Sugar Moon - Luna de Azúcar

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Sugar Moon - Luna de Azúcar Page 2

by Maria Cristina Moro

"I have an idea," says Martin. "Let's build our own rocket and travel to space!" "That's a perfect idea!" says Lisa. "Let's visit Sugar Moon, where people eat candy for breakfast, cookies for lunch, ice cream for supper, and chocolate all the time!" They gather a big box, tape, scissors, markers, brushes, and paint. They cut holes for the door and the windows while making two triangles for the wings. Next, they draw a big panel with switches and knobs. It’s very hard work, but they're happy. The spaceship looks great! Finally, they paint it silver with red and white stripes. When everything is ready, they climb aboard and start the countdown: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…Blast off!!!

  "Tengo una idea", dice Martín. "¡Construyamos un cohete y viajemos al espacio!" "¡Genial!", dice Lisa. "¡Podemos ir a un planeta llamado Luna de Azúcar, donde la gente come caramelos para el desayuno, galletas para el almuerzo, helado para la cena y chocolates todo el tiempo!" Buscan una caja bien grande, cinta adhesiva, tijeras, fibras, pinceles y acuarelas. Recortan una puerta y ventanas, y hacen dos triángulos para las alas. Luego dibujan llaves y botones para elpanel de control. Aunque les da trabajo, los niños están contentos. ¡El cohete está quedando perfecto! Finalmente, lo pintan de plateado con franjas rojas y blancas. Cuando por fin está listo, suben abordo y cuentan: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ¡Fuera!

  The rocket soars through the sky, past planets and stars until finally it touches down. "Mission accomplished! Hello, Sugar Moon!" "Martin, do you see any moon people?" asks Lisa. "No, Lisa. I don't see anyone yet," says Martin. "But look! There's a house over there!" The children start to moon walk slowly towards the house.

  Navegan por el espacio, pasando planetas y estrellas hasta que finalmente aterrizan. "¡Misión cumplida! ¡Hola, Luna de Azúcar!" "Martín, ¿algún marciano a la vista?", pregunta Lisa. "No, Lisa. No veo a nadie todavía", dice Martín. "¡Mira! ¡Allá hay una casa!" Con lentos pasos lunares, los niños avanzan hacia la casa.

  Lisa and Martin knock. "Who do you think lives in this place?" asks Lisa. Just then, a curious moon creature opens the door. She looks like their mom with a funny moon hat. She cheerfully greets them with a super big smile. "Oh, hello! Welcome, space travelers! Don’t be afraid. Come on inside!"

  Lisa y Martín tocan a la puerta. "¿Quién vivirá en este sitio?", pregunta Lisa. Una extraña criatura les abre la puerta. Se parece a su mamá con un chistoso sombrero espacial. Alegremente los saluda con una enorme sonrisa. "¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos, astronautas! No tengan miedo. ¡Adelante!"

  "You arrived just in time!" says the moon mother. "I was about to fix supper. Would you like to stay?" "Well thank you! Are you making chocolate cake?" guessed the two children, excitedly clapping their hands. "Oh, no. I'm sorry, my dears. No sweets are allowed in this place," replies the space mom."Why? We are on the Sugar Moon!" says Martin. "Well, let me tell you our story so you will understand. On this planet, there was once a time when all we ever ate were cookies, candies, ice cream, cakes, and everything sweet in the whole universe. But there was a problem! Our bellies grew too big. Our teeth ached and began to fall out. We were cranky all the time. We became sick and unhappy. Eventually, the moon doctors made a decree. There must be much less sugar on our tables, you see. So, we piled it outside until the whole place was covered. And that, my young friends, is how our moon got its name."

  "¡Llegaron justo a tiempo!", les dice la mamá de la luna, "porque estaba a punto de preparar la cena. ¿Desean quedarse?" "¡Gracias! ¿Vamos a comer pastel de chocolate?", adivinan los niños aplaudiendo contentos. "Ay no, amiguitos, cuánto lo siento. Aquí no se comen dulces", responde la mamá de la luna. "Pero ¿cómo es posible? ¡Si estamos en la Luna de Azúcar!", protesta Martín. "Déjenme que les cuente esta historia, así entenderán. Hubo un tiempo en este planeta cuando solo comíamos galletas, caramelos, helados, pasteles y las cosas más dulces de todo el universo. Pero empezaron los problemas. Nos pusimos muy gordos, nos dolían los dientes y comenzaron a caérsenos. Nos enfermábamos mucho y nos sentíamos infelices. Finalmente, los doctores lunares decretaron que: 'Debe haber mucho menos azúcar en nuestras mesas'. Así que empezamos a amontonarla afuera hasta que todo quedo cubierto. Y de este modo, amiguitos, es cómo nuestra Luna de Azúcar obtuvo su nombre".

  That's not what Lisa and Martin expected to hear. "No sugar, you said? That's too bad!" "Cheer up, kids. We still have birthday cakes and holiday candies! And once in a blue moon, it's okay to have a treat. Now, let me show you our Sugar Moon menu! You will love it! Let's cook! Please wash your hands. Then put on aprons and hats." The moon mother hands out spoons, bowls, and dishes. She brings out moon carrots, space broccoli, and other colorful food. "They look like Earth veggies!" says Martin, confused. "Don't judge a book by its cover. Wait and see!"The space kids went on with the moon recipe.


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