Coral Sea Affair

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Coral Sea Affair Page 39

by Drew Lindsay

It was deemed necessary to take Ben and his passengers to Cairns hospital as a matter of priority. On the way Elizabeth used his phone to ring Mossman hospital and was able to speak briefly with Susan, and then also Brenda. It was impossible to make out details of the conversation because of laughter and tears. Susan advised that she would get one of the security guards to cover for her, grab a car and be right down.

  Ben required surgery and blood. The Doctors didn’t know quite where to start on Sam. He was covered with coral lacerations. Elizabeth’s head would require x-ray and sutures, but only local anaesthesia.

  Winston was in conversation with a Federal Police Inspector when Joy burst into the casualty area. Winston approached her and she ran to him, burying her head against his shoulder. They wrapped their arms around each other.

  ‘I knew you were alive. Just knew it.’

  Winston gently stroked her hair.

  ‘That Ben Hood is a damn miracle worker and nothing less,’ she said. ‘Where is he?’

  ‘Having some surgery. One of the chinks hit him in the back with a sharp metal thing but he’ll be OK.’

  ‘And he flew you all off the island! What a radical change of plans. I didn’t know he could fly a plane?’

  Winston smiled. ‘I don’t think he did either for a while.’

  ‘What happened to Sam and his boat?’ asked Joy.

  ‘You talking about me?’ said Sam as he approached from a surgical room. He was wearing green surgical pants and top. ‘And that crappy old bitch is in bits on the bottom of the sea where she belongs.’

  Joy went to hug him but he held up both hands. I’m cut to shreds. Leave me alone woman.’

  ‘Thank God you made it too Samuel. This rescue would never have worked without you. I can’t wait to hear all about it in absolute detail.’

  ‘And I can’t wait to get a drink,’ growled Sam. ‘They only got orange juice and tea here. That stuff could kill ya.’

  ‘What’s going to happen out on Skull?’ asked Joy.

  ‘I’m just explaining to an Inspector with the Federal Police now. This is a National Security matter and I understand some army helicopters will head out that way very soon. It’s a bit complicated Joy but I made sure they could never have succeeded in what they were up to; at least I think I did.’

  ‘Ben is sure the Police Inspector from Port Douglas and perhaps others are involved with Qian and his mob.’

  ‘I already knew that,’ said Winston. ‘I saw the Inspector on the island a couple of times. The Federal Police will be in touch with the Queensland Police Commissioner today.’

  Joy looked into her husband’s eyes. ‘I was tempted so many times to just give up hope. The police had given you up for dead and you were gone….day after day; night after night.’

  ‘They had me locked up pretty tight. I tried to get away once but didn’t get far. I got whipped for doing that. I just kept hoping that the police would come, but when the Inspector did, I could see that Qian was giving the orders.’

  Elizabeth came out of a small surgical room. Her face was now clean and she was also wearing green surgical pants and top. Her hair was tied back in a pony tail and the left hand side of her head was bandaged. She and Joy hugged. ‘The creeps tore my clothes,’ she said. ‘Ben gave me his shirt to wear home.’

  ‘I think he gave you more than his shirt,’ said Joy, holding both her hands tight.

  Ben was out of surgery an hour later. He had not required general anaesthesia but was confined to a wheel chair until the Doctor was prepared to release him around lunch time. Susan arrived with Derek. Everyone gathered around Ben’s chair all trying to talk at once. Joy wouldn’t let go of his hand. The Federal Police spoke with Winston again. A Queensland State Police Commander also arrived and spoke briefly with Ben and in more detail with Winston. They would both be interviewed again the next day at Port Douglas. Susan went to buy light clothing to replace the hospital outfits. Sam said he was keeping the surgical pants and top because they suited his casual lifestyle.

  Derek booked a white stretch limo to take Ben, Elizabeth and Sam back to Port Douglas. Winston insisted on driving his old Holden with his wife close beside him. The others followed the limo in convoy.

  On the way Ben attempted to contact Yana on her mobile phone. The call went to voice mail. The same happened on her business phone.

  Derek had convinced Winston and Joy to have refreshments with them in the Sheraton lounge before they headed home. The convoy turned off the highway to Port Douglas.

  Sam insisted that they drop him off at the side of the road adjacent the track which led down to his house. Ben thanked him again and they shook hands. Sam disappeared into the thick scrub, blending quickly with the undergrowth in his hospital greens.

  The limo pulled into the grand entrance to the Sheraton Mirage. Porters rushed to open the doors. Winston & Joy pulled up behind them and the concierge took care of their vehicle also. Thanks to a fair degree of secrecy, the press hadn’t learned of recent events and were no-where to be seen.

  The Sheraton foyer was cool and inviting. The resort Manager and Head of Security welcomed them back. Neither had any idea what had transpired since the abduction of Elizabeth and the wounding of Brenda and Derek had sworn them both to absolute secrecy on what they did know. For the time being they had to be content with knowing very little, other than the fact that their ‘family friendly’ resort would remain so, notwithstanding a ‘nasty incident’ involving a world famous movie star. The press were not given any other details but the resort was now in worldwide headline news with its reputation intact and obtaining more publicity than their marketing team had achieved in the last 10 years.

  Elizabeth had her arm tucked through Ben’s as they walked across the foyer. Susan followed then Winston, Joy and Derek.

  The first inkling that something was wrong was the hair standing up on the back of Ben’s neck. He froze and Elizabeth stopped immediately beside him.

  ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘They are wrong.’ Ben pointed towards two casually dressed Chinese men standing against the wall to their left. ‘And them.’ He looked right to another two Chinese men at the steps down to the cocktail bar.

  ‘God no,’ whispered Elizabeth.

  ‘What’s the matter?’ asked Derek.

  ‘We got the wrong kind of company,’ Winston said.

  ‘Go and sit down there,’ said Ben, indicating a large lounge area in the centre of the foyer. Derek sensed the urgency in Ben’s voice and obeyed instantly. Winston and Joy followed.

  Susan moved up. ‘You sure they are trouble?’

  ‘Looks like it,’ said Ben softly. ‘Four at least. Don’t turn around but I can only guess more back there.’

  ‘Do you think they’ll fight?’ asked Elizabeth, tensing her body.

  ‘Looks like it’s payback time,’ said Ben.

  ‘You’re in no condition to fight,’ whispered Elizabeth.

  ‘I’m not going to make this easy for them. You girls scram,’

  ‘No way,’ they both said in unison.

  The four men approached slowly. The expressions on their faces were blank. They kept their eyes on Ben.

  ‘There’s more behind,’ said Susan softly.

  The Chinese men to their left and right suddenly stopped and stood motionless. Footsteps sounded from behind. Ben tensed, ready to spring into action with every ounce of fight left in him. Elizabeth let go his arm and assumed a defensive position.

  ‘You need some help Copper?’

  Ben turned slowly. Yana approached him from the entrance to the foyer. Two more Chinese men in casual clothing stood motionless to his rear left. They let Yana walk past them as if she didn’t exist. Ben saw the reason why. The imposing figure of Akira Misaki strode a few metres behind her. He moved close to one of the younger Chinese men and said something very quietly. The young man nodded as did his companion. Both
walked around Ben and joined the other four. Akira walked to Ben’s side and put a massive hand on his shoulder. The six men stood still. Akira said something softly but firmly in Chinese. He looked at each man in turn. When he had finished the younger man took a step forward and made a low bow to Akira and Ben. The other men did the same. They straightened but kept their eyes on the ground. The Chinese man, who had stepped forward, said something to Akira in a soft, respectful tone. Akira nodded.

  The six men left quickly via the front doors to the resort. The resort Manager and the Head of Security, watched in silence from where they were standing at the reception counter.

  ‘Always in bloody trouble,’ said Akira.

  Yana approached Ben and kissed him firmly on the lips. ‘I thought you might need help.’ She looked at Elizabeth. ‘I’m Yana,’

  Elizabeth held out her hand. ‘I think we owe you big time Yana.’ The girls shook hands.

  Susan waved at Yana. ‘I’m Susan.’

  ‘OK,’ said Ben. ‘Would someone explain why we just walked out of a massive fight?’

  ‘I trained one of those little bastards in Japan,’ said Akira. ‘He knows me and he knows my rank. They are just mercenaries. They do what they are paid to do. They do not mess with Hachidan. Even they have respect for the rank.’

  ‘Did they mention their boss Chin Chian Qian?’

  ‘He apparently left instructions and has taken a boat ride somewhere. They were to metre out some retribution here and then go home any way they could.’

  ‘Do they know where he went?

  ‘I didn’t ask.’

  ‘We came as soon as we felt you were in trouble,’ said Yana.

  ‘Well you did good Lawyer.’ He looked back at Akira. ‘Thank you old friend.’

  ‘Ah, it was nothing. Now who is this delightful creature?’ He approached Elizabeth and took one of her hands in his massive paw.

  ‘I’m Liz.’

  Akira looked closely at her. ‘You and Ben have been fighting?’

  ‘She laughed. ‘Not each other, that’s for sure. He’s my hero actually.’

  Yana’s eyes narrowed marginally.

  Akira beamed and tucked Elizabeth’s arm through his. ‘How about we all go down to the lounge and have some nice green tea and Ben can introduce me to his friends.’

  ‘You know I hate that shi…’

  Akira’s smile widened. His deep laughter turned every head in the huge expanse of the Sheraton foyer.


  Chapter Thirty Nine


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