An Alpha For Two: Socal Cuties - Book 2

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An Alpha For Two: Socal Cuties - Book 2 Page 8

by Grey, Aspen

  “Come suck him, Roberto,” I told my other omega. Roberto understood immediately, and without hesitation, got down in front of me and presented his hole to me, while at the same time taking Perry’s cock into his mouth.

  “I—I can’t…” Perry whispered as though drunk. Yeah—dick drunk!

  My dick shining, I took my position behind Roberto and pressed my tip against his puckered, pink hole and pushed. My little omega opened obediently for me and I slid inside. He gasped but kept his mouth wrapped around Perry. With his arms bracing himself on the floor, he couldn’t really use any technique to blow him, but that didn’t matter. As I fucked him, his body moved back and forth, which in turn made his lips move up and down the shaft. Perry’s eyes rolled back in his head and his back arched up off the floor.

  “Fuck,” I growled deeply as I kneaded the flesh of Roberto’s ass as I fucked him, admiring the glorious view. His mocha-colored skin was glistening with a slight film of sweat, and without thinking, I spanked him hard on the right cheek. If his mouth hadn’t been full, he would have cried out, but Perry’s cock was somewhere in his throat and all that came out was a muffled groan.

  “I’m going to breed you too,” I told Roberto, closing my eyes tight against the outrageous sensitivity that was pounding through me. I had to use slow, deliberate strokes as I fucked him, and when I knotted, one of my legs almost gave out from under me.

  I braced myself with a palm on Roberto’s lower back to keep myself from falling. This time, he pulled his mouth back and shouted, “I feel it! Fuck, it’s so big! It’s like a fucking fist inside me!”

  We were bound together now, but I was about to make it even more official. Spitting on my hand, I reached beneath him and took his cock and began stroking it quickly. My orgasm wasn’t far off, and I wanted his to join mine. His body tensed up as I worked my magic, thrusting and stroking together in the same rhythm. He was so caught up in the moment that he’d forgotten about Perry’s cock, and I snatched his hair with my free hand and pushed his mouth down over him.

  “Shit!” Perry gasped. “It’s—it’s so amazing…”

  “I’m going to breed you too, Roberto,” I told him, looking at the fang print I’d left on his shoulder.

  They are mine…all mine…

  “Mmmhmmm,” was all he could reply with a dick in his mouth. I felt his swell to the point of bursting, and let out a deep growl as my second orgasm walloped into me like a bat to the brain.

  “I’m coming!” I cried out. And that was when Roberto’s dick exploded.

  I felt his hot omega juices spill across my fingers and palm. His body shuddered, twitching as my second load pumped inside of him, held there by my knot so that not a single drop would be wasted.

  “So am I!” Perry announced. I was barely able to keep my eyes open, but I saw his body buck upwards and drive his cock the rest of the way down Roberto’s throat. He swallowed eagerly, and part of me was jealous that he got to taste the sweet nectar and I didn’t.

  I kept coming, filling Roberto the way I’d filled Perry. Our orgasms twisted together like a multicolored whirlwind, tearing its way through the cosmos, fueled by our love for each other which was now solidified and eternal, like the marks I’d left on both of them.

  I saw stars. My head spun and I fell atop Roberto who collapsed onto the floor beneath me, both of us panting heavily like we’d just run a 400-meter sprint.

  “Oh, fuck,” I groaned into his ear, taking enormous breaths. “Oh, fuck.”

  “I’m so full, baby,” Roberto told me. “I’m so full.”

  “He comes so much, doesn’t he?” Perry giggled.

  “So much,” Roberto agreed. My knot slowly came down and I was able to slide out of Roberto and curl up between the two of them. Perry put his head on the right side of my chest, and Roberto on the other. I felt each of their heartbeats, the warmth from their bodies and their scents as they mixed and swam over me like sparkling, rainbow-colored fish. As they flicked their glimmering tails through the sea of my mind, a single thought exploded into existence:

  Now they’re mine forever…

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I woke up needing to pee, and gently managed to untangle myself from my two omegas that lay on either side of me—my two pregnant omegas.

  There was no way I hadn’t gotten them pregnant after that session. If that hadn’t done it then there was something really wrong with my swimmers, and that wasn’t possible. Those boys were going to be two pregnant beauties carrying my cubs in their bellies in no time, and I couldn’t wait to see it.

  I yawned and stretched as I walked over to the bathroom. The window was cracked slightly, and as I stepped through the door, a scent lit my nostrils and a fresh soak of adrenaline flooded through me like a wet hand slapping my face.


  Without hesitation, I spun around and paced quickly, but silently, through the bedroom and made my way outside. My heart was racing as I took the stairs down, two at a time, and opened the door to the back alley.

  Would there be more of them? Did he have the alphas with him? I was ready for anything, but as I stepped out into the shadows of the night, I saw it was only Sasha standing by himself across the street.

  “What are you doing here, Sasha?” I asked angrily, my eyes checking the shadows for any others who might be with him. I didn’t detect any other scents, so it was a fair assumption that he was alone, but it was a strange move on his part to show up on his own.

  “More like, what are you doing, Jedrik?”


  “This,” he waved his hands indicating to my building. But I knew what he was really insinuating: what was I doing with Perry and Roberto? But I chose to play dumb.

  “What are you talking about, Sasha?”

  “Come on, Jedrik,” he snorted. “You’re not stupid. What the fuck is this?”

  “You better get to the point, Sasha,” I growled.

  “Two omegas?” he laughed. I could see the envy and pain in his eyes. “What are you? The gay Hugh Hefner?”

  “Someone’s jealous,” I replied spitefully.

  “Oh, please,” Sasha scoffed. “Jealous? More like, I’m seeing your true colors finally!”

  “Oh, my true colors?” I scowled. “Because I’m the one who brought a gang to your house to kill you!”

  Sasha shrugged and looked away, tossing his arms in frustration. “Okay, so I got a little pissed off when I saw you with them. So what?”

  “So what?!” I repeated. “They almost killed me, Sasha!”

  “But they didn’t!” he snapped back as though that made any kind of difference.

  “They could have killed my mates—”

  “Your mates?” he replied, bursting out laughing, his head tilted back to the sky. “Mates? You’re not supposed to have mates, Jedrik! You’re supposed to have a mate! One mate! One!”

  “Oh, and I suppose that should be you?” I interjected, finishing his thought. Even if he wasn’t ready to say it, that’s where he was headed. Sasha opened his mouth to say something, but rethought whatever it was and went another direction with it.

  “I know you wouldn’t take me back,” he snarled. “You’re afraid.”

  “Oh, I am?” I laughed. “I can’t wait to hear this.”

  “You’re afraid that you’ll fall back in love with me,” Sasha said angrily. “That you’ll realize just how fucking stupid you were to push me away in the first place, and then you won’t want to take me back because by doing that, you’d have to admit that you screwed up, and you wouldn’t ever do that. Not in a million years.”

  I was so angry I could feel it seeping out of my pores. My fists were clenched so tightly at my sides they were ready to burst apart, and it was taking everything I had not to run up to the little prick and slap the expression off his face.

  “Sasha, listen to me,” I said, doing my best to remain calm. “I don’t want you back. I’ll never want you back. You were
a horrible, horrible boyfriend and the only thing I regret is not breaking up with you sooner.”

  “Fuck you!” he screamed, taking a step forward like he wanted to fight.

  “But you need to listen to me,” I told him. “Because I’m going to give you one last chance to get out of my life. One. And to be honest, I don’t even know why I’m doing you that. I don’t owe it to you at all, but I guess I’m just a better person than you.”

  “Oh, what are you gonna do, Jedrik?” Sasha snarled. “Kill me?”

  “We have photos,” I told him. His mouth clapped shut. “Photos of you and your whole operation down there at the warehouse. The stolen cars, your boss and his boys…everything. And if you don’t back off, remove yourself from my life forever, we’re going to give them to the police and bring you and your whole little shitty crime syndicate down.”

  The color washed away from Jedrik’s face like stain being removed from a piece of wood by my sander, and for the first time, he appeared to have nothing to say in response.

  “Oh, not so tough now, are you?” I asked him, stepping forward. His scent was a horrible assault on my senses. Despite being my ex, and having caused me so much pain, there was a tiny sliver inside of me that still cared for him—as a person, not a lover.

  “So, this is it, Sasha,” I told him. “I’m giving you one chance to leave now and I won’t go to the police. But if you come back—if you push it again, or if I even get a whiff of you coming near me or my mates again—I will use the evidence we have and put you and your friends behind bars. Do you understand me?”

  I saw the anger inside Sasha, and also that he had a lot more to say. His lips quivered, but he held back.

  Good choice, I thought.

  “Okay, Jedrik,” he replied. I thought that was the end of it, but as he turned away, he stopped and glanced back over his shoulder. “If this is what you think will make you happy, then go for it.”


  And with that final, spiteful remark, Sasha turned his back on me and disappeared into the shadows. Only after his scent was faint enough to let me know that he was truly gone, did I turn and head back inside, feeling as though I’d finally managed to close the last, unresolved chapter in my life behind me and move on.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Four months later…

  I loved watching Jedrik work with wood—and not just in the innuendo kind of way!

  Spending time in Jedrik’s woodshop was a favorite activity for Roberto and I, especially given the fact that we were both pregnant now and didn’t like moving around a ton. He’d brought in two extremely comfortable chairs that we could easily get in and out of but also relax and kick back and watch as he cut, planed and shaped wood into whatever his current project was. Today, he was finishing up a table for a client in Del Mar that was going to eventually be built into the home, joining with a tall beam in the kitchen that flowed into the living room. After this was finished, he had six chairs on order to complete the room.

  He was working with cherry wood, which was a reddish color but warm and extremely hard and tight grained. It was beautiful, but expensive, a cost that of course translated into the final price of the table, which was substantial. As usual, he was using his signature garnet shellac finish, and we’d been instructed to stand back by the open door so we couldn’t breathe in any of the denatured alcohol that was used to cut the flakes. It probably wouldn’t be a big deal, but with a baby in your belly, you want to make sure that you’re doing everything you can to be safe.

  “It’s looking beautiful, baby,” Roberto said, my hand in his as we watched Jedrik’s precise, careful, deliberate brushstrokes. Shellac has a very distinct, gorgeous look to it, but is very hard to apply and work with, as brushstrokes can appear quickly and ruin everything. I’d learned this when he’d let me try brushing a piece of scrap wood and had completely botched the job. Thankfully it was just for practice and wasn’t anything important.

  “Are you going to add another coat?” I asked, already knowing the answer. It was one coat of shellac and then lacquer from there. But I just liked hearing him describe the process to me.

  “This should do it,” he replied. “Too much shellac on cherry and you turn the thing too dark. I want this to shine.”

  “They’re going to love it,” Roberto said. “They better take good care of it!”

  “Oh, I’m sure it’ll be beat up in a few years,” Jedrik chuckled. “But hey, maybe they’ll need a replacement then.”

  “And we’ve got just the guy for it,” I smiled.

  It was the end of a long day and I turned around to look out at the sunset, putting a hand over the baby bump that seemed ready to burst beneath my loose t-shirt. Roberto turned around with me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pressing his belly against mine. We were like a couple of those chocolate truffle treats ready to be unwrapped and eaten and I couldn’t wait until the moment when we finally brought the cubs into the world.

  Wendell had of course volunteered to handle the deliveries, and had told us he could get us an ultrasound to check the baby’s sexes, but we had declined unless something terrible happened that needed our attention. We both wanted to be surprised, and although he wouldn’t say so, I knew Jedrik was hoping for a boy and a girl, and I was hoping we could give that to him.

  “So, what’s for dinner?” Jedrik asked, looking up as he applied the final brushstroke to the table top. “Lasagna again?”

  I stuck out my tongue, knowing what he was referring to. I’d made a lasagna the other night, then Roberto and I had fallen asleep on the couch and let it burn to a crisp. We’d had to order Thai food.

  “Oh, stop it,” Roberto chuckled. “You want to embarrass us even more?”

  “Just a joke,” Jedrik teased, walking over to us, his white Henley work shirt practically bursting off his muscled physique. It had been four months and my lust for him hadn’t waned a bit. In fact, with the pregnancy, Roberto and I were somehow hornier than ever, which seemed like a strange aspect of nature, considering the fact that we couldn’t get pregnant again.

  Not yet at least…

  He stood between us, legs spread wide and strong, and placed one hand on each of our bellies, sliding our shirts up to expose the skin that was impossibly stretched over the lives growing within us. I’d never been more proud to be alive than when he looked at me with those strong eyes.

  I’m yours….

  “You two are so sexy,” he told us. I let my eyes fall to his pants to see if I could see anything growing there, and sure enough, I saw a small bulge beginning to form.

  Always ready…

  He slid a hand down my belly towards the hem of my sweatpants, but I jokingly swatted him away. It was fun to tease him a bit now and then.

  “You can’t start now,” I scolded him. “Or you won’t get any dinner.”

  “Mmmm,” he grinned, wrapping his arms around me. He leaned close and kissed my earlobe, filling my nose with his scent. “Can’t I just eat you?”

  “Roberto!” I cried out. “Help me!”

  Roberto laughed and snatched my hand and pulled me away from my horny alpha. “We have to make dinner, Jedrik! Now—tell us what you want?”

  “Surprise me,” he chuckled as Roberto and I slowly backed away, pretending (but not really) that he was about to pounce on us at any second.

  “Okay, we will,” Roberto chuckled, pulling me away even more quickly, knowing that if one of us was to give in and let Jedrik ravish us instead of going to prepare our meal, it would be me. “You going to take a shower?”

  “Ah, shut up, Roberto!” I scolded him as we headed for the stairs.

  “Sorry! Bad mental image to conjure up when we’re trying to escape,” he laughed to Jedrik. “See you soon, baby!”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Jedrik simply smiled as we walked away and headed back upstairs. Perry was practically drooling as we stepped back into the

  “Why does he have to be so sexy?” he whined, trying to go slump down on the couch. But I kept my hand firm and pulled him over to the kitchen. We had cutting to do, as we were making a Gordon Ramsay taco recipe tonight that, while easy, had a decent amount of prep work.

  “He’s probably thinking that about you,” I replied as I got a clove of garlic from the pantry and an onion. “Grab that ground beef and pork from the fridge, please.”

  “Why do I want his cock even more when I’m pregnant?” Perry asked without wanting an answer. “All I want to do is eat and have sex all day.”

  “You don’t want to cook for your man?” I joked.

  “Of course I do,” he replied. “But…ya know…”

  I smiled to myself as I began to crush and peel the garlic. The recipe was garlic, onions and peppers roasted gently in oil and brown sugar and then added to the ground pork and beef, then topped off with homemade guacamole and served with tortillas or chips. I was excited to see how Jedrik liked it.

  Perry took his place beside me and began to peel the skin from the onion, his mind obviously elsewhere.

  “It’s crazy, isn’t it?” he asked.

  “What’s that?”

  “I mean—remember when we got fired from the coffee shop?”

  “Ugh!” I groaned, instantly taken back to that day. “Fucking Chad.”

  “That’s right,” Perry sighed. “Chad. But you know what? It’s even more than that. I mean—I ran away from home and your parents were killed. You’d think that people like that would never be able to find love, you know? Like we were just too broken or something.”

  “No one’s ever too broken,” I told him, nuzzling his neck. “But I know exactly what you are saying.”

  “Right?” he smiled, yanking the skin from the onion and tossing it in the trash. “I just can’t help but think how lucky we are and how if you were to write this story for a movie or something, we’d be those two characters who were never meant to find love and turned out to be like cruel, stone-cold assassins or something.”


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