Bare All

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Bare All Page 17

by L M Allen

  “Oh my God! Hi!” But I squeal like a complete lunatic when Davey jogs out of the door... with Nikki.

  “Oh...! I’m not sure I want to know!” I squeak, and surrender to the multitude of arms that squeeze me tight. “You and Nikki?” I whisper in Davey’s ear when I reach him.

  “Yeah.” Davey releases me and takes Nikki’s hand.

  “Wow!” I giggle when Nikki gives me a one-armed hug, since Davey isn’t letting go of her. We walk back inside, clutching two small hands, and I find that the surprises aren’t done. “Mum!” I laugh as she emerges from the living room with Mary. “Hi, Mary!” Wow! It’s a real family holiday.

  “Beach party!” Gary calls loudly when everyone has greeted everyone else.

  “Plan!” Bells agrees, and practically skips out of the patio doors. She’s never happier than on a beach with a cocktail in her hand. A virgin cocktail will have to do today.

  The little thatched hut has been opened up to reveal that it is, in fact, a beach bar. And a salad bar and buffet table have been set up in our absence, along with a huge barbecue. There’s a chef and three waitstaff—all very eager to meet Will’s family it seems, judging by the wide smiles and super-friendly attentiveness.

  The girls won’t leave my side. Not that I mind. I constantly have both hands occupied by a smaller one cocooned within it. “Do you like it here, Mae?” I ask. She nods eagerly.

  “It’s my best w-one,” she says seriously. “Pawis is good, cuz I luff Euwo Disney, and W-ome do the best ice cream. And pizza.”

  “Ooh! Can we go dere too, Muma?”

  “Err...” I look down at Summer’s pleading face. “You’ll have to ask Will, sweet pea.” And I gasp when they dash off across the sand, calling out, “Daddy!” Both of them. Daddy.

  Will says something to Davey, and then looks across at them, a beer bottle gripped loosely in his hand. I see it when it registers with him too. He blinks. And a slow smile lights up his face, until he’s beaming brighter than the sun.

  When his eyes meet mine, I’m smiling just as widely. I turn away, before I can cry, and face the ocean.

  A swim. That’s what I need. I pull my sundress over my head, and leave it where it falls on the sand, before I wander down to the crystal-blue water.

  It’s still a thrill every time I step into the waves and the water is warm. I wade out a little way, waist-deep, my hands floating on the surface, riding the smooth rise and fall of the water around me. I love it here so much. I really don’t want to go home. I’m so lost in thought I don’t hear Gary at all, and jump when he touches my arm. I spin around.

  “Hey, sweets.” He smiles awkwardly.

  “Hey.” I drop my gaze from his. It’s...uncomfortable.

  “You look great,” he says enthusiastically.

  “Fat. You can say it.”

  “Well... I mean, I didn’t want to mention it, but...” He laughs when I splash him.

  “How have you been?” Gary smiles a little easier.

  “Good. You?” His brow creases, just briefly.

  “Worried.” His eyes hit mine. “I think I screwed up my relationship with my best friend. She’s practically my sister.” I look away, biting my lip and demanding that the stupid hormones fuck off.

  “Maybe you did,” I admit. I’m not sure things can ever be the same between us. I hear his quick breath.

  “I hope to God that’s not true, Eva.” I glance back at his desperate face. “I was scared. My wife had just left me. Taken all her shit and gone. My pregnant wife. And all I had to go on was a printed-out email...that looked like it was from you.

  “I should have known. I should have asked more questions. I should have seen right through it. But...I needed a reason. I needed to blame someone. I am so, so sorry that it was you, sweets.” I drop my gaze, and he steps in closer. “I really want us to be okay again. But I get it if you can’t forgive me. I don’t think I would either.”

  “Was it just an email, or something else too?” I see Gary’s breath suck in under his ribs.

  He nods. I swallow hard and nod back. I knew it.

  “Will you show me?”


  “I know Will and Davey won’t. I haven’t even asked them. Will you?”

  “Eva.” He steps in closer still and takes my hands. “If you see that. You’ll never get it out of your head. You’ll start wondering. Who, how, where, why? You’ll be physically sick, knowing that Will saw it. Even knowing it’s all a lie. It’ll drive you nuts. Please, please let us take care of it. Will, Davey, and me.”

  “Are you? Taking care of it?”

  “We are.” He nods firmly.

  “ far have you gotten with it?”

  “Far enough to know my father is involved.” Gary’s hands tighten on mine when I recoil.

  “Well...remind me to thank him for that when I see him next.”

  “You will never see him again.” Gary releases my hands and slowly reaches his arms around me, and I know I have to let it go. Try to understand it from his perspective. What would I have done in his position? Probably exactly the same thing. It’s not Gary’s fault. My shoulders drop and relax, and I lift my arms around Gary too, my cheek resting on his shoulder. “You need to eat?” he asks after a couple of minutes.

  “Of course.” I roll my eyes. “I’m even hungry when I’m asleep. I dream about food.”

  “Yeah?” Gary chuckles. He reaches around for my hand and guides me safely back to shore. “Let’s feed all the pregnant women then, before there’s a bloody riot.”

  “That is a good plan.”

  I wander over to the buffet table, where Marina is faffing and repositioning everything just so while talking on her mobile. I smile at her as I take a plate and fill it with fruit and nuts. She returns the gesture, glowing, as she watches me piling up the melon and taking another hunk to eat right this second. Will marches over and plucks the phone from her grasp.

  “Marina is at a family event for the rest of the day. If you can’t sort it out yourself, find someone who can.” He disconnects the call with a pointed tap, and Marina throws herself into his arms. Will’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise, but only for a second, before he wraps his arms around her too. “Call the boys. They’re all invited.” Will smiles softly at Marina’s gasp and nods to confirm she heard him right.

  “It’s such a pity Jack couldn’t come,” Marina hiccups. Will’s eyes flick to mine and I busy myself with selecting a snack. “You think he’ll ever come around to the relationship way of thinking?”

  “Oh, I think if he found the right woman, Jack would be settled down with kids and a mortgage.” My gaze lifts slowly to his, at the cutting tone, a grimace threatening my features.

  “What makes you think that?” Marina scoffs, wiping her eyes on the back of her hand. “He’s such a man-whore.” Is he? Scott? I never got that impression at all. He didn’t seem at all interested in Al... oh. Oh! Shit! Will might be right. He might have thought...he and I...oh! God!

  “Have you met Jack, Eva?” she asks me, dispelling any ideas I may have had about sneaking away.

  “Aha.” I pick up a bowl of nachos and a pot of salsa, not meeting her eye.

  “Do you have a sister we could introduce him to?”

  “Nope. Just a brother.”

  “Ah! Davey.” Her eyes go all misty. “He’s such a good boy.”

  “Is he?” I laugh. She nods, giving me an earnest look.

  “I tried to persuade him to stay. He was such a help around here.” Now, she has my full attention. Davey?

  “Really? Why? What did he do?”

  “Nothin’ you need to worry ‘bout, Blue.” Davey reaches over my shoulder and grabs a fistful of my nachos. I swat his hand.

  “Hey! Get your own.” He places one slowly in his mouth and crunches. Loudly. My eyes narrow and he winks, giving me a smile.

  “Hey, Marina.” Davey wanders across and hugs Marina like they’re old friends. My eyes flick between them as I
wonder what the hell he could have helped with.

  “You were only here for a couple of weeks. Surely, even you couldn’t get involved with anything on a two-week holiday?”

  “Oh, you’d be surprised what I can do, Blue.” I glance at Will, who’s suddenly studying the dips. Hmm. He knows something.

  “He won’t tell you nothin’ either.”

  “Oh, you’d be surprised.” My eyebrows jump up, and Davey’s nose twitches. Now he’s worried. I smirk. Oh yeah, I could make him tell me. I know exactly the spot.

  “And your mum, Joyce?” Marina babbles in a fluster. Her cheeks are flushed, her voice high-pitched. “She seems like such a lovely lady. She must be so proud of you two.”

  Davey’s eyes don’t leave mine. But I’m not backing down an inch.

  “Drop it, Blue.”

  “Why?” I drop my plate and dip on the table, harder than I intended to. Davey’s eyes flick to the plate as though he’s expecting it to be broken.

  “Because it would help me sleep at night. I handled it. It’s done.”

  “What is?”

  “Eva...” I cross my arms and wait, my eyebrow arched high enough for him to be sure I’m not giving in.

  “Eva.” Will’s voice is soft and seductive. It swirls around me like a lover’s caress. My breathing stutters, and I blink rapidly. Will steps in front of me, blocking out the rest of the world.

  “Come, baby. We have a party to host.”

  “Um...” I need to get that irritation back, to stand any chance of not...

  Will leans in, and when I think he’s going to peck my lips, he nuzzles and kisses my neck. I melt on the spot. Exactly what I didn’t want. Bastard.

  When I open my eyes, Davey and Marina have gone, leaving Will and me alone in the thatched hut. “Christ, I love pregnancy. All those hormones. I bet I could...” I swat his hand away when it slides up my thigh. He leans in closer. “You know it, baby.” He grasps my fingers and raises them to his lips, making me smile despite my feeble attempts at irritation, and leads me back towards the villa.

  The front door is standing wide open, but everyone looks around when Michael walks in. “Hi, everyone.” His voice is unsteady. He’s nervous. So nervous he’s sweating. And I can’t stand watching him suffer.

  “Hi, Michael!” I sing and rush over to greet him. “Come on in. Meet everyone.”

  “Hi, Eva.” His smile is weak but present.

  “This is my mum, Joyce.” I introduce him as Mum rushes our way with two drinks in her hands. I must get it from her. She hates to see someone so uncomfortable too.

  “Hi.” Mum gives him a brilliant smile and hands him a drink. Michael blinks. A lot. Mum looks at me, waiting for the introduction. “This is Michael...he’s...” Oh, God. What am I supposed to say?

  “My dad.” Will finishes for me, and I almost slump in relief. Mum’s eyes move from Will to Michael. And back again. Then to me. I smile. Yep. Really.

  “Oh! Well, I’m really glad to meet you now. You’re family,” Mum gushes. “Davey? Nikki? Come here. Do you know Will’s dad, Michael?” she calls. Davey walks over, slower than usual. He’s sizing him up, Nikki’s hand grasped in his.

  “I know who he is,” Davey says, his voice low enough to get Nikki’s attention. She looks at him sharply, then walks her fingertips up his forearm, and he blinks. His face totally transforms. And Mum and I need to pick our jaws up.

  “Hey.” Bells introduces herself, throwing me a scowl that says, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll do it myself.” I breathe a laugh, and Gary’s hand closes around mine in a quick squeeze. I glance up at him questioningly and see it very plainly. He knows about Michael too. Huh.

  When Mae and Summer run inside from the beach, squealing excitedly with Mary and Marina, Michael is desperately trying to look around people to get a glimpse of his grandchildren. I excuse myself and go collect them.

  “Hi, Mary. Marina.” I smile. “I need to borrow these two for just a few minutes.” Both ladies nod. And I hear Marina’s gasp. Her hand flies to her mouth, her eyes so wide they’re in danger of falling out. “Today, they get another grandparent.” I smile at Mary’s shocked expression. But I’m actually a bit concerned about Marina. I give her a quick visual once-over. She seems okay. Kind of.

  “Come on, girls, there’s someone special I want you to meet,” I call, and get two little sandy monkeys running my way. I lead them over to where Michael has gathered quite the crowd around himself, and catch Will’s eye. He frowns, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth. But he nods. I raise an eyebrow. Are you sure? He nods again and dislodges himself from the crowd.

  “Hello, little angels.” He crouches down, eye to eye with his daughters. “Do you want to meet my dad?”

  Both girls gasp and giggle, nodding frantically while jumping up and down. Will stands and takes each of their hands and leads them over to meet their grandfather for the first time.

  The crowd parts to let them through, and Michael falls to his knees with tears streaming down his face. Summer is about a second and a half faster than Mae, in pulling free from Will’s grasp and running into Michael’s outstretched arms.

  I move in closer and wrap my arms around Will. I can feel him shaking. I squeeze him tighter but hide my face in his T-shirt when Mae says, “I always wanted a gwan-dad.” I feel Will’s hiccup-like gasp.

  “Well, now you both have one,” he says. I feel his abs tighten. I know he’s wondering... He’s wondering if Michael will let them down. If they really have a grandfather. I peek over at the three of them, huddled together. Michael is still kneeling—smiling and crying at the same time—with his head between the girls. And I think they do. I think they have a granddad now.

  I just hope that Will has a father. If he wants one. I think he does.


  “Hey, Mrs Hunter.” I turn on my bar stool, perched beside Bells, and see Nikki walking our way across the beach.

  “Hey!” I call out, and she takes the bar stool on my other side. “How are you?”

  “Oh, I’m great. Amazing, actually.” My face screws up at her loved-up, misty-eyed expression. “How could I not be? I’m...”

  “Eww!” My hands fly to my ears. “I really don’t want to know!”

  “I’m sorry, Eva. But your brother is a machine!”

  “Jesus Christ! Stop it!” I press my palms harder to my ears. And Bells jumps on the bloody bandwagon.

  “He can’t be better than Gary. He does this thing—”

  “Oh! My! God!” I screech. “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! La-la-la-la-la!” I’m wishing I could scrub my brain clean, and those two are falling all over the place laughing. “This is not as cool as I thought it’d be!” I shout over their noise. “The pair of you are terrible sisters-in-law!”

  When they’re almost coherent again, I slowly lower my hands. “I don’t know what you’re complaining about, Adams. Your husband is hotter than hell.”

  “He’s my husband. Not my bloody brother! Would you want to know about it if I were sleeping with Carlo?”

  Bells is unconcerned with my theoretical hookup. “My brother and you? It’d never happen.”

  “That’s not the point! Would you want to hear about it if it did?”

  “No.” Bells giggles, trying to compose herself, and splutters when she catches Nikki’s eye. “Definitely not!”

  “Oh my God, that man could make vibrators obsolete—if I were ever going to share him. Which I’m not,” Nikki gushes.

  “Nikki!” I screech, my hands back on my ears, and they both double over laughing, their faces smooshed against the bar.

  “So. Not. Funny,” I grumble.

  “What’s not funny?” Will asks, kissing my neck and then my shoulder.

  “Nothing. Nothing they say is bloody funny.”

  “Oh, God, I’m sorry, Eva... It’s just...” Nikki is wiping her eyes and hiccupping.

  “Stop,” I warn.

  “Stop what?” Will is grinning, but puzzled
, when he spins me around on my stool to face him.

  “I do not want to bloody know.”

  “Ooohhh.” Will smiles devilishly. “Well, believe me, baby, they don’t want to know either. The boys I mean.”


  “I can’t help it if my wife is a goddess. But apparently—”

  “Oh my God! Shut up! What is wrong with you lot?”

  “What?” Will looks from Bells to Nikki, both egging him on. I’m seriously questioning my choice in friends when they’re hanging on his every word. And he’s lapping it up. I screw my eyes shut and drum my fingers on my skull, squashing my ears flat against my head with the pressure, until it hurts, and I have to ease up a bit.

  “...Did you ever try that? I stopped counting at four. But it went on quite a while after, so... I’m guessing six or seven...” I peek out from my screwed-up lids. Nikki and Bells are both silent. Thank God! And gaping. At Will. Crap!

  “You married a sex god,” Nikki chokes. Will chuckles and kisses my shoulder.

  “Bloody hell, Hunter,” Bells breathes.

  “I gotta...”

  “Me too.” Will and I both turn to watch them practically sprint for their men and drag them away.

  “What—? Never mind. I don’t want to know.”

  “No?” Will’s voice has dropped to that velvet tone. The one that floors me. Every. Bloody. Time. “Would you rather I showed you?” His knuckles graze my cheekbone, and suddenly I do want to know something else.

  “What was Davey talking about earlier?”

  “Sweetheart, you know that we’ve had issues to deal with. While Davey was here, we had an unexpected problem. He dealt with it for us.” His hands curl lightly around my arms, and glide to midway down my forearms, then his fingertips skate across my belly. “This was the deal, Eva. Remember? You carry this...”

  “And you’ll carry that.” Will nods, purposefully, his eyes on fire. His hands move around my waist and he steps in, chest to chest, and slowly lowers his mouth to mine.

  On one level, I know what he’s doing, seducing his wife into compliance, and I’m pissed off that it’s working. And on another, I don’t bloody care as long as he doesn’t stop. His kiss is scorching but soft. Hot but gentle. I want more. He knows exactly what he’s doing.


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