Something or Everything

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Something or Everything Page 3

by Lily St Michael

  Chapter 3

  Maddie followed Julia into the small hotel suite, almost overwhelmed by her increasing attraction to Julia and the even more overwhelming fear of possibly giving into that attraction. She hadn’t even contemplated the possibility of being with a woman in so many years that she wondered what it was about Julia that had her ready to break what had been the one absolute hard and fast rule of her life. She inhaled deeply, taking in the rich décor of Julia’s suite. The woodwork was painted white, the wallpaper was textured and striped, and the plush mauve colored carpeting extended past the open French doors into the adjacent bedroom. She felt completely out of her depth, in this posh hotel room, and with this woman, who seemed to have bewitched her.

  “I’ve never been in one of the rooms here,” Maddie said quietly.

  Julia smiled. “No? Well, please make yourself comfortable.”

  Maddie felt Julia’s gentle hand on her back guiding her to the living area of the small suite. By the time Julia had opened and poured the wine, they had both kicked off their shoes and had curled up near each other on the small sofa in the room’s living area. Neither one found a need to fill the extended silence with idle chatter so they sipped wine and watched each other quietly for a few minutes, both lost in each other, as well as in their own thoughts.

  Julia smiled at her. “Maddie, I’ve never done this before…met someone and felt an instant connection. Being with you is so strangely comfortable, almost as if I already know you, as if you know me.”

  Maddie watched Julia carefully, deciding the only course of action was to be completely honest. “I feel the same way. I know this is going to sound crazy but earlier, in the bar, when you said you weren’t trying to pick me up…I was actually disappointed.”

  Julia smiled at her. “Were you? God, I’m not sure I’ve ever been more flattered.” Julia rubbed her forehead, looking nervous. “I’m a little out of my element here. I have never invited anyone to my hotel room before and I’ve never…been with a woman, but I cannot deny what I’m feeling for you.”

  They stared at each other for a long moment. Maddie took in Julia’s deep blue eyes, her full lips and she swallowed as Julia reached out to her. Julia slowly ran the back of her fingers lightly against her face before her thumb brushed softly along her lower lip. Maddie released a small gasp as Julia leaned forward and boldly pressed her lips ever so gently against her own. Maddie parted her own lips slightly to kiss Julia back. Maddie felt faint as they kissed softly, chastely, for a long moment.

  They slowly pulled apart and Julia stared at Maddie, reaching out to grasp Maddie’s hand. “Are you okay?” Julia asked her and Maddie nodded mutely, staring, stunned at how much she wanted to lose herself in this woman.

  Julia leaned forward, licking her lips. “Can I do that again?”

  Maddie responded by simply closing the remaining distance between them, brushing their lips together again, this contact lingering. They pulled apart slightly before their lips found each other’s again and again, each contact slightly longer than the last. It had been so long that Maddie had forgotten how wonderfully sensual it was to kiss a woman, to feel plush lips, soft skin and to inhale a distinctly feminine scent. Julia kissed her slowly and gently, deliberately planting kiss after kiss until Maddie was returning the favor, the both of them simply getting accustomed to the feel and the texture and the taste of each other.

  Maddie discovered that everything about kissing Julia was intensely erotic. The softness, the slow exploration, the small sounds that Julia made, all of it affected her. Maddie heard Julia moan softly as she softly licked the inside of her lower lip. Maddie clutched at the back of Julia’s neck, pulling her in and opening her mouth to her. Maddie became lost in the marvel of kissing Julia. Her tongue was wet and smooth and slid against her own slowly, gently, for long intense moments until they slowed the contact, gradually pulling away.

  Julia was breathing deeply. “Wow.”

  Maddie stared at Julia. “I had forgotten…how good…being with a woman feels.”

  “You’ve been with a woman before?” Julia asked, sounding surprised.

  “Yes, but not…it wasn’t.” Maddie inhaled deeply, trying to gather her thoughts. “It was a very long time ago and it didn’t compare to this. You’ve never?”

  “No.” Julia shook her head. “Although, at this moment I can’t imagine why the hell not.” Julia caressed the side of Maddie’s face with the backs of her fingers. “I can’t get over how soft you are.”

  Julia cupped the back of her head and pulled her forward, their mouths pressing together. Maddie heard herself moan as the kiss deepened, their tongues tangling, their breathing turning ragged as it became impossibly more intense and erotic.

  Maddie could not hold a clear thought in her head as her mouth was deliciously plundered, as her nipples became painfully stiff and as warm torrents of arousal gently flowed from between her legs. It was so incredibly good that she let Julia snake a hand under her shirt, caressing the skin at her waist as Julia slowly lowered her onto her back. Julia’s leg pressed between her own as she lay over Maddie and continued to kiss her deeply. Maddie could not remember if she had ever been so completely and thoroughly aroused in her entire life. Every ounce of her body was vibrating in need and being pulled into the vortex of her desire for Julia, but a small part of her brain balked as old fears and guilt surfaced.

  Maddie moved a gentle hand to Julia’s shoulder and that was enough for Julia to slow the kiss and pull her mouth away. She caressed Maddie’s bottom lip with her thumb. “You okay?”

  Maddie nodded. “I…could we slow down?”

  “Of course.” Julia immediately pulled away and sat back. “I’m sorry.”

  Maddie sat up and reached for Julia, grasping one of her hands. “No, don’t be sorry. I’m right here with you, but thank you…for not being…for not pushing. You’re sweet.” Maddie sat closer to Julia and ran a hand through her own hair. “I’m just a little freaked out. I do want this to happen. I just don’t understand why it’s happening now…with you. Why I can’t seem to resist you when I’ve been basically celibate for such a long time.”

  “How long?” Julia asked with a small smile.

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. I was involved with a woman a very long time ago…well, a girl really, named Sara. We were so young.”

  “And what happened?”

  Maddie shook her head against the onslaught of bittersweet memories. “We loved each other, but I was raised in a strict Catholic family where being gay was simply not an option. The guilt, the fear of being discovered by my parents was overwhelming. I ended it with her and tried to be…normal but when I found myself pregnant, it only added to the warped tangle of Catholic beliefs about sin and punishment in my head.”

  Julia leaned forward and placed a soft, sweet kiss to Maddie’s forehead. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that. What about since then?”

  “For a very long time I have simply…taken care of my own needs.” Maddie felt herself blushing.

  Julia smiled, squeezing one of Maddie’s hands. “Don’t be embarrassed. I take care of my own needs as well. So…you haven’t been with a woman since then?”

  “No. I’ve struggled quite a bit with these feelings and tried to suppress them. I’ve tried to date men, but it’s just never felt right.” Maddie shrugged. “I haven’t even seriously thought about being with a woman again…and the opportunity has just never presented itself.”

  Julia smiled widely, holding her hand out to Maddie. “Hello, I’m Opportunity. Pleased to meet you.”

  Maddie laughed lightly at Julia’s playfulness. “Opportunity has never looked so good or been so tempting.”

  Julia smiled. “I’m glad that you think so, but I don’t want you to do anything if it’s going to make you feel anything less than good.”

  Maddie rubbed her forehead. “I need to be who I am. I’m an adult and the less my parents…my family knows about my personal life,
the better. Love shouldn’t be conditional,” Maddie said.

  “No, it shouldn’t. How upset would your family be by this?”

  “I think everyone would get over it, but my mother…she wouldn’t. I can’t even imagine what she might do.” Maddie shook her head. “It doesn’t matter…it won’t stop me from being with you, if that’s what you want.”

  Julia inhaled deeply. “It is what I want, as much as that surprises me. I’m incredibly attracted to you, Maddie and I already feel…a level of intimacy with you that frankly, scares me a little.”

  “I know.” Maddie lowered her gaze, suddenly shy.

  “Don’t look away,” Julia whispered to her. Maddie returned her gaze to Julia and Julia licked her lips, swallowing deeply. “I want you…if you want me.”

  Maddie leaned in and kissed Julia lightly, their lips pursing and pulling gently, almost playfully and Maddie loved that Julia simply let her have control and set the pace. Julia moaned when Maddie opened her mouth and slid her tongue teasingly against Julia’s, cupping her face gently as they kissed slowly. When they separated, Maddie saw Julia staring at her mouth before Julia’s thumb brushed her lips gently.

  “You are so very beautiful and charming and smart and if this is as far as this goes, I won’t hold it against you.” Julia’s slow whisper was a sweet and sexy rasp.

  The open look of desire on Julia’s face, coupled with her sweet offer of an easy out, pushed Maddie into doing what she knew she wanted to do. She stood up, slipped off Julia’s borrowed suit jacket and carefully draped it over the arm of the sofa.

  Julia nodded. “It’s okay. I understand. I really do. It’s alright if you can’t do this but you don’t have to leave just yet.”

  Maddie realized that Julia thought she was returning the jacket on her way out. “I don’t think you do understand,” Maddie said as she started to unbutton her shirt slowly, from the bottom up, a small smile on her face.

  Julia gasped. “Maddie, are you sure?” She was staring at Maddie’s fingers as they slowly climbed up, button by button.

  Maddie nodded as she released the last button. “Yes. I feel very safe with you.”

  Julia licked her lips. “You are, sweetie. I promise.”

  Maddie wondered where the courage was coming from for her to hold her hand out to Julia and pull her up as she walked backward, leading her slowly through the French doors to the bedroom. They stopped near the edge of the bed and Maddie pulled Julia to her in a loose embrace. They stared at each other.

  “I haven’t…been with anyone…in a really long time,” Maddie admitted to her.

  Julia simply stared at her for a moment. “It’s been quite a while for me too. I hope you know that I’ve never…done this, after just meeting someone. I just don’t do this.”

  “I know,” Maddie assured her. “Me either.”

  “Trust me?” Julia whispered.

  Maddie realized that she did trust Julia. “I do. No regrets,” she whispered back.

  Chapter 4

  Julia felt Maddie shudder as she slipped her hands beneath her open shirt, caressing the bare skin at her back. She placed small sweet kisses against Maddie’s forehead. Julia’s senses were on overload by having this young woman in her arms. Maddie’s skin felt soft and warm against her hands, her natural scent was clean and fresh and her soft gasps filled Julia with equal parts arousal and affection. This was like nothing she had ever experienced before. She was accustomed to the aggressive impatience of men, not this gentle and sensual exploration.

  Maddie’s lips were full, plush, and incredibly soft when brushed against her own, even when they opened and pressed, becoming insistent. Maddie’s tongue was an absolute revelation. It slowly ran along her lips, seeking permission as well as teasing before entering her mouth slowly and smoothly. Maddie's tongue stroked against her own gently, teasing for long moments before pulling back slightly and allowing Julia to take complete control of the kiss. No man had ever completely conceded control of a kiss to her and it was exciting.

  Julia savored this chance, taking her pleasure, sensually gliding her tongue in before she intensified the kiss, Maddie following her lead. They kissed each other deeply, passionately and Julia found herself pulling Maddie closer, wanting more of her, more of this wonderful and sensuous give and take.

  Julia knew that she could be a passionate person, had certainly felt great passion in her life, but no experience in her past had prepared her for how she felt at the hands of this young woman. Julia found herself wondering how it could be possible that she had never seriously considered being with another woman when kissing Maddie felt so completely natural. Julia allowed herself to surrender to the feeling and kiss Maddie with wild abandon. Julia thought that it was the most sensual and singularly arousing thing she had ever experienced.

  Julia watched as Maddie brought a hand up to the buttons on her blouse and began to pop them open, parting the blouse, swallowing as she openly stared at Julia’s bra-encased breasts.

  “May I touch you?” Maddie whispered to her.

  Julia inhaled sharply at the breathless request. None of the men she had been with had ever asked her permission, their sense of entitlement taking over long before they had gotten this far. No one had ever been this solicitous of her feelings before.

  “You’re a little too good to be true,” Julia whispered back.

  “Is that a yes?” Maddie asked, smiling.

  “God, yes. Touch me,” Julia whispered.

  Maddie brushed light fingers over her cleavage and Julia was suddenly insecure about her body. She had never been particularly nervous about what men would think about her body because men were easy, but this was not a man. This was another woman and Julia found herself worried about how this young, beautiful and slender creature would view her slightly older and heavier body. She was suddenly grateful for the dim lighting in the bedroom.

  Before Julia could dwell on that negative thought, she felt Maddie’s touch become more confident as she slowly ran the back of her hand against the satin cups of her bra. She felt Maddie reach for her hardening nipples through the fabric of her bra, squeezing them with her fingers. Julia heard herself moan as she pushed her breasts out, the contact just enough to entice and tease.

  Julia watched as Maddie paused to carefully remove the mother of pearl cufflinks from her blouse, carefully placing them on the nightstand before she slipped the blouse off. Julia returned the favor and effortlessly slipped Maddie’s uniform shirt down her arms. Julia shivered as Maddie placed a small chaste kiss to her cleavage, leaving her lips there for a moment as she reached around and unhooked her bra. Julia felt goose bumps rise on her skin as Maddie very slowly pulled the bra off her shoulders and down her arms.

  Julia held her breath as Maddie stilled, seemingly amazed by the sight of her breasts, before she shyly cupped one of them, testing its weight and fullness. Julia felt her nipples get tight and hard, Maddie’s intense gaze feeling like a caress.

  “Please,” Julia whispered, aghast at the need she could hear in her voice.

  Julia closed her eyes as Maddie brought both her hands up to her breasts. The first touch of Maddie’s fingers against her bare nipples was so intense that it caused Julia to bite her lip and shudder deeply. When she opened her eyes, she found Maddie watching her carefully.

  Maddie slowly lowered her head and placed a soft kiss where her fingers had been and Julia gasped at the sensation of her nipple being gently taken into Maddie’s mouth. Julia was surprised by the absolute tenderness of this woman’s caresses, the gentle intent of it all, the deftness of her hands so different from the often-clumsy gropes of men. Julia was overwhelmed by this intensity of desire after feeling almost none for so long. She was stunned by the care and consideration shown to her by a virtual stranger, amazed by her own physical and emotional reactions to the encounter thus far. She wrapped her hand around the back of Maddie’s head, holding her in place as she allowed the cascade of sensations and emotions to wash
over her.

  In the midst of all this, Julia realized that she wanted to touch this young woman as much as she was enjoying being touched by her. Julia loosened her grip on Maddie’s head and her nipple was slowly released as Julia reached for the front closure of Maddie’s bra, popping it open and reaching for the bared breasts immediately. Julia softly stroked the brown nipples, so different from her own, and laid kisses along the sides of the impossibly soft breasts as she felt the nipples harden against her fingers.

  Julia surprised herself when she bent to take Maddie’s nipple eagerly into her mouth, but she was stunned when she found that she could not get enough of sucking it. She was beyond proud of herself at Maddie’s response of gasps and soft moans at her efforts. Julia paid close attention to those responses, adjusting her touch to bring Maddie the most pleasure. Julia sucked a nipple more deeply into her mouth and Maddie moaned loudly.

  Julia reluctantly paused. “Too much?”

  “God, no, never enough,” Maddie whispered.

  Julia returned her mouth to Maddie’s breasts, lavishing them with the kind of attention she had always wanted paid to her own but had rarely received. Maddie seemed to appreciate her efforts, arching into the contact and holding Julia’s head exactly where she wanted it.

  Julia loved that nothing was rushed, that they stopped to kiss leisurely between caresses, Maddie’s tongue stoking a constant simmering heat against her own. Julia was amazed at the ease of it all. It was give as much as take. It was desire and arousal enhanced by reverence and care. Julia wondered if she had ever felt this particular kind of intimacy with any man.

  While they kissed Julia felt Maddie’s hands caress her ass through her skirt, squeezing it gently. Julia thought she had experienced intense desire in her life, but when Maddie’s hands started to slide up her thigh, raising her skirt up, she realized that she never really had a clue. She gasped when Maddie’s hands found the bare skin of her thighs at the top of her stockings, gently tugging on a garter.


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