The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play Book 2)

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The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play Book 2) Page 29

by B. B. Reid

  “That’s not funny.”

  He got excited and started running in circles as if to prove me wrong. I kneeled, and he ran up to me at full speed. The silver tag hanging from his blue collar caught my attention, so I lifted it.

  “Jay D,” I read aloud. He barked as if to confirm, and I had to admit he was pretty adorable. That was when a light bulb went off, and I smiled at my new friend. “How would you like to help me cheer someone up?”

  Before he could agree—or not because he was a damn dog, and I was being silly—I heard Four calling his name, and then she appeared a moment later.

  “There you are!” she said to Jay D, who immediately charged her. Her attention shifted to me when he started sniffing the floor around her. “He’s not bothering you, is he? Ever must have kicked him out of his room when I wasn’t looking,” she grumbled.

  I laughed at that as I wondered how the two of them could be opposite yet alike in so many ways. “Nah, he’s cool,” I assured her.

  She nodded and knelt to scratch behind Jay D’s ears. I was reaching for the coffee mugs on the mantel when one of the photos caught my eye. Forgetting the coffee, I snatched the frame, nearly toppling the others, to study the picture of the trio closer. The rest of the room faded away as blood rushed to my head, making my ears ring. Were my eyes deceiving me? Had I gone insane? Or was I truly staring at a younger version of my father? He had a light in his eyes that I’d never before seen in him.

  Four looked up, noticing my silence. I knew I should play off my interest as pure curiosity, but it was too late. She was already standing by my side, wearing a frown. “Are you okay?”

  “I—” The rest of my words got stuck in my throat. Whatever they were.

  Four gently took the frame from my hands and pointed to the man on the far right. “That’s Douglas, Jamie’s father.” I nodded once, seeing the resemblance easily. She then pointed to the man in the middle with light brown hair and stern blue eyes. “That’s Thomas.” She hesitated this time when she said, “Ever’s father.” My gaze was already fixated on the man to his right with dark hair, eyes that Lou would claim were only sometimes blue, and a cleft chin that, when last I saw him, he was hiding under a short beard. “And this,” Four said as her finger slid over to my father, “is Sean, Thomas’s best friend.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat, and my next breath shuddered out of me.


  I’d only ever known him as Crow.

  THE MANOR, AS FOUR CALLED it, was in an uproar. Today was Thanksgiving, and the many hired hands rushed back and forth in preparation for the guests arriving. Mr. Hunt, the head chef, and his team of cooks had taken over the kitchen while Mrs. Greene, the housekeeper, commanded an entire army of maids to clean, polish, and decorate.

  Ever’s father had also returned late in the morning.

  The formidable man of the house had accepted whatever excuse Ever offered to explain our presence, but that didn’t stop him from looking at us suspiciously whenever we crossed his path—Wren in particular.

  Four’s mother, on the other hand, had barely acknowledged our presence. I didn’t take it personally. Rosalyn didn’t seem to hold much interest in anything, including her daughter. And other than the worried glances Four cast her now and then, the two seemed more like strangers than mother and daughter.

  I lasted maybe an hour among the chaos before I fled back to the haven of the guesthouse. When I stepped inside, I found it as quiet and empty as I’d left it.

  Which meant Wren still hadn’t come back from his drive.

  It was the only explanation I’d gotten when I asked Ever where he was. Four’s failure to hide her worry, however, told me all I needed to know. Something was wrong, and Wren was attempting to keep it from me.

  An hour later, I was curled up in one of the wicker sofas staring at the water from the pool when I looked up and found Four standing over me holding a dress. Jay D was at her feet, wagging his tongue and tail happily.

  “Here.” She held out the burgundy dress.

  “What’s this?”

  “Something to wear for dinner. They do things kind of formal around here, so I figured you’d be more comfortable blending in. Size four, right?”

  I gave the dress a once-over before meeting her gaze again. “Is that what you do? Blend in?”

  Four had told me all about her former life in some bumblefuck town called Cherry and how her mom had met Thomas cleaning rooms at one of his hotels. She may not have been fed with a silver spoon growing up, but sooner or later, she’d have to accept the fact that her life had changed. Ever would one day inherit all of his family’s riches, and if their thing lasted past high school, so would she.

  Her mouth tightened as if she could read my thoughts. “When I have to.”

  Our staring contest went on for a little while longer until I finally caved and accepted it with some hesitation. I studied the dress a little longer this time and realized it was fucking beautiful. A little couture for my taste, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. Peeking at the tag, my jaw dropped at the price. I could never afford this with a thousand stolen wallets!

  “And when you don’t?”

  She sighed and flopped down in the seat next to me. “Well, I’m dating the most popular boy in school, and no one fucks with him so…”

  “No one fucks with you,” I said, filling in the blank.

  She simply shrugged before shooing Jay D away when he started chewing on a chair cushion. I had a pretty good idea of the kind of power Ever had. The social ladder was the same in any school. At the top were the elite who everyone wanted to either be or avoid at all cost, and at the bottom were the ones who were stepped on to reach the top. “The power he has…it doesn’t bother you?”

  She chewed on her lip, a tell I’d quickly learned meant she was anxious. “It used to, and, to be honest, I’m still getting used to it. We didn’t exactly click when we first met, so I know what it’s like to be at his mercy. The first time he unleashed his wrath on me, he convinced his father to send me to reform school…in Europe.”


  “Don’t worry,” she said with a grin, “I got him back.”


  “I made his life hell…or at least I tried to. I challenged him, and the weirdo ended up falling for me instead. The way he looked at me, the way he touched me…it made me burn for him. I fought it, but after a while, I couldn’t even remember why I hated him.”

  “So it ended happily for you, but what about the people he doesn’t fall in love with?”

  “He’s not a bully,” she argued. When I tilted my head skeptically, she shook her head and smiled. “I guess I was the exception,” she conceded. “I know it sounds lame and not at all romantic, but it’s true. It’s hard to get under Ever’s skin and even harder to get out. He doesn’t prey on the innocent, and the ones who aren’t, I trust him not to go too far. The punishment always fits the crime.”

  “You don’t think a year in boarding school was going too far?”

  She cringed as if replaying a memory and peeked at me from under her lashes. “I wasn’t all that innocent, either. Ever humiliated me in front of everyone at school, so I assaulted one of his teammates with a bottle of whiskey. He ended up needing stitches.”

  I hid my smile while thinking Four was my kind of girl after all. “Still…I’m not sure I could have forgiven him just because he batted those pretty gold eyes at me.”

  Four held her sides as she bent over laughing. “Trust me, it wasn’t easy,” she grumbled once she settled down. “I went down kicking and screaming until I realized I wasn’t just hurting him but myself as well.”

  “And now? You’re a little fish in his much bigger pond. What does he do when he wants his way, and you want yours?”

  “We fight and then we fuck,” she answered plainly before shrugging. “One of us usually compromises after that.”

  “What?” I chortled, and she laughed, too.

never said we had it all figured out!” She then shot me a devilish grin. “Either way, I always win.”

  “I guess you got under more than just his skin,” I teased.

  “She did.”

  I looked up, and Four’s head whipped around when we heard the deep voice. Ever was leaning against the pillar just feet away, and neither of us knew how long he’d been standing there.

  “She got deeper than anyone ever could.”

  I would have gagged if I hadn’t witnessed the look in his eyes as he watched Four. She wasn’t kidding about the way he looked at her. I felt like I was intruding as they gazed into each other’s eyes. Slowly, she stood, and they naturally drifted to one another, but then Jay D broke the moment when he launched himself at Ever.

  Ever glared down at the pup through narrowed eyes as Jay D pawed at his legs. “Cockblocker,” he sneered.

  Four giggled and closed the distance between them. “He’s just saying hi to his daddy.”

  “Four, I keep telling you that mutt isn’t a real baby.” Much lower he said, “That comes later.” It was obvious his promise wasn’t meant for my ears, but even if I hadn’t heard, I’d have a pretty damn good clue judging by the blush reddening Four’s cheeks.

  “What do you want, McNamara? You’re embarrassing me.”

  “Gruff’s here.”

  “What?” she screeched. I almost laughed at the startled look on Ever’s face when she broke free from his arms and shoved past him with Jay D hot on her heels. She was gone before he’d even recovered.

  “Who’s Gruff?” I asked when the whiplashed look on his face cleared.

  When he finally looked at me, I could tell he’d forgotten that I was even there. I felt a stab of envy and hoped that one day, I could be to someone the girl who made everyone else cease to exist. I lost hope each day that the ‘someone’ would be Wren. Last night, he told me that he loved me, and even though he’d made it clear he hadn’t meant as a friend, I knew better than to believe in his drunken ramblings.

  “Back home, she was a mechanic,” Ever answered. “Gruff’s her old boss.”

  “That’s interesting. I always thought bosses were people you avoided until it was time to get paid.”

  He snorted. “He’s been more of a father to her than a boss.”

  I noticed the tightness in his voice and said, “Let me guess…he doesn’t approve of you?”

  Ever sighed and he seemed to completely deflate. “If he does, he definitely won’t by the end of dinner.”

  He was gone before I could ask him what he meant.

  A startled gasp fell from my lips when I emerged from the bathroom a few hours later and found Wren waiting for me on the edge of the bed. His head was down as he stared at the floor, but it shot up, and the moment he saw me standing there, he stopped breathing. I had nothing on except the towel wrapped around me, and even though it was huge and thick, under his fervent gaze, I still felt naked. Water dripped from my hair onto the floor, and for a while, it was the only sound. I watched his Adam’s apple bob as he struggled to swallow, and I wondered if he was fighting to keep whatever was on his mind from spilling out.

  After an intense battle, he finally settled for a simple, “Hey.”

  His voice sounded heavy, and it was all I could do not to rush to him and beg him to tell me what was wrong. I was growing sick of begging Wren for anything. Last night, he told me he loved me, so maybe this sudden solemnness was the reason. Maybe he regretted it even more than I did. Many times, I’ve imagined the first time I would hear those words from him, and none of those fantasies ever involved him being drunk and passing out after.

  “Where have you been?” I questioned as I crossed the room. The dress Four loaned me hung over the chair near the window. My back was to him when he answered.

  “Had to clear my head.”

  I pursed my lips as if he could see. “It doesn’t sound like you succeeded.”

  He didn’t answer at first, and I realized why when I felt him press against me from behind. “No.”

  “So are you going to tell me what’s eating you?”

  He sucked in a breath. “No.” And then his hand found the knot keeping my towel up, and my lips parted when he loosened it. “I’d rather eat you instead.”

  Before I could react, the towel fell to the floor, and there was nothing left to shield me from him. I didn’t even get the chance to consider what was happening before I felt his hand on my back pushing until I was bent over the chair.

  “What are you doing?” I shrieked.

  “Clearing my head.”

  I gasped even as my pussy clenched at the thought of being used by him. It shouldn’t have excited me as much as it did.

  “I never did get the chance to return the favor properly.” He knelt, and his hand circled my thigh. I felt his thumb sweeping my skin and then his lips skimming my ass. “May I?”

  A shiver went down my spine. I knew what I wanted, but I also knew it wasn’t wise. A little late to have second thoughts, Lou. I started this after all. I ignored his warnings and pushed us over the boundaries of friendship without any regard for the consequences. Amidst my turmoil, I felt my legs begin to tremble. Since I wasn’t sure how much longer I’d be able to hold myself up, I closed my eyes and just let go.


  I could be angry with him later.

  His breathing turned ragged, and when his mouth inched closer, I felt his every exhale between my thighs, teasing my pussy until I was throbbing. Eventually, I could no longer contain the anticipation and closed my eyes when I felt it—hot, wet, and running down my thigh. And when his tongue trailed up my skin, stealing every drop, I dug my nails into the cushion of the chair and gasped.

  I couldn’t do this. It was too much. I could already feel myself losing control.

  Before I could tell him so, he wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me in place, and buried his face between my thighs with a growl so savage I answered it with a startled cry.

  His tongue swept my pussy, teasing, and tasting, and whenever he found the exact spot that made me press against his mouth for more, he’d lap at it relentlessly only to retreat when I was close.

  “Wren, don’t be cruel,” I whined when he brought me to the brink once more. He chuckled, and the moment he abandoned suckling my clit to pierce me with his stiff tongue, I came. No sound escaped me, and other than my toes curling into the carpet, I couldn’t move or speak. Not even to tell him that I was too sensitive when he started peppering my pussy with soft kisses. He seemed to get the message when I whined, and he stood.

  I stayed where I was when I felt his hard cock through his jeans. I could almost hear his thoughts as clearly as my own and knew that he was considering it.

  Taking me like this.

  From behind.

  Bent over the chair.

  Completely at his mercy.

  I lifted my leg onto the arm of the chair and arched my back, opening myself more for him, and when I peeked over my shoulder, our gazes met. Neither of us moved or breathed for a few a heartbeats and then slowly, his hands went for his belt. I didn’t dare look away. I heard his zipper lowering and then the rustle of his jeans as he pushed them over his hips. The moment his dick was out, swollen and veiny, he swore violently.

  “I don’t have a condom,” he told me.

  My frown cleared. “And I’m not on birth control,” I said like it was no big deal. Neither of us were prepared for this, but I’d be damned if I let that stop us now.

  “You could get pregnant, Lou.”

  “I don’t care.”


  “I don’t care,” I repeated, unwilling to yield. I was prepared to risk my heart, my sanity, and my future for this. For him.

  When he stepped closer and pressed himself against me, the heart I was willing to put in peril, soared. I felt his cock brush against my lower lips, and my eyes drifted shut as I moaned. I was more than ready to feel all of him inside me.

nbsp; But my joy quickly dissipated when he lifted me from the chair, set me on my feet, and pulled his jeans up. “We can’t,” he told me when he finally met my gaze.

  “Would it really be so bad?” I cried, unable to hide my frustration.

  “No, it wouldn’t be so bad—for me. You still have your whole life ahead of you.”

  “With you?”

  He searched my hopeful gaze, and I could see the torment in his. “If you want.”

  “I want,” I told him in a tone that left no room for doubt, but he only shook his head.

  “You don’t know that yet.”

  “You’ve been my best friend—no, my entire world for nearly three years, Wren. There’s nothing else left to know.”

  I didn’t miss the pain in his eyes before he turned away. My hand reached out to touch his back when he spoke. His voice was barely above a whisper. “There’s plenty, Lou. There’s plenty.”

  He started for the door, but I rushed to intercept him. I was done letting him walk away from me.

  “Then tell me now. Right here.” I pointed to the floor before stepping close enough for my breasts to brush his chest. “And when you’re done, I want you to make love to me. Condom or no condom.” Reaching up, I pulled his face down until our lips met. “There’s nothing you can tell me that would make me give you up.” I kissed him again, deeper this time. “I’ve wanted you for too long.”


  “Please, Wren,” I whispered desperately as I reached for his belt. “Please fuck me. I don’t care what you did.” I quickly undid his jeans, and the moment I had my hand wrapped around his thick cock, he gasped as if in pain. A second later, he yanked me up in his arms and carried me to the bed.

  He laid me down, and I immediately rose onto my elbows to watch him undress. He yanked his shirt over his head first, revealing those mouthwatering abs and the chest I loved so much. And then he kicked off his shoes before shoving his pants and boxers down his legs.


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