Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8)

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Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8) Page 30

by Nicole Edwards

  “Good morning,” he greeted, stepping into the room and moving closer.

  I fought the urge to back up, a natural response when one felt as though they were prey. And this man … he had a way of making me feel hunted.

  Ransom stopped when we were chest to chest. “Sleep well?”

  “Yes.” My voice sounded like it was in a blender. I cleared my throat. “Yes, Titan.”

  “You should’ve woken me before you left. Would’ve been a better morning.”

  He grunted as he shifted his body weight.

  The doctor in me immediately kicked in, my worry for his health coming to the forefront. “Are you hurting?”

  “Most definitely.”

  The teasing note in his words told me he wasn’t talking about injuries sustained from the car wreck. However, I sensed he was attempting to mask that pain. I could see it in the strain near his eyes. He had allowed me to put a bandage around his midsection again last night, but he hadn’t been happy about it. Because of the loose fit of his shirt, I could tell he didn’t have it on now.

  Stubborn man.

  His gaze swung to the unmade bed, back to me. I could see the heat churning in his brown eyes, knew where his mind had wandered.

  “Where’s Cody?”

  “I haven’t seen him.”

  Ransom shifted and grimaced.

  “All right.” I stepped forward, took one of his hands. “What hurts?”

  Ransom shook his head, took a step back.

  I gripped his arm tighter. “Please don’t do that. I’m a doctor. I can help you.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not.”

  “You said it would take some time,” he argued, pulling his arm from my grasp.

  “It will, yes, but…” I exhaled heavily. “Ransom, will you at least tell me if it gets worse, not better?”

  He turned to face me again, his brown eyes warming.

  “Can I take a look?”

  I could tell his mind was in the gutter, but I pushed forward. If he thought he could use sex to soften me up, he had another thing coming. Most of the time, sure. But not when it came to his health.

  “Lie down,” I ordered, keeping my tone hard.

  His eyes heated.

  I sighed. “Ransom, please.”

  He stepped closer, his hands going to my hips. “If I get in that bed, you’re getting in there with me. Then you’ll be late for work, and I’ll be in worse shape than I’m in now.”

  Damn him. I hated that he could play me so easily.

  “Then I guess we’ll be late,” I taunted.

  Big mistake. It was like poking a bear.

  Ransom’s hands moved fast, shifting from my hips to my face, holding firmly as he planted his mouth on mine.

  All the air rushed out of my lungs, my body tightening. That was all it took. This man, touching me, kissing me. It was familiar yet not, and I found myself falling into the kiss.

  “Bed,” he demanded.

  As much as I wanted to get in that bed with him, I knew better. It would do neither of us any good. He was in pain and I would be late for my shift. Considering we had Owners coming in today, I had things that had to be dealt with before their arrival.

  “We can’t,” I told him, tilting my head when his lips trailed down to my neck.

  “Are you denying me, Jasper?”

  He sucked my skin roughly. Hard enough I knew there’d be a mark, and it thrilled me to know I’d have his mark on me.

  My response was for my knees to go weak. Ransom simply pushed me back against the wall, his hand sliding down to my neck, pinning me in place. His other hand grazed my stomach, sliding lower into the waistband of my boxers.

  “Titan… Oh, fuck.” I dropped my head back with a thud when his hand circled my cock.

  “Are you denying me?” he repeated.

  “No, Titan … oh, God.” I panted, my hips undulating, grinding my cock into his fist.

  Ransom didn’t let up, jerking me faster, rougher.

  I heard a sound at the door, peered over Ransom’s shoulder, saw Cody standing there watching us.

  I felt it then, the first twinges as the green-eyed monster reared its ugly head.

  “You like to watch, Cody?” Ransom called out, his eyes still on my face.

  Ransom couldn’t see him, but Cody nodded, clearly remembering Ransom’s instructions not to address him directly.

  “You want him to watch?” Ransom whispered roughly.

  I didn’t, but I forced the next words out of my tight throat. “If it pleases you, Titan.”

  When his mouth crushed to mine, I moaned, fighting the urge to grab for him, to hold on tight as he stroked me faster.

  “Come for me, Jasper,” he insisted.

  I groaned, the dark thunder of his voice triggering my release. My hips pumped twice, then I was coming in my boxers, the air suddenly scarce.

  Ransom remained where he was, watching me intently.

  “Knees,” he demanded, his voice gruff.

  When he released me, stepping back, I saw him grimace again. Once more, I went into doctor mode, worried.

  “Let me look at you, please.”

  “Knees,” he barked again. “And if you won’t, I’ll get Cody over here to suck my dick. You want that?”

  “No, Titan,” I whispered so that only he could hear. I did not want Cody to think I was purposely pushing him out, although I was. The other night had been in the heat of the moment. Now, here … I wasn’t sure I could deal with Cody touching him.

  Slowly, I inched down the wall until I was kneeling before Ransom. His eyes followed me as he planted one hand on the wall behind me, the other yanking his shorts down so his thick, rigid erection sprang free.


  I did.

  Ransom guided his cock into my mouth, and he wasn’t gentle about it. I watched his face, saw the lines forming around his mouth. He was going to do this regardless of how much pain he was in. It bothered me that he was hurting, but obviously not enough for me to refuse him.

  His hand slid into my hair, tightened as he pumped his hips, fucking my mouth. I gave him my full attention, sucking and stroking in tandem, working him harder until he was grunting in earnest.

  “Fuck … that’s it, Jasper … that’s it, little boy.”

  If I hadn’t just come, those words would’ve shot me off like a rocket. It had been so long since he’d called me little boy after he’d claimed me as his. He’d selected it because it was the opposite of Titan—a person of enormous size, strength, influence—and I wouldn’t deny, some small part of me had longed to hear it again, to feel the security that came along with the endearment.

  “Goddamn.” Ransom’s grip tightened, fiery sparks shot through my scalp.

  A second later, he was coming, buried deep in my throat.

  I swallowed him down, holding his gaze.

  That was when I saw it.

  It was still there. What we’d had before was still churning in his eyes.

  And it was powerful.


  Monday, January 4, 2021


  I wasn’t a man prone to apology, yet I found it was a driving force I couldn’t ignore.

  I’d gone to bed last night relatively sated from my session with Auberon and Ari. No sooner had my head hit the pillow than the regret threatened to choke me. Never before had I reflected on a conversation and felt bad for my actions, but that was exactly what had plagued me through the night. Despite my efforts to redirect them, my thoughts had returned to Braelyn, to how I’d treated her.

  I hadn’t seen her since I walked out after our confrontation at dinner. Admittedly, I’d been angry, an emotion I didn’t have much use for. As a rule, I kept my emotions in check, avoided relationships that would stir me up. With my possessions, I didn’t have to run the gamut of feelings. I owned them, and treating them as possessions ensured we all maintained our places, never crossing the line. When they
fucked up, earned punishment of some sort, I could dole it out without worry that I would overstep. They didn’t anger me, they didn’t disappoint. They simply fucked up.

  I couldn’t maintain that aloofness with Braelyn.

  My reactions to her seemed to be steeped in emotions, and while it perplexed me, I couldn’t say I was shocked. After all, I’d spent a year dealing with a strange fascination I had for a woman I’d only seen once.

  Last night, because of the things Tiegan had said, I’d already been on the defensive when I sat down to dinner. And in my attempt to prove a point to her, and maybe to myself as well, I had only confused the issue in my head, seeing Braelyn as my enemy when she’d done nothing to imply she disapproved of my lifestyle. In fact, she’d seemed rather tolerant in her attempt to learn.

  After I’d had Auberon and Ari come in, perform for her in an effort to show her how willing to please me they were, I’d given some thought to her questions about being owned. Truth was, I’d never considered what it would mean to find someone I didn’t want to own like that. And as much as I wanted to deny that wasn’t the case, with Braelyn, it was true. She was the first person to come into my life and wreak havoc with very little effort. She rattled me, drew out emotions I purposely ignored.

  Did I want to own her?


  Body and soul.

  But I didn’t want to strip her of choices, didn’t want to make decisions for her. I didn’t want to bark commands at her or watch her parade around naked. I liked that we could converse, that she felt comfortable with me. I wanted to explore things with her, to see the world through her eyes. There was an innocence about her I’d been blinded to because of my lifestyle. But she was open-minded, and I wanted to see where that took us.

  I couldn’t do that if I pushed her away. Especially when the only thing I found I wanted was to keep her close.

  I joined Braelyn in Ransom’s small kitchen, where she had a death grip on a mug of coffee she clearly wasn’t drinking. Her eyes were pinned on me, unnamed emotions swirling in the beautiful amber color.

  Neither of us said anything as I approached. I couldn’t seem to gather my thoughts, although I had a purpose for being here. I’d scoured the entire house looking for her, only to learn she’d slipped out early. According to Sim’s notes and his mysterious disappearance, I had learned that she’d come to see her brother. I shouldn’t have been surprised. She’d likely needed someone to talk to, and admittedly, it pained me that she didn’t feel safe enough to come to me to hash this out.

  Braelyn’s eyes widened as I neared, her head tilting back.

  As was my true nature, I didn’t ask permission when I curled my hand around her wrist, drew her to her feet, never looking away from her. She stood, the pulse in her neck beating faster.

  Cupping her face, I leaned in. “I’m sorry.”

  Yes. Perhaps the first time in my existence when I had apologized to anyone with such genuineness. More importantly, the first time in my life when I felt it was warranted.

  I willed her to see my sincerity, to hear it in my voice when I continued. “You didn’t deserve that last night. I was … defensive.”

  She swallowed hard, nodded.

  “Forgive me, Braelyn.” I leaned in so my lips hovered over hers, lowered my voice. “I need you to forgive me.”

  Her hands curled around my biceps, gripping tightly as she nodded, a sheen of tears in her eyes.

  I found her lack of response ratcheted up something that felt a hell of a lot like fear.

  “What I said, what I did… You deserve better,” I rambled.

  “I don’t know what I did,” she said softly.

  “Nothing.” I pulled back, stared into her eyes. “You didn’t do anything wrong. It was all me. I was upset … and I took it out on you.”

  Her eyes caressed my face and I wondered what she was looking for.

  I brushed my thumbs over her cheeks. “Please say you’ll forgive me.”

  It took several heart-thumping beats before she finally nodded. “I do, Talon.”

  I released a breath, and I instantly felt lighter, as though an anvil had been removed from my chest.

  “I’d like to tell you it’ll never happen again…” I shook my head. “I can’t, because what I feel for you … I’ve never experienced it before. I was defensive because I need you to see me for who I am.” My hands tightened infinitesimally on her face, my voice lowering to barely a whisper when I admitted the one thing that terrified me most. “And I need you to accept me.”

  She breathed in as though surprised by my admission, then did the one thing I didn’t expect. Braelyn shifted up on her toes, her lips finding mine. The kiss was soft and sweet, and it sent warmth straight to my chest, replacing the coldness I’d felt since I’d gone to bed last night.

  Tilting my head, I aligned my mouth with hers, kissed her softly. I fought the heat that churned when she was near, not wanting to ruin whatever progress I might’ve made.

  When she kissed me back, I settled into the kiss, sliding my arm around her, pulling her near so that I could feel the warmth of her body against mine. I wanted to stay just like this for the rest of the day, my lips fused to hers, all those soft curves in my hands. I wanted to ignore the rest of the world so I could spend the rest of the day holding her, keeping her near.

  This woman was going to be my undoing, I knew it deep in my soul. She was completely unexpected, and in a matter of just a few days, she had unhinged me. I was a man accustomed to being in control. Always. With her, I felt anything but.

  “We’ve got guests arriving shortly. Owners,” I informed her when I eased back, sliding my hand up and down her back. “Would you care to greet them with me?”

  Braelyn touched her hand to her hair, stepped back, then peered down at the virginal white sundress I’d picked out for her. “I’m not sure I’m dressed appropriately.”

  Taking her hand, I pulled her back to me. “You look sensational.” I grinned. “Good enough to eat.”

  She blushed sweetly.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket, intruding on the moment. Because I knew what it was about, I stepped back, pulled it out. It was a text message from Zion informing me the Owners would be arriving momentarily.

  “Looks like they’re a few minutes early,” I told her, tucking my phone away.

  Because I couldn’t resist the urge, I cupped her cheek, pressed my lips to hers, and repeated my apology. Then I took her hand and led her out of Ransom’s villa, heading for the Owners’ Retreat. The plane had landed twenty minutes ago, which meant the Owners would be arriving in about five.

  “It’ll be busy around here for the next seven days,” I informed her, holding open the door to the resort. “And you’ll likely see a variety of interactions that might offend you.”

  Braelyn smiled up at me, looking more at ease than she had. “I don’t have delicate sensibilities.”

  We’d see about that. I knew Braelyn considered herself well-versed in the fetish world, but the truth was, she had no idea. Nothing was off-limits here.

  “What happens when the Owners arrive?” Braelyn asked.

  “They’ll be driven here, then escorted to their rooms. Their things will be delivered, and they’ll have about two hours to acclimate themselves. Should they choose, brunch is being served in the dining room.”

  “When will they meet the possessions?”

  “Each one is hand delivered to them.” I peered down at her. “By me.”

  When we stepped into the lobby, I motioned for Taurus to bring me and Braelyn something to drink but realized quickly that he had disappeared. Today was his assigned day, and he should’ve been right behind me.

  That did not bode well for him.

  Luckily, Sim was nearby, still standing by for Braelyn. He immediately set out to do my bidding.

  “We’ve got several more employees who’ve arrived on the jet, as well. They’ll immediately get to work, manning the resort or dea
ling with possessions, whatever Tiegan has assigned them to do.”

  “Is there something I can help with?” Her eyes lowered, shyly. “I’d like to contribute. If … you know … you want me to.”

  As I turned to face her more fully, there was a swelling in my chest, a feeling I’d never felt before.

  “I’d be honored if you would.” I cupped her cheek. “But for today, I’d like you to stick close to me.” I smiled, ensured she saw the pleasure she gave me simply by breathing. “For selfish reasons, but also because you’ll get to see everything that takes place.”

  Another blush infused her pale cheeks. “I’d like that.”

  Sim appeared, holding up a tray with four champagne flutes.

  “With champagne, or without,” I offered to Braelyn.

  “I think I’ll steer clear of the alcohol for now.”

  I passed a glass of orange juice to her and took one of the mimosas for myself. “Are you hungry?”

  She took a sip, smiled. “I could eat.”

  And for the first time since I woke up, I felt like myself.

  Perhaps even a better version.



  I was still reeling by the time Talon and I finished a breakfast fit for royalty. And it had nothing to do with the incredible food.

  Nope. My world was still slightly tilted on its axis because of Talon. Namely, his apology. It was completely unexpected, so I figured it would take some time to get my bearings after he’d metaphorically knocked me off my feet.

  Truth was, I’d been psyching myself up all morning—most of the night, really, since I’d hardly slept—trying to figure out the best way to apologize to him. Granted, I hadn’t been sure what I was sorry for because I hadn’t known where things went so horribly wrong last night. I still didn’t.

  So for him to seek me out… It hadn’t done anything to help me figure out what I was feeling for him. In fact, it had complicated matters, giving me a glimpse at a side to him I hadn’t realized he had. Based on what little I knew of him, I didn’t take Talon for one who apologized often.

  Not that I had time to think about making up with him. Not with so much going on around me.


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