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Demons Page 49

by Beth Abbott

  Megan loved the sound of his ragged breathing as she ran herself up and down his length again, feeling him twitch in anticipation.

  She could probably go on doing this for hours, letting his shaft rub her clit until she exploded in a second orgasm, but it was hardly fair on the man. Evan hadn’t stinted in his efforts to give her the longest, wildest orgasm she’d ever experienced, so why would she not return the favour?

  As she lifted her hips away from his groin, Megan felt his cock lift, as though trying to find out where she’d gone.

  She scraped her fingers up his thigh behind her, until she found the coarser hair at the bottom of his shaft. Wrapping her hand around his hardness, she lifted it higher until the tip of his cock touched the wetness at the opening of her sex.

  As her fingers released him, she slid herself down an inch, taking just the crown inside her.

  Evan groaned, but when he would have bucked his hips to push further inside her, she used her hands to keep him on the mattress.

  She waited for him to settle back down before she moved.

  Without lowering herself any further down his shaft, Megan leaned down, rubbing her breasts against the soft hair on his chest, even as she teased his lips with her tongue.

  Evan’s eyes were closed, but his expression was intense, as his tongue swept out to meet hers in a dance.

  His hands moved so slowly up her sides that she barely noticed, until he rubbed his thumbs across her nipples, cupping and squeezing her breasts.

  As she gasped with pleasure, Evan plunged his tongue into her mouth, and for long minutes she just enjoyed the sensuality of their tongues playing, while he caressed her breasts, and her sex rocked gently up and down on the tip of his cock.

  When she felt her own orgasm building again, Megan realised that she wasn’t exactly working to give Evan what he needed.

  Reluctantly, she pulled her lips from his, and pushed on his chest again to lift herself up.

  Evan’s long arms had no trouble staying with her, and his hands kept caressing her breasts as she twisted her hips.

  As she moved to reposition her legs beside him, Megan lowered herself another couple of inches onto his huge shaft.

  Evan groaned his pleasure as her inner muscles clenched tighter, and she leaned down and placed her hands on his chest to get some leverage.

  When she noticed Evan’s grin, she looked down to see that this position simply pushed her breasts together, forcing them out into his hands, and she wondered if he thought she’d done it on purpose.

  She hadn’t, but she’d certainly keep it in mind for next time, especially now she knew how much he liked it.

  Megan used the moment to surprise him, by lowering herself another few inches before twisting her hips to give his shaft some friction.

  “Mmm, yes.” Evan murmured, his hands never faltering on her breasts.

  Megan lifted off him almost to the tip before sliding down again more than halfway, giving him a little squeeze and a twist before gliding back up.

  The look of pleasure on Evan’s face, even as his eyes closed again, had Megan’s sex clenching down on him.

  She started to glide up and down faster, clenching her muscles every time she reached the base, before twisting and gliding back off him.

  She was glad she could feel how much he was getting worked up, by the way he was teasing and pinching her nipples harder, because she was seriously getting herself off on his shaft and was unlikely to last much longer before she came again.

  When Evan started raising his hips to meet her glide, Megan knew he was getting just as worked up as she was.

  The next time she slid down, she ground her sex into him, and felt Evan jerk himself up into her with a ragged growl.

  Evan’s hands dropped from her breasts and grabbed her thighs, and without warning he started pounding up into her.

  Her hands on his chest were now the only reason she wasn’t being bucked off him, and though she would have happily let go of him to rub her own breasts, she didn’t dare.

  When he released her one thigh, she wondered what he was going to do next, but when his fingers ran between their bodies, she knew exactly where they were going.

  Without hesitation, she leaned her body back and tipped her pelvis forward, almost hitting the ceiling when his fingers found her aching clit and rubbed on it.

  Feeling her orgasm building, Megan started to grind down on him each time she slammed down on his shaft, and within seconds she could hear Evan gasping her name.

  Whatever else he was trying to say was drowned out as her orgasm crashed over her, causing her to clench every muscle in her sex in a vice-like grip around his shaft.

  She didn’t quite know what happened next, as Evan flipped them over and started pounding into her.

  Between the dizziness of being flipped over, and the orgasm rushing through her body, Megan had a sudden feeling of being outside herself, almost floating, as the feeling of bliss pushed her further away from any sense of reality.

  When she felt Evan surge into her deeply and suddenly stop, Megan thought for a moment that the world might have stopped turning.

  Evan’s heartbeat against her breast and his ragged breathing against her neck, were all that convinced her she hadn’t died and gone to heaven.

  Slowly Megan began to notice other things, like his shaft still pulsing inside her, and she began to smile, realising that she’d just given him the same pleasure that he’d given her.

  Despite the fact that he was half-crushing her, she waited patiently for Evan to come back into his body, understanding only too well that the process could sometimes take a few minutes.

  When he was finally able to lift his head, she was still smiling.

  “I think I just saw heaven.” He murmured. “And you were there with me.”

  Megan nodded, unable to speak, but understanding the sentiment.

  “Marry me?” He said simply.

  Megan smiled wider.

  “You already asked me that, yesterday.” She showed him her hand with the newly appointed engagement ring on her finger. “I said yes.”

  Evan took her hand and kissed it.

  “I just wanted to check you hadn’t changed your mind.” He pouted.

  “Sweetheart, by the time the proposal was finished, I’d said yes to marrying you, Suzy had said yes to acting as my matron of honour, Robbie was signed up to be your best man, and Matt agreed to give me away.” Megan laughed. “When you propose in front of friends and family, it’s pretty hard for a girl to change her mind afterwards.”

  “Would you want to?” He frowned.

  “Not in a million years.” Megan reached over and smoothed over his frown lines with her fingers.

  “Good.” Evan’s lips started to twitch. “Because I invited them over to discuss wedding plans.”

  “That’s nice.” Megan smiled at his thoughtfulness at inviting her new best friends over to talk about the wedding. Guys usually had an allergy to such things. “When are they coming over?”

  Evan lifted his head to look at the clock.

  “In about five minutes.” He grinned.

  Megan’s smile faded.

  “You’re not serious.” She glanced over at the clock and noticed it was almost noon.

  “Of course, I’m serious!” He flopped back onto the pillow looking very satisfied with himself. “I told you last night that I wanted to marry you on your birthday.”

  “My birthday is on the eighth of March.” Megan sat up, staring at him. “I thought you meant next year!”

  “Nuh-uh!” Evan smiled. “You’ve got a week, well, six days if you exclude today.”

  Megan jumped out of bed grabbing for her robe, pulling it on and tying the belt.

  “Well, don’t just sit there!” She yelled at him. “Get dressed if we’ve got visitors coming!”

  “Hold up!” Evan scrambled out of bed, rushing to pull her into his arms and up against his very naked body. “You mean you’d really a
gree to marry me within a week?”

  Megan stared up into the most beautiful, velvety brown eyes she’d ever seen, and was amazed to find that he seemed unsure.

  “Evan, I’ve loved you for seventeen years, eleven of them with no real hope of it being reciprocated.” She touched his cheek with her fingers. “Do you honestly think I want to spend another day not being your wife?”

  Evan’s relief was palpable.

  “I don’t deserve you.” He whispered.

  “No, you probably don’t.” Megan struggled not to smile. “But you asked already, and I said yes, so you’re going to get me whether you deserve me or not. No looking back.”

  “All I want is to make you happy, fill the house with a bunch of kids, and grow old together.” Evan smiled. “You and me, sitting in our rocking chairs on our porch, watching the grandkids playing in the yard.”

  “Seriously?” Megan snorted. “That sounds a little too much like the Little House on the Prairie if you ask me. You promised to teach me to snowboard, parachute and snorkel. Let’s just have a couple of years of fun and adventure, hmm? Kids and rocking chairs can be fitted in later.”

  The tapping at the door had them jumping apart.

  “Erm, guys?” Robbie’s voice sounded hesitant. “There are about twenty Alpha Company family members in the living room, and Suzy’s saying something about planning a wedding.”

  Megan’s eyes widened as Evan’s lips twitched.

  “This was your insurance policy, wasn’t it?” She guessed. “In case I changed my mind.”

  When Evan blushed slightly, she grinned at him.

  “Haven’t you realised yet that where you’re concerned, I’m a sure thing?” She laughed.

  “When I’ve got that wedding ring on your finger again, I’ll believe it.” He smiled. “Until then, I’ll take every bit of insurance I can get.”

  As Evan gazed down at her adoringly, Megan felt a lump forming in her throat.

  This was all she’d ever wanted, for her and Evan to be together, happy, and planning their future.

  If that meant a wedding inside of a week, well, who cared?

  It was way past time for her to start moving forward.

  Definitely no looking back!

  The End

  Don’t go just yet….

  A message from the author.

  Hi there,

  If you’ve just read Demons, then I’m guessing you’re already familiar with the Alpha-Stalwart-Guardians family, and if that’s the case, then a warm welcome back.

  I hope you enjoyed the third book in the new Guardians series and I honestly can’t wait to get your feedback on the new characters. It’s always important to me that you can relate to them, and that’s no less true about my new family members.

  So, if you’d like to get in touch with me to let me know what you thought, I would love to hear from you. (I really do write back, so if you haven’t heard from me within 24 hours, check your SPAM!)

  Or if you loved the stories and want to encourage others to read the Alpha-Stalwart-Guardians books, why don’t you go and leave a review? It’s more important for prospective readers to hear about the books from you, than from me.

  Finally, if you want to be added to my mailing list to know when I have new books being released or even offers (freebies!) on different sites, just e-mail ‘List’ to the address below with your name.

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  Only people on my mailing list or those who have contacted me directly are invited to check out the latest info on the secret page on my website, where I sometimes post a teaser from an unreleased book.

  So, what are you waiting for?

  I really hope to hear from you soon.

  Take care,



  Q&A with Beth

  I asked you to let me have your questions for a new Q&A, on anything you wanted to know, book related or not. Here they are, in no particular order;

  Q1; Are there any regular characters you’ve created that you don’t like, or, with the benefit of hindsight you would have made different?

  A; None. That’s easy to say, I know, but as I create them, I try and give them positive characteristics I’d want to find in my friends and family. Loyalty, strength, sense of humour, compassion… and so on. They’re not all perfect as human beings, but that’s true of all of us. None of us is perfect.

  Q2; Coffee or tea?

  A; Tea mostly. Weak, milky, no sugar. (My husband refers to it as gnat’s p*ss, it’s so weak. But then, he likes a drink you can stand a spoon up in.) I do like coffee, but I’m allergic to caffeine, and decaffeinated coffee is just pointless.

  Q3; How far ahead do you plan your books?

  A; By the time I’m about halfway through writing a book my mind is already thinking ahead to the next book. In Saviours, for example, Hannah makes a simple statement quite early on, and that had me thinking about what the next book would be about. In real time, that was probably around September 2018. No sooner I’d finished writing Saviours than my mind was full of ideas, quite strong ones, about new characters and the plot. To make sure my mind stayed focused on Saviours through the editing month, I wrote a four-page synopsis of the next book, so I wouldn’t forget any of it. As I write this, the deadline for uploading the final version of Saviours is just fourteen hours away (midnight 21/12/2018). By morning I will have started writing chapter one of *****.

  Q4; How do you cope with American English versus British English?

  A; With great difficulty!

  I’m British, so obviously I mostly write what we think of as ‘proper’ English (apologies to all my American readers who probably want to slap me for that statement). Words like though/tho and colour/color are typical examples. What I always try and do is use American terms for my American characters and British terms for my British characters. I know I don’t always succeed, but it’s not for the want of trying. It’s just a case of ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’. I always ask people to let me know if there are words I’m getting wrong, and I’ve changed plenty over the last three years thanks to my wonderful American readers helping me. I still occasionally get people referring to my ‘typos’, but actually, where I’m from, that’s how we spell things.

  *The exception that makes the rule in everything I’ve said above is the word ‘asshole’. I’ve been told off for not spelling it ‘arsehole’, which is the British version, but for some reason I just can’t do it. When I read it spelled that way in other people’s books, I find it jarring, and it’s one of those words that pulls my attention away from the story. So, call me all the arseholes you like… I’m not changing it. Sorry!

  Q5; Which male character would you pick for yourself, if you could have your choice?

  A; Obviously, it goes without saying that all of the best bits of each of my male characters have been drawn straight from my hubby. Well… most of them, anyway…!

  That being said, if I had to pick one (if I could have two, I’d include Drew on my list) it would have to be Danny. Ask anyone who’s been in a successful relationship for a long time (I’m talking decades here!) and the one thing that gets you through the good and the bad, sickness and health is laughter. My husband has made me laugh every day for more years than I’m prepared to admit here (we were teenage sweethearts…awww), and I think Danny’s (often appalling) sense of humour is what tips the balance towards him rather than Drew.

  Q6; How tall are you? (I only ask because Hannah is tiny, yet she seems to be such a big character in the family.)

  A; I always used to be 1.67m, which is just under five foot six. (Which I’ve always thought is fairly average.) But when I got measured at the hosp
ital earlier this year, apparently, I’m only 1.65m now, so I’ve lost an inch somewhere. I’m still a lot taller than Hannah, though!

  Q7; Has your husband read all of your books?

  A; Erm… that would be a no. He started reading the first book, but apparently was traumatised as soon as he got to the sex scenes. In fairness, he’s not much of a reader, and if he picks up a book it’s more likely to be a biography of a serial killer than romantic fiction.

  Q8; What do your friends and family think about you writing sex scenes?

  A; What, you mean apart from the disclaimer I put on my Amazon bio at my husband’s request that the sex scenes come from my imagination not my real life? LOL.

  I think a few of them wonder about me, especially after reading Concealed and Healing. So, I’ll put it out there, no, I’ve never had a threesome, nor am I into BDSM or spanking. While I have nothing against either, as is obvious from my books, they’re just not for me.

  I am, however, firmly of the belief that as a society we need to change our attitudes to sex, if only for the improved mental health of the next generation.

  Kids these days are still being raised by parents whose only steer in terms of having the ‘birds and the bees’ conversation is either ‘No sex before marriage’ or that sex is somehow immoral or wrong.

  How confusing is that when they can just switch on their computers and watch so much pornography with just a few clicks?

  I’m not going to get into the ‘sex before marriage’ debate, because that decision should be the choice of every individual. My characters do have sex before marriage, but they’re not promiscuous.

  What I would advocate though, as a parent, is that we should talk to our kids about sex and explain the difference between making love to your partner, and what porn channels would have them believe is normal. We should reinforce that sex can be loving, enjoyable and fun with the right partner, but that it should always be consensual and safe.

  It’s not advocating promiscuity to let your kids know that for most people, enjoying sex is a normal, healthy part of adult life.


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