Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8)

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Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8) Page 20

by Nicole Edwards

  “Are there any here now?”

  Talon shook his head as we entered the building, walking into a lavish grand foyer. For the most part, it looked like a high-end resort hotel, complete with a check-in desk, lounge, and what appeared to be a fully stocked, albeit small, bar.

  “We’ve got a group scheduled to arrive on Monday. Everything revolves around my schedule, which can be volatile at times.”

  “You said thousands of active users. I guess that means you’re busy year-round?”

  “No. We have many who spend months, even years on the site before they reach out to make an offer. Of those who’ve gotten to the point of acquisition, some only have to visit the island once to make their final selection; others have made repeated visits and have yet to choose. And yes, they pay to come here. It’s certainly not cheap, nor can they opt out. Meeting them face-to-face before they take possession is a personal requirement of mine.”

  “They’re held to a different standard?” I asked as we strolled through the resort, which was currently in the process of being cleaned by a handful of naked men and women.

  “A much higher standard,” Talon stated. “If they seek my services, they’re well aware I will know every single detail of their life. Their credit score, their medical history, background, social media presence. Not only for them but for those they associate with, family, friends. Even close business associates.”

  “You’re obviously proud of what you’ve created.”

  “More than you know.”

  When Talon stopped, I did as well, giving the possessions a good once-over simply because I could.

  “They’re naked for a reason? Or is it merely your preference?”

  “There are a few reasons, yes, but preference plays no part. Our main objective is to ensure they’re ready for any lifestyle their new Owner might have for them, and we start by breaking them down to their most basic level. I figure if they can go about their daily duties while naked and completely silent, they can do pretty much anything. Plus, it enhances their vulnerabilities, something we want for physical stimulation.”

  “Are boundaries set? Limits?”

  “Upon taking them into the program, they relinquish all of their control. If we had to manage limits, we’d get nowhere. Those who make it into the program must be open to anything, a prerequisite we make known up front.”

  “Have you had any who’ve requested to leave? Prior to being placed?”

  “No. As I said, we’re very thorough. If there’s any doubt as to whether they’ll complete the program, we don’t bring them here. At the same time, it’s not always perfect. Humans are volatile creatures, and even if one wishes to be owned by someone, that doesn’t change the fact that they’re human and humans are flawed.”

  “Are you speaking from experience?”

  Talon grinned. “Several of my possessions are damn near close to perfection, rarely causing disruption. However, a couple are still young enough not to know better. They keep me on my toes. They don’t push me, though. If they did, they’d be gone. Like I said, they’re human, so I can forgive.” Talon’s grin widened. “With the right amount of punishment, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  “It’s taken several years to smooth the rough spots with my own possessions as well as those in the program, adapting along the way, but we’ve managed.”

  It appeared he had.

  “We’re rather secretive and for good reason,” Talon noted. “Owned, Incorporated does not exist on paper. It’s buried beneath an array of shell companies to ensure anonymity for those who’ve utilized our services. If word got out about what it is I do here, I’m sure we’d have some not-so-positive publicity, not to mention, some very displeased Owners.”

  “You’d be accused of human trafficking,” I told him, because I could see how some would make that leap.

  “At the very least, yes. But I assure you, everyone here has made a choice to be here. Turns out, it’s far more profitable when everyone involved is willing. Owners, possessions. They eagerly indulge their fetishes, and I give them the privacy and security to do so, eliminating unnecessary risks.”

  While I’d been immersed in the BDSM world for quite some time, I found Talon’s take on it fascinating. And while the majority of people wouldn’t understand his needs, or those this group exhibited, it was there all the same. And he’d been profitable.

  I was almost envious that I hadn’t come up with the idea myself.

  “Is there anyone else who provides a similar service?” I asked.

  “Sure.” Talon chuckled. “Swipe left or right and you’ll have the chance to meet someone who’s willing to bounce on top of you for a single night, maybe more. Proclaim your desire to find happily ever after whether you’re a Christian single, a farmer, a cat lover, snake lover, tattoo enthusiast, or whatever, and you can pay someone to meet another who might share your interests, but most likely modified their profile to suit their current needs. As for whether or not they’re who they say they are … that’s your gamble. But might I suggest you always wear a condom. I seriously doubt safety is a concern of theirs.”

  I laughed. “You’ve given it some thought, have you?”

  Talon smiled. “It’s not that I’m knocking those applications. They work quite well in the vanilla world. But for those of us with a proclivity for something darker, they hold no value.”

  He was right. They didn’t.

  “Since I have the ability and means to see through the bullshit, to identify the imposters and eliminate them before they ever get their greedy claws into what will ultimately belong to another, I figure I might as well offer my services. Which is beneficial to many, because those who join Owned are simply looking for a happily ever after that doesn’t conform to polite society.”

  I nodded in agreement. “To each his own, right?”


  “I think the question of the hour is: how much does my sister know about what goes on here?”

  There was genuine concern on Talon’s face when he spoke. “Nothing. As of yet. My intention is to show her around this morning.”

  I ignored the urge to ask him what other intentions he had with my sister, choosing rather to peer around, trying to decide how Braelyn would react to this. I’d never sheltered her or babied her. Not because I didn’t want to. More because she would have none of it. However, I knew Braelyn to be flexible and tolerant, so I figured there was a chance she wouldn’t run for the hills. Didn’t mean she would accept all this with open arms.

  Granted, if I’d known the details of Talon’s operation prior to asking for his help, I wasn’t sure I would’ve all but thrown my sister at his feet.

  “Any more questions?” Talon asked.

  “Not at the moment.” I figured I’d have plenty once it all sank in.

  “Then let me introduce you to a few people.”

  He gave me a brief tour of the main floor, introducing me to the day chef, some of the kitchen staff, then on to a couple of employees who’d evidently made the trip with us.

  “And this is Gideon Malone. He’s my head trainer, manages the place, if you will,” Talon introduced when we approached a tall blond man with square features that somehow formed an attractive face.

  Gideon nodded, clearly waiting to hear who I was.

  “Gideon, meet Ransom.”

  “Pleasure,” Gideon said, holding out his hand.

  I shook it, smiled. “You’ve got a nice setup here.”

  Gideon appeared pleased by the praise. “We try.”

  “I’m giving Ransom the dime tour,” Talon informed him. “Don’t let us keep you.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Gideon said, then ventured toward a group of naked possessions, barking orders upon his approach.

  As I continued to follow Talon, I asked the one question I was most curious about. “Why’d you bring me here? Aside from helping me out with my current situation. Because I know you well enough … you’ve got an ul
terior motive.”

  “Always,” he said, giving me his full attention by stopping and turning to face me head on. “And yes, I’ve got a proposition for you, Ransom. One I think’ll be beneficial to both of us.”

  “What might that be?”

  “In due time.” He smiled. “Let me give my spiel before I lay all my cards on the table.”

  I had to admire his honesty. I’d known Talon a long time, and this was a side to the man I’d never seen before. At Dichotomy, he was very mysterious. I had to say, I was curious to know more about him and what he’d built for himself.

  “Mr. Chastain,” Talon called when he turned down a hallway.

  “In here,” came the terse reply.

  I followed Talon as he stepped into what appeared to be a medical exam room. It wasn’t the same as the one I’d stayed in upon my arrival, but it was similar. Not quite so sterile.

  “Ransom, I’d like to introduce you to Cody Chastain. Mr. Chastain, meet Ransom Bishop.”

  The first thing I noticed about Cody Chastain was that he was submissive. How did I know that? For starters, he did not offer his hand for me to shake; instead, he waited for me to do so. Any submissive worth their salt knew it was inappropriate to make such gestures to a Dominant. And when I grasped his hand firmly in mine, his eyes lowered.

  He was an attractive man. Young. Probably early twenties if I had to guess. Short brown hair, warm brown eyes, skin tanned by the island sun.

  To show my approval, I held on to his hand for a few seconds longer, swiping my thumb across his knuckle. It was my way of gauging his obedience level, as well as his interest, and if I wasn’t mistaken—and I rarely was—Cody Chastain had been trained well. And he was most definitely interested.

  “Mr. Chastain’s a permanent resident,” Talon informed me. “He’s our in-house physical therapist. He works alongside Dr. Tate.”

  “Is that right?” I got the feeling Talon was attempting to sell me on the hot therapist. “He’s young.”

  “He is,” Talon confirmed. “Twenty-five.”

  Cody didn’t respond, his eyes remaining lowered.

  No lie, I was curious. Mostly because of the way Jasper had so casually mentioned Cody. If I was correct, the two of them were close. Question was: how close?

  Because of my curiosity, I didn’t realize until then that there was someone currently laid out on the padded table behind Cody.

  “I guess we should let you get back to it.” I waited for Cody to meet my gaze before releasing his hand. “I look forward to seeing you later.”

  “Likewise, Master Bishop.”

  “Ransom,” I corrected. “Master’s reserved for club submissives.”

  Not lingering, I turned and left the room, Talon not far behind.

  “You’re baiting me,” I accused.

  “Tempting would be how I’d phrase it.”

  “Is he a masochist?” I asked.

  “I’m afraid he is not.” Talon glanced over at me. “Then again, I think you’ve worn through the Sadist facade. It works for Zeke but not so much for you. Might be time to look for something that suits you better.”

  If Talon hadn’t been right on the money, I probably would’ve been offended. But it was a truth I’d been dealing with as of late. As for Zeke, at his core, he was a true Sadist. For the longest time, I’d thought I was, too, but I had been wondering myself for quite some time.

  “And I suppose you’ve got more for me to choose from.”

  “You mean aside from three dozen possessions who’d give just about anything to serve you in any way you deem necessary?”

  “Is Cody a possession?”

  “He is not, but he’d like to be.”

  “You sound sure.”

  “Let’s just say I know more than people give me credit for.”

  “And Jasper?”

  Talon smirked. “Jasper is an employee and he’s paid handsomely to be at my beck and call at all times. He does not have the same desires as Cody from what I’ve ascertained.”

  “Meaning he doesn’t want to be a possession?”

  “Correct.” His gray eyes glittered with amusement. “And yes, both Jasper and Cody are available, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

  Was I?

  He chuckled. “And if you’re not interested in what they have to offer, like I said, I have a few more options.”

  “Of the male variety.”

  “You underestimate my perceptive abilities, Ransom. I do know you don’t swing both ways.”

  No. No, I did not.



  When I woke on Saturday morning, it was to the sun streaming into my room. I’d slept later than I intended, but I wasn’t sorry. I felt good this morning, relaxed even.

  Easy to understand since the room I was sleeping in was so luxurious it felt like a dream. Between the mattress and the pillows, it was like I’d spent the night on a cloud. The bedding was absolute heaven, soft and warm, and smelled like it’d been hung outside to dry. The fan overhead turned slowly, moving the salty air and making no noise as it did.

  Stretching my arms over my head, I smiled up at the ceiling, luxuriating in the beautiful decor, the way the sun peeked through the sheer white curtains.

  Yes, this felt like an alternate reality. A place where wishes were granted and only pleasant things occurred. Perhaps I’d gotten all that from an exquisite dinner with an interesting man and an amazing orgasm, but still. Whatever the magic was around here, I was pretty sure it had gotten to me, too.

  I closed my eyes, and immediately the images I’d seen last night came to the forefront of my mind. It hadn’t been a dream, but it might as well have been. Before I’d gotten into bed, I had taken a peek outside, through the patio doors. And because I’d wanted to smell the salty sea air one more time before I drifted into slumber, I’d gone so far as to step outside.

  From the veranda outside my door, I had a perfect view of the swimming pools, the water glittering a brilliant, otherworldly blue, and the two men who’d been down there.

  At first I thought I was seeing things, but then Talon’s deep baritone had drifted up on the breeze, his command for Corvin or Bram—I wasn’t sure who was who—to make him come with his mouth.

  With Talon’s back to me, I hadn’t been able to see what was taking place, but I’d gotten enough of a visual to know that the possession had been in the pool, standing between Talon’s legs. The way Talon’s muscular back wrenched and twisted told me he was enjoying what was being done to him.

  Like every other time, I had known it was wrong to watch them, yet I hadn’t been able to stop myself. In fact, I’d wished I had a better view, despite the fact I was intruding on their private moment. And as I watched and listened to Talon’s soft groans, the way his big hand fisted the silky black hair, I had been a bit disappointed. After all, Talon had bypassed an opportunity with me in favor of spending time with his possession. It added to my confusion as to what was transpiring between Talon and me—if anything—and what I was supposed to do about it.

  Plagued with guilt about enjoying the scene, I had taken myself back inside, hopped into bed, and forced myself to sleep. To make it happen, I had closed my eyes and imagined I was the one with Talon in the pool. Unfortunately, the thoughts hadn’t translated into dreams, probably because my subconscious knew there was more going on here than what I could see.

  Now, in the bright light of day, the disappointment was still there, but some of the chaos in my head had lessened. There were more important things for me to worry about than whether or not Talon would bestow some of that sex appeal on me today. After all, I had been whisked away to a private island because my life was in danger.

  Probably should be worrying about that first.

  An hour later, after I had showered using all the ridiculously expensive toiletries supplied for guests, I had dried my hair and applied a minimal amount of makeup, also provided. It wasn’t until I remembered I didn’t ha
ve any clothes of my own that I felt a bit disoriented. Aside from the leggings and sweater I’d worn on the plane and the robe I’d found in the bathroom, I had nothing to wear.

  I was just about to consider calling Talon from the phone in the room when I stepped out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, only to find a rolling clothing rack that held three different outfits, coincidentally all in my size, had been delivered. Attached was a note informing me breakfast would be served promptly at eight and Talon had requested my presence.

  After I got over the idea someone had come in while I was in the shower, I skimmed my options. I decided against the flowy white sundress because it was a little too virginal for my mood today. Probably thank Talon for that one.

  I also passed over the jeans, although they probably would’ve been more appropriate if I wanted a professional tone. Instead, I decided on the denim shorts. They were a bit short, sitting low on my hips and cutting off at mid-thigh, but they were comfortably loose, cuffed, and soft, and when I primped in front of the mirror, I was pleasantly surprised that they made my butt look good.

  I know, vain, right?

  The top was the tricky part. Since I still didn’t have any undergarments, it meant the girls would be free. Needed something to conceal them enough to give the illusion I was covered appropriately.

  Three choices: light blue V-neck T-shirt. Kinda thin, would probably show my nipples. A red silk blouse that was a bit too dressy for the shorts, plus, I wasn’t sure it was a good idea to have that silk brushing up against me. Hard nipples, you know? Which left the black tank top. It was demure for the most part with a decorative beaded band around the neck and coverage beneath the arms.

  After pulling it over my head and adjusting it, I realized it sat a little above the waistband of the shorts, giving a peek of my belly button. Not usually my thing, but considering my other options, it would have to do.

  Now for shoes.

  I scanned my options: flip-flops, white tennis shoes, wedge sandals.

  Peering down at my feet, I was happy to say that they were healing nicely, not giving me any trouble at this point. Which meant I could go for the wedges. I smiled as I put them on. For the first time, I didn’t have to worry about being the tallest person in the room. Even with heels on, Talon would still tower over me.


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