Ancient One: Paranormal Romance (Protectors of the Veil Book 1)

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Ancient One: Paranormal Romance (Protectors of the Veil Book 1) Page 7

by Ruby Wilder

  'No, what?' he asked.

  'No, thank you?' I questioned, unsure of what he wanted me to say.

  He stabbed harder inside me, laughing into my neck.

  I moaned. My knees were weak, I was going to stumble.

  'No, Sir,' he growled.

  Oh, he was taking the piss now. Sir? Really? A sharp bite on my neck told me he was serious.

  'No, Sir,' I gasped quickly.

  And with that, he pulled away.

  No hand in my pants, no delicious lips at my neck and no painful arm behind my back.

  He was sitting at the table as if nothing had happened, while I stood there a quivering wreck.

  'Good girl,' he said, simply.

  My attention was distracted from what just happened by Adam knocking at the kitchen window.

  'Can I come in?' he asked.

  'Yes,' I shouted, a little too brightly.

  As soon as he walked in, he knew something had just happened. His whole demeanour changed. He looked at Levi and then at me. Levi looked perfectly normal, but I knew that I didn't.

  'Disturb something, did I?' Adam asked, sarcastically.

  'Yes,' Levi said.

  'No,' I said.

  Adam glared at me, his black eyes, dangerous.

  It was unnerving having a demon and a vampire in your gran's kitchen, especially when you could still feel the roughness of the demon's fingers on you.

  I adjusted myself, uncomfortably.

  Both sets of eyes were on me. One set was as black as the night, the other as light as a pale grey sky. Both deadly.

  I swallowed - the tension in the air was palpable - I felt like a piece of raw meat about to be torn to shreds by two wild animals. Who would be the victor? Adam? Levi? I wasn't sure, but I knew it wouldn't be me.

  I said the first thing that came into my head, anything to discharge the situation.

  'Would anyone like a cup of tea?'

  'Vampires don't drink tea - only blood,' Adam said dangerously, never taking his eyes off me.

  'Demons don't drink tea either - only whisky,' Levi said, looking away, bored.

  My stomach turned and dropped when Levi looked away. Although he was terrifying, I liked his attention. I liked the danger it brought with it.

  We felt it at the same time, the pull of the portal.

  'Is something trying to break through?' I asked.

  'It feels like it,' Adam said and was gone.

  Levi sighed, 'Looks like I'll have to take you then.'

  He stood up and took one long stride across the kitchen and grabbed me, causing a squeak to escape from my lips.

  He yanked me up into both his arms and said, 'Ready?'

  I nodded.

  It was completely different from travelling with Adam. Adam's movement was calm and almost unnoticeable. You didn't feel like you were travelling at all.

  Levi's was the opposite.

  He ran with me, I could feel the movement of his gait.

  The wind howled past me at speed and the air battered my face. I could feel his hard muscles tensing and relaxing with each stride he took. It was exhilarating.

  When we arrived everyone was there, and the jealous look from Conri as he saw Levi carrying me didn't go unnoticed.

  'What's happening?' I asked.

  Vig replied, 'Something's coming through.'



  Fucking vampire.

  I had her right where I wanted her until I heard him coming.

  I'd enjoyed scaring her, then playing with her, until she submitted. I'd planned what I was going to do to her, she would've been begging me in no time.

  I wanted to not like her, despise her even. I'd wanted to hurt her and make her beg, wanted her to cry in pain and fear, then laugh at her weakness.

  But I hadn't counted on finding her as hot as fuck.

  She was sexy - Druid's weren't normally into my freaky shit, but she was, I could tell.

  She would do anything I wanted her to, and she would enjoy it. I liked the way she surprised herself at how being submissive made her feel.

  Good. There was a lot more of that to come.

  I'd had a taste of her now, and I wanted more. I wanted to possess her completely until there was no more Maeve left, only Levi.

  I wanted her crawling at my feet.

  I licked my lips, her taste was still on them, sweet and flowery. She tasted pure, even though I knew she was far from it.

  But then that fucking vampire turned up.

  What's his name? Oh, yeah, Adam. That was it.

  I could've torn him apart for disturbing us like that. What was he playing at? He was as aware that I was there, as I was of him approaching.

  Why didn't he turn around and leave us alone? He knew what we were doing.

  Any Fae could smell Maeve's heat from one hundred yards away.

  Not cool.

  I couldn't take my eyes off her full tits when I ran with her, they were bouncing about all over the place.

  I almost ran a different way, I know a secluded spot not far from here where I could've had my way with her.

  I tried, but the pull from the stones was too great. This fucking Druid magic is some strong shit.

  That's why I grabbed her hands when she threatened to blast me, I'd only been joking, but she was going to do it!

  I don't know if I could take it or not.

  I haven't experienced Druid magic until recently. And now I'm bound by it. Great. Well, at least it's with hot, feisty Maeve. She's going to be an absolute pleasure to break.

  Now, what's this crap with the stones?

  Just let the fucker through. I need to burn this unused demon energy off somehow. A good fight would sort me right out. Haven't had the chance to tear someone apart for ages.

  What's that fucking dog looking at?

  Why is he staring at me like he wants to rip my throat out? I hardly know him.

  Oh, right, that's it,I remember now. He's jealous of anyone who's with Maeve. The first time I met him, he had puppy dog eyes for her.

  'She's bound to all of us mate. Gotta learn to share your toys.' I said.

  They all turned and stared at me.

  What did I say?

  The wolf started growling. No problem, I can do that too.

  The little shifter one - Fiona, that's it - she changed into a huge bear and bellowed.

  It was gonna kick-off, and not with the baddies on the other side of the veil.

  Drago flickered into a dragon, the giant roared and vamp-boy started hissing.

  Now, I've got no beef with any of them, especially not the dragon. He holds my respect.

  And even though I probably should've gone for the werewolf first - as he'd had his sights set on me - I knew I would've gone for Adam. I could tear the wolf apart easily, but vampires, well, they are strong - he'd be more of a challenge. And besides, he'd pissed me off by spoiling my fun with Maeve earlier.

  Look at Maeve, she was panicking, I almost felt sorry for her. But I didn't because I was a cruel bastard who enjoyed shit like this.

  'Bring it on,' I roared.



  Conri was glaring at Levi. I wish he wouldn't be so jealous. He was going to cause serious problems.

  'She's bound to all of us mate. Gotta learn to share your toys.' Levi said, not helping things.

  Oh, shit. Conri was growling, so was Levi. Shit, it was going to kick off. Fiona and Drago transformed, Vig was roaring and Adam was hissing.

  I began to summon my magic but stopped. I could hear them, behind the veil. They were whispering. What were they saying?

  'Be quiet,' I shouted, but no one listened.

  I strained to hear, but there was too much noise on this side.

  'Shut up,' I screamed.

  Still, they fought with each other. Levi had Adam by the throat, and Adam was laughing at him, egging him on.

  Conri had transformed into his werewolf form and seemed to be wrestling wit
h Fiona on the floor.

  Even Vig and Drago were at it, not fighting yet but pacing around, menacingly. Fire was dripping out of Drago's nostrils. It was only a matter of time before he torched someone.

  I put my ear to the ground, they were saying my name and laughing. What were they laughing at?

  I looked around me. That was what they were laughing at. The Protectors and the Ancient One all fighting and at odds with each other, torn apart with jealousy and rage.

  They were winning. They would escape. We weren't protecting the veil. That's what they were laughing at, of course.

  'Protectors,' I shouted, but no one listened, all too wrapped up in their own battles.


  I was starting to panic. The Fae were getting ready to escape, I could feel it. The child's voice had warned me, but I hadn't done anything about it. They would escape, and the death and destruction they caused would be my fault.

  I stood up and began to pull the magic from the ground. I had to try something.

  It sparked up through my feet and began building. But I was too late. Before I had a chance to form it, the veil opened.

  A terrible sulphur smell emerged and all around us glowed red. The blue magic bulged in the middle of the stone circle and a tear formed, like a stretch mark on a pregnant woman's belly. I could see creatures trying to push their way out of it.

  I looked at The Protectors - they were all still fighting with each other, too angry to notice the tear.

  'Help!' I shouted, as my magic finally formed into something I could use.

  I threw it at the rip, but it was too late, an ear-splitting noise emerged and creatures spilt out of the hole. My magic hit and a few of the ungodly things screeched and retreated inside.

  I concentrated on the tear, screaming and forcing it closed with the energy in my hands. It eventually yielded and closed. The bulge settled back down and it almost looked like nothing had happened.


  Where the creatures had escaped, the earth was scorched. There were three burn marks in different directions. Had only three creatures escaped?

  That would be a blessing.

  I looked up at the sky, Drago was up there, chasing something. He was magnificent, his teal blue scales shone, reflecting the sunlight. I saw Fiona not far behind him - I guessed it was Fiona - as another dragon, smaller, blue, and not as beautiful, but keeping up with the chase.

  They were chasing a... I didn't know what it was. It looked like a naked woman, as it had huge breasts and a feminine face. But feathers came from under its arms, and it was those that it used to fly. From its bellybutton downwards it took the form of a bird, complete with birdlike feet. It was screeching and spitting as Drago blasted fire from his mouth at it.

  I looked around. Levi, Adam, Conri and Vig were gone. I hoped they were chasing the other creatures.

  I had to do something to help, but what could I do? The three of them up in the sky were flying so fast, if I threw magic up there I might hit Drago or Fiona, and I couldn't risk that.

  'Gran,' I shouted telepathically, 'help.'

  'Harpie,' she said, suddenly at my side.


  'Harpie,' she said again, nodding at the sky.

  'Half-human, half-bird, disgusting little creatures. See how pale its face is? That's from the constant torment of its ever-present hunger. They are evil little things - we are lucky only one escaped. They bring stench and foul decay, contaminating everything they come in contact with. That's why your two protectors up there aren't getting close to it. You don't want a Harpie touching you.' It was Mr Green.

  'Where did you two come from?' I asked, a little shocked.

  'We were on our way, we felt the pull. We just don't have a demon to carry us like you,' gran said, grinning.

  I looked up and felt the heat on my face as Drago aimed a huge blast of fire at the Harpie.

  'Why isn't Fiona using fire too?' I asked.

  'Because she isn't a dragon - she's a shifter,' gran said, simply.

  I must've looked confused because she explained further.

  'Although she can shift into anything she wants, she doesn't automatically get their abilities. For example, if she shifted into me, she couldn't wield purple magic. She would just look like me. If she shifted into, say, Adam, she'd be muscular and strong, stronger than she was as Fiona because Adam is bigger, but she wouldn't be able to move like lightning and hypnotise people. Do you understand?'

  I thought I did, so I nodded.

  A scream from the sky caught my attention and I looked up, just in time to see a flaming Harpie plummet towards the ground.

  'Hurry,' gran said, running towards the point where the Harpie would land.

  We got there just as the Harpie was dying, it's skin and feathers burnt away, showing pink raw flesh underneath.

  'Send it back,' gran said.


  'Use your magic and will it.'

  I drew the magic up, blue flashing all around me and forced it back to the underworld. I wasn't sure if I was doing it right, but I had to try.

  I threw my magic over the creature and the previously invisible veil beneath it, opened up to accept the poor dying beast.

  Then it was gone.

  'Right,' gran said, 'who's next?'

  'Vig and Levi are chasing a Soldier of Hell,' Mr Green said.

  'Oh...' said gran.

  'Why oh?' I asked, worried.

  'Soldiers of Hell are particularly strong creatures, not as strong as Knights, or Princes of Hell, but they are trained in combat. Some say by Lucifer himself.' Mr Green answered.

  'Can Levi and Vig deal with it?'

  Mr Green nodded, 'Levi is a very strong demon, and Vig is a giant. Don't worry, it won't be a match for those two. Hilda, tell them to bring it this way so Maeve can send it back.'

  Gran closed her eyes and then opened them, smiling.

  'They've caught it,' she said.

  Levi appeared, his face like thunder, followed shortly by Vig with the creature slung over its shoulder.

  'Send that fucker back, Maeve,' Levi growled.

  I didn't know why he was so angry, he'd caught it hadn't he?

  I pulled my magic together and flung the Soldier of Hell back from where he came from.

  'What's wrong, Levi?' I asked, touching his arm, 'Are you hurt?'

  He growled at me, his face set like stone. I recoiled back from the look. It was pure hatred.

  'The Soldier got some humans, Maeve, before we could catch him. He murdered four. Levi is very angry,' Vig said, clearly upset.

  I put my hand on Vig's arm, but I didn't know what to say. What could I say? We all know why the soldier got a head start on them. It was because The Protectors were fighting amongst themselves.

  'What about Adam and Conri?' I asked, remembering about them.

  Gran closed her eyes. When she opened them she said, 'They are after a vampire. He's a strong one. He's killed three humans already. But it's almost daybreak. If they don't catch him, he will perish in the sun anyway, unless he hides from them.'

  'What about Adam?' I asked.

  'He needs to find shelter. It's daybreak in six minutes.'

  The sun was beginning to rise behind the standing stones when Conri came back, as a human, head hanging.

  'We lost him,' he said, shaking his head.

  'What about Adam, is he okay?' I asked.

  A pang of jealousy shot across his face before he answered. 'He's okay, he managed to get into the visitor centre's basement, just as the sun came up.'

  'As head Druid, I'm calling a meeting tonight at eight o'clock,' Mr Green said.

  'Shall we give them the key?' he asked gran quietly, who nodded. 'I don't want to interfere, but you are going to get us all killed. It's time for an intervention. Here's the address, 8 pm sharp.'


  The address John Green gave us was right next to the Jorvikrigg stones. I went expecting not to find anything, as I'd seen
the stones hundreds of times and there was no building anywhere near them.

  But I was wrong, only one hundred yards away was a tiny thatched-roof cottage. It looked ancient and small.

  How would we all fit in there?

  I suspected some Druid magic had kept that hidden from us. But I had to admit, it would be useful being so close to the portal with my slow speed.

  The little front door opened and Mr Green stood there, 'Come in, Maeve, you're last.'

  I walked to the house and ducked under the doorway. It was definitely Druid magic because inside was huge.

  Straight off the front door was a large, modern room with comfy sofas, a TV and a pool table. It looked like a New York loft apartment with its bare brick walls and industrial pipework on the ceiling. Nothing like the quaint English thatched cottage I thought I'd just walked into. Conri and Vig were playing a game of pool already.

  Vig waved and said, 'This is better for us,' with a big smile on his handsome face.

  Yes, it was indeed better for us, better than gran's kitchen any day.

  I looked around, everyone was there. I was last.

  'Okay,' John Green started. 'This is now your home until... well, until it isn't anymore.'

  Cryptic start. Super.

  'Why wasn't this here before?' asked Adam.

  'It was you just couldn't see it.'

  'I lived here with Hilda,' Drago said.

  Everyone looked at Drago, I was pleased my gran wasn't there, although I doubt she would've been embarrassed. He defiantly stuck his chin in the air. Conri whistled and Levi clapped, which brought a smile to Drago's usually serious face.

  'Back to business,' Mr Green said, coughing. 'It just won't do the way you seven have been behaving. Nine humans are dead because you weren't paying attention last night. We thought it was less, but no, nine innocent people were murdered because of your jealousy and negligence. Who knows how many more with an evil vampire, hell-bent on killing, on the loose. It has been a very, very long time since this level of carnage has happened and it just won't do. Do you hear me?' he said, banging on the table.


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