The Max Lucado Christmas Collection

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The Max Lucado Christmas Collection Page 2

by Max Lucado

  Our weapons against Satan are the same as those used by Gabriel and the angelic army: prayer, praise, truth, and trust. We do not rely upon our own strength but upon God’s. “So stand strong, with the belt of truth tied around your waist and the protection of right living on your chest. On your feet wear the Good News of peace to help you stand strong. And also use the shield of faith with which you can stop all the burning arrows of the Evil One. Accept God’s salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray in the Spirit at all times . . .” (EPH. 6:14–18 NCV).

  Finally, the Bible tells no story of a throne room encounter where Lucifer is offered a second chance. But the Bible does contain page after page showing God giving grace to the scallywags and turncoats of the world. He seems more willing to give grace than we are to seek it. Such divine love leaves me to wonder one thing more: if the old snake himself sought mercy, wouldn’t he, too, find it where millions have—at the foot of the cross of Christ?

  John’s description of the “war in the heavens” doesn’t answer all our questions, but it does answer the most important. He tells us who won. God did. He also tells us who matters. You do. Imagine, if God will fight such a fight to save you . . . He must really think you are worth the effort. Though we may wonder about the war that occurred, there is no need to wonder about His love . . . He really cares about His children.



  How thrilling had been our send-off! Michael, the archangel, read to us the words from the Book of Courage. The troops sang to the Father, begging His Spirit to accompany our battalion. The Father rose from His throne in a flood of cascading Light and gave us words of strength.

  To the angels He urged, “Be strong, My ministers.”

  To me He reminded, “Gabriel, Satan desires to destroy the Seed as much as you desire to deliver it. But fear not. I am with you.”

  “Thy will be done,” I resolved and took my place at the apex of the troops. It was time to leave. I began the song of praise to signal our departure. One by one the angels joined me in worship and sang. One final time I faced the Light. We turned and plunged into the heavenlies.

  On the wave of His Light we flew. On the crest of our songs we soared. Paragon was at my right, Aegus on my left. Both handpicked by our Father to guard the vial. Ever able. Ever nimble. Ever obedient.

  So immense was our number that I could not see its end. Our strength knew no bounds. We flew as a torrent of stars through the universe: I at the helm, thousands of angels behind me. I delighted in a backward glance at the flood of silver wings rising and falling in silent rhythm.

  From them came a constant flow of spontaneous praise.

  “To God be all glory!”

  “Only He is worthy!”

  “Mighty is the King of kings and Lord of lords!”

  “The battle belongs to God!”

  I had chosen only the most able angels for my company, for only the most able could face the foe. Every angel had been willing, but only the most skilled warriors had been chosen.

  We passed the galaxy of Ebon into the constellation of Emmanees. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of Exalon, a planet ringed once for every child found faithful to the Father. Through the constellation of Clarion and into the stellar circle of Darius.

  Around my neck dangled the glowing vial, its mystery still beyond my understanding.

  Behind me I heard the soft voice of Sophio. The Father has gifted him with wisdom, and I have taken him on many journeys. His task is always the same. “Whisper truth to me as we fly,” I tell him, and so he does. “Lucifer is the father of lies. There is no truth . . . no truth in him. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy.”

  As my courage mounted, so did my speed. We knew we would not fail. But we had no idea that the battle would come so soon. Only moments across the Ridge of Time, Paragon shouted, “Prepare yourselves!”

  Suddenly I was entangled in an invisible net. Row after row of angels tumbled in upon me. Even the final flank was moving too fast to avoid the trap. Within moments, we were a ball of confusion:





  Before we could draw our swords, our attackers drew the net so tight we couldn’t move. From within the fray I could hear them mocking us.

  “You’re the best of heaven? Ha!”

  “To the pit with you!”

  “Now you will face the true master!” they taunted.

  But their celebration was premature. The King had prepared me for this web of evil. I knew exactly what to do.


  “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY IS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!” Over and over I praised my Master. My angels heard me and joined the worship.

  Weakened by the words of truth, the hellhounds released the ropes, allowing us to break free.

  “The Lord loves those who praise Him!” Sophio shouted in triumph.

  Liberated, we brandished our swords of Light, each connecting with the next, forming a seamless ball of brilliance. Blinded, the demons crashed into each other and then scrambled to escape. I dispatched a platoon to pursue them. “Make sure they don’t return!” I instructed.

  I studied our flanks—first one side, then the other. No losses. The attack had only increased our resolve. I began to sing, and we resumed our journey, bathed in the Light of our swords and the music of our adoration.

  We passed the golden planet, Escholada, signifying our entrance into the chosen galaxy. Each of us knows well these stars. We frequent them on missions. Despite our fond memories of these constellations, we did not pause. Our mission was too vital.

  “Gabriel.” It was Paragon calling my name. “Behold, in the distance.”

  I had never seen such a demon. His jackal-like head sat on a long, scaly neck and dragon body. His wings stretched so wide they could engulf a dozen of my fighters. Each of his four feet appeared strong enough to crush an angel. “Who is he?” I asked Paragon and Aegus. It was Sophio who answered.

  “It is Phlumar.”

  “Phlumar? It couldn’t be!” Before the Rebellion he was our chief singer and most noble fighter. He would often fly ahead of us, suspended on the graceful rising and falling of lustrous wings. Many of the songs I now sing, I’d first heard from the lips of Phlumar. Now look at him, I thought.

  What happened to the sterling eyes and white robe? What happened to the countenance of joy? As I drew near, the repugnant smell of evil caused me to wince. I readied my sword, expecting an attack. I did not expect a question.

  “My friend, how long has it been?” The voice was as warm as an archdemon can feign.

  “Not long enough, child of hell,” I shouted in his face as I soared past. I didn’t trust myself to stop. I didn’t trust my emotions or my strength. I kept moving, but immediately he was next to me.

  “Gabriel, you must listen to me.”

  “Your prince is a liar and the father of lies.”

  “But my prince has changed,” Phlumar argued.

  I did not slow down. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Aegus and Paragon flying wide-eyed with their hands on their swords, awaiting my command. I prayed that they wouldn’t see the concern in my eyes. If Phlumar had retained one-tenth of his strength, he would destroy an entire battalion before I could respond. He had been the mightiest in our class.

  Phlumar continued, “A miracle has occurred since you left on your mission. My master witnessed your utter defeat of our forces. He is disturbed by your strength and his weakness. He is equally perplexed by the offer of mercy which came in the throne room. He says you were there, Gabriel. Did you see it?”

  Though I didn’t respond, the image of God’s extended hand came to mind. I thought of the tilted head and remembered my first impressions. Could it be that Satan’s heart indeed had softened?

  Emotion accompanied Phlumar�
�s plea. “Come, Gabriel. Talk with Prince Lucifer. Plead with him on the Father’s behalf. Speak of your Master’s love. He will listen to you. Let us go together and urge him to repent.”

  Phlumar accelerated ahead of me and stopped, forcing me to do the same. He towered above me. I thought I’d prepared for everything, but this I never expected. I prayed for direction.

  “Together, Gabriel, you and I together again,” the dragon continued. “It can happen. We can be united. Satan’s heart is ripe; already mine is changed.”

  Suddenly it hit me. Again, I knew what to do. I silently thanked God for His guidance.

  “Your heart has changed, has it, Phlumar?”

  His huge head nodded up and down. I turned to Paragon and Aegus. The fear on their faces was giving way to curiosity.

  “You long to join our ranks, do you?”

  “Yes, Gabriel, I do. The Rebellion was a mistake. Come with me. We will reason with Lucifer. I long to return to heaven. I long to know my former splendor.”

  By now my plan was clear. “Wonderful news, Phlumar!”

  I sensed the surprise on the faces of my angels. “Our God is a good God,” I announced. “Slow to anger and quick to forgive. Surely He has heard your confession.” I paused and elevated closer to his face and looked into his eyes. “Let us then lift our voices together in praise.”

  Fear flashed across Phlumar’s face. Sophio, perceiving my strategy, announced the truth:



  “But—but—but I don’t remember any of the words.”

  Realizing Phlumar’s true intent, my soldiers began to encircle him. I moved even closer and spoke firmly, “Surely you are willing to worship our Master. Surely you haven’t forgotten the songs of worship. Open your mouth and confess the name of the Lord!”

  Phlumar looked to the right and left but saw no escape. “Join us,” I dared. “If your heart is truly changed, worship with us.” I pulled out my sword. “If not, prepare to fight us.”

  Phlumar knew he’d been foiled. His mouth would not—could not—praise the Almighty God. His heart belonged to Satan. He swung his neck to one side, preparing to sweep us into the next galaxy. Had we only our strength he would have succeeded. The collective might of our troops could not have resisted his force. But we were empowered from on high. And endued with God’s strength, we pounced on the demon in a second.

  Before he had a chance to attack, his leathery skin was invaded by swords of Light. It melted like wax. What little flesh still clung to his bones was instantly blotched and infected. Froth fell from his jaws. He opened his mouth and howled a cry as lonely as the skies have heard.

  “Kill me,” he begged, his voice now husky. He knew any death we gave him would be gracious in comparison to the punishment which awaited him from the hands of Lucifer.

  “The angels are kept in bonds for judgment,” I reminded him. “Only the Father can kill the eternal.” With a twist of our swords we cast this demon of death into the Abyss. For an instant I was sorrowful for this creature. But the sorrow was brief as I remembered how quickly he had followed the prince and his false promises.

  I lifted my voice in praise both for our victory and my salvation. I could not help but think of the prophecy the Father spoke to me: “As much as we seek to bring the Seed, so Satan seeks to destroy it.”

  Lifting hands heavenward, we proclaimed His name above all names as we resumed our journey. Soon we came into the Earth’s solar system. I lifted my head as a signal for the army to slow down. The atmosphere of Terra surrounded us, and I searched for the tiny strip of land inhabited by the promised people.

  How precious is this globe to Him! I thought. Other orbs are larger. Others grander. But none so suited for Adam and his children. And now the hour of the delivery was at hand. Below me was the small town where God’s Chosen One slept.

  I see you have made it safely.”

  It was the voice I dreaded. Instantly he was before us. We had no option but to stop.

  “You are wearing your old uniform, Lucifer,” I accused.

  The true angels were entranced at his appearance. As was I. Was this the same devil who had repulsed me in the throne room?

  His hoarse whisper was now a vibrant bari- tone. The skeletal figure now robust and statuesque. Next to his light, our whiteness was gray and dirty. Next to his voice, our voices were but a whimper. We raised our swords, but they flickered like candles against the sun.

  My battalions looked upon the devil in confusion. Before the send-off Michael had tried to warn them, but no words prepare you for Lucifer. Without speaking a word, he enchants. Without lifting a weapon, he disarms. Without a touch, he seduces. Angels have been known to follow him without resistance.

  But I had the words of the Father in my heart. “He has been a liar since the beginning.”

  The devil looked at me with a soft smile. “Gabriel, Gabriel. How many times have I spoken your name? My servants can tell you. I have followed you through the years. You are one loyal angel. And now your loyalty is rewarded. The mission of missions.”

  He threw back his head and laughed, not an evil laugh, but a godlike one. How well he imitates the King!

  “It’s no imitation,” he said as if he could read my mind. “It’s genuine. I rejoice that you have passed our test.”

  My face betrayed my perplexity.

  “Has He not informed you, my friend? How wise is our heavenly Father. How gracious that He should allow me the privilege of telling you. This has been a trial of your loyalty. Your whole mission was a test. The Day of Sorrows. The heavenly Rebellion. The falling of the angels. My visit in the throne room. The net. Phlumar. All of that was to test you, to train you. And now, O Gabriel, the King and I congratulate you. You have proven faithful.”

  I thought I knew every scheme of Lucifer, every misdeed, every lie. I thought I had anticipated each possible move. I was wrong. This one I never imagined . . . oh, is he sly. He sounded so sincere.




  he implored. “THE FATHER OF



  His grand voice choked with emotion. “He created me. He gave me free will. And all this time I have worshiped Him from afar so that you could be tested. And now, my friend, you have passed the Father’s test. Why else would He allow you to witness my visit to heaven? It was all a staged event: God’s magnum opus to test your dedication.”

  His words tugged at my breast. My sword dropped to one side and my shield to the other. My thoughts swam. What is this I feel? What is this power? I know he is evil, yet I find myself weakening. I, at once, long to love and kill him, to trust and deny him. I turned to look at Aegus and Paragon. They, too, had dropped their weapons, their faces softening as they began to believe the words the Deceiver spoke. Behind them, our armies were relaxing. One by one the swords were dimming. Incredible. With only a few words Lucifer could harness legions. Is this really true? He looks and sounds so much like the Father. . . . All of us were beginning to fall under his control.

  All, that is, except one. In the distance I saw Sophio. His eyes were not on Lucifer. He was looking heavenward. I could hear his declaration, mounting in volume with each phrase.













  Sophio’s prayer was a beam into the sky. With my eyes I followed the shaft of Light. At its end I could see my Father standing. One glimpse of His glory and my confusion cleared. I snapped erect and repositioned my shield. Lucifer, for the first time, saw Sophio praying. His smile vani
shed; then he forced it to return.

  He spoke faster, but the true rasp of his voice was returning. “The Father awaits us, Gabriel. Let us smash the vial in celebration of the Father’s victory. Let us return with joy. Your mission is complete. You will be rewarded with a throne like mine. You will be like God.”

  If Satan had any chance, he just lost it. “Liar!” I defied. “I have heard those words before. I have heard that promise. It is a lie, and you are the father of lies. You stink, you buzzard. To hell with you!”

  Though I knew my sword would not stop Lucifer, still I unsheathed my weapon. “Almighty God, save us!” I prayed. He did. My sword projected a Light far greater than ever before—a Light so bright that Lucifer covered his eyes and released a deluge of curses.

  I turned to my angels; they were again alert and poised, the spell broken and their courage restored. They lifted their swords in defiance. The ever-increasing Light illuminated the devil, revealing what I had seen in the throne room, only now his hood lay back. The skullish face violated the sky.

  I drove my Light into the devil’s heart. As I did, Aegus did the same from the other side. Satan screamed, writhing in pain as our Lights fused in purging heat. From within him scampered the ogres of a thousand miseries: loneliness, anger, fear.

  In one final, desperate attempt, Lucifer twisted toward me and lunged at heaven’s vial. He never had a chance. Paragon’s sword swept out of the sky, severing Satan’s hand from his arm, sending it spiraling into the night. A wave of stench forced us to lift our shields before our faces. Satan threw back his head, his visage contorted in pain. The voice which only moments before had charmed, now hissed.

  “I’ll be back!” Lucifer swore. “I’ll be back.” Sophio shook his head in disgust.


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