Coral Sea Affair

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Coral Sea Affair Page 25

by Drew Lindsay

‘And would you mind filling me in now?’ Susan sprawled on the lounge. Ben paced slowly. ‘Let’s start with the swords.’

  ‘You got him to describe the attackers. What was your conclusion from their dress?’


  ‘Fair assumption. All armed with one of the primary weapons of the Ninja but none of them used it. One of them entered the water with an improvised weapon.’

  ‘The spear gun? How was that improvised?’

  ‘Ninja use tried and tested skills and weapons. A spear gun is not something they would normally carry; not one with a cord attached to a spear with floppers or barbs. That’s a gun for shooting fish. They grabbed that from somewhere on the way to their boat along with any diving gear used.’

  ‘I’m not following you Ben.’

  ‘Resident Ninja; those staying long term on Skull Island, would have adapted weapons more suitable to their style of fighting in that particular environment. The spear gun would not have been attached to the spear by a cord and the spear wouldn’t have needed barbs. In fact their dress and entire style would have been different. Ninjutsu are unconventional. They adapt quickly to their surroundings and blend in.

  ‘The point you are making is?’

  ‘They were very recent imports to Skull Island. They aren’t residents. The residents brought them in for a specific purpose but someone ordered them to act quickly; before they had time to obtain alternative clothing. They were also ordered not to kill anyone. Ninja’s kill. They don’t shoot people in the leg.’

  ‘I still don’t follow.’

  ‘I’m not sure I do either Sue, but something fairly major is happening or about to happen out on Skull Island and I think our film crew may have gotten in the way. I also have a weird feeling that Mrs. Joy Mackay may have also gotten in the way. I need to talk to her again first thing in the morning.’

  ‘I’ve asked Rodney for some back up. He’s sending up two more operatives.’

  Ben flexed his shoulders. They were sore from the sudden surge of fighting energy in the Port Douglas car park. He knew he needed more exercise to keep the edge. ‘I don’t want any hot shots buying into this Sue. Keep them under control.’

  ‘I’ll tell them only what they need to know. I’m going to have them focus on the movie stars.’

  ‘Liz will love that.’

  ‘I think you need to be extremely careful Ben Hood. You can’t just kill or seriously injure people without the police getting involved.’

  ‘Well they haven’t contacted me yet, so the bikies are either not talking about Joy Mackay and the fight, or they can’t talk. Joy would call me instantly if the police started asking questions.’

  The room phone rang softly. Ben picked up. ‘Hi Ben. It’s Brenda.’

  ‘What’s happening?’

  ‘I need to get out of this room for a while and go for a walk. Liz has chucked a grumpy fit. Can you go with me?’

  Ben glanced at Susan. ‘We’ll have to clear it with Elizabeth.’

  ‘Can you drop by please?’

  ‘OK, give me 5 minutes.’

  ‘Thanks Ben.’

  He hung up the phone. ‘Brenda wants me to take her for a walk. She feels cooped up.’

  ‘What, in that apartment. It’s five times bigger than my flat.’

  ‘It will do us both good I think. I’ll check with Elizabeth first and we’ll be gone around an hour. I’ll have the phone with me.’

  Sue got off the lounge and walked to the interconnecting door. ‘You thinking of playing with fire Ben?’

  ‘No,’ he said rather too quickly.

  ‘You’re working here. Don’t forget that.’ Sue closed the interconnecting door rather loudly.

  ‘Have her back by 10.30 Mr. Hood.’

  ‘Yes Ma’am.’ Ben grinned. ‘We’re not going parking or anything. I don’t have a car.’

  Elizabeth didn’t smile. ‘I still think this is a bad idea.’

  ‘We’re just going for a walk Liz. Ben will look after me. I need to get out for a little while.’

  ‘We’ll have some room service together when we get back,’ said Ben.

  Liz glared at him. They left quickly.

  ‘Thank you.’

  Ben shrugged. Brenda tucked her arm through his and moved close. She was wearing a firm fitting, white chiffon Collette Dinnigan dress with a short embroidered hemline and an extremely low scoop neck, revealing perhaps too much of her breasts. The dress also showed to maximum advantage, the body which drew admiration from males and females worldwide. Only the females were envious. The males were just blown away. Her white high heeled Jimmy Choo shoes put the top of her head almost level with Ben’s.

  She was wearing Chanel No.5. Ben didn’t have a clue what perfume she had on. He did know it was driving him wild.

  He led her down the plush carpeted staircase to the huge glass doors which opened into a tropical wonderland with flickering lanterns, huge glistening pools and hundreds of slowly swaying palm trees. Resort guests stopped to watch the couple. Men glanced at their wives and girlfriends and limited their viewing time to what they hoped was acceptable. Some kids were less reserved and the more adventurous approached Brenda and said hello. Brenda was enchanted. She smiled and held hands with some of the children. She also kept a tight hold of Ben’s arm. Ben felt somewhat uncomfortable but he smiled and resisted the urge to make the children go away. ‘I saw you in the suntan cream ad,’ said one boy. ‘Mum said you should put more clothes on.’

  Brenda giggled. ‘Perhaps she’s right.’

  Ben guided her away from the quickly forming crowd. People snapped photographs and flashes went off. One of the camera flashes was extremely bright and quite close. Two uniformed security guards employed by the hotel intervened.

  Ben whisked Brenda across the boardwalk towards the northern section of the resort and the growing crowd was lost as palm gardens closed behind them. He led her down a manicured jungle path which became increasingly dark as the resort lights distanced. Suddenly the path ahead was bathed in brilliant white light. The light penetrated far ahead but also lit the swaying palm branches overhead and to each side of the jungle and the ground almost at their feet. Brenda froze and clung to Ben.

  ‘It’s OK. It’s mine.’

  Brenda realised that Ben was holding a small torch in his right hand. ‘It’s so bright!’

  ‘Latest thing. Cree LED. Doesn’t have a globe. 380 lumens.’

  Brenda laughed. ‘What are you talking about, and what is a lumen?’

  ‘Sorry. I’ve got a torch fetish I’m afraid.’

  ‘That the only one?’



  Ben walked with his stunning companion out onto the white sandy beach which fronted the Sheraton Mirage. He turned off the pocket sized flood light, squatted down and gently removed her high heeled shoes, hooking them into his belt. He took off his boots and socks and tucked them under his free arm. They walked down to the softly rolling Coral Sea. Brenda moved her arm down and held his hand. Ben was tempted to resist. He didn’t.

  A three quarter moon hung over the ocean. They slowly walked south on the wet sand. Tiny waves of warm, salt water rippled over their feet. Coconut trees in their tens of thousands leaned towards them on the right hand side, with palm fronds swaying and sighing gently in the onshore breeze. The fronds moved back and forth in an almost hypnotic dance.

  Ben’s mind was in turmoil. ‘It’s called four mile beach,’ he said.


  Ben pushed her away slightly with his shoulder, but she gripped his hand tightly and moved in close to him again.

  ‘You’re older than we thought you’d be.’


  ‘You never gave your age in the email.’

  ‘I didn’t mean to be deceptive.’

  ‘You were pretty drunk I think.’

  ‘Yeah. I
t was a bad day. I got suspended for shooting someone.’

  ‘You feel comfortable with that Ben?’

  ‘I’m comfortable with the shooting. I didn’t deserve to be suspended.’

  Brenda was quiet for a long time.

  ‘You had a photo of me on your desk at work?’

  Ben looked at the moon. ‘Yes.’

  ‘And your work mates blacked out some of my teeth?’

  ‘They were jealous.’

  ‘Of what?’

  Ben looked down at Brenda’s amazingly beautiful face. ‘You.’

  ‘Or perhaps you,’ she said.

  ‘And why would they be jealous of me. I’d never met you. That was never going to happen in a million years.’

  Brenda stood still. She put an arm around his neck, pulled his head down and kissed him on the lips. Ben felt faint. ‘Now, Mr. Hood; I think we’ve officially met.’

  ‘I think we should perhaps go back,’ said Ben.

  ‘We just got here silly. Keep walking. I won’t bite you.’

  ‘It’s not biting I’m worried about.’

  They walked hand in hand and in silence for several minutes. Ben, who prided himself in always having something to say, felt as if he had been struck dumb. This had to be a dream and he would get hit by a large rock from outer space at any minute and wake up.

  ‘I guess it was a bit impulsive of me,’ said Brenda softly. ‘I’m sorry if I frightened you. Liz is always telling me I’m too impulsive.’

  ‘You mean the kiss?’

  ‘That and dragging you out onto the beach at night. Liz will be having kittens.’

  ‘She’s only trying to protect you and you don’t know me.’

  Brenda stopped and looked up at him. The moonlight made her blond hair glisten silver white and the Coral Sea breeze made it wisp around as if it were touched by magic. ‘I know enough. I’m comfortable with you. I feel safe with you. Liz and I love teasing you and you blush like a bride.’

  ‘I do not.’

  ‘Yes you do. Your email showed the part of you that not too many see Ben Hood. Perhaps it was the alcohol. Perhaps something else.’

  ‘My crush on you was an impossible dream and having you here with me now would have to be the weirdest experience of my life. I’m star struck I guess. I’m waiting to wake up.’ They continued walking in the warm tropical water. ‘And I’m also old enough to be your Father. You have noted that I guess?’

  ‘I never worry much about age when I’m enjoying someone’s company. Haven’t you seen 10, with Dudley and Bo?’

  ‘That’s just a movie.’

  ‘It happens in real life all the time.’

  ‘Well it worries me a bit. I’m old fashioned.’

  ‘Then get a bit modern and forget all about age and enjoy the moments as they come along.’

  ‘There is an element of recklessness about you that frightens me lady.’

  ‘You…frightened? Anyway, call me darling.’

  ‘No I will not.’

  Brenda laughed. ‘OK and now I want to know all about you. Start talking.’

  ‘I think we should go back.’

  Brenda stopped and looked up at him again. ‘Are you worried about me or perhaps it’s Liz?’

  ‘What do you mean, Liz?’

  ‘She scares you a bit eh?’


  ‘Does too, but she’s hot for you.’

  ‘Will you stop that? I’m here to work Brenda.’

  ‘All work and…..’

  ‘Yeah Yeah. OK Miss Nosy. Here is a shortened version of my life’s story which will unfold as we turn and walk back the other way. Then I want to hear yours. Every tiny detail.’

  ‘Deal.’ She swung him around by the hand and they started back along the moonlight beach towards the Sheraton Mirage.


  Chapter Twenty Five


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