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Demons Page 46

by Beth Abbott

  “How would kidnapping yourself have gotten you the money?” Suzy frowned.

  “The company has kidnap insurance on all its employees, dummy!” Lizzy hissed. “They’d have been able to raise at least a million, even for a nobody like me.”

  “If they made a mistake and grabbed Suzy instead, then the men you hired couldn’t have known who you were. So, how were you planning to send a ransom demand if you were already kidnapped?” Matt asked. “Presumably they wouldn’t have let you keep your phone.”

  “I had that all arranged.” Lizzy smiled. “Someone was sending the messages on my behalf.”

  So, there was definitely an accomplice! Matt glanced at JT, who nodded to let him know he’d picked up on the same fact.

  “I thought you liked working for Alpha.” Suzy said quietly. “You seemed to like working with me, at least.”

  “You were only in that job because you were the boss’s wife!” Lizzy sneered. “You were bright enough, but you’d never have gotten that job on merit.”

  “Thanks!” Suzy snorted.

  “But then, when you went on maternity leave, I should have stepped into your role, but I got shit on again when they took on that skanky tart, Lacey!” Lizzy growled before turning to Matt. “She’s made my life a misery for the last year, and it’s not fair! That was my job by right! I’ve been here four years already, and every appraisal I had said that I was an excellent worker and suitable for promotion. But when the vacancy came along, I got shafted! And for what? Long legs and big tits! You fucking men are all the same!”

  Matt thought back to Suzy’s earlier conversation with Robbie and couldn’t believe how accurate she’d been about female criminals acting out emotionally.

  “Who was your accomplice, Lizzy?” David asked casually from the other side of her.

  Lizzy smiled.

  “You’ll never guess.” She grinned. “Someone who has a penchant for young girls. Someone who can’t help himself.”

  Matt stared at her, trying to work out why she was telling them this.

  “Who is it, Suzy?” David repeated. “You can help yourself by telling us.”

  Lizzy turned to face David and held her hands out.

  “I’m done talking now.” She murmured. “I promised I wouldn’t give him up and I won’t. Do what you like. I know I’m going down for this, whatever happens.”

  Matt was just on the verge of exploding, when David put out a hand to stop him.

  “Why don’t we have a little chat down at the station, Lizzy?” He picked up her belongings and put them all in her bag. “I have a car waiting downstairs.”

  For some reason, David’s calmness seemed to reassure Lizzy that what he was suggesting was for her own good.

  Luke and Ellen followed behind as he led her from the room and down the stairs, leaving the rest of the Alpha family dumbfounded.

  Matt walked over to where Suzy was sitting and crouched in front of her.

  “Are you Ok, sweetheart?” He murmured, taking her cold hands in his. “You look like you just saw a ghost.”

  “I just never dreamed…” She sighed. “And I so wanted it to be Lacey the Bitch! Just one excuse to punch her lights out was all I needed.”

  “You’re not going to be fit to punch anyone for a while.” He smiled at her.

  “So, what now?” Danny asked. “Where do we go from here?”

  “I suggest we get the family back in, and for now, just tell them that David is following up a lead.” Hannah shrugged. “And then we hope that David has more luck with Lizzy at the station than we did here, and that she gives up the name of the accomplice. Since we have no idea who that accomplice is, I suggest we keep any other details to ourselves until David reports back.”

  Matt looked around for any other suggestions, but everyone seemed happy with the plan.

  “JT, can you let Claire know they can all come back upstairs?” Matt asked, not wanting to leave his wife’s side.

  Suzy had just about coped with the idea that she’d been a random target. To know that the person behind it had been someone she considered a friend was a huge shock.

  He’d be keeping a very close eye on his wife for the rest of the day, because there was only so much shit one person could take, and he had a feeling she was right at the limit.

  Chapter 72 – Megan

  Once they’d been escorted back into the conference room, Megan sat with Suzy, unable to hide her curiosity or confusion.

  “So, do you think you know any of the people responsible?” Robbie was looking just as confused.

  “We’re hoping that we’ll have something to report shortly.” Matt confirmed. “Information has come to light that David is following up on.”

  “I don’t understand what’s going on.” Evan frowned. “Are we any further forward or not?”

  “We’ve managed to eliminate many people from our enquiries.” Hannah nodded. “It won’t be long before we find who we’re looking for.”

  “How long are we talking about?” Robbie asked. “Hours? Days?”

  “I’m sorry, Robbie, but that’s like asking me how long a piece of string is.” Hannah smiled. “We have David working on it this afternoon, but if nothing comes of his lead, tomorrow we’ll hand everything over to the police for them to follow through on.”

  Megan reached over and took her brother’s hand.

  “It’s Ok, Robbie.” She reassured him. “Whether it’s today or next week, it doesn’t really matter. They’ll catch who was behind this. We just have to be patient.”

  “She’s right, Rob.” Evan nodded. “The most important thing was to get Megan and Suzy back. The fact that we got the men who actually snatched them is the icing on the cake. It will just be the cherry on top when we catch whoever was behind it.”

  “So, do we wait here while this David guy does his shit?” Cerys whined from behind her. “I’ve got plenty of things I’d rather be doing today.”

  Megan didn’t even bother to look around, but Robbie did, and he was pissed off.

  “Do you ever think of anyone else but yourself?” He yelled. “Do you have any idea of what Megan and Suzy went through? Do you even care?”

  “Oh, stop being so overly dramatic.” Cerys chuckled. “They weren’t even gone a day. Suzy could have fallen down the stairs anywhere, and just because she’s clumsy is no reason to get your knickers in a twist!”

  Matt stepped forward before Robbie had a chance to explode.

  “Honey, I suggest you watch your mouth.” Matt growled. “Say one more word about my wife, and you’ll find your ass out on the street.”

  “But that’s what I’ve been trying to say to you people! It’s so boring here!” Cerys rolled her eyes. “Robbie? Give me some money so I can go shopping and get a taxi home.”

  Megan turned to her half-sister in amazement at her brazen demand.

  “No.” Robbie said quietly.

  “No, what?” Cerys chuckled. “Stop dicking around and give me some money.”

  “No, I’m not giving you any more money.” Robbie repeated, standing up to face Cerys. “No, you’re not getting a taxi, and no you’re not going home. At least, you’re not going back to my home.”

  “Robbie, stop being a nob.” Cerys held her hand out and clicked her fingers. “Just give me some money and I’ll get out of your hair.”

  Robbie stepped forward so fast, Evan jumped up and grabbed his arm.

  “I’ll tell you what you can get out of, shall I, Cerys?” He snarled. “You can get out of my house for a start. I’m sick of you treating it like a squat. I’ve already spoken to dad, and he’s said that you can go back and stay there, as long as you get a job to support yourself and sign up for some counselling to help you quit the booze and drugs.”

  “Really?” She laughed. “Because that’s so gonna happen.”

  “It’s either that, or you’re on the streets.” Robbie stood firm for once, and Megan was so proud of him. “I’m not giving you any more money, Cer
ys. I’m done paying for you to piss your life away.”

  “Well, you’ll have to give me train-fare home to Cardiff at least.” She held out her hand. “It’s about two hundred quid.”

  “First-class might cost that much.” Robbie nodded, reaching in his pocket and pulling out some coins. “Here’s a pound. That should get you a seat on the Megabus.”

  Cerys’ face was a picture of indignant outrage.

  “Maybe I’ll just go straight to the press and tell them all about how Robbie Jones’ sister got herself kidnapped, hmm?” She hissed. “I bet they’ll pay a fortune for a story like that.”

  Megan turned pleading eyes to Evan.

  “She can’t do that, can she?” She whispered.

  “Considering that this is a live case, wouldn’t you say that any attempt to report this to the papers could be seen as interfering with an ongoing investigation?” Evan asked JT.

  JT smiled.

  “I most certainly would.” He confirmed before turning to Kellen and Logan. “Could you take Cerys downstairs to Matt’s office, and hold her there until David sends some officers over to take her into custody?”

  “Happily.” Logan stood up grinning.

  Megan watched as Evan’s teammates escorted Cerys from the room, screaming, if not yet kicking. When the door closed behind them and the sound of her voice faded away, Megan saw her brother’s shoulders slump.

  “Robbie?” She stood up, worried about the effect the stress was having on him. “Come and sit with me, hmm?”

  Robbie allowed himself to be led back to the sofa.

  “I’m supposed to be playing a match tomorrow.” He snorted a laugh as he held his hands out to demonstrate how badly they were trembling. “All I want to do is go home and sleep for a week.”

  Megan glanced over at Robbie’s agent who was still sitting at the conference table.

  “Could you speak to the club for him?” She pleaded. “Surely they’d give him a few days off after what we’ve all been through.”

  “I can ask.” Harry nodded, fishing his phone out of his pocket.

  Megan watched the agent walk over to the window where it was quieter, as he started to speak to someone at the club.

  “Why don’t you come and stay at my place when we’re finished here.” She suggested, hoping her brother would agree so she could take care of him.

  “Why don’t you come and stay at my place?” Robbie shot back at her. “After all, Evan is already supposed to be staying with me, and once we get all of Cerys’ shit out of there, it might actually start to feel like a home again.”

  Megan looked at Evan and found he was grinning at her, his expression so hopeful it made her smile.

  “I suppose that could work.” She nodded. “At least for a while.”

  “Great.” Robbie pulled out his phone. “I’d better phone dad to let him know he’ll be getting a house-guest soon, if Cerys ever gets on that bus.”

  Megan was just wondering how she was going to get home to collect some of her belongings, when she realised Robbie was just staring at his screen and hadn’t started dialling his dad’s number yet.

  “What are you looking at?” She leaned forward to look at his phone.

  “It’s the ransom message.” He murmured, turning to show her the screen.

  Megan shuddered, not wanting to see the video.

  Robbie began typing.

  “What are you doing?” Megan frowned.

  “I’m sending them a ‘Fuck You!’ message back.” He grinned.

  Megan watched him hit send and smiled at his look of satisfaction.

  “I bet that’ll be a bit of a surprise when they get it.” She grinned.

  Both of them jumped when a buzzing sound started in the room.

  Megan and Robbie looked at each other as though they were hearing things.

  “It can’t be your message.” Evan was staring at Robbie’s phone.

  “Coincidence.” Megan murmured as the buzzing stopped.

  “Call it.” Matt instructed Robbie. “Call the number. No messages this time. Voice-call it.”

  Megan held her breath as Robbie dialled the number, and for maybe twenty seconds nothing happened.

  But then the buzzing noise started again.

  “Whose phone is that?” Hannah turned around to find out what the noise was.

  “It belongs to the person who sent Robbie the ransom message.” Evan stood up and walked around the room. “Don’t hang up yet, Rob.”

  Matt joined him at the conference table, and they walked around until they found the source of the ringtone.

  Matt bent down and pulled the phone out of a jacket pocket.

  “Whose phone is this?” He looked around the room.

  Everyone stopped dead as the phone finally fell silent.

  “I asked, whose phone is this?” He repeated.

  Robbie stood up and walked around the table, picking the jacket up from the back of the chair. He pulled out a wallet from the inside pocket but didn’t need to open it.

  “Harry?” He whispered, looking over at his agent. “It’s Harry’s jacket.”

  Megan turned to stare at the agent, who was standing at the window, and noticed he was no longer speaking into the phone, despite the fact that it was still next to his ear. Instead he was staring straight at her brother.

  “Give me that.” Matt reached out for the wallet, and Megan watched Robbie hand it over without arguing.

  Matt obviously wanted to check the ID in the wallet before throwing around any accusations.

  It didn’t take long for Matt to confirm the truth, but even with the short delay, his speed as he charged at Harry was impressive.

  “You fucking bastard!” He growled, as he barrelled across the room.

  Chapter 73 – Matt

  He’d often heard people describing seeing a red mist descend, but until today, he’d never really understood what they meant.

  But in that moment when Matt realised that they had the last of the kidnap plotters in their midst, the only thought in his head was that he wanted to beat the guy to dust, making sure he inflicted a hundred times more pain than Suzy had suffered.

  “Matt, don’t!” Suzy’s voice was a distant sound that barely penetrated his eardrums, let alone stopped him in his tracks.

  Hollywood and Drew’s hands on him were another matter entirely, and between the two of them they just about managed to stop him with his hands mere inches from Harry Jenkins’ throat.

  “Not worth it, Matt.” Drew growled in his ear as Hollywood wrapped his arms around Matt’s chest and pushed him back.

  JT walked in front of Harry and took the phone from his hand.

  “Sit!” He pointed towards a chair.

  Matt felt the rage start to dissipate.

  “Baby, come and sit with me?” This time Suzy’s words sounded louder and clearer.

  He shrugged off Hollywood’s hold and stepped back, heading the opposite direction towards his wife’s side.

  “So, why don’t you start off by explaining how you got involved in kidnapping?” JT asked Harry.

  “I didn’t… I don’t… I never…!” Harry stuttered, not particularly coherently.

  “Maybe it would make it easier for you to use your words if I told you that your partner in crime is already at the police station, singing like a canary.” Hannah explained.

  Harry looked around the room, as though not sure whether to believe her.

  “It’s true.” Suzy nodded. “Lizzy was arrested while you were all downstairs, when we discovered the other phone on her, the one she used to send you the ransom message.”

  Matt watched Harry’s eyes widen as he realised that they weren’t lying.

  “Why?” Robbie looked devastated. “You make enough money just from me, and I know you have other clients on your books. How could you do this to me?”

  “This was never about you, or money, Robbie!” Harry insisted. “Megan and Suzy were never supposed to be part of this.

  “Then why?” Robbie repeated, and Matt could see the tears on the boy’s cheeks.

  “She blackmailed me.” Harry’s shoulders slumped.

  “Lizzy?” Matt checked.

  “Yeah, I think that’s her name, but at the time she told me it was Heather.” Harry admitted. “I ran into her in a club a few months ago, and we got chatting at the bar, as you do. Even then, I thought it was too good to be true. Women thirty years younger than me don’t usually come on to me. I guess I should have realised something was wrong when she suggested we use one of the rooms.”

  “Rooms?” JT asked. “What sort of club was this?”

  “It’s a club for people with certain tastes.” Harry blushed profusely, not looking anyone in the eye.

  “A sex-club, you mean.” Matt snorted scathingly. “Where old men go to get their cock sucked by girls young enough to be their daughter.”

  “Like I said… she came on to me, so we went up to one of the rooms.” Harry shrugged.

  “Don’t tell me… she filmed you doing the deed?” Danny guessed.

  “Yeah, she did.” Harry sighed. “That I could have lived with. A film of me having sex with Heather would’ve been embarrassing, but I could have gotten over it. Robbie probably would’ve been pissed at me for five minutes, but I’m sure he would’ve forgiven me in the end.”

  “So, what did she have over you?” Matt asked.

  “Halfway through… what we were doing, I kinda realised how young she was, because she didn’t look much older than Robbie.” Harry admitted. “So, I asked her straight up how old she was, and she laughed and said she was twenty-four.”

  “That’s perfectly legal.” Hannah frowned.

  “Yeah, but two weeks later, when she sent me a copy of the film she’d made of us having sex, you can clearly hear me asking her age, and then you hear her responding that she’s fifteen.” Harry cringed. “The video shows me grinning when she tells me her age, but I swear, that’s not what she said. I was grinning because I was amazed that I’d attracted a woman in her twenties. The way she’s doctored the video makes it look like I’m getting off on her telling me I’m fucking a fifteen-year-old. I swear to you that’s not true. I swear it!”


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