Her Panther: An Urban Fantasy Romance (Silver Shifter Book 4)

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Her Panther: An Urban Fantasy Romance (Silver Shifter Book 4) Page 7

by Katherine Bogle

  I sighed and shook my head.

  “Whatever magic that has created the Silver Shifters before me, for some reason thought it was a good idea to choose me. It might never make sense to me, but I’m glad it did, because it led me not only to all of you, but to my mates.” I smiled at each of my mates, who beamed their approval. Even Jett didn’t look nearly as surly as he had moments ago. “I think most of you already know, but whatever magic creates and chooses the Silver Shifter also decided I would have not one but four to call mine. Each of your alphas are my mates. We didn’t plan for it, and we’ve struggled to get where we are today, but we’re better for it. We’ve become a team, and I don’t think I could live without them.”

  Maximus took my hand and squeezed. The love and support in the eyes of all my mates nearly brought me to tears. But instead, I fought it back. This was so not the time for crying.

  “Just as I can’t live without them, I don’t think we could all survive without each other.” I looked back at those around the table. “Having four clans seems to bring balance to the supernatural world here. If we didn’t have the dragons, or the wolves, or the bears, or the panthers, we would be lacking a piece that holds the seams of New York together. Our territories span parts of the city and beyond. We protect ourselves, but we also protect the innocents around us.”

  I took a deep breath. My heart pounded so hard I was sure they could all hear it, but I powered on. “It won’t be easy to unite, but I think we can do it. Just as the Society of Supernaturals has a Council, I think we should to. But we won’t be like the vampires, who are governed by a monarch. That only invites corruption.” I clenched my mate’s hand harder as images of the Lamia Queen flashed before my eyes. She was the reason I was here. She was killing innocent people, and she had to be stopped.

  “So instead, our council will have members from each clan,” I continued. “These councilmembers will speak on behalf of their clans. They will bring problems and disputes to the council to be discussed and fixed. We will work together on all things.” I smiled. “It can be up to you who you choose to be on the council. I think two members per clan would be a good idea. They could be elected by your clan, or chosen by your alpha, whatever you think is fair. I don’t want this Council to strip you of any of your own ways, so I think every clan should have the right to choose their representatives how they want.” I paused, my brow furrowing. “As long as it’s done in an ethical way.”

  Anton, one of the Dragon Council members, laughed out loud. “You’re wise far beyond your years, young one.”

  My cheeks burned hot. “Thank you.”

  “You think this will work?” one of the wolves asked.

  A round of ‘I do’s’ rose from the table. Not a single person disagreed. I was shocked. I couldn’t believe my words had affected everyone so much that they seemed nearly stunned into silence.

  “There might be some logistical issues,” Bernie said. “But it sounds like a good plan to me.”

  “I agree,” Cassandra said. “I’m up to try anything if it’ll stop this pointless fighting.” She sat back in her seat, arms crossed over her chest.

  “We can figure things out as we go, too,” Shira piped up. “Like how we’ll protect the Silver Shifter.”

  My eyes widened. I opened my mouth to protest—I didn’t need protecting—but my mates beat me to it.

  “We can protect her, Shira,” Maximus said, his voice rumbling and stern.

  “But we all want to see our Silver Shifter guarded, young Alpha,” Genevieve, one of the Dragon Council spoke up. “I’d like to see at least a dozen Dragon Guard at her nest, wherever she decides that may be.”

  I blinked in surprise. I’d honestly never even thought about it. Pack territory seemed like home, but then again, the bears felt like family, and the dragon’s would be powerful allies to keep around. I glanced at Jett. The panthers were strong in their own way, too. They might be a little more solitary, but they could disappear and prowl unseen on a property, or gather information about potential threats in the city. Different pieces of me felt at home will different pieces of them. Maybe we could create our own little home together somewhere when this was all over.

  “I like that idea,” I said. Everyone’s attention turned back to me.

  “You don’t need to decide anything now, Ana,” Owen said with a sweet smile.

  “I know,” I said. “We have bigger things to focus on now, but I want every clan to be apart of wherever we decide to settle down.”

  Everyone nodded their approval. It seemed we’d gotten the worst parts out of the way. The entire table seemed keen on uniting. They all liked the council idea, which was my biggest fear. I didn’t want them to think I was taking over, and I didn’t think there should be any head of council, or leader amongst them. Maybe a speaker to keep everyone on track, but no one should have any extra power.

  I smiled to myself. With the hard part over, I knew we could go over details later. For now, we had a more pressing concern.

  “I’m glad we’re all in agreement,” I said. “But there’s one more thing for us to rally against.”

  That got their attention.

  “I’m sure you’ve all heard about the attacks in the city, and have been informed by your respective Alphas about what is going on.” I waited for nods before I continued. “It’s my opinion that we must stop this new threat. These monster vampires threaten to expose not just themselves, but the entire supernatural world. We can’t let that happen.”

  “There would be utter chaos,” Cash agreed.

  “If we can stop these monsters, and the Lamia Queen, then we can avoid exposure,” I said. “It won’t be easy, but I think with our collective strengths we can do it.”

  “We’ll offer any support we can,” Anton said, standing.

  “We will as well,” Owen’s father said. “Anything you need.”

  I couldn’t help the toothy grin that spread across my face. It amused me that everyone here spoke as if their alphas weren’t sitting beside me. But it felt good to have their support too. I knew my mates supported me in this, but to have their clans backing me willingly made me happier than I could say.

  “I’d like to offer my aid, as well,” Bernie said, standing.

  Jett stiffened as the older panther alpha rose from his chair.

  “I know this isn’t my territory,” Bernie continued, giving Jett a steady look. “But if the entire supernatural world is at risk of exposure, then I need to help in any way I can. Let me lend you my panthers. We can sniff out these beasts and snuff them out for good.”

  Jett’s shoulders relaxed. “Thank you. I’d appreciate your help.”

  Bernie nodded and sat back down.

  Everyone at the table again faced me, and I felt the weight of their gazes. “Then let’s make a plan of attack. How are we going to destroy these monsters and save ourselves?”



  The air was electric with the excitement of the four clans. Finally, we were united. It was like a weight had been lifted from everyone’s mind. Bears and wolves arm wrestled each other in the living room, while dragons and panthers gabbed in the kitchen. Dozens more from each clan had arrived since they’d heard the news, and now Cash’s penthouse suite was full of them.

  Though I enjoyed the excitement, the chatting and the overall atmosphere, I was starting to get tired and cramped with so many filling the living room.

  “I’m going to get some air,” I said, slipping out from under Owen’s arm resting around my shoulders.

  “Want some company?” Owen didn’t waggle his eyebrows suggestively like Cash might have, but his meaning was clear. I laughed and leaned down. I held his bearded face in one hand and braced myself on his shoulder with the other and pressed my lips to his.

  After a quick kiss, I pulled back. “I just need some air. You can keep me company later.”

  Owen kissed me on the tip of my nose. “All right. Don’t be too long.”

/>   “I won’t.”

  I slipped out of the crowd in the living room, between a group of panthers, wolves, and dragons playing blackjack, and out the balcony doors.

  Cold air surrounded me, pulling at my hair and clothes. I sighed and drank it in as I wound around the balcony to a quieter spot. Potted plants were nestled into the far end of the balcony with white-cushioned chairs strewn about. It looked like a great place to hang out during warmer weather.

  I smiled to myself as I leaned my forearms on the thick metal railing half a foot above the large panes of glass that boxed in the entire balcony. I closed my eyes and bathed in the moonlight. My heartbeat slowed, and despite the cold, I felt warm all the way through.

  “Ariana?” a soft female voice asked.

  I looked over my shoulder to find Shira approaching. She looked conflicted but determined, a polite smile plastered to her face.

  “Hey,” I said, turning to face her. “You needed some air, too?”

  Shira shook her head. She sighed and came up to join me, leaning her back against the railing and staring up at the stars. “I wanted to say something to you. Something that’s long overdue.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

  “I… I just wanted to apologize for how I’ve treated you,” Shira said. She avoided my gaze even as she looked down from the heavens. “I never should have judged you. It was just so hard seeing Maximus go through that—feeling him go through that.”

  “I understand,” I said. “I never intended for anything that happened to hurt him.”

  “I know you didn’t.” Finally, Shira met my gaze and let out an awkward laugh. “I understand what it’s like to be judged, and I still acted like an ass. I should have known better.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  Shira bit her lip. “I’m gay. It’s a fact I can’t hide from my clan, and I’ve always been judged for it. Most wolves are straight and monogamous. We might be moving forward in some ways, but in others, we’re woefully behind.”

  I reached for her hand and squeezed her cold fingers in mine. “That must be hard.”

  Shira nodded and squeezed back. “It is. But seeing you defeat our clan’s expectations has helped. Still, I shouldn’t have acted the way I did, and I want you to know how sorry I am. I hope we can be friends in the future.”

  My heart swelled at her confession and her apology. I pulled her into my arms. “I forgive you, Shira.”

  She laughed and hugged me back awkwardly, patting my back. “Thank you.”

  “We will be friends,” I said. “Always.”

  Shira sniffed and held me tighter for only a moment before she let go and stepped out of my arms. She tried to hide the lone tear that slipped down her cheek, but I saw it before she could flick it away. “I look forward to it.”

  With a quick goodbye, Shira excused herself and slipped back inside.

  I watched the spot where she’d disappeared for a long moment before I turned back to face the city. Things were coming together. Shira and I would be friends, the clans were united, and soon the monster vampire threat would be defeated. I gripped the cold metal of the railing and breathed in the city air.

  Suddenly, the flowery scent of magic filled my lungs. I stumbled back, my heart racing.

  “It’s been awhile, dearie.” The gritty British voice made my hackles raise and my body shiver with unwanted memories. “We have unfinished business.”

  I turned just as Nevil, Dante’s henchman, grabbed my arm. The world blurred before me, and my stomach lurched into my throat. I bit my tongue to keep from vomiting. When the world righted itself, I was in the back of a van.

  I moved to step away, but the world tilted. I was so dizzy from the teleportation that I nearly fell right into the wall of the vehicle.

  “First time traveller?” Nevil cackled. He yanked my wrist toward him and clamped a glowing silver bracelet around it.

  I hissed in pain as the metal touched me, but a purple glow illuminated around the bangle, and the pain dispersed. Though I had no idea what it was or what was happening, I knew I had to get out of there. Yanking my arm from his grip, I backpedalled toward the door. I called for my dragon, my wolf, my bear, but my beasts were silent.

  I froze with my hand halfway to the handle. “What the hell did you do?”

  Nevil laughed as the van lurched beneath our feet. He stayed perfectly still while I was knocked to the floor. My knees slammed against the metal, jarring my bones. I gritted my teeth against the pain and again called for my beasties.

  “Your little critters are locked away for the time being, dearie.” Nevil grinned, flashing crooked teeth. “And the door is spelled. It’s pointless to try and escape.” He flicked his fingers mid air, and the glowing purple from the silver bangle extended to my other wrist, wrapping around it before snapping them together.

  I growled as I tried to wrench my wrists apart, but they wouldn’t budge. “Where are you taking me? My mates will know I’m gone. You’ll regret having ever touched me.”

  Nevil rolled his eyes. “We’re nearly there, don’t you worry.”

  Cold fear swelled inside of me. There was only one place Dante’s minion would take me, and that was right back to his master. My heart pounded as I struggled. My muscles groaned, and my shoulders screamed in pain as I tried to tear my wrists apart. But no matter what I did, I couldn’t move them.

  The van screeched to a halt, and I peered out the window to see a sign announcing our arrival at The Black Sparrow. I ground my teeth as Nevil reached for me, a wicked look in his eyes. Before I could open my mouth to growl out a threat, he raised his hand and grabbed my face, covering my mouth with his hand.

  He mumbled something I couldn’t decipher, then reached past me to open the door. I tumbled out onto the street, but when I grunted in pain, there was no sound. My eyes widened as I tried to yell, scream—say anything. I couldn’t speak. He’d stolen my voice.

  The front door to the van slammed, and a second man, this one fitting the bouncer stereotype, grabbed my right arm while Nevil grabbed my left. They heaved me up off the street and propelled me forward, through the doors to the empty club.

  Dante’s henchman hummed a far-too-cheery tune as he marched me inside, past empty tables and vacant seats to a door at the back.

  As soon as they opened the door, I could smell him. Dante’s magic stench wafted up my nostrils, and my stomach rolled.

  No. No. No!

  This couldn’t be happening. I thought I’d escaped this mad man. I fought, pulling left and right, stomping on their toes and yanking at their grips. Nevil hissed and spit as he lost his grip, but the bouncer-looking man grabbed my free arm and squeezed so tight I whimpered.

  The pain didn’t halt my fight, but whatever this bouncer was, he was incredibly strong. Without my beasties, I was powerless to stop him from pushing me through the back door and leading me down the steps into what I could only describe as my new hell.

  A giant cage sat at the side of the room, raised a bit off the ground almost like a boxer’s cage. There was a tunnel at the back with a gate over it and seating on the other side. There were two bars, one on either side of the room, and at the back was the VIP area. Sitting on a long black leather couch was the man of my nightmares.

  Dante grinned as he rose to his feet. He swaggered down the couple of steps to the main floor and made his way toward us.

  I was pretty sure I was about to lose my lunch. My entire body felt hot and cold at the same time. I couldn’t think about anything, could only feel the horror of my current circumstances as my tormentor drew closer.

  “Good evening, my little puppy,” Dante purred. “Aren’t you excited to see your master again?”



  I stood there in shock, staring at my “master.” Now that I’d tasted freedom, there was no way that I was going back to this. No fucking way. I’d die fighting if I had to, but I would never be Dante’s slave again.

ell?” he prompted, picking a piece of lint from his lapel. “After all this time, you must have something to say. Did you miss me?”

  “I’ve got something to say,” I growled. “Go. Fuck. Yourself.”

  “Now, now,” Dante said. “I thought we’d have a more cordial reunion.”

  Before I could answer, the door at the top of the stairs opened. I could hardly believe my eyes. My mouth dropped open, and my stomach dropped out as a hole opened inside me. I shouldn’t have been surprised, but there, stepping through the door, was a figure I knew all too well.

  “Jett,” I snarled, pain twisting inside me like the knife in my back. “I should have known it was all for show, but this is an all-time low. Not only are you working with humans to eliminate vampires, now you’re working with this piece of shit? I guess it wasn’t bad enough that you had me chained up and poisoned, now you have to turn me over to the man who tortured me for half my life? I can’t wait to hear your excuse for this one.”

  “Ariana, listen—” Jett began, but I cut him off. Oh, I was on a roll now. He was about to get a piece of my mind. Here I’d thought he’d changed, that maybe, just maybe, I could trust him. I was so mad that redness pulsed in the corners of my vision, and my hands shook with rage as they fought their magical constraints.

  “No, you listen, Jett,” I said, my voice rising as I spoke. “You must think I’m really fucking dumb to let you hang out with us, and maybe you’re right. I’m obviously too trusting. But guess what, asshole? I may have convinced the others not to rip your throat out, but that’s temporary. The second they see we’re both gone, they’ll know you took me. You’ll never get away with this, Jett. Even if you kill me, you’re going to die for it. I hope it’s worth it.”


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