
Home > Other > North > Page 14
North Page 14

by Vanessa Vale

  When Julian pulled up, South met him at the door and pointed him to us in Macon’s office with all the fucking animal heads on the walls. Where this all began.

  I’d met Julian briefly the other day in North’s office. I pegged him at twenty-five and just under six feet. If he exercised, it was lifting a hair dryer. He was in dress pants, crisp white button-up shirt and tie. Like North when she was dressed for work, he would fit in better in a big city than Montana. He had more product in his dark hair that most women and I’d wager his nails were manicured. I didn’t have great gaydar, but it was pretty obvious he batted for the other team. The one thing he wasn’t doing was lusting after North.

  His steps faltered when he saw me, but with North as his boss, he couldn’t ruffle easily. Eddie followed him in, dropped on the floor at my feet.

  North stood from behind the desk. The hard surface where I’d spread her wide and eaten her out. My dick got hard remembering, which was an inconvenience.

  North was casually dressed in a pair of jeans and a black V-neck t-shirt. She’d showered and pulled her hair back into a low ponytail and had skipped makeup. I liked her this way, although she’d be wearing my FBI t-shirts around the house from now on.

  Easy access.

  He set the pile of papers he’d brought with him down on the desk between them, kept a leather portfolio in his hand.

  “Thanks,” she said, giving him a small smile. “Sit. I’m sure you have a list.”

  He settled into the leather chair next to mine, glanced at me. Ignored Eddie who was already snoring.

  “Oh, you remember Jed Barnett. He works for John Marshall. He stopped in to thank me for finalizing the land deal. The wire went through,” she added. “Thanks for taking care of that.”

  “Of course,” Julian said.

  “Jed was wondering after the logging lease.” North looked at him with an open expression. Expectant.

  Julian was one cool dude. He paused for a second, if that. “What lease?”

  North played it cool and shrugged her slim shoulders and looked to me. “Jed can explain it better since I didn’t know about it until a few minutes ago.”

  Julian shifted his focus to me.

  “Caston Logging,” I said. “Macon was telling me about his arrangement. Before he died.”

  One—definitely waxed—brow went up on Julian’s forehead. “He talked to you about it?”

  I nodded. No question Julian knew how shady Marshall was. Since he believed I worked for him, then I was too.

  I set my forearms on the arm of the leather chair. Crossed my ankle over my knee. Tried to play it casual instead of holding a gun to his head to get him to talk. No judge was going to accept a coerced confession. I couldn’t allow him to walk free because of something I did. “It’s in play now that she finalized the land purchase.”

  Julian’s eyes ping ponged between us.

  “You know we’re… a thing,” North said. Her blush wasn’t a lie. “I mean, you had to have heard us at the wake.”

  Julian flipped open the portfolio to the pristine notepad within. “It’s not my place to comment.”

  “And that’s why you’re so good at your job. Your discretion,” she added.

  He preened at that. I wasn’t happy that he’d overheard me getting North get off, although I hadn’t cared who’d heard at the time. While the house had been emptied of guests, there’d been caterers in the kitchen and other people working the wake. I had to assume even a funeral director since there had been a casket in the foyer. Obviously, Julian had been somewhere in this monstrosity during the event.

  “We’ve been together for over a month,” North said.

  Julian frowned, as if having this get past him wasn’t something he’d considered.

  “I kept my standing appointment with the… agency, but met Jed instead.”

  The fucking escort. There went my hard on, because it was literally a fucking escort she’d seen for a long time.

  Before me. The asshole might have filled a need, but he’d never quenched a thirst or made her whole.

  North waved her hand. “We have much to go over, so I’ll stay focused. Jed told me about the logging deal. I held off on Marshall signing his contract as long as I could.” She leaned forward, set her forearms on the desk. “You couldn’t expect me to just sign right away after the funeral. I had to let the man sweat. Let him know that Macon might be dead, but a Wainright still holds the power.”

  “Smart,” Julian added.

  “Now, that lease. I didn’t see the paperwork for it in the files you shared yesterday. Is it in here?” she asked, not looking at Julian as she pulled the stack toward her across the desk.

  This was the moment. Proof of his inclusion. Or not.

  “It’s not in there,” he admitted. “I signed it for you yesterday.”

  She looked up at him, feigning surprise. “Oh?”

  He squirmed. “I didn’t… we didn’t. I mean, Macon didn’t want you to know.”

  North gave a little shrug. “Not surprising. He’s dead. I know now. The question is, how do you know about it?”

  “Well, Macon.”

  “I thought you were my assistant. Or were you working for him?” She tilted her head.

  He shrugged but looked at his lap. “Like you said, he’s dead. I work for you.”

  “Then why did you have someone shoot at North?” I asked.

  We were going to be here all day. North could handle a roomful of suits. Negotiate a million-dollar contract, but she had no fucking clue how to interrogate a witness.

  I stood, leaned against the desk. North was behind me, although I didn’t block her view of Julian entirely. As I crossed my arms over my chest, I watched his every nuance.

  Eddie woke up. He lifted his head and looked up at me.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Julian said.

  “You might have been North’s assistant, but what else did you do for Macon? How many other deals did you hide from her?”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard.

  “Is Janice aware of what’s going on?” North asked.

  He laughed. “Janice? She couldn’t empty a bucket if the instructions were on the bottom.”

  “Macon didn’t hire idiots.” I thought for a moment. “Or maybe he did. She was a front, wasn’t she? A woman at a desk answering phones and getting coffee.”

  As he straightened his tie with the manicured fingers, it all became clear.

  “You were in love with him,” I guessed, but stated as fact.

  Behind me, North popped to her feet. “What?”

  Julian stood as well, suddenly very, very nervous.

  “What did Macon promise you?” I added.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he snapped.

  “North, who told you that Macon had been with his mistress when he died?” I asked but didn’t turn to look at her.

  “The police,” she replied.

  “He was with you, wasn’t he, Julian? He died while you were together in bed. You called someone… ah, you called the escort service North used and had a woman show up. You paid her to call the police. To pretend he’d died while fucking her, not you.”

  North sucked in a breath, obviously putting it together.

  “Macon Wainright wasn’t into women, was he?” I pushed. “He was having sex with you. Telling you things. Got you to believe you meant something to him when you weren’t anything more than a pawn.”

  After what North shared, it was plausible. She wasn’t the only one he’d used.

  “I wasn’t a pawn!” Julian said, eyes narrowed in anger. “He loved me. I did things for him. Got deals signed. Pushed things past the ice princess. I told him I could do it and I proved it.”

  Fuck. Me. I’d been right.

  Eddie sat up, leaned against my leg.

  “Why did you try to have me killed?” North asked. Her voice wasn’t sharp or angry. It was sad. She recognized how J
ulian had been used. The difference between North and Julian was that she’d never given in to Macon. Never believed his lies. She’d stood up to him.

  Julian hadn’t been so strong.

  “Caston paid me to take care of it. You see, I solve everyone’s problems.”

  “The owner of the logging company paid you to kill North and sign the contract for her.”

  I had to clearly outline his guilt. Aloud.

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  “She didn’t die,” I said. I wanted to grab him and rip his head off, but I needed his full admission.

  Julian flicked his gaze to North. “I know.”

  Julian pulled a gun from beneath his portfolio. I knew he had to be carrying some kind of weapon. To finish off the job that had been botched. If he’d been involved.

  He was. He was at the center of it. The organizer. He was a guy who’d fallen for the biggest bullshitter of them all.

  My blood went cold at the sight. This moment was why I’d been adamant North stay cuffed to the bed.

  I slid over in front of North, blocking her. The room was big, but the chairs were close to the desk. I was easily able to reach out and shove the weapon to the side but didn’t get to it before Eddie snarled and lunged, biting Julian’s leg. He howled in pain, the gun swinging wide. He fired, blowing a hole in the wall.

  South, West, and East stormed into the room, weapons up.

  “Eddie, down!” North yelled and the dog let go.

  I tackled Julian to the ground and grabbed the gun. Knelt on his back and yanked his wrists behind his back. I slipped cuffs from my back pocket and put them on him as I ducked my head and peeked under the desk. There was North, big eyed, watching.

  Eddie crawled toward me, tail thumping, then licked my neck.

  I laughed at Eddie’s surprise burst of energy and affection as I gave her a wink.

  South hauled Julian up.

  “He hated you!” Julian shouted, his cool veneer cracking. “All of you.”

  The local police had been outside—the patrol SUV tucked into a garage stall out of sight—in case we needed them. They stormed through the door as they must’ve heard the shot. Two in uniform stood in the open doorway. They knew I was FBI and what was going down and were waiting for instructions from me.

  I went around the desk as North stood, wrapped her in my arms.

  “Yeah, fucker. We knew that already,” South said. His jaw was clenched, and I’d never seen him so pissed. I didn’t blame him.

  “You don’t know why. Why he hated all of you,” Julian spat. His groomed hair was messy, locks falling every which way. His face was red, eyes narrowed and full of anger.

  “Because we’re not his kids,” North answered, her cheek pressed against my chest.



  * * *

  The police took Julian away. The FBI was arresting the head of Caston Logging. Jed’s boss had been debriefed. I was officially cleared.

  Jed was officially unemployed.

  He didn’t seem to mind.

  Finally, we were all on the patio that overlooked the pool. Not to be mistaken for the patio off the dining room or the patio off of the great room. South, East, and West were sprawled out in comfortable wrought iron chairs with thick cushions. East’s feet were on a low coffee table. South had a beer in his hand. West had reheated the uneaten chicken enchiladas and we’d plowed through them as we should have the other night.

  I was on a lounger tucked against Jed’s chest. His Stetson was on the small table next to us. The sun had dipped behind the house and there was a gentle breeze. All was quiet and for once in my life... peaceful.

  Jed hadn’t stopped touching me since Julian had pulled out his gun, and I was fine with that. It seemed I wanted the contact just as much. Needed it.

  Eddie and Boozer were sleeping at our feet. Eddie was snoring, and if the scent I caught was right, Boozer had farted. Eddie’s little spurt of fierceness earlier had surprised us all and we’d be giving him extra treats for a while.

  “I still can’t believe it,” West said, staring out at the million—no billion—dollar view. I wasn’t sure if he saw it or was processing everything in his head.

  “Macon was gay,” South said, as if verbalizing it was the only way to work through it. “I never saw that one coming.”

  “We’re not his kids,” East added. “I’d hoped that was true growing up, but fuck… it was true.”

  “We’ll find out for sure,” I said. We had to know one way or the other. “Do DNA testing. Shit, I had Mrs. Sanchez get rid of all his things.” I tipped my chin up, looked to Jed, panicked a little. Had my need to rid myself of Macon kept us from ever learning the truth?

  “One of his cars has got to have his DNA in it,” Jed guessed and I relaxed.

  “He was a slob,” I told him. “The cleaners picked up after him at the house, but he didn’t let anyone touch his cars. You’re right. There has to be cigar stubs and those stupid mint toothpicks he used.”

  West gave a huff which I took as a sign he knew what I was talking about.

  “You think that’s why he hated us so much? Because we weren’t really his?” East asked. “I mean, it explains why a father could plan to have his kid’s leg broken. Since I wasn’t his kid and all. Fuck, he hated us.”

  It made sense. Macon’s hatred had been deep. I never understood why he’d never liked any of his kids. Why we were such… burdens to him. Now it made sense. We were reminders of his wife’s infidelity, although I had no doubt he’d been unfaithful in return. I had to wonder if our mother was a front for his alternative lifestyle. So many questions.

  “Then who is our father?” South asked as if sensing exactly what I wanted to know as well.

  “Or fathers,” West argued. “It’s not like we look alike. Obviously East and I have the same one. Duh. I’m not saying Mom was a slut or something, but she had to know about dad.”

  I’d been five when she’d died. I barely remembered her and I knew East and West didn’t at all.

  “I’d like to think she found love with someone,” I said almost wistfully. Now that I’d met Jed, knew what it felt like to be wanted, and want in return, I hoped she’d had it too.

  Jed kissed the top of my head. “Want to get out of here?”

  I shifted, looked up at him. His dark eyes that saw everything were looking between mine, dipping to my mouth.

  “Yeah.” I wanted to be alone with Jed more than anything. We had no answers now. My brothers were going to sit and think. Maybe shoot some more things.

  He helped me to my feet and I looked to South, West, and East. “We’re going to get out of here.”

  South stood. Nodded. “Good. Work can wait a week or two.”

  “A week or two? I meant tonight,” I countered.

  He shook his head. “No. Go. We don’t want to see you for at least a week.” He held up his hand. “Before you say anything about work, the company’s not going to go under.”

  Jed wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed the top of my head. “A week.”

  I was going to argue, out of habit, for a second. But really, I didn’t want to. A week with Jed alone? Yes, please.

  South held out his hand to Jed. They shook. “Take care of our sister.”

  “You know I will.”

  I gave a little wave to East and West who were smiling. They liked Jed. They liked me with Jed.

  Things had changed. We were different now. Secrets revealed. The past couldn’t hurt us any longer. We were stronger. A team.

  Jed led me inside. “Where do you want to go?” he asked as we cut through the great room.

  There was no delay in my answer. “Your cabin. Definitely.”

  I loved it there.

  “I’m selfish. I want you all to myself,” I admitted, tugging him to stop, then hooking my hand behind his neck.

  His eyes gleamed and he kissed me, as if he couldn’t help himself.

  When I lifted my head,
I debated dragging him to my room and my bed, which was much closer than the cabin. “Let me pack a bag,” I murmured.

  “Won’t need it, princess.”

  “To stay for at least a week I need—”

  He set a finger over my lips. “You need my t-shirt and nothing else. You know what’s going to happen to your panties if you bring them.”

  “You’re going to take them, then fuck me,” I said, my voice breathy with anticipation.

  He growled. “When I walked into Macon’s wake, all I thought about was that I didn’t fuck on command. Because that was what Marshall wanted.”

  I stiffened at his admission, but I waited. He had more to say and the one thing he wanted me to do was to trust him. I did.

  “I’d been completely wrong,” he said. “I do fuck on command.”

  My mouth dropped open and I stared at him, confused. “If there’s one guy who doesn’t like to be bossed around, it’s you.”

  He shrugged and the corner of his mouth tipped up. “What changed, princess, is who is bossing me around.”

  Oh. He was talking about me.

  “I thought… I thought you were in charge.”

  His smile widened then and he kissed me once more. “That’s right. I’m in charge. But you’re the one who holds all the power.”


  He nodded.

  “You rule me, princess.”

  God, that was hot. “Then fuck me,” I breathed.

  He tossed me over his shoulder and carried me from the house, Boozer and Eddie following. I assumed we were headed to his truck and the cabin, but I didn’t care where we were headed.

  As long as I was with Jed.

  The secret is out! Ready for more Billionaire Ranch? Continue on with South!

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