Andino + Haven: The Complete Duet

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Andino + Haven: The Complete Duet Page 12

by Bethany-Kris

  His thumb had slid down her ass, and she felt him press the digit into her wet slit. Slow at first, pushing a bit to stretch her open as it slid inside her cunt. He used that thumb of his to massage along her inner walls in just the right spot to make her shake.

  “Oh, my God.”

  “So fucking wet,” he muttered. “And hot, too. Christ, is it dancing that gets you wet, or dancing for me, baby?”


  Definitely dancing for him.

  Anyone else, and it was a job.

  It was something else right then.

  “I want a taste, girl,” Andino said.

  Haven’s hands curled into tight balls against the floor. “Do that, then.”

  He did.

  God, he did.

  She couldn’t have prepared for it if she tried. His mouth was on her pussy before she even got the chance to take in a proper breath. His thumb stroked her inside while his tongue worked against her clit, and he palmed her ass hard enough to leave his fingerprints behind.

  He groaned.

  And she whined.

  There was nothing sexier than the sound of man enjoying the taste of your pussy—nothing hotter than hearing him get off just by having your come in his mouth.

  Andino squeezed her ass harder, and pulled her back into his mouth and thumb even more. She wiggled her hips, just to get more friction. That first orgasm came on strong, and fast. She hadn’t even felt it building until it was already there, and throwing her off the cliff of bliss.

  Damn, was it a good cliff to jump from.

  His name fell from her mouth.

  Echoed all around.

  He didn’t relent even a little bit. No, he just slipped that thumb from her pussy, and circled it against the tight ring of her ass as his tongue kept working her already sensitive and throbbing clit. One circle, two, and then three. On the fourth, his thumb slipped into her ass as his lips encased her clit, and he sucked hard enough to send her spiraling again.

  Grasping for air.

  Gasping for breath.



  Andino only pulled away from her once she had stopped shouting his name, and shaking. His arms circled her waist, and he pulled her down from that stage fast enough to make the fucking club spin around her. Her hair was in her face, and she couldn’t even think.

  Yet, she didn’t mind.

  She wanted one thing.

  To get on him.

  To have him.

  Right fucking now.

  Andino had Haven turned in his arms easily, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He fell back into the chair as her hands worked the buttons on his vest apart, and her mouth slammed against his. She could still taste her pussy on his lips—tart and hot and good. That only made her wetter; it made her cunt clench all over again with the need to have him inside her, and fucking her like he did.

  Haven lifted from the chair—straddling overtop Andino—just long enough to help him get his fly undone, and his cock free. She stroked his length in her hands while he got the condom ready. All thick, hard nine inches of him that had her stomach twisting with want and need.


  Cocks were cocks.

  They weren’t particularly beautiful, or anything of that sort. They served a purpose, and got the job done. And yet, she loved Andino’s cock. Every single inch—soft velvet against her fingertips, and wet on the tip where his precum was starting to leak. She could feel his heartbeat pulsing in the shaft, and his dick jerked in her hands when she stroked him tighter.

  “Fuck,” he snarled, “let me—”

  His hands replaced hers. That condom was on. Then, he was pulling her into his lap again. One of her hands pulled open his dress shirt, uncaring that she popped three buttons, and they hit the floor somewhere. She just wanted to touch him; have her hands on his chest, and his mouth on hers while he filled her full.

  She got exactly that, too.

  Skin on skin.

  His tongue warring with hers.

  And Christ, it felt like heaven when he slid inside her. Filled her full, and stretched her open. She was so wet that his cock made the most delicious sound as he grabbed onto her hips, and started fucking her hard.

  A fast rhythm.

  Hard, and brutal.

  Every drag of his body against hers had her clit rubbing against the hard muscles of his body. Added friction that drove her fucking insane. Like the way his fingertips dug into her ass, and stung. Yet, that pain only felt good. It melted into her nerves like someone had poured liquid gold down her spine.

  “There—you feel that cock, baby?”


  “You better come for me again, Haven. Fucking give it to me—I want to taste that pussy of yours after I’ve fucked it raw, my girl. You gonna let me do that?”

  Jesus Christ.

  She’d beg him to do it.

  His lips brushed against hers with every word he spoke. And then he bit her bottom lip, too, making her hiss when he yanked her down even harder on his cock again.

  Fuck, there it was.

  That orgasm on the edge of her senses.

  That bliss again.

  She came so hard.

  Her vision blurred, and her voice went hoarse. She swore she saw God somewhere between the feeling of Andino’s cock in her pussy, and his teeth cutting into her lip again.

  And he just chuckled.

  He chuckled as he stood them both up, then put her feet down to the floor before turning them around, slammed her hands down to the chair, bent her over, and fucked her like that, too. Only that time, he pulled her hair, spanked her ass, and called her a slut.

  She loved that, too.

  Too much, maybe.

  It was only when she was sitting on the chair again, and watching Andino jerk himself off to a finish that would paint her throat and chest with his come while she played with her wet pussy with her legs wide for him to see that she thought …

  Not too much.

  It wasn’t nearly enough.

  She was never going to get enough.


  “That little shit,” Andino heard his uncle hiss. “After everything, Gio, don’t you think he should know better than to be messing around with my daughter? And after that show at the restaurant—how can I keep letting that fucker walk around like he’s done nothing?”

  Andino heard his father chuckle. “Yeah, so glad I wasn’t there for that.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “Just saying.”

  Dante sighed heavily. “Cross Donati is a problem.”


  His uncle was back on that fucking shit again. Andino knew there was a whole bunch of things happening in his family that didn’t involve him—he tended to keep his nose in his own business, and for good reason. He found less trouble that way.

  If only his cousin hadn’t gotten mixed up with Cross again …

  “Lucian thinks you should back off on Catherine and Cross,” Giovanni said.

  “Lucian thinks a lot of things.”

  “I think he’s ri—”

  “Say it,” Dante urged, “I dare you.”

  “Listen, I know you’ve got issues with Cross,” Andino’s father said, “but you need to work through it, Dante. Figure something out. Your daughter is going to do whatever the fuck she wants to do—you and her mother raised her that way. Hell, she’s still dealing drugs for Andino on a regular basis and doesn’t even tell you that, either. You think she cares what you think about whether or not she’s dating Cross Donati again? Catherine doesn’t. She’s just really fucking sneaky, and she’ll simply get sneakier about it the louder you become in your anger. Trust that.”

  “I still want him handled. I’ll send a goddamn message—it’s not like the men of the family aren’t already in an uproar about him attacking me at the restaurant a couple of weeks back. A little word from the boss could send them—”

  “Don’t play with that kind of fir

  “I am not playing with anything. Cross started this.”

  “You sound foolish.”

  “So says—”

  Andino decided he had enough of eavesdropping—for one, the conversation was boring, and for another, this was something else that often got men like him in trouble—and headed into the private dining area. His uncle and father didn’t notice him at all at first, but the enforcer manning the door gave him a respectful nod as he entered.

  His mother, on the other hand, smiled widely at the sight of her son coming to have dinner as he’d been told to do. Despite the conversation that had been going on around her at the table, his mother hadn’t joined in at all.

  So was Kim Marcello’s way.

  It wasn’t that his mother was a wilting flower—she was far from it. Kim just didn’t like to involve herself in other people’s drama, and figured it was for others to figure out before she ever needed to put her two cents in.

  Smart, really.

  “Mio ragazzo.”

  Andino smiled at his mother’s greeting, and ignored the fact that his father and uncle were only now starting to figure out he was in the room. Apparently, this Cross Donati problem his boss was having with his daughter was quite a fucking distraction.

  He didn’t even want to think about how pissed Dante would be if he found out Andino had Cross running their guns. He doubted it would be a situation that ended in his favor, at the moment. Damn.

  “Hey, Ma.”

  He bent down, and kissed his mother on the top of her head. Kim beamed up at him with the kind of smile a mother reserved only for her child. He loved her for, that—loved that she loved him unconditionally.

  Kim reached up, and cupped Andino’s cheek with a warm, soft palm. “You’re so busy lately. I never get to see you.”

  Not a lie.

  It wasn’t even a fucking exaggeration.

  “I know, Ma,” he said. “I’ll try to come around more.”

  “Good, you do that. Breakfast with me this morning is a good start, though.”

  “Not too busy, I hope,” Dante grumbled.

  Andino passed his boss a look. “What was that?”

  “I hope you’re not so busy that you’ve let anything slip, Andino. I know you’ve got a lot going on with la famiglia and business, but—”

  “Nothing is slipping,” he said firmly.

  Dante arched a brow. “Nothing?”


  “Don’t act offended just because I asked a question,” Dante said. “I have a right to ask. You’ve got a hell of a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders, now. I want to make sure you’re keeping up with it all.”

  Andino started listing things off just because he could, and because he felt like being a fucking shit for once. “Business is good—up by ten percent this month, but I’m sure you’ll see that come tribute. John is minding his own, and doing his thing as he’s supposed to be doing, but you know that, too, considering he’s been looking for his sister for weeks now with his father. How in the hell is John going to find himself in some kind of shit when he’s not even here to get in fucking trouble?

  “There’s not been one issue between Capos or in their territories between crews; I’ve made sure to step in and keep peace whenever something came up, so you never even had to hear about it. Just like a good underboss should even though I don’t have the title just yet. But you don’t know that, right?” He smirked, and shrugged, adding, “Everything is fine, boss. Just as you would want it to be. Or do you need me to fill you in on every little step I make?”

  His mother glanced down at the table, likely hiding a smile. Giovanni, however, didn’t even bother to hide his smugness as he gave Dante a look from across the table.

  Dante, though, simply stared at Andino. “And what about you, hmm—are you following the rules?”

  “What rules are—”

  “You know exactly what and who I am talking about, Andi.”

  Kim’s brow dipped as she glanced at her son, but Andino was a little too busy playing a game of fuck you with his uncle at the moment to answer her unspoken question.

  No, he wasn’t following those rules.

  Yes, he was being quieter about Haven, though.

  “I’m doing what you want me to do,” Andino said, offering nothing more. “What more do you want?”

  Dante’s gaze hardened, and he turned to Gio. “Why is everyone in this family testing my good graces and patience lately? Why?”

  Andino’s father laughed. “Wouldn’t our father say that’s a good sign it’s time to pass the torch to someone else in this life—when you’ve clearly had enough?”

  “Yeah, well …” Dante scowled, and gave Andino another look. “I’m trying.”

  But was he really?

  That was the better question.

  The enforcer who regularly kept watch over Andino while he worked in the restaurant popped his head in, saying, “Hey, boss, Cross Donati just pulled up to the front of the joint looking fit to fucking kill somebody.”

  Andino pursed his lips. “Why?”

  “How would I know?”

  “Because I asked.”

  And that should be good enough to warrant an answer.

  “I don’t know why the man is pissed,” the enforcer said, “but there was word making the rounds today that the big boss isn’t happy about Cross, and all that shit he pulled a couple of weeks back, you know, with the restaurant thing. Anyway, it had some guys in a fit, and they were talking about—”

  “Ah, fuck,” Andino muttered.

  He would bet every dollar in his overseas bank accounts that his uncle had decided to send the message to Cross that he overheard Dante talking about with his father. Even being told it was a bad idea, when Dante got something in his head, he went ahead and followed it through. One could count on it.

  It also made another problem for Andino.

  One he didn’t need.

  “Something wrong?”

  “No, just … get out of my face before Cross gets in here,” Andinio said, gesturing for the man to scram. The enforcer did what he was told without Andino needing to tell him again, thankfully. Small miracles. “And you be good, too.”

  He’d offered that order to the dog resting beside his desk—Snaps peered up at his master with his big, dark eyes as to ask, Who, me?

  “You heard what I said,” Andino muttered.

  Snaps huffed, and rested his big head back down on his paws. Andino went back to the papers in front of him. He heard the rumbling, low growl that promised someone was going to get hurt echoing from Snaps long before Cross even came within five feet of Andino’s office. He reached down to trail his fingers through the dog’s fur to calm him, but went back to his work.

  There wasn’t much else he could do.

  “You couldn’t let me know they were planning something, asshole?”

  Cross moves fast, I guess.

  Andino found Cross standing in the doorway of his office looking—as the enforcer had stated—fit to kill someone. He didn’t come further, though, and Andino suspected that was because Snaps was still lying next to Andino’s desk but now he had his teeth bared in a silent snarl, and his dark eyes were pinned right on Cross.

  “I beg your pardon?” Andino asked.

  “Marcello enforcers. Following me. Cornering me in my territory. Ring any damn bells for you?”

  “Not really,” Andino lied.

  He hadn’t known that up until a few minutes ago, but hey. Cross should have known better than to mess with Dante Marcello, or the man’s daughter. Cross came from a neighboring New York mafia family—one similar to the Marcellos, but not as big.

  Nonetheless, Cross was spoiled because he’d been the principe of his family, and never had very many rules keeping him in line when it came to his own father, another boss. He knew what the rules of this life were when it came to other families, and how to be-fucking-have. Andino couldn’t help the man if he didn’t want to fo
llow the rules.

  “But hey, Marcello men are vicious, Cross. You made a scene with Dante, and nobody wants to take that shit lying down. I’m surprised even one man in the family let you walk around this long without some kind of action, to be honest.”

  “Fuck you all,” Cross muttered.

  Andino shrugged, but yeah, that right there was about half of the reason Dante took issue with this man. “I’m just saying.”

  “Listen, you make sure that shit never happens again.”

  How is this my problem?

  “I don’t even know what happened in the first place.”

  “I told you,” Cross said. “A group of Marcello enforcers cornered me in my territory coming out of a meet with some of my guys. Mind you, this was after they tailed me for days. Add in the fact Calisto got a personal warning from Dante for me to stay the hell away from Catherine, and I don’t think those fools came up with this idea on their own. They weren’t the brightest fucking bunch.”

  Andino let the man’s words sink in before he finally replied with, “I mean, I can’t really help you, Cross. None of us are supposed to be working with you, or any Donati man, for that matter. I’m not going to go around sending out warnings, and raising somebody’s alarm bells. I need my guns run.”

  “Holy shit, your fucking guns.” Cross groaned, and shot Andino a glare that could have killed him on the spot had his eyes been made of fire. “I am going to get those guns down the Gulf regardless, you piece of shit. But I won’t be able to if one of those assholes puts me in a grave.”

  Snaps growled.

  Cross stiffened, and shot the dog a look.

  “Hush, Snaps,” Andino said quietly, passing the pup a look to make sure he was going to stay in his spot for the time being. Sometimes, it was hard to say with Snaps. He was well-trained, but he also didn’t like a threat against Andino. Right now, he was absolutely taking Cross to be a threat. “Maybe you should heed the warnings, and stay away from my cousin.”

  “Maybe you all should mind your business.”

  “You have a death wish.”

  “They’ve said that about me for my whole life,” Cross barked, throwing his arms wide. “I am still here. Somebody better make sure what happened yesterday doesn’t ever happen again, or none of you will like what I do.”


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