Coral Sea Affair

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Coral Sea Affair Page 22

by Drew Lindsay

‘What do you mean, ‘a farmer in Rockhampton?’ Joy Mackay stared across the desk at Inspector Tanner. ‘This is not that kind of a car Roy. I’m sure these people are gangsters or something.’

  Roy Tanner sat back and locked his hands behind his head. ‘I checked out the number plate like you said. The car is an out of Towner and if it’s here, the owner was only visiting and is probably gone by now.

  ‘What’s his name?’

  ‘Can’t tell you that Joy.’

  ‘They threatened me!’

  ‘I need witnesses Joy.’

  ‘You know I don’t have any.’

  ‘Then I can’t really do anything.’

  Joy jumped up and walked to the window. ‘I don’t believe this. Surely you can do something. I was frightened to death.’

  Roy Tanner rocked slightly in his chair and put his hands face down on the desk. ‘I’ll send off an email to the police in Rocky and they can have a chat with this guy; OK?’

  Joy turned. ‘That’s all you can do?’

  ‘I’m afraid so.’

  ‘Well I intend to put up more posters.’

  ‘Not a good idea Joy. Let us handle things, alright?’

  Joy Mackay approached the desk and looked into the Police Inspector’s eyes. Roy Tanner was somewhat intimidated and that was an unfamiliar experience for him. ‘Now Joy…’

  ‘Don’t Joy me. I’ve lost my husband and now I’m being bullied by people over trying to find out what happened to him and you are going to send off an email? Why don’t you ring the Rockhampton police right now?’ I’m confused and frightened Mr. Tanner.’

  ‘Inspector Tanner actually….’

  ‘Whatever. Can I suggest that you try to live up to the ‘inspector’ part of your title?’

  Roy Tanner was thinking of a response but Joy stormed out of his office and was gone. He stood and walked to the window. He watched Joy Mackay run across the street at the front of the Police Station and walk quickly to the Marina Mirage parking lot. He was worried and confused. He had never had to deal with a situation like this before.

  ‘Oh God I love it….I just love it.’ Brenda strode into the pink marble and granite foyer of the Sheraton Mirage Port Douglas. Elizabeth walked beside her. Ben and Susan followed closely. Hotel security staff had blocked off public access areas but curious crowds had gathered near the huge front doors to the resort and around the impressively large pool area between the expansive foyer and the Coral Sea. Many waved at Brenda and she waved back as excitedly as a 10 year old. Camera strobes flashed.

  Hotel staff escorted the party to a private room on the first floor. The huge room was carpeted with deep plush pile, brilliantly coloured in bright blue, deep blue, turquoise, yellow and gold. The patterns were bold, sweeping and contained swirls, circles, leaf outline with spearhead shaped boarders. Indoor fountains created a soft babble of water as it rushed over black river stones and dropped into deep ponds at two corners of the room. Large white and red mottled Koi swam among flowering lilies in each pond.

  Waiters in crisp, white, short sleeved shirts served chilled vintage Moet champagne, freshly squeezed orange juice and chilled Perrier water. Others followed with small bowls of chilled, cooked king prawns and a variety of sauces, Beluga caviar with Melba toast and freshly shucked Sydney rock oysters.

  Ben had never tasted food so fresh, tasty and immaculately presented. He attracted the attention of one of the female waiters. ‘Do you have any beer?’

  ‘Certainly sir. What would you like?’

  ‘Crown Lager please.’

  ‘Right away sir.’

  Ben looked across at Brenda and Elizabeth, both talking excitedly and laughing. Brenda caught his eye and waved at him. He waved back, feeling like an idiot who had just landed on another planet. He was starting to like this assignment. He knew he was way out of his depth in a number of areas, but suddenly it didn’t matter all that much. The waiter appeared at his side with a chilled Crown Lager on a silver tray. He sipped the beer and looked out over the huge expanses of crystal clear pools surrounding the resort buildings.

  Susan came up beside him so silently that he jumped. ‘What do you think?’ she asked.

  ‘About what?’

  ‘This.’ She gestured towards the pools.

  ‘It’s amazing. I haven’t been here for many years but it’s not changed a bit.’

  ‘On holiday?’

  ‘Yes, with my wife.’


  ‘Actually she doesn’t even know I’m here. We sort of don’t have much to do with each other anymore.’

  ‘I’m sorry.’ Susan sipped champagne.

  ‘Nothing to be sorry for now I suppose,’ said Ben. ‘She wants out and I guess I can’t blame her. It’s no picnic being married to a copper and especially one in plain clothes.’

  ‘I know. My time in the police broke my marriage apart too.’

  ‘I’m sorry.’ Ben sipped another mouthful of beer.

  ‘Nothing to be sorry for. I’ve moved on. He moved in with his new boyfriend.’

  Ben almost spluttered the mouthful of beer on the floor but he controlled the urge and swallowed it quickly.

  Susan put her hand on his arm softly. ‘Can never tell these days, can you?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  She took her hand away and smiled up at him. Then she turned and walked towards Brenda and Elizabeth, leaving Ben to contemplate if he had just been insulted, or not.

  An hour later, everyone had checked in and been shown to their rooms. Susan’s suite was next door to Brenda’s huge VIP accommodation with Ben’s room interconnecting hers. Elizabeth’s suite interconnected Brenda’s on the other side. This took up an entire top floor wing at the eastern end of the resort. The views out over pools and carefully manicured gardens with hundreds of coconut palms were breath taking.

  The security briefing was held in the VIP lounge area of Brenda’s suite. Susan and Ben were present with Brenda, Elizabeth and Simon Sutherland. The film makers Derek Disano and Sandra Quinn also attended together with the Resort Manager and his Security Manager.

  With total confidence and practiced skill, Susan outlined the role she and Ben would play in covertly protecting Brenda and Simon, should the need arise. She also acknowledged Elizabeth’s presence for close up protection of Brenda and made it clear that in the main, Elizabeth would be making the call for action by any of the security staff, should the need arise.

  Questions were asked and answered.

  The following day was to be for relaxation while an area of the hotel was set up for filming. The underwater team were to complete arrangements for the above and below ocean work out on the Great Barrier Reef. Monday morning at 6 am sharp, location filming would commence.

  As evening descended, a light breeze from the Coral Sea ruffled the tops of the palms. Citronella lanterns were fired up throughout the gardens, their flickering lights glistening across the still water of the pools. Music, talking and laughter drifted out from the huge ground floor restaurant. Couples walked hand in hand on timber boardwalks and concrete paths. The soft sound of water cascading over rocks came from hidden corners throughout the gardens. Magic cooking smells wafted from the kitchen into the evening air.

  Ben sat by the open window with the panorama unfolding before him. He preferred the ocean breeze to the air conditioning and the heat of the day had gone. He sipped another beer. He was thinking of the time he and Fay had spent at this amazing place so many years ago when suddenly his mobile phone buzzed with a text message. Surprisingly, it was Fay. ‘Think of the devil,’ said Ben to himself. The message was short and gruffly. ‘WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?’ He texted back. ‘NOT WITH YOU.’

  She did not respond.

  He gazed back over the torch lit gardens and glistening pools. They had been so happy here together. It was as if they had moved 180 degrees away from each other and for a moment, sadne
ss crept over him.

  There was a soft tap on the interconnecting door. ‘It’s unlocked,’ he called.

  Susan came in. She was dressed in designer jeans and a large brightly coloured floral top, low cut at the front. Ben looked her up and down. ‘I thought we weren’t supposed to be attracting attention? Where are the Christmas lights for your hair?’

  ‘Ha Ha. We’re going to dinner in a private room with the stars of this show and we’re supposed to be blending in. I’m blending in.’

  ‘I’d hate to see you trying to stand out.’

  ‘OK, let me see your wardrobe. What are you wearing to compliment me?’

  ‘Let me see.’ Ben smiled, making no effort to move. ‘I’ve got these lovely cashmere shorts and a bright green singlet. How’s that sound?’

  She ignored him. ‘Have you got a nice bright shirt and some jeans like mine?’

  ‘No I don’t have a bright shirt and there is nothing wrong with the jeans I’ve got on. I also don’t have jeans that someone has to spray onto me like yours.’

  ‘They are firm fitting and clean. You’ve been in yours all day.’


  ‘So change and have them washed and let me see your shirts.’

  ‘Bugger off. I’ll choose my own shirt thank you.’

  She glared at him and moved to the connecting door. ‘It had better be nice.’

  ‘What time do we meet?’

  ‘7 pm sharp, outside Brenda’s door. That gives you less than half an hour.’

  ‘I’ll leave the door unlocked. Just come through and get me.’

  ‘Alright, and by the way, the girls and I are heading up to the Marina Mirage shopping centre tomorrow and having lunch in Port Douglas. We’ve decided you can have the day off. It’s a girls only thing and we’ll be OK.’

  ‘You sure?’

  ‘Yep. There seems to be no breath of any kind of threat here but keep your phone handy.’

  ‘Will do. I’m heading for the shower.’

  Susan closed the interconnecting door behind her.

  Ben let the warm water pound onto his head and face. He lathered quickly and dried his body with huge, soft, fluffy white towels. He put his old jeans back on. There was nothing wrong with them. How could they get dirty in a private jet? He chose a white cotton, short sleeved shirt with a collar and got back into his brown leather boots. He did wipe the boots over with the wet face washer.

  The evening ahead was to be filled with laughter and fun and although Ben didn’t know it then, he was about to have the time of his life. He would get to know Brenda quite comfortably as the young, vivacious creature she was. She would flirt with him and joke with him and make him realise that she was not just an amazing movie actress, but a wonderful, warm human being.

  He would tease Elizabeth for being so over protective of her charge. He would warm to this tall, very fit, black haired woman, and she to him.

  Susan would glare at him from time to time and wish he would drop down a ten foot deep hole for a number of reasons, not the least being his choice of wardrobe.

  If Ben had known what lay ahead over the next few days, the wide smile would have instantly been wiped from his suntanned face and his body would have been gripped in the deep, gut wrenching fear that only one fighting for their life and the lives of others, can experience.


  Chapter Twenty Two


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