Sharing Hannah - A Reverse Harem Romance

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Sharing Hannah - A Reverse Harem Romance Page 3

by Krista Wolf

  “So Hannah…” he said, sweeping his hair back from his face. “Are you that girl?”

  We were all staring at her as she stood up again. This time she extended both hands in our direction.

  “Let’s go find out.”



  They took me dancing, at some place I didn’t know. Walking me arm in arm in arm along the crooked streets, before ushering me down a flight of stairs and through an underground doorway.

  The place was like a dungeon, only full of lights and music. We wound our way through a maze of twisting, writhing bodies — all sweat, all movement. Trey took my coat. Adam and Dante took my hands. They pulled me out onto some dirty dance floor, and spun me between them with smooth, polished movements.

  It took me a minute to get used to the beat. Another three or four, to let myself completely go. In no time I was twisting between them, losing myself in the music, the heat, the atmosphere.

  We danced, my body pressed hotly between theirs, being grinded into from in front and behind. It was a wholly unique experience. Strange yet sensuous, with my own body reacting to the firmness of their chests, their rock-hard arms wrapped around me. I laid my hands down again and again, first on impossibly strong shoulders, then on tremendous biceps and triceps. Everywhere I touched felt like solid granite. And every lingering fingertip that traced part of my body only made me hotter and hotter.

  Trey cut in, sweeping me against his two gargantuan pecs. I laid my head on his chest, inhaling the delicious scent of him. Feeling the warmth and security of having his arms around me, while my own hands found the expanse of his broad, massive back.

  We danced for a long time, allowing our bodies to become more familiar. I was face to face with each of them. My lips practically brushing against theirs, the sweetness of their hot, masculine breath against my neck, my cheek, or even my mouth.

  I was dying to be kissed! But none of them would do it. It was almost like there was some unwritten pact between them, that prevented each of them from acting on their own.

  Still not willing to make the first move, I molded myself against their bodies. I was happy and content. Warm and safe amongst a hundred writhing strangers, while somewhere above us a beat boomed and lights whirled and the DJ spun bits and pieces of what seemed to be my all-time favorite songs.

  “This place is amazing,” I whispered into Adam’s ear. “How did you—”

  And just like that I was being dragged away, pulled back through the crowd and out into the street. Still sweaty and happy and delirious with all the attention, yet reluctant to have it come to an end.

  We dined after that, at a restaurant just up the block. Trey lowered his coat over my shoulders, adding an additional level of protection against the snow flurries that had begun falling while we’d been dancing underground.

  One of them had a booth reserved, or at least knew the owner. Either way, it was sweet and thoughtful. We were ushered in, past the late-going college crowds, into a padded leather area with a small, circular table. I slid in eagerly, happy to be off my feet. Adam took one side, Dante the other, sandwiching me neatly between them.

  The story, a tiny voice in my head reminded me. You’re here for the story, remember?

  Then again I was and I wasn’t. As of right now I was on a date — and this was very clearly a date — even though I was with three men instead of one. Three very gorgeous, well-built men. Attentive men, who were fun, funny…

  Men who so far were charming my pants off, even though I didn’t have any.

  Drinks arrived, and food shortly after. We ate between laughter. Talked between drinking and flirting and devouring a series of incredible appetizers rather than ordering full meals. We had another round of drinks after that, and then once more, I was being abruptly whisked away.

  This time we walked an even shorter distance, until we were standing before a large, ramshackle old building. It was old and run down. Well-scarred by time, yet imbued with a distinctive character and charm. Somehow I knew; this was where they lived.

  “Come in for a drink?”

  The snow was falling even harder now, starting to accumulate in the street.

  I nodded without hesitation, and a minute later we were in a deathtrap masquerading as an elevator. Adam pulled the door — which was really nothing more than a collapsible gate — closed manually, and Dante slid an ancient brass key into a worn slot before pulling on a nearby lever. Somehow, after shuddering through a series of violent death-throes, the old, rickety car started to rise.

  “You still use the key?” Adam laughed.


  “Any key works bro,” he explained. “This thing is so old and shot, I usually start it with my car key nowadays.”

  Dante squinted back at him. “No shit?”

  “Oh yeah,” said Adam. “If anyone else figures it out though, we’re gonna come home one day to an empty apartment.”

  Now it was Dante’s turn to laugh. “What are they gonna do? Steal all the shit we don’t have?”

  The car rumbled along, the dirty sides of the elevator shaft visible as we rose through the floors. It was like something straight out of a movie.

  “You ride this thing every day?” I asked incredulously, as the car quivered and shook.

  “Well it still beats the stairs,” Dante smiled.

  I looked him up and down again, this gorgeous dark-haired Adonis with a carefully sculpted physique. Something told me he wasn’t adverse to a few stairs.

  “Besides, there aren’t usually four of us,” Adam laughed. Then, with an almost imperceptible shrug. “Usually…”

  I felt like a fly, caught in a spider’s web. Only instead of wriggling in some life-or-death struggle to break free, I was writhing in anticipation of what was to come.

  The elevator rumbled to a stop, and the gate opened into a breathtaking, top-floor studio apartment. It was a wide open space with incredible window-to-window views. It was sectioned out into a living area, a small corner kitchen, and on the other side… a pair of large, crisply-made beds.

  “Welcome home,” said Dante, kicking his shoes into another corner. He began unbuttoning his shirt without even hesitating, pulling it off like he did at the end of every day.

  Adam was already at the fridge. He produced a few bottles of beer, then scrambled around and came up with a bottle opener.

  “You all live here?” I asked, stepping my way though the brick-walled apartment. I’d already taken Dante’s lead and stepped out of my shoes.

  “The two of us do,” Dante indicated, pointing also to Adam. “Trey still lives on campus.”

  “Y—You’re still a student?” I tried — way too late, might I add — to hide the surprise in my voice.

  “Student teacher,” Trey corrected immediately. “I graduated, but I’m going for my Masters in Engineering. They’ve got me teaching a few physics classes,” he shrugged, “so for now it’s easier to just stay on campus. Not to mention, the rent is free.”

  I nodded mechanically, seeing Trey suddenly in an all new light. I knew he was smart, but not this smart. Not engineering and physics and professor smart. The whole package was impressive.

  “Come,” said Dante. “Relax with us.”

  He sank into a chair, just as Adam handed him a beer. The other two took what seemed to be their familiar positions on the couch, while holding a cold bottle out to me.

  I approached slowly, my bare feet padding against the smooth wooden floor. It felt orgasmically good to be out of my shoes. The apartment was exceptionally cozy and comfy, despite being wide open. Warm, welcome air was blowing down on me, from one of the big aluminum tubes overhead.

  “Thanks,” I said sheepishly, reaching for the beer.

  My hand brushed Adam’s, very lightly, but the touch was electric. I glanced down. He looked up. Our eyes locked, for about one half of an eternal second.


  That’s all it took.

o strong hands went to my waist. Before I knew what was happening they slid downward, over the curve of my ass. They were cupping me. Fingers flexing…



  I let myself go. Allowed myself to be pulled downward, into the growing heat and warmth. To be guided straight into this handsome stranger’s lap.

  The next thing I knew he was crushing his full, gorgeous lips against mine.



  Adam’s lips were just like his body; strong and masculine, yet tender and supple too. One hand came up to caress my face, his touch ever so gentle. His other remained planted in my lap, resting tantalizingly between my legs.

  He’s kissing you…

  He sure as hell was. And not only that, I was kissing him back. Sliding my tongue past his lips with such fury and passion that I could feel our jaws rotating sensually against one another.

  He’s kissing you right in front of the others!

  Yes, he was doing that too. I was making out with this hot new stranger with the full awareness that not one, but two of his closest friends were watching. One of them on the same couch, even! The other from only a few feet away.

  Yet somehow, it was the hottest thing in the whole fucking world.


  We went on kissing, as I let myself melt against Adam’s hard, beautiful body. The whole thing was slow. Thunderous. I kept thinking how insanely hot it must look from the others’ perspectives. How worked up they might be getting, just watching us go to town on each other.

  I don’t know how long we went at it, but suddenly Adam broke the kiss and pulled back. He grinned devilishly, and I saw his gaze shifting somewhere over my shoulder.


  Another pair of hands was on my body, pulling me backward without warning. Laying me flat across two strong legs at the other end of the couch.

  “Hey beautiful.”

  I blinked, and found myself looking up into Trey’s pretty brown eyes. He smiled a little, then bent at the waist and lowered his lips over mine…

  Oh my God…

  Everything was happening so quickly, I had zero time to react. One second I was kissing one cute guy, the next I was kissing his very hot friend.

  This is crazy!

  It was. Totally crazy, but absolutely incredible. My stomach was twisted in heated knots. The space in my belly had long ago erupted with butterflies.

  Brooke! What the hell are you doing?

  Research. I was doing research. Or at least that’s what I was telling myself. For now.

  “She tastes sweet, doesn’t she?” asked Adam.

  Trey responded by moaning softly into my mouth. Our lips were churning, burning with a fire and passion I’d never known. He continued kissing me, his tongue swirling crazily against mine.

  You’re insane. Totally insan—

  Suddenly Trey pulled back, just like Adam had. His eyes were still on me though. They were glassy and unfocused. Glazed with lust.

  “Go to him,” he said, nodding to his left.

  I looked, and there was Dante. He was still sprawled in his chair, but now one hand was between his legs. I could see a bulge through his slacks. The outline of something hard and tremendous, that he kept running his palm over.

  “Go…” Trey whispered again, brushing my hair back. He nibbled my ear, and electric shivers bolted down one side of my body.

  I went, standing like a newborn doe on two shaky legs. I took three or four steps before my knees buckled, sending me straight into Dante’s lap.

  “There we are…” he smiled.

  My third would-be lover began by kissing my neck. It was crazy how talented his mouth was, and in less than half a minute he had my whole body quivering from head to toe.

  “Do you feel it?”

  I had to stop and take stock of my senses for a moment. Then I realized what he meant: the hard lump beneath the fabric of his slacks. The one jutting upward, right into the crack of my ass.

  “Yes,” I whispered, throwing my head back. I was lost in the moment. Reveling in every ounce of pleasure they were giving me. “Fuck yes.”

  Dante’s hands roamed my body, moving boldly upward. One slid beneath my skirt, resting high on my bare thigh. The other went straight to my blouse, to settle over one heavy breast.

  “This is what it would be like,” he murmured, still kissing my shoulder. “To be with us. To date all three of us…”

  He kissed his way upward, along my neck. Planting tiny pecks along my cheek and jaw, before finally closing his mouth over mine.

  “This is what would happen every day,” he whispered. “If you were our girlfriend…”

  He kissed me again, and I saw literal stars. My entire world was spinning. My body, shaking… trembling…

  And then his palm slid further upward… and a strong, masculine hand brushed my pussy.

  Holy shit…

  My entire body jolted like I’d been struck by a bolt of lightning. Yet Dante didn’t stop, didn’t slow. I felt his thick fingers pull the silky fabric of my thong to one side. I didn’t have to see it to know it was already drenched through.

  “Is this what you want?”

  Two fingers entered me gently, parting my warm folds. They slid in easily, I was so utterly soaked down there.

  “I said, is this what you—”


  I breathed the word more than said it. Then I was gasping it, as he began slowly gliding those fingers in and out of me.

  “Oh GOD yes.”

  I was kissing him crazily now, hungry for the taste of his tongue. The harder we kissed, the faster his hand moved. The more we made out, the deeper his fingers sank into me.

  There was no telling how long it went on. I only knew the joy of being held in his arms. The passion of being kissed by this gorgeous, dark-haired stranger, while he fingered me wetly beneath my skirt…

  “It’s snowing pretty hard,” Dante murmured between kisses. “We could call you an Uber right now. Get you home safe.”

  My body recoiled in confusion. My eyes fluttered open, and I could see the others had left the couch and were standing beside us.

  “Or you could stay…” offered Adam, staring down me. “We could take you into that bed,” he pointed, “and spend the night with us.”

  I swallowed hard, to get past the lump in my throat. It wasn’t working.

  “But you have to want it,” said Trey, his big arms folded across his gorgeous chest. He was still wearing the plain white T-shirt that was beneath his button-down. “That’s our rule. You have to tell us, just to be sure.”

  Dante had stopped for a moment, bringing me back to reality. Leaving me sitting there in his lap, staring at the three incredible men surrounding me in a little triangle. They were waiting on me now. I could feel the heat radiating off their bodies, their hearts thundering away in their thick chests.

  “I want this…” I said, my voice breaking. “But forget about telling you.”

  They stared back uncertainly as I abruptly stood up. Then I took Adam and Trey, each by one hand.

  “Let me show you…” I finished, pulling them toward the open bedroom.



  I made it halfway to the bedroom area before they took me. Suddenly I was being lifted; carried by not two, but four strong arms. Deposited onto the bed and stripped bare by six eager hands, all moving in different directions, but all with the same sizzling intent.

  The bed was soft, the loft darkened. I felt my feet go up and my legs spread impossibly wide… a pillow placed gently beneath my head just as a hot, hungry mouth lowered itself over my dripping pussy.

  Are you out of your fucking mind, Brooke?

  The voice in my head was sounding more and more angry with me. By this point, I was far past caring. I’d surrendered to the idea that I was trying this, if not with my mind, at least with my body. That knowing the pleasure of three men — all at the sam
e time — would make my article on polyamory that much better.

  Yeah, right.

  I sucked air through my teeth in a hiss of pleasure as two new mouths closed over my bare breasts. Trey was between my legs, devouring me with all the enthusiasm of this being his first time. He was licking… sucking… dragging his tongue over my swollen womanhood in broad, sweeping strokes before spreading me gently with two thumbs and plunging back inside me.


  Inwardly I knew the truth: that my succumbing to these three ripped, musclebound men had nothing to do with my article and everything to do with me. In truth I was lonely. Horny. And after long months where I’d only let my fingers do the walking? Desperate for some hot male attention.

  It apparently didn’t matter to me that the attention came in triplicate. I’d resigned to take every last ounce of pleasure from these guys that I could. Every penultimate moment before my aching release, every screaming orgasm. I wanted to be breathless and spent and sated. Left delirious with the surge of those wonderful endorphins, swimming through my brain.

  And when I’d finally finished taking what was mine? I wanted nothing more than to spread myself wide for them. To give each one of my three lovers any part of my body that they wanted.

  Right now I was focused on the three warm mouths giving me pleasure. Two swirling tongues tasted the rims of my stippled areolae, flicking wickedly across my two nipples as Trey added a finger to the mix.

  I was writhing. Twisting. Pulling their heads against my chest while trying to squeeze my thighs shut against the thrumming of my swollen clit. Just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, I felt the shift of a body climbing onto the bed. Trey lifted my legs over his shoulders, positioning the head of what felt to be a very thick cock… right at my glistening entrance.

  I craned my neck up so I could see him. I wanted to watch. To visually enjoy the moment, so I could forever burn it into my memory. The others sensed this and stopped, leaning back to watch as well.


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