Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8)

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Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8) Page 38

by Nicole Edwards

  “Is something wrong?” she asked when I guided her down the path that led to the beach on the opposite side of Talon’s main house.

  “Not at all. Why?”

  She shrugged, the breeze blowing her hair back from her face. It was only then I realized she’d been wearing it down more, something she rarely ever did before. For Talon, maybe?

  “I guess I’m just waiting for a lecture,” she answered.

  I chuckled. “No lecture. You’re a big girl and you can make your own decisions. I actually wanted to talk about the job offer Talon made me.”

  “It’s a good one,” she said, although she didn’t exactly sound supportive.

  “It is. Better than anything I’ve had before and likely anything I’ll have again.”

  Her eyes were sad when she peered up at me.

  “I didn’t mean it like that, Brae.”

  I knew my sister had always felt guilty, believing she had somehow become my burden. The truth was, I wouldn’t change a single thing. She was the one who’d made my life complete. She was my family.

  “The job. Is it what you want?” she asked, kicking off her sandals and carrying them as we moved down to the sand.

  “Is it what you want?” I countered. “It’s my fault we’re here in the first place. The only thing that matters to me is your happiness.”

  She was quiet for a minute before she stopped and turned toward me. “I’ve always been happy. You’ve made sure I was.”

  I studied her face. “I’m not going to pretend I don’t see what’s going on with you and Talon. Or that it looks serious to me. Is it serious?”

  Another shrug.

  “Okay, how about this: do you want it to be serious?”


  I was surprised by how easily she answered but not so much by her answer.

  I’d sensed their attraction from the beginning, knew they were getting closer. Before today, I wouldn’t have been able to say whether they’d acted on it or not. After they’d spent the morning sharing those longing glances, I knew they had.

  Part of me was tempted to threaten Talon away from her, to insist he keep his paws off my baby sister simply because that was what an overprotective brother was supposed to do. The other part actually wanted the two of them to pursue whatever this was, because I knew ultimately that Braelyn would be safe with Talon. And if Talon let himself love her, he would love deeply and forever. Of that I had no doubt.

  Did I think she’d be happy immersed in a world where he had seven male possessions and indulged whenever he wanted? I honestly didn’t know the answer to that. She did not seem turned off by the notion, and if she’d spent any time wandering around inside this compound, she knew he was indulging. Hell, I’d witnessed it the first night when he was down by the pool. Surely Braelyn knew.

  I couldn’t deny there was guilt that plagued me. I’d witnessed the tears when Braelyn learned I’d set our old lives on fire, literally. Ransom and Braelyn Bishop no longer existed as far as the world was concerned. And hopefully that meant our parents believed Salvatore and Teresa Bianchi were dead, too. If they didn’t, then it had all been for nothing.

  Regardless, there was no going back for us.

  I hated it, but I needed for it to be real, for those closest to me to believe that I was dead and gone. Perhaps someday I could reemerge with a new identity, but I would never be able to resume the life I’d once lived. Only Talon and those he trusted most knew what really happened and they were sworn to uphold my secret.

  “The only thing I’ve ever wanted is for you to be happy,” I told her. “Genuinely happy, Brae. And if you don’t think you can find that happiness here, I understand.”

  “Can you?” she asked, watching me closely. “I’ve seen the way you look at Jasper. I know he’s from your past.”

  I hadn’t realized she’d remembered him.

  “Do you still love him?”

  “I do,” I admitted, because lying to my sister wasn’t something I could do. “Doesn’t mean anything’s going to come of it.”

  “Do you want it to?”

  I was as honest as she had been when I said, “Yes.”

  “You sound certain.”

  I smiled because she always managed to lighten my mood. “I am. But Jasper and I have a ways to go before we figure it all out.”

  “I know the feeling.” Braelyn sighed, turned to continue down the beach.

  We walked for a few minutes before Braelyn turned toward me. “Does Trent Ramsey know what’s really going on?”

  I frowned. “Why would he?”

  “He was at TJ’s that night. Talon told him he was bringing us here. To the island.” She looked guilty when she added, “and I might’ve heard Talon talking to him this morning.”

  That was news to me. All of it.

  “As far as I know, they all believe we died in the house fire.”

  She nodded again, walked. “I just wish I didn’t have to change my name again. I’m rather fond of being Braelyn Bishop.”

  I put my arm around her, hugged her to my side. “I know.”

  “I think you should take the job. I think we should stay here.”

  Stopping again, I turned her to face me, putting my hands on her shoulders. “Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been sure of much, but I’m sure we’re supposed to be here. On this island. With these people. It’s where the universe wants us to be.”

  I immediately thought of Jasper and I had to wonder whether or not she was right. After all, I did not believe in coincidence.

  Several hours later, I was sitting on the small patio overlooking the pool behind my house. I’d been out here for an hour, watching the sun sink in the sky while I enjoyed the warm breeze on my skin, the salty smell of the ocean. It hadn’t been until a few minutes ago that I realized I was feeling better. Significantly better, actually. Every now and then there was a twinge, but my ribs were no longer protesting. The shoulder still ached from time to time, but it was manageable.

  What I wanted now was some alone time with Jasper.

  Speaking of…

  The sound of voices drew my attention to the swimming pool. I got to my feet, wandered closer. I remained out of sight as I watched Jasper and Cody launch themselves into the pool. They were laughing, though I couldn’t hear what they were talking about. The chatter continued as they swam back and forth a few times before leaning against the side and relaxing.

  I dared to get closer, wanting to hear what was being said.

  “Are you thinking about a replay of the other night?” Cody asked, chin resting on his arms, his head turned to the side as he looked at Jasper.

  “The other night?”

  I smiled. No way Cody didn’t catch on that Jasper was purposely playing dumb.

  “It was hot, right?”

  “Hot. Right.” There was something in Jasper’s tone that said he wasn’t happy about the direction the conversation was going.

  “If I had a say in it, I’d ask for a replay,” Cody said with enthusiasm. “The way Ransom commanded you to fuck me… Have you ever done that before?”

  Jasper peered over. “What?”

  “A threesome.”

  I wouldn’t go so far as to say that was a threesome, but I listened for Jasper’s response.


  “Not even when you were with Ransom before?”


  He was right. I had never shared him. Then again, back then I hadn’t taken on two submissives at one time. I wouldn’t lie, I enjoyed it. Like I’d said before: endless options.

  “Well, don’t worry. I’m not gonna get attached to him.”

  “I’m…” Jasper shook his head. “I’m not worried about that.”

  “You think he’ll get attached to me?”

  I laughed, couldn’t help myself. And that was when I gave myself away.

  Jasper spun around, his eyes searching the area. Because I was busted, I stepped onto the patio surroundi
ng the pool.

  “Nice night,” I said casually. “Don’t you think?”



  Oh, hell.

  How much of that had he heard, I wondered, even as I stared up at Ransom and tried to read his face for the answer.

  Standing as close as I was to Cody, I heard his breaths become more labored. He was turned on from the mere sight of Ransom. And though I understood the reaction, I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. I’d actually given it some thought—what happened that night—before Cody had brought it up, and I still wasn’t sure whether I wanted to relive it.

  Yes, when I let my thoughts wander and I relived it as though it was happening all over again, my cock got hard. It had been hot, like Cody said. But it had been a spur-of-the-moment thing, instigated by Ransom. I hadn’t even considered the fact he might bring a third person into our encounter, but there was a first time for everything, right?

  Now I was wondering whether or not Ransom wanted a replay. If he did, then I was the odd man out, because if someone asked for my vote, I would say no.

  Probably seemed selfish of me, I figured. After all, I’d once belonged to Ransom, and in recent months, I’d been having sex with Cody. I was the one who’d had them both, so why couldn’t I envision Ransom and Cody together?

  Even thinking about it caused a tightness in my chest. Which, when you thought about it, was stupid. It wasn’t like Ransom had promised me anything. In fact, last night, I’d found myself back in my own bed. Alone.

  I wanted something to happen, for Ransom to want more from me, and maybe that was my problem. I’d spent the past nine years without Ransom, having walked away from the best thing I’d ever had in my life. I’d never expected to see him again and here he was. I was a fool not to figure out whether or not we might get back what we once had.

  Then again, maybe what we once had was no longer an option. I’d heard stories about the Doms at the club Talon belonged to. How most of them had hooked up with more than one person. Permanently. Some with two Doms, one submissive. Others with one Dom, two submissives. Maybe that was the way of Ransom’s world now.

  I tracked Ransom when he strolled around the pool, utilizing the stairs to ease his way in. He was wearing a pair of shorts and nothing else, his broad chest highlighted by the underwater lights, all those tattoos shifting as his muscles bunched and flexed.

  The doctor in me wanted to ask how his ribs were, if he was feeling any pressure or pain as he sank deeper into the water. I settled for watching his face for signs of discomfort. When I saw none, I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “We’re going to play a game,” Ransom stated as he came closer. He glanced at Cody. “For this, you can speak. But to you, I’m not Master and I’m not Sir.”

  Or Titan, I wanted to add, but kept my mouth shut.

  “The game’s called Truth or Directive.”

  “Is that like Truth or Dare?” Cody asked, smiling.

  “My own spin on it, sure.” Ransom glanced at me. “Each person gets to ask someone a question. They have to answer truthfully.”

  Very similar to the original.

  “If you choose not to answer the question, I will give a directive.”

  “What if you don’t want to answer?” I asked.

  “I will answer, regardless.” He held my gaze. “So make sure you want to hear the answer.”

  Oh, shit.

  I knew where this was going, and the churning in my stomach said it was not going to end well. Not for me, anyway. There were so many questions I wanted answers to, but I figured that was likely the same for Ransom.

  “Be warned, I will be creative with my directives. I will make them hurt.” Ransom smiled and I could see the promise. “Cody, I’ll let you go first. Ask away.”

  Cody turned to me. “How old were you when you lost your virginity?”

  I frowned because that sounded like such a girl question. What man really cared to know that?

  I got my answer when I glanced at Ransom and noticed he was watching me closely.

  “Seventeen,” I admitted, holding Ransom’s stare. I didn’t know if he was aware he’d been my first.

  “The person who answers is the next to ask a question,” Ransom explained.

  I considered it a moment, then addressed Ransom. “How many submissives have you had in your life?”

  “Clarify,” he stated. “Are you referring to how many I’ve fucked or how many I’ve taken as my own?”

  Oh, shit.

  “Fucked,” I decided since I didn’t think I’d be able to handle the answer to the other.

  “I haven’t kept track, but I’d say several … dozen.”

  I should’ve known.

  Ransom didn’t miss a beat when he looked to Cody. “What’s your favorite part of giving a blow job?”

  Cody smiled widely. “When a man’s big enough to choke me.”

  I felt my face heat, which was stupid.

  Cody kept his eyes on Ransom. “What toy is your favorite to use on a submissive?”

  “Flogger.” Ransom looked at me. “If I told Cody to give you an orgasm right now, what method would you choose to achieve it?”

  I was surprised by the question but didn’t figure it was that difficult to answer. “Blow job.”

  I lobbed my question back at Ransom. “Why’d you come here to Sapphire Island?”

  “To escape my past.”

  Damn it. I should’ve known he would be vague.

  “I can’t give you the details in present company,” he tacked on, as though he’d read my mind. “But I’m happy to give them to you. You simply have to ask.”

  My heart kicked in my chest and I didn’t know why.

  Ransom chose Cody. “Do you wish to become a possession?”

  “Yes,” he said quickly. “My overall objective is to be owned. It’s the reason I’m here.”

  “Why aren’t you?” Ransom asked, violating his own rules. Since it was a good question and I was curious, I didn’t mention it.

  “The Owners don’t see me as a possession because of my responsibilities here.”

  “Is there an Owner on the island that you’d be interested in serving?”

  “Gideon,” he blurted.

  I stared, completely shocked by the admission. I knew Cody quite well and I didn’t know that. Made me wonder what else I didn’t know about him.

  Cody asked, “Who was responsible for your breakup? You or Jasper?”

  “Jasper chose to pursue other avenues,” he answered, pinning me with a hard stare. “Why’d you choose to pursue other avenues?”

  Son of a bitch.

  I should’ve known this was coming. Hell, I did know but I’d opted to play this stupid game anyway.

  I considered telling him I wasn’t the one who opted out of our relationship, that he did that himself by refusing to let me in completely. He’d only thought I was interested in a Dominatrix because I had allowed him to believe that. I’d found myself in a disturbing situation, but rather than admit the truth to Ransom, I’d been a coward, using it as an excuse, as a way to lessen the sting because I knew it was ending between us. I had needed more than Ransom was willing to give.

  “Pass,” I said weakly.

  I could see the disappointment on Ransom’s face, hated that I’d put it there.

  Ransom looked at Cody. “Give Jasper that blow job.”

  He’d said the directives would be brutal, and I had to believe Ransom knew this wasn’t what I wanted. Otherwise he wouldn’t have forced Cody on me. Then again, I had been willing the other night, so maybe this was his natural progression.

  My stomach sank, but I masked my expression because I’d agreed to play and the last thing I wanted was for Ransom to think I was unwilling.

  “Come here,” Ransom instructed me.

  Confused, I walked toward him. When he was close enough, he reached for my hand and spun me so my back was to his chest. His arms banded around me as he pulled me against hi
m. He shifted his arms up, his fingers curling over my shoulders as he held me in place.

  “Strip him,” Ransom told Cody. “Then do your worst, but he stays right here where he is.”

  Cody had my shorts off in under a second, then he stepped between my legs, hooking my knees over his shoulders. He didn’t hesitate, taking my cock in his mouth while I was suspended between them, my torso just beneath the water’s surface.

  “Is this what you want?” Ransom whispered in my ear, his words gruff.

  I didn’t respond because we both knew it wasn’t. However, my body would’ve belied my answer because Cody was working my cock like a pro, and I couldn’t deny the pleasure that consumed me. I forced myself to watch him, acknowledging to myself that this would be the last time I was intimate with him. Regardless of what happened between Ransom and me, I could no longer go down this path. It wasn’t enough. Not for me. Not for Cody.

  “Suck him harder,” Ransom growled, his arms tightening as though he was holding himself back.

  Cody did as instructed, hoovering my cock like a vacuum, dragging my release from me despite my attempt to hold back.

  “Fuck,” I hissed.

  “Come down his throat,” Ransom commanded, the words growled in my ear. “Come right down his throat and we’re done.”

  If he’d known that those words cut me to the bone, I had to wonder if he would’ve taken them back.

  Something told me I would not be pleased with the answer.

  Seconds later, I came.

  Moments after that, Ransom left.


  Friday, January 8, 2020


  Who knew I’d be good at being someone’s executive assistant?

  Just a few days into it and I was happy to say I was getting the hang of it, and I was quite good if I did say so myself. More importantly, I was enjoying myself. Not only because Talon was making up new rules as we went along, insisting that his new assistant be much closer to him than his previous one. Although, that was certainly a bonus.

  And fine, the dirty girl in me certainly enjoyed that aspect of the job, but what I was getting the most satisfaction from was being able to contribute to something bigger than myself.


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