Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8)

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Owned (Office Intrigue Book 8) Page 47

by Nicole Edwards

  “Come for me, Braelyn. Let me feel you.”

  “Talon … oh, God, yes. Please…”

  I pumped my hips faster, still maintaining the gentle lull of our bodies against one another.

  I not only felt her release but saw it as her muscles tightened, her nipples puckering tighter as her body clamped down on mine. I didn’t even attempt to hold on any longer, letting myself go, filling her as she fell into me.

  I kissed her head, holding on to her once again, content and satisfied as only she could make me.

  “Braelyn,” I whispered, rolling toward her in our big bed.

  She snuggled up closer. “Hmm.”

  I smiled, loving the way she sought me out in the night.

  “The jet just landed.”

  Her eyes opened, and I could tell she was still half-asleep.

  I had considered not waking her at all but knew she would be disappointed with me if I made that call. The last thing I wanted to do was disappoint her. I could tell she was as determined as I was in certain areas of her life, and she’d taken charge with this possession, and she would expect to see things through.

  “Come on,” I urged. “Let’s go greet him, get him settled, then we can go back to sleep.”

  She nodded, then sat up, easing her mile-long legs over the side of the bed. It took her a minute before she really got moving, but once she did, I had to work to keep up.

  After we dressed, I took her hand, led her out into the warm, breezy night toward the resort, where Gideon had brought Jones.

  I’d informed the trainer he was to do nothing with Jones until Braelyn decided how she wanted to handle things. This was a first for all of us, and I thought it was important for Braelyn to set the precedent.

  When she released my hand, I stepped back, moving to stand beside Gideon, watching as she walked right up to the new arrival.

  Braelyn didn’t hesitate, reaching for his hands, taking them in hers as she moved in close. “Jones, I’m Braelyn.”

  The possession’s navy-blue eyes settled on her face, and I saw relief there, as though she was his lifeline and he’d be floundering without her. In a way, I figured it was true.

  He was an attractive man, one I vaguely remembered from his time here. If I recalled correctly, he hadn’t remained here long before Ms. Mills acquired him. He was close to six feet, with a trim, athletic build and head full of shaggy blond hair that hung to his shoulders, curling pleasingly at the ends and around his ears.

  “You don’t have to say a word if you prefer not to,” Braelyn informed him. “Or you can say anything you’d like. Right now, you belong only to me. Not to the resort. Not until you’re ready.”

  I was surprised by this, but I didn’t say a word. This was Braelyn’s show.

  She peered over at Gideon. “Which room is his?”

  “Second floor, number nine.”

  Braelyn nodded, met my gaze, then took Jones’s hand. I followed as she led him to the elevator, then joined them, along with Taurus, who was still at my side, as we made the trek to his assigned room.

  Once inside, Braelyn led him to the sofa, urged him to sit.

  “Have you slept?”

  Jones shook his head.

  “Okay. Then that’s what you’ll do first,” she said decidedly. “You’ll sleep.”

  I noticed her voice was taking on a more demanding tone, as though she sensed his need for her to be the authority.

  Braelyn looked up at me. “Could I please have one of those electronic tablets?”

  I nodded to Taurus, who headed off to retrieve it.

  “I want you to sleep, Jones. Once you’ve rested, I want you to shower and get dressed. Jeans only, as is required here. I’ll make sure you have what you need.”

  He nodded, his eyes peering into hers. There was so much hope there, I had to wonder whether or not this possession was going to latch on to my girl. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about that if he did.

  “Once you’ve done that, you’ll update the information here,” she said, taking the tablet from Taurus and passing it to Jones. “I’ll be back then. With food. Okay?”

  Jones nodded.

  “Then we’ll talk,” she told him. “It might not be what you’re familiar with, but it’s necessary. That way I can get a better understanding of what you need. Just know, there’s no rush. We’re going to move at your pace, and I’m going to help you through this. You’ve lost someone very important to you, but you’re safe now. Understand?”

  Another nod.

  Braelyn released his hand, and when she did, Jones leaned forward, wrapping his arms around her. I watched, surprised by the emotion that simple gesture stirred as he held on to his lifeline, the woman who had come to his rescue.

  “It’s time for you to sleep now,” she said when he let go. “Do what I told you to do, Jones, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  He nodded, getting to his feet.

  I moved to stand beside Braelyn as she watched Jones disappear into the bedroom. Once he was inside, she led the way into the hall.

  As the three of us were stepping into the elevator, she turned to Taurus.

  “Will you keep an eye on his updates for me? Let me know when he’s completed his tasks.” She smiled softly. “Please.”

  Taurus nodded once, his eyes never leaving her face.

  Not many people would’ve noticed but I saw the delight that lit Taurus’s light brown eyes.

  Not that I was surprised.

  Considering I’d fallen for her charms, it seemed appropriate they did, too.



  I considered the week that followed Jones’s arrival to be relatively normal.

  Aside from Braelyn spending some of her free time checking on him, it wasn’t much different than a regular work week.

  Well, aside from the fact that we were moving at a faster pace. With Memphis and Ransom now well into their new roles, as well as Braelyn taking over as my assistant, they didn’t seem to be wasting time. And while it had started off with me having some free time, that was no longer the case. I found myself spending additional time reviewing new proposals, providing my input, and giving them the approval to implement.

  “Any updates?” I asked the group gathered around the conference room table.

  I noticed Braelyn peering around, waiting for someone to speak up. Her gaze swung to the telephone as she waited another second.

  “I have something,” she finally said.

  I nodded in her direction.

  “I’ve been putting together the preliminary details for the next Owners’ Retreat,” she informed everyone. “Based on the calendars as they are right now, I’d like to suggest we schedule for February fifteenth through the twenty-first. I’d also like to suggest we go with a theme this time. It’ll be a belated Valentine’s.”

  I smiled to myself but kept my expression masked.

  “I know that’s only three weeks from now, but I’m happy to say, I’ve already got a list of Owners requesting they be added to the guest list.”

  “How many?” Zion inquired.

  “More than we can probably allow,” she answered easily.

  “Yes,” I stated quickly before another question could be asked. “I want you to handle the setup. Submit your proposal by the end of day to me, Zion, and Ransom. This is your show, Braelyn. Show us what you’ve got.”

  I could see the question in Zion’s eyes, but I ignored it. I was sure my right-hand man was wondering whether or not I’d lost my mind. For the record, I hadn’t. I’d already seen Braelyn’s ideas, knew what she was hoping for. And I’d made it clear to her my concerns. This was her opportunity to take things to the next level, and I trusted her to be rational.

  “Thank you,” she said with a radiant smile.

  “Anything else?” I asked the group. When no one responded, I ended the meeting with, “Very well. Memphis, I’d like you to stay on the line. Everyone else is dismissed.”

p; I waited until the room cleared out with the exception of Taurus.

  “How’re things with Tiegan?” I prompted.

  “Better,” Memphis acknowledged. “Much better.”

  I’d expected as much since I hadn’t seen a resignation letter from my former assistant.

  “Personally as well as professionally?” I inquired.

  He chuckled, a good sign. “I’d say it’s a little better on the former than the latter. She likes to give me shit here at work.”

  “She wouldn’t be Tiegan if she didn’t.”

  “No, no, she would not. Sounds to me like things are going well there.”

  “Better than expected,” I admitted.

  “I heard there’s a potential new trainer coming in.”

  “Yes. Ransom’s in conversation with one of the Owners. He’s changing the criteria, though, so it’ll be interesting to see where it goes.”

  “It’s been a long time coming,” Memphis said, never one to hold back. “I think this is the direction you’ve been meaning to go for a while.”

  “I have, yes.” Although I hadn’t expected all the changes to come at once, I certainly couldn’t complain. “Let me know if you need anything, Memphis.”

  “Will do, boss. Talk to you later in the week.”

  I disconnected the call, glanced at Taurus. “Find Sim. The two of you meet me in Jones’s room.”

  Taurus nodded, then slipped out.

  I wasn’t far behind, stopping at Braelyn’s office and peeking in the open door.

  “I want an update on Jones,” I informed her. “You can give it to me in front of him.”

  She seemed surprised but not bothered by the directive.

  Because I enjoyed the feeling, I took her hand, walked with her across the grounds, taking my time to check on the possessions currently going about their daily chores. The conversation remained light, Braelyn noting a few changes that were being made to the grounds. Nothing major, just some additional outdoor areas added at Ransom’s request.

  “I’ve been reading your updates on Jones,” I informed her when we walked out of the elevator on the second floor.

  “I think he’s ready,” she said, her tone professional.

  I motioned to the door and she opened it without announcing her presence.

  “Ready for…?”

  She hesitated when she saw Taurus and Sim inside, standing beside the wall. Her gaze shifted up to me, but she didn’t ask why they were here.

  “What is Jones ready for?” I repeated.

  “Oh … uh … to be put back in circulation.”

  “Call him in here,” I told her.

  “Jones, join us,” she called out.

  I noticed, despite her tone being polite, it wasn’t a request, which I approved of.

  “Once he’s reacquired by the resort, he’ll be off-limits to you,” I explained, leading her around to the sofa. “Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

  Braelyn eased down beside me, sitting at an angle so she could look at me.

  I looked at Jones, snapped my finger, pointed to the floor in front of me. “Stand.”

  “It’s not about me, Talon,” Braelyn stated, watching Jones as he came to stand in front of me. “It’s about his needs.”

  “And you’re certain you’ve determined what’s best for him?”

  Her eyes narrowed on my face. “I’d like to think I have.”

  I honestly believed Braelyn had been working to determine the best course of action for Jones. She was eager to make him happy, to see his needs were met, of that I had no doubt. But in doing so, I realized she was overlooking something. On purpose, if I had to guess.

  “Strip him,” I instructed Sim and Taurus.

  Braelyn inched back on the cushion, moving closer to me as Taurus and Sim approached Jones.

  They were very hands-on during the process, touching him in a non-clinical manner as they removed the jeans he wore.

  Once he was naked, I instructed him to kneel before me.

  He did, gracefully shifting down to his knees.

  I then reached into my pocket and retrieved two collars, one leather, the other titanium with Owned etched into the metal. I turned to Braelyn, holding one in each hand.

  “My question for you is which would you prefer to present him with?”

  Her eyes were wide when they shot up to my face. “Seriously?”

  “It’s your choice.”

  I’d seen how attached she’d gotten to Jones, and because of that, I’d been spending a little time with him. Nothing intimate, but I had discussed at length what his desires were. Jones had surprised me, opening up and telling me about his life with his former Owner, how he’d come to care for her. I’d listened, understanding because of my own relationships, for lack of a better word, with my possessions.

  “It should be his choice,” Braelyn said.

  Before she could reach for both collars, I pulled them back, closed my hands around them. “He’s already made his choice. Now the final decision is yours.”

  Her eyes searched my face, her voice not much more than a whisper when she asked, “I have the option of keeping him?”

  “You do, yes.”

  Her gaze shifted to Taurus and Sim then back to me. “I don’t want to disrupt…”

  “They wish to please you,” I informed her. “The same as they please me. It’s not their decision to make. Nor do they want it to be. Braelyn, that’s how this works. This is the reason they’re here.”

  I unfolded my hands, held out the collars to her again.

  Tears formed in her eyes as she stared down at both. I was pleased when she opted for the one that would announce him as Owned by us.

  And yes, it was now an us although Braelyn and I hadn’t yet had that conversation. We’d simply moved in that direction naturally.

  From my pocket, I retrieved a key, this one on a titanium chain that I’d had designed just for her.

  “This unlocks all their collars,” I told her, passing it over so she could lock the collar around Jones’s neck.

  All eyes were on her as she gently placed it on him, secured it, then passed the key back to me before moving her hair out of the way as she shifted so her back was to me.

  “This should stay on you at all times,” I informed her as I clasped the necklace.

  “It will,” she whispered. “I promise.”

  When she turned back, she pressed the key to her chest and smiled at Jones.

  In a surprising show of emotion, Jones leaned forward and rested his forehead on her knee.

  I’d picked up on those little details with my own possessions. They treated her differently than they did me. As though they understood she needed more from them than I did.

  And it appeared they wanted to give in return.



  I was in shock.

  That’s what this was.

  I’d spent the past week keeping a close eye on Jones while at the same time trying to keep my distance. Not because I wanted to but because I knew if I didn’t, I would get attached.

  Looked as though my best efforts had failed me, because there was no question as to whether or not I wanted to keep him.

  And if that didn’t sound weird, I didn’t know what did.

  When Jones lifted his head from my knee, I turned to Talon, reaching for him so I could kiss him. I needed his strength in that moment, to hold me together when I felt this influx of emotions.

  It wasn’t only because of Jones or the fact he’d chosen me. Sure, that was part of it.

  But it was mainly because Talon had known what I needed, what I wanted, without asking me. He was a perceptive man, and I was well aware he paid attention to me on so many levels. In fact, he treated me like a queen most of the time. Of course, he also treated me like his dirty girl when we were intimate, and that was something I’d come to expect from him, to look forward to, even.

  When the kiss lingered, I heated it up a few degr
ees by moving closer, needing to be near him.

  Talon didn’t hesitate, pulling me into him, his arms banding around me, hands squeezing as though he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

  “Come here,” he said with a grunt, positioning me so that I was sitting on his lap, my back to his chest.

  Because he was behind me, I was forced to look at the three possessions in front of us, noticing the way their eyes heated as Talon’s hands slipped beneath the sundress I was wearing. Beneath it I was naked, which, based on Talon’s soft groans, he very much approved of.

  I inhaled sharply when he jerked the dress up, forcing me to shift so he could remove it.

  And then I was completely naked, on display for the three possessions still watching me.

  “Spread your legs,” Talon commanded.

  I did, feeling heat infuse my face as I shifted my knees apart, hooking them over Talon’s legs.

  “Jones, lick her.”

  A wave of heat went through me, igniting my blood when he shifted to his left, his face between my legs.

  He met my gaze, held it as he leaned in and did as he was told. I saw it then, the smoldering warmth in his blue eyes. He approved of the command, and I ensured he saw my desire, as well.

  Talon’s arm banded across my chest, his hand circling my neck as he held me against him. It seemed a possessive move, one meant to remind me he was right there.

  Not that I would forget. Sure, I felt unadulterated pleasure from the swipe of Jones’s tongue, but it was Talon who gave me the most pleasure. This wasn’t something I would do if he wasn’t here, not something I would even fantasize about.

  “You like that, dirty girl?”

  “Yes.” I gripped Talon’s arm, holding on to him. He was my anchor.

  “How does it feel to have him tonguing your pussy?”

  God. Those words were nearly enough to set me off.

  “Good.” My fingers tightened on his arm. “So good.”

  Talon lifted his free hand, snapped his fingers. “On her breasts.”

  Taurus and Sim were immediately on each side of us, leaning in, taking my breasts into their blistering-hot mouths.

  I moaned, trying to focus on the warring sensations, to make them last. I didn’t want to come yet. It felt too good.


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