Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8)

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Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8) Page 28

by Nicole Edwards

  “Are you sending me on my way?” he finally asked.

  “Yes and no. The proposition I mentioned…”

  His chin lifted.

  “I’d like to offer you the position of CMO of Owned, Incorporated.” I sat up straight. “And before you tell me you’re happy where you are, I want you to consider it. Zion and I have prepared a benefits package that I think is rather generous. Far more than what you’re getting now. However…”

  His straight white teeth flashed when he smiled. “I should’ve known.”

  “I think you’ve spent enough time here to realize that a possession is not what you’re seeking.”

  His eyebrow rose slowly.

  “Feel free to tell me I’m wrong, but I’ve watched you. We’ve seen an unusual number of females moving through here recently, yet not one has caught your attention. Including the redhead we took in today.”

  Memphis exhaled slowly.

  “But I think there is one particular submissive who’s caught your eye.”

  And there it was. The guilt I’d expected to see.

  “She thinks she’s hiding it from me, but I’m very observant, Memphis.”

  He swallowed, still remaining silent.

  “And if you’re concerned whether I approve or not … I think Tiegan would be good for you. And vice versa. But if you expect something to come of it, you need to take the reins. She comes across as a very independent and assertive woman, and she is, don’t get me wrong. Tiegan’s very aggressive when it comes to business. But at her core, she’s a submissive, and she needs someone who can override her from time to time.”

  I waited to see if he would argue.

  When he didn’t, I continued. “In fact, I believe Tiegan’s been vying for the operations position so she can top from the bottom.”

  Memphis seemed confused by the statement, so I let it sink in for a minute.

  “Holy shit,” he muttered.

  “In that role, she’d technically be managing you. At least during your time here.”

  He exhaled heavily.

  “And that’s very much her MO,” I told him. “Tiegan’s determined to prove she’s the alpha. I think it’s her way of excusing her submissive tendencies.”

  When he didn’t add anything, I continued. “I’m going to promote Tiegan to head of Marketing, reporting directly to you, provided you accept the position.”

  “She’s going to love that,” he grumbled, proving he knew Tiegan well.

  “Although she believes she’s ready for executive level, I don’t believe she is. However, I know she’ll prove herself in the role. And the two of you together … because you’ve both got insight into what goes on here and what it is I expect, you’ll make an unbeatable team. I want Owned to grow, but we both know conventional marketing won’t work for us.”

  “But the two of us together…” Memphis’s eyes glittered.


  “Say I do accept the position, when do you plan to put this in effect?”

  “I’m sending you both back to Chicago tomorrow after the Owners arrive.”

  “Does Tiegan know yet?”

  “She does not.”

  “And her current position? Who’ll be taking over?”

  “For the time being, I was going to ask Braelyn to pitch in. I know she’s eager for something to do.”

  “And if she doesn’t?”

  “I’ll figure something out.” I took a swallow of beer. “Right now, I’d just like you to review my offer and let me know your take on it.”

  “Is it negotiable?”

  “Everything is.” I smiled. “But I doubt there’ll be a need for it.”

  “When do you plan to tell Tiegan?”

  “She’s my next stop.” I pushed back my chair. “Perhaps she can help you come to a decision.”

  He laughed and I saw in his eyes that this was what he’d been waiting for. Not the job, necessarily. But Tiegan. They thought they’d been hiding what was going on, but they weren’t. I even figured Tiegan constantly harassing Zion was one of her ways of trying to throw me off. I knew better. When it came to what went on here on Sapphire Island, nothing was a secret from me.

  “I’ll look it over and let you know.” Memphis stood. “And thanks for the heads-up about Tiegan.”

  It was my turn to laugh. “Good luck.”

  “Yeah, thanks. I’m gonna need it.”

  Yes. Yes, he was.

  Turned out, I was the one who needed the luck. Not that all the luck in the world would help me now as I went head-to-head with a very upset woman.

  “I cannot believe you would do this to me,” Tiegan hissed, pacing the spacious conference room. “I deserve that promotion.”

  Because I knew she was merely venting, I didn’t respond. Had I, I seriously doubted Tiegan would’ve appreciated what I had to say. For one, I didn’t think anyone deserved anything. Certainly not from me. I believed I was more than fair in my business dealings, paying my employees far more than they would earn in the same position elsewhere.

  On top of that, I provided them amenities they’d be hard-pressed to find anywhere else.

  Tiegan came to an abrupt stop, spinning to face me, her hands on her hips. “If I’m not getting the COO position, who is?”

  “I’m offering it to Ransom.”

  The glare she sent me should’ve singed my hair at the very least.

  “And the CMO position?”

  “I’ve offered it to Memphis.”

  Her teeth snapped shut and I waited for her to explode.

  I didn’t have to wait long.

  “So that’s what this is? The good ol’ boys’ club? I’ve done every damn thing you’ve ever asked of me, Talon. And what thanks do I get for it? I’m relegated to—”

  Her eyes widened as it all sank in.

  Tiegan’s words were loaded with disbelief when she said, “I’m going to report to Memphis?”

  “If he accepts the position, yes.”

  “You know he will.”

  I knew nothing of the sort, nor did I tell her as much.

  “He’ll jump at the chance to—” She cut herself off, clearly realizing she was about to reveal what they’d worked so hard to hide for the past few months.

  Deciding we were going to make no progress, I got to my feet. “I’ve got—”

  “I won’t take it,” she declared, glaring at me. “I don’t want the job. I’ll stay right where I am.”

  “Unfortunately, that’s no longer an option.” I started for the door.

  Tiegan intercepted me, staring up, teeth bared. “Just because you’re fucking her doesn’t make it right. She’s too damn young for you, Talon. Too naive. And we both know you’ll get sick of her soon enough. What do you plan to do then? Make her one of your play toys? I can see it now, Braelyn—”

  Before she could say something she would regret, I leaned down and got right in her face. “I’m warning you, Tiegan. And I’ll only do it once.”

  Her face was red from her anger when she took a step back.

  In an effort not to make matters worse, I continued to the door. No sooner did I turn the knob thanTiegan spoke, her words cold as ice.

  “She thinks you’re a freak, Talon. It’s written all over her face. You just can’t see it because you’re all about the pussy right now.”

  I took a deep breath and walked out of the room. If I hadn’t, God only knows what I might’ve done.

  But as I walked toward my office, I couldn’t help but wonder whether there was a grain of truth in her statement.



  I had just ventured out of my room, going in search of dinner, when I saw Talon stepping into the house through the open veranda doors in the living room.

  He looked good, and I was beginning to realize that was always the case with him. His clothes were similar to those he’d had on earlier: dark faded jeans and a charcoal-gray T-shirt, both tailor-made to fit his enormous body. Not
the same clothes he’d worn earlier, because those were still in my room, in the shower, as a matter of fact, right where we’d left them.

  It was difficult not to admire him, his incredible physique, long, lean, and layered with the perfect amount of muscle. His chiseled features, angular jaw, the midnight-black hair. All of it came together to form one fine male specimen, and just seeing him set my nerves into riot, my desire for him reigniting in an instant.

  I was smiling when he intercepted me, stopping me by pulling me into his arms and pressing his mouth to mine.

  Although I could feel tension in the way he held himself, I sighed, sinking into him, surprised by how natural his kiss felt now.

  I’d spent a little time attempting to rationalize the feelings I was developing for him after our earlier encounter. I’d had no luck figuring it out until finally I gave up. It didn’t feel like the time or place to try and determine where this was going. It was too new, and there were so many variables I hadn’t taken into account, namely the seven possessions Talon owned. It seemed naive for me to try to insert myself into this on some sort of permanent basis, which was why I’d decided to let it play out. At the very least, enjoy the sex.

  “You hungry?” Talon mouthed against my lips.

  “Depends on what you’re suggesting.”

  His smile, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes, was like light in the darkness, warming me from the inside.

  “I was thinking dinner.” He took my hand. “Then I’ll have you for dessert.”

  I shivered, a fact he obviously realized because he smirked.

  “This way,” he urged, releasing my hand and placing his on the small of my back.

  The table in the formal dining room was set for two, complete with an enormous vase of fresh flowers and two tapered candles, the flames casting small shadows in the dim setting.

  Talon pulled out my chair, assisted me, then took his seat on my left, at the end of the table.

  For the first few minutes, we engaged in small talk while his possessions delivered wine, water, and the first of what Talon said would be a four-course meal.

  “Is this how you eat every night?” I asked, picking up my salad fork.

  “Dinner’s a rarity for me. I spend most of my time in my office.”

  “What do your possessions do while you’re working?”

  “They’ve got chores to tend to, among other things.”

  I imagined maintaining this place did take quite a bit of effort. And though I hadn’t ventured out much, I had seen them moving about when I had. Never did I see any of them casually reclining on a sofa or sitting at a table. They were always working or standing sentry over Talon, like the two keeping an eye on us now.

  “Can I ask you something personal?” I prompted when Talon didn’t elaborate.


  Based on the sparkle in his eyes, I saw Talon was serious. He would likely answer any question I had. There were definitely plenty on my mind, all related to how he’d come to have seven men dedicated solely to taking care of him.

  “How old were you when you first realized you wanted to … own someone?”

  He didn’t miss a beat, didn’t appear at all fazed by the inquiry. “Mid-twenties.”

  “How old are you now?”

  “Thirty-six.” He took a sip of wine. “I’ve owned Auberon for six years, if that tells you anything.”

  “Did you own any others before him?”

  “I attempted, but they didn’t work out.”

  “Did you train them?” I motioned to the two possessions who were standing near the wall, waiting for something to do.

  “Of course. It takes time to develop a structure and routine that works. No different than if you hired someone to work for you. They need to know what it is you want, what you like and don’t like.”

  “So you consider them staff members?”

  “I consider them possessions, Braelyn. Because that’s what they are.”

  There was a defensiveness in his tone that warned me to tread lightly.

  It was awkward to talk about the men while they were in the room, but I asked the question, anyway. “Do they ever argue with you?”


  “What if they don’t want to do something?”

  “It’s not an option for them. They’ve relinquished all rights to make decisions.”

  I considered what that meant, thought back to when I was dating Jake. There were times when he would get extremely bossy, ordering me around. Sometimes it turned me on, and I would do as he instructed; other times I would shrug him off because it didn’t suit me. No doubt it was a point of contention between us, because Jake had considered himself a Dominant, yet he hadn’t had a firm hand when it came to dealing with me.

  “Let me ask you a question,” Talon prompted.

  I set down my fork, picked up my wine. “Sure.”

  “You’ve claimed to be quite knowledgeable about BDSM because of your brother.”

  “I am, yes.”

  His eyes were harder now, no more glimmer in them. “I believe you do believe that.”

  I frowned, offended. “What do you mean?”

  “Your brother’s entertained submissives over the years. I’ve witnessed it firsthand,” he explained. “At Dichotomy. All have been temporary.”

  “He’s never been interested in permanent.” Or so he’d told me numerous times.

  “I doubt that, but he hasn’t found what he’s looking for.”

  “I know the feeling,” I admitted. “I tried at one point.”

  “Tried what?”

  “To be submissive.” I nodded toward Auberon. “Not to this extent, but I understand the concept.”

  I thought for sure he would comment on that. He didn’t; however he did ask, “Have you given any real thought to what it means to be owned? For someone else to make every single decision for you?”

  “Sure. I’ve read TJ’s books. And I’ve heard Ransom’s stories.”

  “Not fictional or part-time. And certainly not romanticized,” Talon stated, continuing to eat as though this was an everyday topic. “I’m referring to ultimate control. Not merely in the bedroom. Because there’s a significant difference.”

  I did meet his eyes then. “Yes. I’ve thought about it. At one time, I even wanted that.”

  “I doubt that.”

  Feeling my ire rise at his accusation, I glared at him. It almost sounded as though he was purposely poking at me. “And what makes you an expert on what I’m thinking?”

  “In my world, the ultimate Dominant—or Owner as we refer to them—doesn’t make suggestions. He makes demands, and a possession follows regardless of their feelings on the matter.”

  “I understand that. Like I said, I grasp the concept, Talon.”

  His eyes pierced me and I could see the doubt. “If I told you to strip right now, right here, what would you say?”

  “I haven’t given you that control,” I countered hotly.

  “For a minute, pretend you did.”

  I looked down at my plate, thought about it for a second. If he asked me to strip right here, while we were eating…

  “I guess I’d hope you’d have the decency to wait until after I’m finished eating.”

  “Decency?” He huffed a laugh. “It’s not about decency or timing of any kind. It’s about desire. Mine. What I want, I get. And there are no arguments.”

  His words were so harsh, so … angry.

  “But you wouldn’t do that, interrupt a nice dinner to insist I strip.”

  His black eyebrows popped. “Oh, I would. And I’d get enjoyment out of it. I don’t demand things I don’t want.”

  I didn’t like the direction this was going. Talon seemed agitated. With me? Had I done something wrong?

  Talon nodded, picked up his glass. “You haven’t considered it at all, Braelyn.”

  “That’s not tr—”

  His eyes narrowed, effectively cutting me off when
he called out for Auberon.

  The man stepped away from the wall. He didn’t say a word, simply stood with his hands behind his back, waiting.

  “On the table,” Talon commanded. “On your back.”

  Without question, Auberon got onto the table, careful not to disturb the dishes set out, lying flat on his back as though he’d done this before.


  The door to the kitchen opened; Ari appeared.

  “Suck him.”

  My breath hitched as soon as the words registered. I didn’t think my lungs were working when Ari stepped over to the table, deftly unbuttoned the fly of Auberon’s jeans, freed his cock before leaning down and taking Auberon into his mouth. No hands, only his mouth. He hadn’t asked how or why, he simply performed on command.

  I knew I should’ve looked away, but I was riveted by the sight. Probably didn’t help that both of these men were extremely easy on the eyes. My heart rate spiked as I witnessed Auberon’s cock growing thick and hard thanks to the attention from Ari. It went on for several minutes, during which time I sat stone still, shocked, and yes, aroused.

  “Stop,” Talon insisted. “Back to work.”

  Before I could blink, both men were standing tall. Auberon righted his clothes, tucking his rigid erection into his jeans before resuming his post near the wall while Ari returned to the kitchen.

  “That, Braelyn, is what it means to be owned. They can make no decision on their own.”

  “I didn’t ask you to do that,” I stated defensively. “I’m just trying to understand. None of it makes sense.”

  There was a flash of anger on his face, something I hadn’t seen yet. He was mad. At me?

  “It does to me,” he bit out, his hands flattening on the table as he stood.

  He leaned over, his face close to mine when he said, “They want to be owned, Braelyn. And I want to own them. Nothing and no one will change that fact.”

  His words felt like a physical blow, causing me to sit back in my chair, regarding him carefully.

  He didn’t give me a chance to say anything more before he walked away.

  I stared at his retreating back until he disappeared from view. Auberon left with him, strolling through the room and following Talon, as though that was his only goal in life.


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