Sophia's Hero

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Sophia's Hero Page 5

by Angela Franklin

  “Don’t.” Tanner whispered in her ear.

  “Y’all might want to go to the master bedroom. If one of you move, someone will be dumped in the floor.” Jackson warned. She opened her eyes and peeped up at him, he didn’t seem to see anything wrong with this.

  “In a minute.” Tanner told him.

  “Soph, do you want me to have the number changed?” Jackson asked her.

  “Yeah, just don’t give it to mom. Make sure you write it down so I can give it to the hospital, then I’ll have to text Chad so he won’t freak out.” Sophia should get up and do it herself, but she needed a few more minutes.

  “Did he threaten you?” Tanner asked quietly.

  “No, he said ‘that was a stupid move.’ Then when he heard you talk he said, ‘are you with him now, slut?’ After that, I threw the phone.” Her whole body shook as she told him.

  “I’ve got you, baby. You’re okay.” Tanner whispered in her ear. His voice sent a different kind of shiver through her.

  “Here, Soph. Here’s your new number, and your phone so you can call who you need to.” Jackson walked over and handed it to her, then left them alone again. Sophia shifted on the bed to call the hospital, and Tanner fell out of the bed.

  “You okay?” Jackson asked running in the room. When he saw Tanner laying on the floor, he laughed with Sophia.

  “How did you ever sneak girls in here?” She asked as he got up off the floor.

  “I didn’t.” He gave her a hard look.

  “Told you to go to the other room.” Jackson said still laughing.

  “She’s the one that moved.” Tanner grumbled.

  “Wow, I really needed that laugh.” She said finally getting the laughter under control.

  “Glad I could help.” Tanner smiled and leaned down to pick her up.

  “What are you doing?” She jerked away, but he caught her before she could fall off the edge.

  “Taking you to the other room.” Tanner pulled her close again.

  “No. I’m fine.” Sophia told him as she pushed him away.

  “Come on, Soph.” Tanner tried again.

  “Thank you for helping me, but I’m fine now. I have a few calls to make, go have a beer with Jackson. I will see y’all in the morning.” She said, Lord he was hard to resist when he was so close.

  “It’s not that late, come join us when you’re done with your calls.” Tanner demanded.

  “Sure.” She nodded. She wouldn’t, but it was the only way to make him leave.

  He didn’t look happy, but he finally left. Taking a deep breath, she called the hospital and gave them her new number. The next call wasn’t as easy. Chad demanded to know everything. After he calmed down, she asked him to come hangout with her tomorrow. Then she went to bed.

  When she woke up, her door was shut, and someone had put her under the covers. Tanner’s scent was all around her. There was no way the guys would let her go home today since he called yesterday. Maybe Chad would distract her. She wasn’t in the mood to be picky about her looks today. She wasn’t leaving the house anyway. She put on yoga pants and a thin V-neck t-shirt, then went to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth, then unbraided her hair. She brushed out the tangles, then left it down. The braid had make it dry wavy, and that was the most she was willing to do.

  “Morning.” She said going straight for the coffee.

  “You didn’t come out last night.” Tanner said blocking her in against the bar.

  “I fell asleep. Thanks for covering me up, Jackson.” She always woke up freezing if she didn’t cover up.

  “Huh? I didn’t go in your room last night.” Jackson sounded confused, she was too.

  “I did. I didn’t want you to wake up cold.” Tanner didn’t sound happy.

  “Thanks, want me to make breakfast?” She asked.

  “We had cereal. I can make you something if you want.” Tanner kissed the back of her head.

  “No, thanks. Chad will be here soon.” She tried to step away, but Tanner moved his hand to her hip and held her there.

  “Who is Chad?” Tanner growled. Man, he was grumpy this morning.

  “Chad is her best friend. I haven’t seen him in years.” Jackson said behind them. Why wasn’t he making Tanner stop?

  “You’re not leaving the house.” Tanner snapped.

  “Wasn’t planning on it. We are going to hangout and watch TV.” Sophia didn’t like his tone. The doorbell rang, but Tanner wasn’t letting her go.

  “Hey Soph, am I missing something?” Chad said. Jackson must have let him in.

  “Nope.” She tried to stomp on Tanner’s foot, but he moved too fast. He still released her, so she called it a win.

  “Come on, I feel like Captain America today.” She said hugging Chad.

  “I love the Marvel movies, but we just watched those two weeks ago.” Chad complained.

  “I know, but you love me, so you will watch them again.” She smiled at him.

  “You’re right.” Chad said and pulled her down to lean against him while she pulled up the movie.

  Tanner came and sat in the recliner. He didn’t look happy at all. Her and Chad talked as they watched the movie. Tanner never said a word and kept his arms crossed like a disapproving father. After the first movie, she heated up the left overs, and they ate as they watched the next movie.

  “Wanna go for a walk?” She asked Chad, needing to stretch her legs before the next movie.

  “No.” Tanner said from his recliner.

  “Sounds good to me.” Chad whispered in her ear. “Are we gonna ditch the babysitter?” Sophia giggled and nodded.

  “Sophia.” Tanner snapped in a warning tone.

  “Jeez, we are out in the woods. He doesn’t know where I am. Chad can keep me safe on a walk.” Sophia rolled her eyes, done with his attitude.

  “We can’t be sure your mom didn’t tell him where you are.” Tanner snapped. Her heart stopped at the realization he was right. “Sophia, I’m sorry.” Tanner said pulling her into his arms. “You’re safe. I’m right here.” He repeated over and over in her ear.

  “She wouldn’t, would she?” Chad asked. She nodded and Tanner sat on the couch and pulled her into his lap. “Maybe you should come stay with me.” She felt Tanner’s body lock around her at Chad’s suggestion.

  “No. She stays here.” Tanner glared at Chad.

  “But he could find her.” Chad protested.

  “She is never alone here.” Tanner told him.

  “It’s fine. Jackson wants me here so that him and Tanner can both protect me. It’s only for a few days.” Sophia reassured Chad.

  “Are you ready to start the last one?” Chad asked giving in.

  “Sure.” Sophia said and tried to wiggle out of Tanner’s lap.

  “Stop.” He whispered. She turned and gave him a confused look.

  “Just stay here.” Knowing better than to argue, she nodded. He kissed her forehead, and she turned to watch the movie. Halfway through the movie she felt Tanner’s breathing even out, and his arm’s relaxed around her. He had fallen asleep.

  “What’s going on?” Chad whispered.

  “I told you about Steven last night.” She felt like a kid trying not to wake their parents as they whispered back and forth.

  “Yeah, but what about this?” Chad gestured to her and Tanner.

  “He’s just being over protective.” Sophia shrugged.

  “Are you dating him?” He asked.

  “Of course not. He is Tanner’s best friend.” She told him, trying to hide how much she liked him.

  “Does he know y’all aren’t dating?” Chad asked her.

  “Seriously? Look at him. He is way out of my league. He is just making sure I’m safe.” Had Chad gone blind. Tanner was the perfect picture of a sexy ex-army guy. She was cute, but still just her.

  “Try to move and see what happens.” Chad challenged her.

  “Of course he would notice my weight being gone.” She snapped.

st do it, you big chicken.” Chad pushed.

  “Fine.” She narrowed her eyes, and sat up to get up.

  “Where are you going?” Tanner whispered locking his arms around her. She looked up to see Chad smirk at her.

  “Bathroom.” Might as well go since she was getting up.

  “Hurry back.” He kissed her temple and let her move.

  She looked over at Chad and he gave her the ‘told you so’ look, and she glared back at him. When she came back, Tanner looked like he was asleep. She went to sit between him and Chad, she was wrong. Tanner pulled her into his side and pinned her with his arm, then went back to sleep.

  “Told you.” Chad snickered.

  “Shut up and watch the movie.” Sophia told him.

  “I’m going home.” Chad told her when the movie ended. She nodded and tried to move, but Tanner’s arm flexed, keeping her there. “Stay there, he’s grumpy, and I don’t feel like being beat up for touching you.”

  “Ha-ha, very funny. He’s not usually like this.” She told him. “I’ll call you later.”

  “See ya, Soph.” Chad left.

  Sophia yawned, she shook her head trying to wake up. Tanner grumbled, then turned so that he had her pinned against the back of the couch. When he woke up, she was going to ask him about his attitude. She couldn’t believe how rude he had been to Chad.

  “Do I want to ask?” She heard Jackson say and opened her eyes. Crap, she had fallen asleep. She looked up and saw him standing over them with an eyebrow raised. She looked down and saw she had wrapped her leg around his, and there was no space between them. She tried to move, but Tanner squeezed her closer.

  “Sleep, Soph.” He mumbled.

  “Tanner. We need to get up.” She said gently.

  “Sleep.” He mumbled back.

  “Jackson is here.” She said louder.

  “Okay.” He whispered.

  “Tanner.” Jackson snapped. Tanner’s body jerked and his eyes snapped open.

  “Jeez, quit yelling, we aren’t in the army anymore.” Tanner glared at Jackson.

  “Want to explain this to me?” Jackson waved at them.

  “We were napping.” Tanner looked down at her and smiled.

  “You could at least go to a bedroom. I don’t need to see this.” Jackson shook his head.

  “Jackson, it’s not…” Sophia started.

  “Where is Chad?” Tanner cut her off.

  “He went home when the last movie ended.” Sophia said. She put her hand on his chest and pushed herself up.

  “Good.” Tanner grumbled.

  “You were very rude.” She paused and looked down at him.

  “Brother in the room.” Jackson reminded them. She looked down to see she had stopped with a leg on either side of his hips.

  “I’m trying to get up. Tanner shut up and let me up.” She told him. “It’s not what it looks like anyways.” Tanner clamped a hand down on her hip and stopped her.

  “Jeez, maybe I need to go stay at Sophia’s place.” Jackson said and went to the kitchen.

  “Calm down.” She called after him as he glared at Tanner and moved his hand off her hip. “You need to be nice. You’ve had an attitude all day.” She told him, then got up to follow her brother. “Did you and dad get everything done?”

  “Most of it. I’m going back tomorrow to finish.” He said getting a beer out of the fridge.

  “I’m going home tomorrow.” Sophia said as she grabbed a glass for some tea.

  “Nope.” Tanner said sitting down at the table.

  “It’s my choice and I say yes.” Sophia sat down across from him.

  “Fine, one of us is going with you.” Jackson told her.

  “Okay. You can check my place, then come back home.” Sophia could handle that.

  “You misunderstood, one of us will be moving in with you.” Jackson shrugged like it was no big deal.

  “I only have one bedroom. So that wouldn’t work.” Sophia crossed her arms and glared at Jackson.

  “I love you, but we are way too old to share a bed. Either take Tanner, or get a pull-out sofa for me.” Jackson wasn’t giving in.

  “Or stay here.” Tanner put in his two cents.

  “Right, that makes the most sense.” Jackson nodded.

  “I don’t need a baby sitter. We changed my number, and got a restraining order. I will be safe at home, alone.” She added to make sure they understood.

  “We aren’t giving in, Soph. Stay here, or one of us goes with you.” Jackson gave her an impressive glare, he must have learned that in the army.

  “Jackson.” She glared right back.

  “Fine. Tanner, I guess you need to pack up.” Jackson glanced over at Tanner. Tanner nodded, and stood.

  “No way. Sit down, Tanner.” Sophia snapped.

  “So, you are staying here?” Jackson questioned raising an eyebrow.

  “Why are y’all being so difficult? I survived eight years without you. I can go home by myself.” She was ready to murder them both.

  “You didn’t have a stalker then.” Tanner said, but she refused to look at him.

  “I don’t have a stalker now. Steven is just persistent.” She shrugged.

  “The man left bruises on you.” Tanner snapped.

  “I haven’t seen or heard from you in six years, so you stay out of this.” She glared at him, and saw him recoil from her anger.

  “Soph.” Jackson cautioned her.

  “Don’t start. I will stay and be your prisoner.” Sophia stood up and walked to her room, then shut the door.

  It wasn’t fair of her to go off on Tanner, but she felt like they were taking away her freedom. She sat on the bed and tried to figure out what had gone so wrong in her life lately. She had been so excited for Jackson to come home, but right now she was ready to kill him. Seeing Tanner had been wonderful, but now he was being bossy, and confusing. She kept writing him, knowing that’s what his mom would want. Sophia had been sure she would never see him again. At first, she had really missed him, but after a while she had gotten used to him not coming around. Her letters seemed more like dear diary entries since they included a lot of her thoughts. She figured he never even read them. Not wanting to think anymore, she grabbed a book she brought and started reading. The drama in a book was easier to deal with than real life stuff.

  Chapter 6

  Tanner stared at the table. He never thought that him not writing her would be a problem. After his parents died, he didn’t write anyone. Her letters had always come, some of them were silly, and some were serious. He had read every one of them. He understood why she wanted to go home, but he didn’t think it was safe.

  “You okay, Tanner?” Jackson’s voice broke into his thoughts.

  “I have no idea. I never thought it would bother her.” He shook his head.

  “I don’t think it did.” Jackson replied.

  “You heard her. She is furious.” Tanner rubbed his eyes.

  “She is mad, but I think she was just lashing out. She wants to go home, but we are stopping her. I think she is scared, but trying to keep control of everything she can. We are trying to protect her, but right now it is one more thing she can’t control.” Jackson’s words made sense, but she was still hurting. Tanner stood up to go check on her. “No, let her have some time to deal with this. She needs some room to sort everything out.” Jackson stopped him.

  “You’re right.” Tanner sighed.

  “About earlier…” Jackson started.

  “What?” Tanner looked up and raised his eyebrows.

  “I’ve been giving y’all room, but I need to be sure this isn’t just a phase for you.” Jackson stared him down.

  “She is more than a phase.” Tanner didn’t like what Jackson was insinuating.

  “Does she know that?” Jackson asked him.

  “What do you mean?” Tanner asked confused.

  “She has been trying to put distance between y’all today. I noticed this morning. When I came home, I thoug
ht y’all had settled it, but then she tried to tell me it wasn’t what it looked like. Before you get in any deeper, you may want to see if she is even interested.” Jackson shrugged.

  “When she stops fighting me, it’s natural.” Tanner sighed.

  “From what dad said, she doesn’t have much experience except what mom forced on her.” Jackson informed him.

  “How is your dad?” Tanner felt bad for him. It must be hard seeing how cold and heartless your wife could be to her daughter.

  “He’s confused and angry, but he’s hanging in there. He’s worried about Sophia, and afraid she blames him for everything.” Jackson rubbed his hand over his chin.

  “Sophia adores your dad. She knows he would never hurt her.” Tanner knew how much she loved him from the letters he had gotten.

  “I know, but he feels like he has let her down.” Jackson sighed.

  “Maybe you should tell him to come over tomorrow. I think it would do them both good to see each other.” Tanner wanted Tom to feel welcome here. Diana was the only one who wasn’t welcome here.

  “That’s a good idea. I’ll have him come back with me after we finish tomorrow. He asked me about you and Sophia today.” Jackson said quietly.

  “What about us?” Tanner asked.

  “He noticed the same thing I did. It’s almost like she is the sun, and you are getting sucked into her gravitational pull more every day.” Jackson’s description was pretty much spot on. Even now, his hands itched to touch her.

  “What did you tell him?” Tanner needed to be ready to talk to him when he came.

  “I wasn’t sure what to tell him. I gave up and told him about our talk.” Jackson shrugged. That talk was very private.

  “I think he was relieved to be honest. After seeing how bad she has been hurt, knowing you would protect her made it easier.” Tanner released the breath he was holding.

  “I’ll talk to him tomorrow.” He promised.

  “Maybe you should talk to Sophia first.” Jackson told him.

  “I will talk to her tonight.” Tanner promise, “After dinner. I will make something quick.”

  He pulled out the left-over spaghetti and put it in a baking pan. He added pepperonis and cheese on top, then stuck it in the oven. When he pulled it out, he put the garlic bread in, then went to get Sophia. Her room was silent, and he worried she might have left.


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