Sophia's Hero

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Sophia's Hero Page 10

by Angela Franklin

Sophia: Ditto

  By the time her shift ended, Sophia was exhausted. One of the other nurses had to remind her to take her flowers. She sneezed as she got into the elevator. Tanner was right. She didn’t like roses. She had parked in the back of the lot like she was supposed to. She parked under a light, but apparently it was out. She hated walking to her car in the dark. Luckily, she had her keys in her hands. She hit the unlock button on her car remote and opened the back-passenger door to set the roses in. She felt someone kick the back of her legs and she tumbled in the back seat.

  “Hello, Sophia.” Steven said leaning on top of her. “Your mother gave you to me. She said her chubby girl had never been with a man. You were supposed to be MINE. I saw you and him last night. Since you are happy to give it away, it’s my turn.” He tugged her top up enough so he could reach the waist of her pants.

  “NO! STOP!” Sophia screamed.

  “You’re mine now.” He snarled.

  He jerked on her pants and she heard them rip. She kicked her legs and bucked her hips trying to get him off of her. The roses had spilled all over the seat when he shoved her inside the car. She could feel the thorns cutting her face. She felt cool air of her butt, and knew he had ripped her panties off too. When he leaned over her again, she pushed back, and head butted him as hard as she could.

  “Bitch!” He snarled.

  He punched the side of her head, and she felt herself slumping forward. She didn’t know how she could live through this. She heard his belt clang as he unbuckled it, and the tears started to fall. Blackness invaded her vision. He had hit her in the temple. And she had fought off the blackness as long as she could.

  When she came to, she was in the ER. She could hear machines beeping. Her head and face hurt, and she prayed that she could just go back to sleep. She felt pressure squeeze her hand, and looked over to see Tanner in a chair by the bed, she squeezed back, and his gaze snapped to hers.

  “I’m so sorry, Soph.” Tanner whispered. His eyes were shining with unshed tears.

  “This is my fault. I wasn’t careful enough.” She told him as she felt tears sliding down her cheeks.

  “No, this is his and your mother’s fault.” Tanner gritted out.

  “Did he… was I…” She couldn’t get the words out.

  “No. I stopped him before that happened.” Tanner promised her.

  “How did you know to look for me?” She asked, thankful he had been there.

  “You didn’t call. When I hadn’t heard from you twenty minutes after your shift ended, I came to check on you.” Tanner said kissing her hand.

  “I was fifteen minutes late getting off. I was going to call you when I got in the car.” Sophia told him.

  “It’s okay, I came and found you in the car, your clothes were… ripped, and he was over you, but he hadn’t done anything yet.” Tanner told her, stumbling over a few words.

  “Thank you. Where is he? Did he get away?” She asked.

  “No, he didn’t get away. I’m so proud of you.” Tanner smiled at her.

  “Why?” She asked confused.

  “You broke his nose, baby.” Tanner said proudly.

  “Good. He hit me because I hurt him.” She told him.

  “He is in a hospital room being checked, and there is a cop with him waiting to take him to jail.” Tanner told her.

  “Tanner, we need to call Jackson.” She whispered. Her brother needed to know what happened.

  “He stepped out to call your dad. He will be right back.” Tanner told her.

  “Hey, how is she… you’re awake.” Jackson said as he came in and saw her. She could hear the relief in his voice.

  “Yeah, but I have to tell y’all something.” She looked down and bit her lip.

  “What is it, Soph?” Jackson asked taking her other hand.

  “He said mom gave me to him. She told him I had never been with a man, and he could have me.” Her voice broke at the end.

  “She gave you to him?” Jackson shouted.

  “Jackson, calm down.” Sophia tried.

  “This ends now.” Jackson snarled taking out his cell phone. “Get to the hospital now.” He told whoever he called.

  “Jackson, please.” She pleaded with him.

  “Tanner, stay with her, I will be back.” Jackson ordered.

  Tanner sat on the side of the bed, and pulled her close as the tears fell. She shouldn’t have told him. This was her problem, she didn’t need to drag either of them down with her. Taking a deep breath, she pushed Tanner away, and laid back in the bed. She was tired of being the weak little victim.

  “What is it, Soph?” Tanner asked reaching for her hand. Sophia pulled away from him. “Don’t.” He snapped, but she ignored him. “I’m getting tired of being the only one fighting for us.”

  “Then stop fighting.” She told him.

  “You don’t mean that.” He whispered.

  “I do. Your job is done.” She kept her voice firm.

  “My job.” He whispered. “You know better. You are my world.” She could tell he was angry.

  “You should go.” She told him.

  “Sophia…” He started.

  “I’m tired, I need to rest,” She faked a yawn.

  “Then sleep, we will talk about this later.” He sighed.

  “I don’t want you in here. Don’t make me call to have you removed.” She threatened him.

  “Fine.” Tanner said and left the room. When he was gone, she let the tears fall. She was doing this for him. She cried herself to sleep.


  Tanner leaned against the wall outside of her room. Even with all the other noises, he could hear her crying. He didn’t know what had happened, but he would fix it. He couldn’t get the picture of Steven over her out of his head. If he had been even a minute later, it might have been much worse.

  “What are you doing out here?” Jackson asked him.

  “She kicked me out.” Tanner told him honestly.

  “Why?” Jackson looked confused.

  “I don’t know. She said my job was done and she would have me removed if I didn’t leave.” Tanner’s heart was breaking. He wanted to be with her, not out here listening to her tears.

  “That’s not right.” Jackson shook his head.

  “How did it go with your dad?” Tanner asked changing the subject.

  “Well, he said he was going to the local hotel for the night. I don’t think he knows how to deal with this.” Jackson shook his head.

  “I don’t think any of us do.” Tanner whispered.

  “Let me talk to her. We’ll get this figured out.” Jackson clasped his shoulder.

  “No, thank you. Let her rest. She said she didn’t want me to fight for us.” Tanner confided.

  “She didn’t mean it.” Jackson reassured him.

  “Yes, she did. You were right. I pushed for this and she doesn’t even want me.” Tanner whispered.

  “She’s just confused, give her some time.” Jackson told him.

  “She has made her decision. I’m done pushing her. Steven will be in jail by morning, so she’s safe. I will watch from a distance, but please take care of her.” Tanner hated the words, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t make her love him.

  “I’m sorry, Tanner.” Jackson sighed.

  “It’s fine, all I want is for her to be happy. I’m going to stay out here till they release her. Can you text me when they do so that I can be out of sight?” Tanner asked him.

  “Sure.” Jackson pulled him into a quick man hug, then went in her room.

  A nurse came by and gave Tanner a chair. He stayed outside her room all night. It was hard to believe just twenty-four hours ago, she had been wrapped up in his arms. He knew that what had happened had been traumatic for her, but he thought this was more than that. His world had crumbled, and now his life was dark. He heard her crying off and on through the night. Every time he heard Jackson’s voice she cut him off quickly.

  He knew she was hurting, but
even if he knew why, she wouldn’t let him fix it. He never should have pushed her. Now that he knew what life could be like with her, no one else would ever do. It was sad to think he would just be going through the motions from now on, but he only wanted her.

  Jackson: We are getting ready to leave. He sent at nine o’clock the next morning.

  Tanner: Is she okay?

  Jackson: I think so.

  Tanner: Call if you need me.

  Jackson: Will do.

  Tanner stood up putting his phone back in his pocket. With one last glance at her door, he went to his truck. He watched Jackson get his truck, and pick her up, then followed from a distance as he took her home. He went back to his place and walked in his old room. It smelled like her. He laid down and inhaled her scent. He knew it was pathetic, but this was as close as he could be to her.


  Sophia was miserable, and her head hurt. She spent the night crying off and on. Her head felt like it was going to explode. Jackson had tried talking to her, but she threatened to have him removed. She felt the same unhappy feeling today when Jackson pulled in. When her lease was up, she was moving.

  “Can you go get me blinds, and blackout curtains?” She asked Jackson.

  “Now?” He asked confused.

  “H-he watched me Sunday night.” Sophia whispered.

  “Are you serious?” Jackson snapped.

  “He told me he did.” She nodded.

  “Will you be okay here by yourself? I could call T… dad and ask him to come over.” Jackson almost said Tanner, and she felt the tears threated again.

  “I will be fine. Dad has enough to deal with.” She said around the lump in her throat.

  “Okay, let’s get you in the house, then I will take some measurements and go to the store.” Jackson said going to get a tape measure.

  Sophia felt a shiver work down her spine. She was afraid she would never be comfortable here again. Fighting back the urge to run, she went to the couch and sat down. Jackson grabbed a notepad and started measuring the blinds. Her mind wondered back to the night before. She had always hated roses, and all the cuts on her face from the thorns make her hate them more. She looked down at the borrowed scrub pants from the hospital. Remembering why she was wearing them made her feel sick. A hand came down on her shoulder and she screamed.

  “Soph, it’s me. Shhh, it’s Jackson.” Jackson repeated over and over.

  “Sorry.” She whispered when she calmed down.

  “Soph, I don’t want to leave you her alone right now.” Jackson told her.

  “I’ll be fine. My mind had wondered.” Sophia promised him.

  “I can call someone else to get this stuff. I can stay and sit with you.” Jackson told her.

  “I don’t want either of them here right now.” Sophia snapped.

  “I understand why you don’t want dad here, but why not…” Jackson started.

  “Don’t even say it. He doesn’t need to be bothered with me.” She snarled at him.

  “But he’s your fiancée.” Jackson reminded her.

  “Not anymore.” She swallowed trying to stop the tears. “Please give this to him for me.” She took the ring off and handed it to him.

  “Sophia, just hang on to it, take some time. He loves you so much.” Jackson pleaded with her.

  “I’m not doing this now. If you can’t go get what I need, I will.” She raised a brow at him.

  “Fine, I’ll be back.” Jackson told her then left. Sophia got up and locked the door, then curled up in a ball on her couch.

  Chapter 11

  “Jackson, is she okay?” Tanner answered his call on the first ring.

  “Can you meet me at Walmart?” Jackson asked.

  “Who is with her?” He didn’t want her alone.

  “No one. She refused you and dad, and said if I didn’t do what she asked, she would do it herself.” Jackson sighed.

  “What does she need? I can pick it up and drop it off.” Tanner would do whatever she needed.

  “Just, please, meet me at Walmart.” Jackson said, then hung up.

  “What’s going on?” Tanner asked when he pulled up beside Jackson and got out.

  “She wants blinds, and blackout curtains in every room.” Jackson told him sadly.

  “Why, she doesn’t like being closed off like that?” Tanner asked confused.

  “He told her he watched her the night before at her house.” Jackson said softly.

  “I never should have taken her home.” Tanner said hanging his head.

  “She didn’t give us an option.” Jackson reminded him.

  “Let’s get what she asked for so you can get back to her.” Tanner wished she would let him be there for her.

  “There’s one more thing I need to tell you.” Jackson said digging in his pocket. “I’m sorry. She wanted me to give this to you.” Jackson opened his hand revealing the ring.

  “No.” Tanner whispered. He felt like his legs were going to give out. Thank God, he was leaning on his truck.

  “Just give her some time. After she has dealt with all of this, she will come back to you.” Jackson tried to reassure him.

  “We both know that is bull. I can’t take that ring back. It was meant for her. Give it back to her. Tell her I know she doesn’t want me, but I know my mother would want her to have the ring.” Tanner was amazed his voice sounded steady. His world had just fallen out from under him.

  “Tanner, she will come around.” Jackson told him.

  “She won’t, but that’s okay. I just remembered I left the dryer going, so I need to get home.” Tanner needed some space.

  “Sure, I will call you later.” Jackson didn’t look convinced.

  Tanner jumped into his truck and watched Jackson walk away. He drove around for an hour. Finally, on the third lap, he saw Jackson’s truck at Sophia’s house. Now that he knew she wasn’t alone, he could go home. His body felt numb and he didn’t want to go into the house without her. He got out of his truck, and walked to the fallen log.

  They had their first kiss right here. It had felt like his heart beat for the first time in years. He always knew if he ever found the one, it would be an all-consuming love for him. He had hoped it was for her too. The signs were there. He had to push her into this relationship. He should have taken the hint in the beginning. It was too late now. She had said he would steal her soul, but she was wrong. She had taken his heart and soul. He had held on to a prayer and a hope she would find her way back to him, but since she took off the ring, he knew she was finished with him.

  He leaned back, laying down on the log. He hoped someday they could be friends again. He didn’t want to imagine a life without Sophia in it. For the first time in his life, he wished he did talk to the spirits. Maybe they could guide him through this.

  “I’m sorry, mom. I know you loved her as much as I do. I almost had it all. I gave her your ring. I know you would want her to keep it. I never wanted to learn how you talked to the spirits, but I wish I had now. Then maybe I would know how to talk to you, and look for the signs you send me. I miss you so much. I never felt this alone after the accident. I know now that’s because Sophia was always there. It’s going to take a while to let this sink in. If you have any pull with the spirits, can you have them protect her. I will do my best, but since I can’t be with her, I need your help.”

  Tanner laid on the log staring up at the sky until the moon and stars were high in the sky. He needed to eat, but the thought of food made him feel sick. He hadn’t even unlocked the door since he came home. He closed his eyes remembering the feel of her in his arms. He felt the dampness of the dew sticking to his skin, but he ignored it. He wasn’t ready to go in the house.

  “Why are you out here?” Jackson said. Tanner blinked, the sun was bright. He had fallen asleep on the log. “Have you even gone in the house?”

  “No.” Tanner shook his head.

  “Did you sleep here last night?” Jackson asked him confused.

bsp; “The sun was already coming up when I fell asleep.” Tanner shrugged.

  “Jeez, did you even eat yesterday?” Jackson asked crossing his arms over his chest.

  “How’s Sophia? Did you leave her alone?” Tanner changed the subject.

  “She slept a couple hours last night. She went to work.” Jackson shrugged.

  “She should be home resting.” Tanner said glaring at Jackson.

  “I agree, but she said she would kick me out if I stopped her.” Jackson said unfazed by his glare.

  Tanner nodded and looked up at Jackson. Sophia was stubborn. She had a back bone of steel, and apparently, she was making sure Jackson remembered it. He curled up to get up off the log, and his back popped. Note to self, logs aren’t good beds, he thought. Standing he twisted side to side trying to stretch his body out.

  “We slept in better places overseas.” Jackson laughed.

  “Yeah, we have.” Tanner groaned.

  “Ready to go in?” Jackson asked. Tanner looked at the house as if it would bite him. “How about we go to breakfast first.?”

  “Did Sophia eat?” Tanner asked after they were in the truck.

  “She ate two pieces of toast.” Jackson shrugged.

  When they got to the diner, they were seated immediately. The waitress flirted with Jackson, but Tanner ignored her. Several people came over to the table to talk to them, but he never spoke to any of them. They were almost finished when a blond came over to the table.

  “Hiya, handsome. I sure have missed you.” She purred. Tanner assumed she was talking to Jackson until he felt her hand on his neck. He jerked away and glared up at her. “Oh, come on, darlin’, we used to have fun together.”

  “Lady, I don’t know who you are, but you are lying. I am engaged and have never been with anyone but her.” Tanner snapped.

  “Yeah, right. Who are you engaged to?” The blond crossed her arms and glared at him.

  “Who are you, and why is it any of your business?” Tanner was getting tired of her fast.

  “Seriously, we dated most of senior year.” She snapped.

  “That was eight years ago.” Tanner shrugged.


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