The Iron Heart

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The Iron Heart Page 20

by Leslie Dicken

  Step away. Do the right thing.


  Bennett climbed upon the bed and settled himself between her spread legs. He took long, swirling licks of her breasts before brushing his lips to her ear.

  “Are you certain you want this?”

  “Good Lord, yes! I might die if I don’t have it.”

  He swallowed, even as heat steamed through his veins. “But the consequences—”

  “Will be dealt with if they happen!” Her hands gripped his bare ass. “But you are not leaving me now. Not again.”

  Persistent, idealistic, unyielding and fool-hardy. His Ella jumping off a hill and onto a roof. Aching for adventure.

  Bracing himself on his elbows, Bennett positioned his hips so that his erection nudged at her opening. The sensation of her aroused wetness on the tip of his flesh brought him to the brink of chaos.

  “Do it, Bennett. Don’t worry for my pain.” She pulled at him, her voice raw. “I can’t take this madness any longer.”

  I can’t take this madness any longer.

  Neither could he.

  His teeth grazed her neck as he plunged himself deep inside. Pleasure crested in his brain as the moist warmth hugged him with a delicious tightness. She grunted but did not cry out.

  He waited for her to loosen and relax, but she would have none of it.

  “Don’t stop!”

  And so he didn’t. Bennett drew back and slid back home again. She writhed beneath him until finally matching his rhythm, stroke for stroke. Rising up to meet him and pulling at his hips to sink in further.

  Soon, the sounds of the dirigible and the gentle swaying of the gondola were lost. He could hear nothing but his own frantic pulse and Ella’s rapid breathing. He felt only her breasts crushed against his chest and her tight, slick sheath.

  He tasted her musky essence, smelled her heavenly lavender. Alive in a cocoon of ecstasy and bliss.

  Ella squealed. “I’m ready to burst.”

  Bennett thrust himself in faster, reached deeper. He grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her head back. Hungrily, he feasted on the smooth skin of her neck, nipping and biting, licking and kissing.

  “Yes, oh God, yes!”

  Ella clenched her inner muscles and her whole body shook. Cries and whimpers rendered through the air and shimmied down his spine.

  Bennett tried to hold out, to make the pleasure last longer, but he was too far gone for that measure of self-control.

  Sweet mother of mercy!

  He plunged in once, then twice more, until light burst in his brain and his whole body tightened. Bennett yelled something, perhaps her name, as he came into her again and again. Fluid and energy emptied from him with a whirlpool of exquisite bliss.

  Then there was nothing but their heaving breathing and wild heartbeats.

  He lay on top of her, barely able to move. She brushed her fingers through his damp hair. And in the silence, realization and regret crept into his soul.

  He had just taken her virginity. He had just branded her with his primal needs. Yet he continued to keep secrets from her. He continued to fight personal battles while holding her an arm’s length away.

  She trusted him enough to give up the one precious thing she owned. But she didn’t know the full Bennett Pierce, Lord Barrington. She only knew the man he allowed her to know.

  He’d fooled her.

  And instead of telling her the full truth or walking away, he’d been weak.

  In some ways, he was just as much of a monster as Hugh. Bennett took advantage of her innocent desire and possibly tied her to him forever.

  Perhaps he truly did possess an iron heart.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Ellie watched the light from the circular windows dance across the ceiling. Her skin tingled, heart slammed, muscles ached. But she’d never felt so alive in her life.

  She swirled her fingers through Bennett’s dark curls. His weight on her was both reassuring and arousing. It was as if her body was meant to lie beneath him.

  Bennett sighed then shifted off of her, rolling to the side. Immediately, cool air slipped across her skin.

  “Where are you going?”

  “We’ll be landing soon.” His voice was flat, without emotion.

  Ellie turned and propped herself on her elbow. “Don’t pull away from me. You promised I meant something to you.”

  Bennett wouldn’t look at her. “You do.”

  “Yet you quickly move away from me.”

  He sighed again. “Ella, I feel the descent. Don’t you?”

  She shook her head. What she felt was a keening emptiness in her soul. A sharp sting in her throat.

  Yet what had she expected? For him to declare his love for her? For him to beg her to stay with him every night? If so, she had been the fool. Bennett had always been the one to stop them. Other than last night in her room above the shop, Bennett had made it plain they should not consummate their attraction.

  She continued to push.

  Yet, he did not have to be this cold. She only wanted him to relish in their sweet release for another few moments.

  Perhaps not. He was a man. He could not deny his physical needs for long, but he could easily deny his emotions. She hadn’t been wrong those weeks ago when she declared he had an iron heart.

  Here he was proving it to her as he rose from the bed and quickly dressed. No heated kiss upon the lips or tender kiss upon the cheek.

  They were finished. Clearly.

  Bennett held her chemise out to her. “Do you need help in redressing?”

  Were he asking in the sincere desire to help her or just to be close to her again, she would have answered affirmatively. But he was only hurrying her.

  “No.” Ellie took the clothing from his hand and pulled it over her head.

  When she was done adjusting the rest of what she wore, she found him over at one of the windows.

  He had completely redressed and somehow managed to fix his hair so that he appeared non-mussed. No one would know what had happened in here. Yes, her hair was a bit undone, but otherwise there was nothing to indicate their intimate contact.

  Even she had only a minor ache and consistent wetness between her legs. The rest of her body hummed with a low buzz. He could have easily seduced her into another round of pleasure.

  Instead he’d rolled off and withdrew.

  Slowly he turned to her. Sunlight caught the angles of his face. Her breath caught in her throat. Good lord, he was beautiful. A splendid specimen of a man, with intelligence and creativity as well.

  Her heart ached.

  “I see you are ready.” He nodded at her appearance. “Would you care to watch the descent from outside?”

  Bennett started for the door, but Ellie hurried over and blocked him. She wouldn’t leave here today with this chasm between them. He may be used to walking away from discomfort and uncertainty, but she wasn’t.

  He raised an eyebrow, but no smile graced his lips. “This means you’d rather stay in here while we land?”

  His attempt at deflection would not work.

  “No.” She crossed her arms. “This means that I will not go out there and walk away until you and I have talked about this.”

  His nostrils flared, although he tried to sound jovial. “This?”

  “What happened on the bed, Bennett.”

  “I thoroughly enjoyed it. It sounded as if you did too.”

  Ellie’s stomach tickled as they descended. “I did. That is not what I want to discuss. I don’t care for the way you just got up and left me there.”

  “I told you we were readying to land.”

  “Ha. If you were in the middle of the action, I know without a doubt you’d not have stopped even if we crashed into a hillside.”

  Bennett thrust a hand through his hair. “What are you wanting me to say, Ella?”

  “That you won’t forget it.”

  “I won’t.”

at those moments meant more to you than what you just showed me.”

  “They did.”

  “That you won’t just walk out of my life forever.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Bennett…” She reached for him, but he backed away. Panic flashed across his face, draining it of all color.

  A soft bump jarred them as the gondola landed on the ground. It must have been just the distraction he was looking for because in an instant the reserved, controlled Lord Barrington returned.

  “I am needed by the crew, Ella. Please step out of my way.”

  She moved aside. “This isn’t over between us.”

  “I’m certain it isn’t.”

  Bennett adjusted two springs then set aside the project he was working on for Mr. Cooper and Lady Westerling. He wiped his hands and stood.

  He was nearly done with the request, but had a difficult time focusing. For several days two things niggled in his brain.

  One was something he saw recently but he didn’t know the significance of it. Like a puzzle piece he’d found but didn’t know where the rest of the puzzle had gone. He’d racked his brain but the answer wouldn’t come.

  The other reason he couldn’t concentrate had to do with the gnawing ache deep in his center. He first thought it was due to the wine or perhaps even meat he’d eaten one night. Another idea was the start of an illness, maybe even his heart like his father.

  Yet days passed and no other symptoms presented itself. Just a discomfort near his chest that he could find no way to relieve.

  Bennett wiped his forehead with the back of his arm. He was weary. Sleep had eluded him lately too, making him forget more. Sometimes he found himself asleep at his workbench without even knowing he’d nodded off. Soon he’d be forced to call the doctor.

  But for now, perhaps food would make a difference.

  He used the speak-pipes to call for bread and cheese then stepped outside the small, stuffy workroom.

  He paced the length of the display room, his gaze constantly drawn to the clockworks. How could he forget the day Ella looked at them all, horrified? And then she wept in his arms for the latest murder victim.


  The name damn near brought him to his knees.

  She was so passionate. In everything. In the things she hated, the ideals she believed in, those she loved, in the sensations of her body.

  The taste of her lingered on his tongue, even all these days later. The scent of her had submerged under his skin.

  She was everywhere and yet nowhere. He’d not seen her since their ride in the dirigible.

  Bennett stopped and leaned against the door to his workroom. Even now, just the mere thought of the airship journey had his flesh hardening.

  Not that he’d thought of much else since they’d returned. Each morning, when he finally settled into bed from a night of searching for Hugh, Bennett found himself with an aching erection.

  He needed only a few thoughts and memories to drive himself to madness. Ella grabbing his ass and pulling him in closer. Her shouts of “don’t stop!” and “I’m ready to burst!” forced his hand to assuage the pain.

  But it was the grabbing of her hair, the one moment when Ella allowed herself to be vulnerable, allowed him to take full control, which sent him careening into a dizzying climax.

  Damn. He glanced down to see an obvious tent in his trousers. Bloody idiot. What would he do now with his food on the way?

  For a few moments, Bennett tried to come up with the most horribly boring and inane thoughts. Latin. Physics of flight. Gear measurements. They didn’t work.

  Ella’s musky essence saturated his tongue, her breathy whispers echoed in his brain, like she were a seductive ghost here in the room.

  Blast it!

  He quickly ducked into his workroom, shut the door and locked it. A few unhitching of his buttons and his throbbing erection was free.

  He leaned one hand on the table to steady himself and the other gave a few hard strokes. The memories of her mouth sliding up and down the length of his shaft and then begging to taste more brought him quickly to the verge of climax. He snatched a nearby cloth. Biting his lip to prevent an audible moan, Bennett squeezed his fist and then came over and over into the rag.

  Once his breathing finally slowed and his heart settled somewhere near normal, he tossed the rag into the trash and rebuttoned his trousers.

  Sweat beaded at his hairline, his mouth was dry. His body felt loose and relaxed and yet his mind raged in turmoil. And that damn ache still burrowed into his chest.

  Damn Ella. He was worse now than before their encounter. Each time he thought having more of her would alleviate some of his agony, he only suffered greater afterward.

  He was consumed by the desire to spend longer savoring her unique essence. He could give her hours to be adventurous with his body.

  He may have sunk himself as far inside of her as possible, but he had not found fulfillment. There was still more. More to explore, more to touch, more to devour.

  A knock sounded at his door.

  Bennett straightened and retrieved his tray from the housekeeper. After she’d gone, he took a long gulp of wine. He could stand the quick dizziness but he couldn’t stand this thirst.

  He sank onto the stool and reached for a bite of cheese.


  On the dirigible with Ella, he had unwrapped the cheese and cut it up for them. The wrapper was exactly the one he’d found in the basket in Hugh’s rooms. Exactly.

  His heart hammered wildly.

  It was the puzzle piece niggling in his mind. Certainly it could be a coincidence that Hugh would somehow find the same maker of cheese, but it was unlikely. The Barrington household had this cheese specially ordered for its unique sharpness.

  Good God, that meant Hugh was somehow coming back to the manor for supplies. Either he’d snuck in and stolen the items or someone here at Barrington Manor was helping a killer.

  Before nightfall, he would damn sure discover whom.

  Hugh hadn’t brought the big basket back with him this time. He left it along with the rest of what remained in his rooms. Now that more eyes looked for him, he wouldn’t take any chances.

  Now that he’d seen Bennett search his rooms.

  He swallowed the tight fury rising in his throat. His wretched brother.

  With a hungry belly, Hugh slipped through the invading darkness with just a ratty satchel over his shoulder. He’d managed to scrounge for food for several days, even eat out of a trash heap when the need became too dire.

  He’d never have believed himself capable of doing something so horrifying just a few years ago.

  Amazing how low a life could plummet.

  He shuffled through the undergrowth, pushing branches out of his way with his mechanical arm, although he still felt vibrations of the contact through the metal. Bennett had promised to build him a real one which would provide the true sense of touch, but Hugh had taken off before it was ready.

  How could he stay in Barrington Manor with such sharp resentment between them? Neither would accept blame for what happened during the fire, but worse yet was that his own brother had mutilated his body without permission.

  Even now the betrayal snapped under his skin like angry ants. Rage boiled hard and furious in his chest.

  He should have given consent before being made into a machine. He might have actually preferred the loss of the arm to these bizarre sensations ringing and vibrating up to his shoulder.

  The house came into view and behind it his father’s dirigible. That blasted thing took every moment of his father’s life. In his strive for perfection, the airship was never quite good enough. None of them were ever good enough.

  Hugh tampered down the urge to set it afire, to let it burn like his body had at the brothel, like his soul had when his father refused to visit his sickbed. Was it any wonder he left this place for the anonymity of the city?

  But for now he had more pressing things to th
ink upon. Such as refilling his supplies and keeping out of Bennett’s reach.

  Craft should be there, as expected. Hugh did his damndest to wait for the scheduled day so his sudden arrival wouldn’t catch the butler unawares.

  As he reached the back door, Hugh slowed his pace. It would not do well to disturb an animal or set off hunting dogs. No. Quiet and quick. And then back to his vigilant duty in Lundun.

  Hugh snuck up to the door and rang the hidden bell. He looked around him but all was silent. Above, a few bats darted between the trees and clouds gathered to cover the encroaching night.

  Craft was taking too long. This was the scheduled night at the planned time. Could the old man have gotten ill? God, he hoped not. That would mean another week of eating garbage.

  Finally the door opened.

  Hugh stepped onto the threshold and slipped the satchel from his shoulder. The moment it hit the floor a force came from the shadows and knocked him back out the door and onto the ground.

  He landed with a bone-jarring thud and attempted to roll away. But the weight of the man on top of him proved too heavy. He stopped struggling to stare at his attacker.

  Dear God, Bennett!

  Hugh twisted again but his brother reared back and slammed a fist into his jaw. Pain blasted. Stars danced behind his eyes.

  “Get up. You’re not going back to the city again.”

  Like hell he wasn’t going back to Lundun. There was no way he could stay here, not with Bennett ready to finish killing the rest of him.

  Jerking and kicking, Hugh managed to dislodge his brother. Then, with a swipe of his gear-made arm, he caught Bennett on the cheek and forced him back to the stone wall of the house.

  His brother grunted as blood trickled down his face, but then he lunged again. This time Hugh rolled to the side and away from murdering hands.

  Off balance, Bennett fell face first to the ground. He lay motionless for a moment giving Hugh enough time to scramble away. “I’m never coming back, you’ve already cursed me enough,” he hissed and struggled to his feet.

  “I…” His brother took several deep breaths then rose to his hands and knees. “I can fix you. Stop the monster…in you.”


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