, what she wants. She’s inches away.

  Fucking hell, I want it. “Ride it, Paige,” I growl. “Come on. I want to see you come on my big cock.”

  “Please, Daddy,” she begs. “I want to come. Let me come.”

  “Do it, dirty girl. Come for me.”

  She gasps as she keeps riding. I feel her roll down my shaft as she comes, unable to help herself.

  It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. She’s gorgeous, perfect. I can’t help myself. I grab her hips and thrust up inside of her. I come hard, filling her with my hot seed. I come deep inside her tight little pussy and she wiggles her hips, bearing her ass down, making sure she takes every single drop.

  At the end, we’re both breathing hard. I hold her tight and kiss her. She smiles up at me.

  “Better?” she asks.


  “Now, you’d better figure out how to get us out of this.”

  I laugh and kiss her then bite her lip. “Maybe I’m okay with being locked in a hotel room with you.”

“Don’t be dirty,” she says, grinning.

  I kiss her slowly but my mind’s already starting to work again. The rage and anger that was paralyzing me is only a distance buzz now.

  I’m starting to plan, to think again. All because she knew just what to do to take my pain way.

  This girl. God damn, this girl.

  She has no idea what she means to me.



  We’re in the hotel room for one full day, but neither of us really cares. Leon explores my body more closely and intensely than I’ve ever experienced before. He leaves me shaking and moaning and begging for more.

  And he’s planning. I know he’s planning. He’s on the phone constantly, when he’s not teasing me and fucking me, at least. He’s on the phone all night. I don’t think he sleeps at all.

  In the morning, we take a shower together. We laugh and wash each other and it’s the most intimate shower I’ve ever taken before. We don’t have sex. We don’t need to.

  That’ll come later.

  When we get out, coffee and breakfast is waiting for us. We’re prisoners, but at least our prison is nice. I get dressed and do my hair while he drinks coffee. When I’m finished, he puts on clothes and joins me by the window.

  “I have a plan,” he says to me softly. “It’ll be expensive. It may even ruin me. But I think it will also ruin those two pieces of shit in the process.” He looks at me, head cocked. “Will you stay with me through it all?”

  I bite my lip. “You don’t have to ruin yourself just to hurt them, Leon. We can just live our lives and move on after this.”

  “No,” he says softly. “We can’t.”

  I look at him for a long time before finally nodding. I hate the idea of him burning down what he’s built, but I can see that there’s no going back for him. “Okay,” I say gently. “I’ll stay with you no matter what.”


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