Agent Nine

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Agent Nine Page 2

by Olga Ordina

  Chapter Two

  Nine ran up to Sebastian with a few other party guests. Meanwhile, other agents from the party withdrew their own weapons, that were hidden under their clothing, and ran after the hippies.

  "Avenge me." Sebastian breathed his last words to Nine and went limp.

  "No! Sebastian!" Nine held him in his arms, still in shock that his friend had been killed.

  The hippies ran to a spaceship that was parked at the entrance of the house. Several agents started to jump, climb, and even fly using their invisible jet packs to stop them.

  "Gotcha now!" Natalie shouted as she jumped into the ship after the hippies, nearly ripping her dress. Before they could start the ship for take off, she kicked the pilot in the face, punched out the other three hippies and got a choke hold on the pilot again. She brought the pilot out of the ship and all secret agents surrounded him.

  "Who do ya work for?" Natalie demanded an answer from the pilot.

  "Urggg" the pilot replied.

  "Loosen the death grip Nat!" Agent Six, a handsome young man, motioned to Natalie. He was one of the agents with a jet pack. He took the pack off and pushed a button that automatically folded the jet pack into a tiny box. Six put the box in his pocket and jumped into the ship to tie up the rest of the hippies with a wire he had in his suit.

  Natalie let go of the pilot's neck and placed her right knee on his chest to keep him from running away. She then got a gun out of her bra, stood up and pointed it at him.

  "I'm from..." before the pilot hippie could finish his sentence, Nine walked into the middle of the crowd, and put a bullet between the pilot's eyes ending his life.

  "Nine! What are you doing? He was about to talk." Natalie blasted at Nine's actions and slapped him across the face.

  "He wouldn't have said anything. Besides he had to die, he shot Sebastian." Nine replied and the crowd nodded at his decision, he then slapped Natalie across her face.

  "That's okay, I got the other guys." said agent Six and started to throw the other three hippies out of their ship. Nine shot the first two in the head as soon as they landed on the ground. He then shot the third one in the leg and walked up to him.

  "What planet are you from?" Nine asked the third hippie.

  "Your mothers!" the hippie shouted and spat on Nine's face. Nine kneeled down on his knee and wiped away the spit with his hand.

  "Who do you work for?" Nine was running out of patience and punched the hippie in his injured leg.

  "Sebastian had it coming! He owed us." the hippie shouted in pain. "Your whole organization is evil! You must be stopped! You'll never know because..." before the hippie could finish his sentence, agent Six jumped out of the ship with a wallet in his hands.

  "Planet Katy Perry." he smiled. "Smoke him Nine." he requested.

  Nine shot the hippie between the eyes and the agents gathered together.

  "I'll take on this case." Six nodded and placed the wallet inside his jacket. "I'll do it for Sebastian. If I need your help Nine I'll let you know." Six placed his hand on Nine's shoulder comforting him.

  "I'm going with you." Natalie nodded to Six. She then grabbed Six's hand away from Nine and pulled him away from the crowd.

  "Alright everyone, please help me clean this up." Christine Strawberry announced as she walked up to Nine in the centre of the circle. "As you all know, you are to resume your duties as per organization rules. This is an unfortunate event and we will take great measures to finding out all we can about this incident."

  "We are on it Christine." Natalie shouted and placed the gun back in her bra and waved at agent Six.

  All the other guests of the party then helped Strawberry to clean up the mess. Instead of dinner, they all made a giant bong fire in the backyard of Sebastian's beach house, and burned all the hippie bodies. A special service came in by the house during the clean up process and took care of Sebastian's body.

  After an unexpected turn of events at the party, guests left heartbroken and speechless. Strawberry was then in charge of making funeral arrangements for Sebastian. She would then report to the leaders of their organization and notify the rest of the agents.

  Nine went back to his ship and blasted up into space at no delay. It was getting late and he was in no mood for games or shenanigans. He turned on his watch and read his mission.

  "Your mission, Agent Nine, is to assassinate the leader of Planet Anna Kendrick. Kyle Colt, believed to be a drug ringleader with cartel ties."

  Agent Nine thought about Kyle Colt. He remembered Sebastian mentioning him a while ago but couldn't remember what it was about. That day Agent Nine ducked from a missile, that was shot at him by a hit man, and damaged his ear drums for a week.

  Nine turned to the good old internet search engine and started to gather information on Kyle Colt. Kyle was the wealthiest man on Planet Anna Kendrick and Nine set his coordinates to the said planet. He looked through most of Kyle's photos. The man was on a heavy side, very well tanned, had a goatee and wore a white tuxedo with a fox fur scarf, that appeared to be his trademark. Kyle was well connected to some of the A-list Earth celebrities, enjoyed sports rockets, and had an exotic shorthair cat that he kept as a pet in his house. In some photos Kyle appeared to be the cat's pet which was a running joke on some of the social sites.

  As planet Anna Kendrick started to appear up ahead, Nine listed through Kyle's personal file that, in great detail, informed of his brief political career. The agent stopped the ship before it hit the planets gravitational pull and turned on its camouflage. He then hacked a satellite signal near by and located Kyle's house.

  The house was enchanting. It had an old fashioned classic style to it, with white pillars at the entrance, and moss growing on each side of it. The front yard was quite big, so was the back. Security cameras appeared to be installed on trees and were pointing at every angle of the house. It's as if Kyle had his own reality TV show.

  Nine also spotted camera men running in the front yard of the house trying to get a snap of its interior. Turns out that Kyle Colt was a very popular man and Anna Kendrick's people decided that he, in fact, did need a reality TV show, so a crew was hired to follow the man around. This made Nine's assassination more difficult, but he was up for the challenge.

  Looking through Kyle's file, Nine pulled up a schedule and decided that he would best attend a party where Kyle would be. There, he would get Kyle alone in a room and assassinate the man.

  After a brief search of the area, the agent decided to stay at the Twilight Hotel in the main city of planet Anna Kendrick. There were many business with names that were based on movie titles dedicated to Anna Kendrick. It was a theme that citizens decided to go along with. For example, there was a music store called Pitch Perfect Records, or, a bar that was called Drinking Buddies, or, even the airport was called Up In The Air Airport. Agent Nine found it amusing. He hoped to catch a few of her flicks to be able to converse with the people of this planet.

  When the camouflaged ship entered the planet's atmosphere, Nine noticed it was a pretty green planet. It had mountains, it had rivers, it had sights to give you shivers. The planet had lakes, oceans, forests, waterfalls and many wild animals roaming it. The houses were very far apart from one another, giving everyone enough room to enjoy their space. There were a few parks and tall skyscrapers that indicated a city like environment up ahead. Nine headed in that direction. He flew over most of the houses that were old fashioned, some were made of bricks, and others of stone. They were very elegant and welcoming. Something about this planet gave off a friendly vibe. As Nine got closer he noticed beautiful tall mountains coming into view. The lakes were extremely clear and blue as they were from the Rockies back on Earth.

  Nine turned off the camouflage on his ship, so he was never caught on the planet's authorities radar, and parked at the rear of the Twilight hotel. The hotel was very elegant and looked like a castle. It was placed right in the middle of the mountains and had a fro
nt view of a gorgeous, crystal blue lake. There appeared to be a few hiking trails in the area that lead into the woods.

  Nine grabbed a black briefcase from the back of his ship. The briefcase contained some of Nine's hygiene products, everyday wear, and a few gadgets that might come in handy. He then quickly scanned through Kyle Colt's file and printed out a schedule that listed upcoming parties Kyle planned to attend. Nine jumped out of the ship carrying the briefcase in his right hand and locked the ship using a remote control key. He then proceeded inside the hotel to check in.

  The interior of the castle was very fancy, spacious, with historic statues, vases, and the rarest flowers and fresh faces. He walked up to the reception desk and was greeted by a lady. She had long, black hair and dark eyes. She was professionally dressed.

  "May I help you sir?" she asked as Nine approached her. He stopped at the desk and handed her his identification card.

  "I'd like a room please, for a few nights if possible." Nine requested.

  "Yes, of course Mr. Tatum." the lady looked at his id and started typing on a keyboard that was in front of her, but was hidden from view. She looked down at a screen that was also below desk level.

  "We have a suite available for a few nights. A deposit is required." she looked at Nine.

  "Please." Nine smiled at her and took out a credit card placing it on the desk. She blushed at him, looked at the card then looked down, entering some more information into the system. She then took a key card out of a drawer next to her and handed it to Nine.

  "Your room is 305, you have a nice view of the lake. Enjoy your stay." She smiled at Nine again. He took the key card, his id and his credit card from the desk and winked at her. He then walked towards the elevators and pushed a call button.

  When the elevator door opened, a beautiful woman stepped out of it. She was a fit brunette, in her early thirties, wore a white cocktail dress, and had white heels on. As she looked up to meet Nine's eyes he appeared to be stunned by her beauty. Her blue eyes twinkled and Nine was in awe. She held a white purse in her left hand and a leash in her right. A small white, fluffy, Pomeranian dog walked behind her. She looked away and Nine pinched himself, trying to get himself back on track and focused on the mission. He then entered the elevator and pushed for the 3rd floor. The elevator doors closed and Nine looked at his watch. Women always distracted him, he was drawn to their scent, style, and attitude.

  When Nine got to his beautiful suite, which was just like any other hotel suite, except this one had a beautiful view of the lake and mountains, Nine opened his briefcase and took out a tablet. He began reading through Kyle Colt's profile again. Nine took out a pocket knife and a gun and put them in his Versace suit pockets. He then closed the briefcase and decided to take a shower, and rest from an awfully long day.

  After a nice, long shower, Nine noticed that his watch was blinking. There appeared to be a message from Strawberry.

  Kyle Colt will attend tomorrow night's event at his estate. For directions click the next button. Please proceed, you have the Green.

  Nine groomed himself, changed into a fitness uniform, and decided to go for a hike in the forest before bed, as tomorrow will be a killer of a day.

  When Nine got to the hotel's lobby he passed by a classy, old fashioned bar he hadn't noticed before. He then turned to it and decided to grab a drink instead of hiking.

  "I'll have a rum and coke." He addressed the bartender as he sat down on a barstool at the bar. The bartender made a drink and placed it in front of Nine. "Charge it to 305 please." Nine raised his glass and the bartender took a note.

  "You're not from around here are you?" the bartender asked.

  "Tourist." Nine replied. "I'm a poet, I travel to great destinations for inspirational purposes." he then took a sip of his drink.

  "Ah. Any inspirational place you can recommend?" the bartender asked.

  "I really like what you have here. This planet is very beautiful." Nine replied and took another sip. "Say, have you seen a lady in white around here?" he asked the bartender.

  "Oh, yes. Glamorous little thing, isn't she?" the bartender agreed. "That's Mandy, she is Kyle Colt's ex-wife."

  "Really?" Nine couldn't believe how small this planet was.

  "Yes." the bartender replied. He then picked up a few wet glasses and began to dry them with a towel he kept on his shoulder.

  "What is she doing here?" Nine asked.

  "She is here for Kyle Colt's annual party. She is still part owner of half of his estate." the bartender continued making conversation as Nine finished his rum and coke.

  "She is stunning." Nine put his glass down and motioned for another one to the bartender. The bartender put down the clean glass, threw a towel over his shoulder, and proceeded to make another rum and coke for Nine. "How did Kyle lose a beauty like that?"

  "Well, haven't you heard? Kyle is gay." the bartender made the drink for Nine and placed it in front of him. "Kyle's got a partner Vince. They live together now."

  Nine somehow missed that information in his research. He didn't think of looking through private relationship status on Kyle's file. Only focusing on the business and political sections. "She is lovely." Nine gulped the second drink down.

  "If you stick around, she may introduce herself." a female voice interrupted Nine's and the bartender's conversation. Nine turned around to find Mandy standing behind him.

  "Oh wow. Please have a seat." Nine placed his hand on a barstool next to him and Mandy took a seat. "Where is your dog?" he asked her.

  "Oh Mittens is with a sitter for a couple of nights." She smiled at Nine. "No pets overnight policy in this hotel."

  "Vodka neat?" the bartender asked her.

  "A Mojito please." Mandy looked at the bartender who walked off to the side to make her a drink.

  "So you're Kyle's ex-wife?" Nine asked the beautiful lady.

  "Yes." she replied and leaned forward on the bar checking Nine out.

  "You didn't know he was gay?" Nine asked her. He didn't mean to get so personal but the drink was starting to affect him.

  "Not at all. His jokes began to get old, he started to behave differently, it was only then I noticed he met someone new. I had no idea that it was another man." she said.

  The bartender placed a drink in front of her and she took a sip of it.

  "I'm Mandy, what is your name?" she extended her hand to Nine for a shake.

  "I'm Tatum." Nine took her hand and kissed it. "A pleasure." He let go of her hand and she placed it on her lap.

  "A pleasure indeed." Mandy smiled at him. "Have you stayed here before?" she asked.

  "No, first time."

  "He is a poet." the bartender chuckled and made Nine another drink.

  "Thank you sir." Nine politely accepted the drink and sipped it, watching Mandy enjoy hers.

  "Would you like to come to a party tomorrow night?" she finally asked Nine. It was a perfect way in for him. Luck was on his side on this planet.

  "I would love to." Nine replied without a beat. He looked at Mandy who finished her drink and placed it on the bar.

  "We can have a little more fun tomorrow night then." She got up from the barstool. "I can meet you here tomorrow evening, at six?" she asked.

  "It's a date." Nine smiled at her. "Good night miss Mandy."

  "Good night Tatum." Mandy walked out of the bar and out of sight.

  "Lucky man!" the bartender nodded.

  "I guess I'll have to take it easy tonight." Nine finished his drink and went to his room to bed.



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