Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8)

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Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8) Page 21

by Nicole Edwards

  After getting dressed, I ventured out into the wide hallway that would lead back to the living area of the house. From what I’d gathered upon my arrival, there were actually four floors on this side of the pools. According to Talon, the two uppermost floors, which sat level with the swimming pools, were occupied by him. But there were two lower floors that cascaded downward, away from the other structures, that I wasn’t sure about.

  As I ventured down the long, wide hallway with its polished marble floors, inset niches holding an eclectic mix of naked sculptures, and twenty-foot-tall ceilings, I assumed Talon had a separate wing for his private quarters, because it appeared the section I was in was reserved for guests. Or maybe he had other employees who lived here. If he did, I didn’t see anyone coming or going.

  The rich aroma of coffee was what lured me in the direction of the kitchen, and that was when I found Talon, sitting in a stately dining room with Tiegan, Zion, and Ransom. Kneeling on the floor beside Zion was Micah, the submissive—or was he a possession, too?—belonging to Zion.

  Ransom was quick to his feet, and I caught the grimace on his face. Knowing my brother, he was still in tremendous pain but pretending otherwise to save face. Regardless, I headed for him, gently wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him. I held on for a moment, grateful he was here with me, in one piece and on the mend.

  When I pulled back, Ransom offered a smile, which I returned before glancing over at the others, my gaze coming to a stop on Talon.

  “Good morning,” Talon greeted, standing tall and motioning to the chair at his right.

  “Good morning,” I replied in kind, going for casual yet businesslike, and doing my level best not to think about the orgasm he’d given me last night.

  “Sleep well?” Tiegan asked, her green eyes glittering with what I could only think to be mischief.

  Another blush infused my face when I remembered the vibrator she’d gifted me.

  I fought the urge to look at Talon when I replied with, “I did, thank you.”

  “Something to drink?” Talon offered.

  “Coffee would be amazing.”

  He seemed pleased, and a moment later, another man appeared, this one dressed the same as all the other possessions I’d seen, wearing only jeans and the collar around his neck. I hadn’t been introduced to him yet, but I was almost certain he was one of the men who’d been with Talon that first night on the balcony. He appeared to be roughly my age, with an attractive, angular face, light brown hair, mussed artfully on top. And yes, a very chiseled, muscular torso.

  Not that I was looking or anything.

  When he leaned in to pour coffee into a white mug, I peeked at the collar to read the inscription: Owned. Just like I’d seen on Auberon’s. To the left of the word was a keyhole, evidently how it was unlocked. The silver appeared to be polished and rather expensive. Probably not steel or sterling silver. Titanium, maybe?

  “Braelyn, this is Taurus,” Talon explained.

  Before I could greet the man who had poured my coffee, he slipped away, back toward the kitchen. Not a word, not a glance. I felt slightly shunned but managed to shrug it off.

  “Not much of a talker, huh?” I mumbled.

  “They are not permitted to speak,” Talon stated.

  Oh. Right. He had mentioned that.

  In an effort to break Talon’s gaze, I turned my attention to the coffee, doctoring it to my liking—one sugar and more than a little cream—then taking a sip. It was heaven. Probably flown in from Columbia, not picked up at the local grocery store. Then again, there wasn’t a local store of any kind. We were on an island.

  “I thought I would give Braelyn a tour,” Tiegan offered, sitting up straight and tapping her fingernails on the table, her full attention on Talon.

  “I’ll handle that,” Talon stated, turning toward Zion. “But Tiegan can walk you and Ransom through the details of the Owners we’re expecting this week. I need everything finalized so I can sign off.”

  Zion laughed, the rough rasp drawing everyone’s attention. “Welcome aboard,” he told Ransom. “Probably didn’t even know you got the job.”

  Ransom grinned, looking at ease. “Oh, I had some idea it was coming.”

  “Good.” Zion downed his juice. “Then it won’t be awkward.”

  “Oh, it’ll still be awkward,” Tiegan muttered under her breath.

  When Ransom looked my way, I tried to read his mind. Like always, it didn’t work. My brother was a mystery, more so lately.

  “Is there any more of your … staff that I’ll meet?” I asked Talon, attempting to make conversation while I enjoyed the heavenly coffee.

  “Those you met on the plane. A few more coming on Monday. Zion and Tiegan handle most of the top-level responsibilities.”

  “May I ask what position you hold?” I asked Zion directly.

  “CFO,” he said with a nod.

  I glanced at Tiegan, silently asking the same question.

  “Executive assistant to the CEO,” she said with a beaming grin. “For now.”

  “Do you both work from here?” I inquired.

  “Most of the time, yes, but I prefer the Chicago office,” Tiegan offered. “More convenient for me.”

  I glanced at Zion, waiting for his response.

  “I trade off between the two. I spend winters here.”

  I grinned, couldn’t help it. “Can’t say I blame you there.”

  When I stopped tossing questions out, no one else spoke, so I focused on my coffee until Talon cleared his throat and pushed to his feet.

  “Once you’re done finalizing, you two can take the day off,” Talon told Zion and Tiegan. “It’ll be a busy week, and we’ve got more to do tomorrow before the Owners get here. Might as well get some downtime while you can.”

  “Much appreciated,” Zion said in that rough, gravel voice. “I’ve got some personal things I need to take care of later this afternoon.”

  “I think we’ll get the tour underway.” Talon’s gaze swung to me. “Unless there’s something else you prefer to do this morning.”

  If ever there was a loaded question…

  “Um … no. A tour will be … nice.”

  “I’ve got a couple of things to deal with,” Tiegan said to the men as she stood, “then I’ll give you an overview.”

  Like me, Tiegan was dressed down today. The outfit she wore—black shorts and a red skintight tank top—left little to the imagination. She’d also gone the heeled route, choosing a pair of needle-thin stilettos that made her legs look killer.

  Talon cleared his throat again. “We’ll start with a tour of the offices.”

  It sounded so official when he said it like that.

  Why that relieved me some, I didn’t know.



  I had known going in that not giving Braelyn full disclosure up front was a risk. But I was a man who went with my gut, and it was currently telling me I had to ease Braelyn into this world of sin and seclusion. After all, accepting that someone wanted to own another human being, or that said human being wanted to be owned and controlled by another, wasn’t an easy task. Not for those who didn’t have the same desires, anyway.

  To my surprise, she’d seemingly accepted the fact I had seven possessions, but I wasn’t sure she was going to be quite so understanding when she learned I’d amassed a portion of my fortune by acquiring, training, and reallocating other possessions.

  Truth was, I’d been looking forward to showing her the business side of things since Tiegan informed me she had agreed to a job interview. Even if I was using the ruse of employment as a means to get to know her better, there was always an opportunity for her here if she was so inclined.

  “How many employees are here permanently?”

  “Only a few. Most of Owned’s employees are in the States. Tiegan and Zion travel back and forth; we’ve got a few trainers on staff, medical, too. You’ll see more during a weekly Owners’ retreat like the one starting on Mond

  Her brown eyes remained on me as we walked.

  “Except for Tiegan and Zion on occasion, you’ll never see any employees up here on this floor. This is my private residence. Those visiting are resigned to the first two floors only. Or the other buildings.”

  “So why am I here? Technically I’m visiting.”

  “You’re the exception,” I told her.

  To everything, it seemed.

  “The entire island is yours?”

  “It is.”

  I knew what she was thinking. There was too much space for one person. She was right, but it didn’t go unused. In fact, every inch of the estate was allocated for something whether it be recreation, business, or personal. We did not have empty rooms here on the estate.

  “My possessions occupy the fourth floor. It’s their private space.”

  “Do you go up there?”

  “When it’s necessary, sure. This way.” I gestured toward a winding staircase that led to the second floor below.

  Braelyn led the way, descending the stairs, her long, elegant fingers curling around the wrought iron banister as she took each step slowly.

  “This floor’s dedicated to my main operations,” I explained. “It’s accessible to employees from the exterior.”

  Braelyn paused at the bottom of the staircase, glancing around. I didn’t have to urge her forward, because she seemed comfortable with this space. Likely had something to do with the office atmosphere or the fact there were several people down here. Tiegan, who was standing at a desk beside one of the female assistants, was discussing something on a computer screen with Ransom nearby. In another office, Zion was typing away. And in the conference room, there were two others, a man and a woman, both reviewing one of the clients—whose face was projected on the wall screen—who would be arriving on Monday.

  “I thought you told them to take the day off,” Braelyn said, grinning up at me.

  “They’ll grab a couple of hours this afternoon, I’m sure.”

  “So this is the main hub, I take it?”

  “For Owned, Incorporated, yes.”

  “Where’s your office?” Braelyn asked, her tone laced with curiosity.

  “This way.” I led her down a narrow hallway that opened up into a two-story office, done completely in dark mahogany wood. In the center of the main floor was my desk, clear of all clutter aside from a phone and a laptop, which sat upon an oversized, absurdly expensive red rug. The desk and chair were the only things in the space aside from the fireplace.

  “This … suits you,” she said softly.


  “Warm, masculine, minimal.”

  I wasn’t sure warm would be used to describe me, but the other adjectives I could see. I was fond of my office, had it designed with my minimalistic taste in mind. There weren’t any chairs for congregating, because I didn’t invite others to join me in here. When I worked, I wanted to be alone. If and when I invited my possessions inside, they would kneel on the floor.

  “What’s up there?” She gestured toward the loft overlooking my desk.

  “My private play space, accessible from my bedroom. Would you like me to show you?”

  “The play space? Or your bedroom?” she countered, a hint of amusement in her words.

  Yes, I did like her. “Your choice.”

  Her cheeks took on that pretty pink tint. “No. Thanks. I’m good.”

  “Later then,” I promised, grinning and ensuring she saw it. “Would you care to see your office?”

  Braelyn turned to face me. “My office?”

  “Of course.”

  “I haven’t even accepted the job and I’ve already got my own space.”

  “One of the perks of having an in with the boss.”

  I loved that she blushed so easily.

  “I’m sure there are plenty of those,” she muttered.

  “You’d be correct in that assumption.” I motioned toward the door we’d come through. “Down the hall, last door on the left.”

  I’d decided her office would be on the farthest end of the floor from mine. Safety precaution, of course. I wasn’t one to give in to temptation very often—not when I worked, anyway—but I figured if there was anyone who could provoke me, it would be Braelyn. Since this was ultimately a workspace, it was safer for me if I kept her at a distance.

  She led the way, and this time I remained a few paces behind her so I could admire her walk. She had a graceful gait, those long legs tempting the beast within me. It was difficult not to imagine them wrapped firmly around my waist while I was buried deep inside her.

  What made it more difficult was the outfit she’d selected. When I had decided on them from a variety a personal shopper had chosen, I hadn’t expected Braelyn to approve. Then again, I hadn’t expected her to be a dirty girl, either, and I was almost certain that was a fair assessment. Only time would tell, I figured.


  Clearing my throat, I realized I’d gotten lost in that fantasy.

  “This one?” Braelyn asked, peering back at me over her shoulder.

  “Yes.” I nodded toward the closed door.

  When she opened the door, the room was dark beyond.

  “Lights on,” I commanded. “One hundred percent.”

  “All automated?” Braelyn inquired. “Like the house?”

  “Every inch of it, yes. You’ll notice there aren’t any switches anywhere.” I nodded toward the wall. “There are electronic panels throughout, used to manage functions, as well as logs from my possessions.”


  “It’s how they communicate. Their way of keeping me updated on their tasks, as well as tracking things they need for orders that are placed.”

  The room brightened, highlighting a completely empty space. The only thing in the room was the electric fireplace—utilized more for ambience than warmth—as well as a set of doors leading out to a private patio.

  “There’s nothing in here, Talon.”

  “Did you think I’d take the liberty of decorating for you?”

  “Because you don’t know my taste?” Braelyn turned around. “Or because you can’t be bothered with a menial task?”

  I stepped toward her, closing the distance until she was peering up. “Don’t underestimate me, Braelyn. I’m a man of many talents.”

  Unable to help myself, I brushed the backs of my fingers along the smooth, soft skin of her cheek.

  “I believe that,” she said in a husky whisper.

  We stood there for longer than I’d intended, caught up in the moment. I wanted to touch her, to taste her. I’d been fighting the urge since I left her last night, and it was beginning to become my sole focus.

  Braelyn cleared her throat, stepped back, and ducked her head. “All right. So you’ve taunted me with a ridiculous salary and an office that’s bigger than my apartment.” She looked up. “But you’re forgetting one thing.”

  I could’ve told her she was wrong, but I decided to play along. “And what’s that?”

  “Where am I supposed to live? Or do you expect me to take a flight into work every day?”

  “You’ll live in the main house,” I said simply.

  “No. I couldn’t… You said guests don’t stay there. I can’t impose like that, Talon,” she said quickly.

  “It’s not an imposition.”

  “But it’s your private space. That you share with your possessions.”

  I could tell she was determined to keep me at arm’s length. I’d wondered if she would after what had transpired between us last night.

  “We’ll discuss living arrangements later,” I decided. “Work might be a moot point, anyway.”

  Her head cocked to the side, eyebrows angling downward. “Why’s that?”

  “I figure you’re not cut out for what we do here.”

  Yes, that was me taunting her a little. Two could play this game.

  “Then you underestimate me.”

you feel the same if I told you the seven possessions you’ve seen don’t come close to how many are actually on this island?”

  She snorted, as though I’d told a joke. “I can handle your fetishes, Talon. Have you met my brother? When it comes to fetish-fueled fantasies, I think I’ve heard just about all there is from him.”

  “Not even the tip of the iceberg,” I said, keeping my voice low. “As for your brother … his extracurricular activities are tame in comparison.”

  “Does he know that?” she countered.

  “Let’s just say I’ve made a similar business proposition to him, as well. He’s considering my offer. Now, would you like me to finish the tour or have you seen enough?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Okay, fine. I’ll bite. What is it you do here?”

  “Are you sure you want to know?”

  I could see in her eyes she didn’t know the answer to that. She was curious, yes. And she probably considered herself well-versed in the world of Domination and submission because her brother was a self-proclaimed Sadist who didn’t bother to keep his sexual proclivities a secret. But what she didn’t understand was her brother’s desires really were tame in comparison to many out there, including someone’s preference for owning another person, to have them readily available to use in any manner they saw fit. Or conversely, for someone to want to be the object that was being used.

  “Let me show you around first. I’ll ask for your thoughts on it after.” Without waiting for her to respond, I turned and headed back down the hallway.

  “Hey, boss?” Zion called out as I passed. “You got a sec?”

  I detoured to his doorway, saw Zion sitting at his desk, his laptop open in front of him. From where I stood, he looked like a regular Joe Office hard at work.

  Zion motioned me in with a crook of his finger then pointed to his laptop.

  I entered, walking around his desk to see what was so urgent, not even thinking about Braelyn following me.

  “Oh, my God,” she breathed.

  Zion looked up, chuckled. “Micah, let’s press pause for a moment.”


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