Crushing On My Doctor: A Medical Romance

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Crushing On My Doctor: A Medical Romance Page 4

by Iona Rose

  “It’s nothing that drastic. Just a cheek swab,” Officer Prescott smiles. She opens a small packet she’s pulled out of her bag and hands me what looks like a long cotton Q-tip. “Just rub that on the inside of your cheek and pop it in the bag.”

  I do as she says and hand the bag back to her. She seals the top and drops it back in her bag.

  “Have you remembered anything about the attack?” she asks looking at me hopefully.

  I shake my head, feeling like I’m somehow letting her down. She smiles sadly and squeezes my shoulder before she turns to leave. I watch her retreating and right at the last second, I think of something and call out to her.

  “My keys. You said I could pick them up from the station. Is it ok to send someone else to pick them up on my behalf? I need some things for while I’m in here,” I say.

  Officer Prescott nods.

  “Sure. That’s fine. Who will it be?”

  “Jennifer Palmer,” I say.

  Officer Prescott nods again and leaves the room. I text Jennifer, realizing now that I probably should have asked her to do this before I said it. It doesn’t matter. Jennifer responds quickly saying of course she’ll pick up my keys and some things for me. I send her a list of what I need. Clothes. Clean underwear. Pajamas. A towel. Toiletries. My phone charger. That kind of thing.

  I hate the fact that I can’t even shower or brush my teeth until Jennifer gets here, but it’s not like I have any real choice in the matter. I lay back against my pillow and close my eyes, knowing I won’t sleep, but hoping I can anyway. It will pass the time.

  It’s fair to say Jennifer is an absolute legend. Within an hour of me texting her, a nurse tapped on my door and brought in my familiar pink overnight bag. She told me someone had dropped it off for me. I smiled my thanks and opened it quickly. On the top was a note from Jennifer; I thought you might like this stuff now rather than waiting until visiting hours.

  She was so right. I went through everything and then I went and had a nice hot shower and washed my hair and brushed my teeth. Clean and dressed in my own clothes again, I actually felt something like a human again.

  Jennifer is back now. She came back during visiting hours just like she said she would. I have been updating her on everything that’s happened and what the police have had to say about it all.

  “So I still don’t know whether or not I should go home. The police hinted at me maybe not going back for a while but didn’t sound overly convinced I wasn’t just being paranoid. But my doctor agreed it was a good idea. Staying away for a while I mean.”

  “Yes, he’s right. I think you should find somewhere else for a while too,” Jennifer says without hesitation.

  “You’re that sure my attacker will come back?” I ask, shocked and a little frightened.

  “No,” Jennifer says quickly, shaking her head. “But I can see you’re frightened to go back there and you need someone to tell you not to. If you go back, you’re only going to be on edge, looking over your shoulder constantly.”

  I nod my head. She’s right.

  “Yeah. I should probably look for a hotel room or something,” I say.

  “You know I’d offer to let you stay with us, but right now, I don’t even know where I’d put you,” Jennifer says.

  I shake my head quickly.

  “Don’t be silly. I’ll find something,” I say.

  I get why Jennifer can’t put me up and I never expected her to even offer. Jennifer is still in the middle of moving. Her family has had to downsize after her husband, Carl, lost his job. There are now four of them – Jennifer, Carl and their two children - crammed into a tiny, one bedroom apartment. There’s no way I’d make that uncomfortable living situation any worse by asking to stay with them.

  We talk for a bit longer and then the bell sounds to inform us that visiting hours are now over. It sure doesn’t feel like it’s been two hours, but a quick glance at my watch, a watch Jennifer thought to bring me, tells me it has been. We say our goodbyes and Jennifer leaves after hugging me tightly.

  I pick up my phone and open up Google and search for hotels in my local area. I am horrified to see the prices. Even the cheap ones are upwards of one hundred dollars a night. My few savings will be gone within a week or two at that rate and that’s without food or anything. It’s not even like I’ll have any money coming in.

  The door opens while I’m considering hostels instead. Aidan smiles at me and I return the smile, putting my phone down on the bed beside me.

  “How are you feeling?” Aidan asks me.

  “Ok,” I say.

  “You don’t sound ok. You sound worried,” he says, a frown of concern on his face.

  I shake my head and sigh.

  “I’m looking for a hotel room to stay in for a while just until I feel safe to go home. But they’re all out of my price range. So now I’m thinking I might have to stay in a hostel and I’m not exactly relishing the idea,” I tell him.

  “Have you considered renting a room?” he asks.

  “What like in someone’s apartment?” I ask.

  He nods and I shake my head.

  “I know this is going to make me sound crazy and paranoid, but I just know that with my luck, I’d be the unlucky one who ended up living with some massive psycho type,” I say.

  Aidan laughs softly.

  “You sound like my sister. Actually, there’s an idea,” he says.

  I look at him questioningly and he explains.

  “My sister has just graduated from college and she moved into an apartment. She was thinking of getting a roommate but she’s a lot like you. Paranoid about the sort of person she might end up living with. I could call her and see if you could take the room for a few weeks if you want me to?” Aidan says.

  I think for a second. Is it a good idea? I mean the chances of Aidan’s sister being a psycho who wants to kill me are slim. And I like the fact she thinks the same way as I do. I also like the fact that maybe this means Aidan wants me to stick around in his life once I’m out of the hospital.

  Aidan is looking at me strangely and I realize I’ve been quiet for too long. He probably thinks I’m going to say no and that he’s scared me off or something. I smile at him and nod my head.

  “That would be great,” I say. “Thank you.”

  Aidan smiles at me again and he starts towards the door.

  “I’ll go and call her now,” he says.

  I watch his ass as he slips out of the door. It’s a nice ass. One I really want to get my hands on. Maybe my mouth on as well. I try not to get my hopes up though. Either about Aidan’s ass or about the room. I could be reading far too much into his offer to call his sister. I mean it’s not just me he’s helping, it’s her as well and it makes sense that he would want to help his sister. And as for the room, there’s no guarantee Aidan’s sister will say yes. I mean if she’s worried about living with a stranger, then Aidan’s call isn’t going to help much. It’s not like I’m a friend of his who he’s known long enough to vouch for. I’m a patient who he has known for all of five minutes.


  I don’t have to wait long to find out whether or not Aidan’s sister is willing to risk me being a nut job and let me stay in her spare room. Aidan comes back to my room within ten minutes of leaving it. And he’s beaming.

  “She said yes,” he says. “You can move in as soon as you’re discharged from the hospital.”

  “That’s brilliant, thank you,” I smile.

  “You don’t look overly happy about it,” Aidan says frowning.

  “Oh no it’s not that. I am happy about it,” I say quickly. “It’s just … well I feel a little bit bad about it only being temporary. I don’t want to leave your sister in the lurch when it’s time for me to go home.”

  Aidan shakes his head.

  “You won’t. I’ve told her it’ll only be for a few weeks. And it’s not like she’s actively looking for someone to rent the room and you’re taking it up when she could get some
one long term in there.”

  “Then consider it sold,” I smile. “Seriously. Thank you for this. Do I need to get a deposit to her?”

  “Your rent will be one hundred dollars a week. That includes all of your utilities so there will just be food to buy. Nadia, that’s my sister, said not to worry about any of this while you’re still in hospital. The two of you can sort it out once you’re discharged,” Aidan says.

  “Thanks,” I smile again.

  The door to my room opens and Stacy walks in.

  “Aidan we have to stop meeting like this,” she purrs, grinning at him.

  He returns her smile with a polite one of his own. Stacy looks momentarily hurt but she recovers herself quickly and turns to me.

  “Time for your vitals,” she says.

  She moves towards me with the trolley and begins to attach the blood pressure cuff to me. She is barely focused on what she’s doing. She can’t keep her eyes off Aidan for more than a second or two. I probably should be annoyed about that, but I know where Stacy is coming from. I can barely keep my eyes off Aidan for more than two seconds either.

  “Can you hand me the patient’s chart please?” Stacy says to Aidan.

  He reaches down and gets it and holds it out to her. She makes a point of touching his fingers with hers as she takes it. She smiles, trying to hold Aiden’s gaze, but he has already looked away from her, his eyes back on me.

  “So that’s all sorted then,” he says.

  “Yes,” I agree. “Thank you again.”

  “What’s sorted?” Stacy asks.

  “Erika is going to be renting a room from my sister for a while. You know, in case her attacker comes back,” Aidan says.

  “Oh, sorry to be so nosey,” Stacy says, looking anything but sorry. “I thought it was a medical thing.”

  “If it was, it would have been in her chart,” Aidan points out.

  “Yeah, I guess it would,” Stacy says, acting embarrassed. She turns her attention to me with what seems like a lot of effort and jots down my vitals. “You know it’s pretty unlikely your attacker will come back.”

  “I know I’m just being paranoid but …” I start.

  “You’re not being paranoid, you’re being sensible,” Aidan cuts in. “And all of these people telling you that you’ll probably be ok aren’t the ones to risk going back there and seeing if that’s true or not.”

  “Aww, would you listen to that. Your knight in shining armour,” Stacy laughs.

  She nudges Aidan with her shoulder. He smiles at her; a smile I don’t think is entirely real. That could just be wishful thinking though. I mean its clear Stacy likes Aidan as more than just a colleague. And she is gorgeous. Tall and slim and with a pretty face. There’s no way Aidan could say she wasn’t attractive. Maybe Aidan is into Stacy and he’s just being nice to me; going the extra mile for a patient and all that.

  I don’t really know how I feel about that. I shouldn’t care one way or the other really. I only met Aidan yesterday and it’s not like I could say I know him. He’s been by my room a fair few times – more than I think is normal for a doctor to drop in on a patient who isn’t particularly sick – but does that really mean everything I want it to mean? And that there is my answer. That’s why I care. Because whether Aidan is into me or not, I want him to be. Because I am very much into him.

  As much as I hate to admit it, I’m jealous of Stacy. I know it’s irrational and stupid, but it’s there all the same.

  “All done,” Stacy smiles at me. She turns to Aidan. “Any idea when Ms Hart will be able to go to her apartment then?”

  Is it possible Stacy is jealous of me too and that she wants me out of the way? No, I tell myself. She’s just doing her job. Asking as a nurse so she knows when the bed will be free for the next patient no doubt.

  “If everything stays as good as it is looking, then I see no reason why you’ll be here for much longer Erika,” Aidan says. He glances at Stacy. “Of course with the amnesia we do have to be a little bit more careful, so perhaps another two or three days.”

  Aidan was true to his word. My vitals all stayed good and two days have passed and I’m finally being discharged from the hospital. I just have to wait for my painkillers to be delivered and then I’m free to go. I’ll miss Aidan’s daily visits, sometimes two or three a shift but I will be glad to get out of this place. Like really glad. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good thing that we have hospitals and I understand that if you’re ill, they’re likely the best place to be. But I wasn’t ill and my stay was more precautionary than anything. I have been so bored I could tear my hair out.

  My only reprieve from the boredom was my visit from Jennifer and of course the daily visits from Aidan. I think his visits kept me sane. They certainly gave me something to look forward to. It got to the point where we were openly flirting with each other, and when Aidan wasn’t in my room, I found myself fantasizing about him and about what it would be like to be in his arms, to be kissed by him, fucked by him.

  Finally, after waiting a good few hours after being told I was discharged, Aidan appears in my room again. He holds up a little white box and smiles at me.

  “Your meds,” he says. “Has anyone been over the instructions for taking them with you?”

  I nod my head.

  “Yeah. Take two of them four times a day with water for the next week,” I say.

  “You’re a fast learner,” Aidan grins at me.

  “I had a good teacher,” I smile back.

  “Look I know you probably can’t wait to see the back of this place, but with your head injury, we’re not really meant to discharge patients unless there’s someone with them. I mean you can obviously call someone to come and get you, or if you don’t mind waiting a little longer, my shift ends in an hour. I can take you to Nadia’s place and introduce the two of you,” Aidan says.

  I debate it for a moment, but there’s really no question about what I want to do. Not only will arriving at Nadia’s place with Aidan be a lot less awkward, but I really want to have the chance to spend some time with him outside of the hospital, and I’m afraid that if I say no to this, Aidan will take it as me saying no to anything happening between us in the future.

  “I’ll wait,” I say.

  Aidan smiles. A warm, happy smile that tells me I gave him the right answer about waiting for him.


  I walk along the corridor towards Erika’s room, my white coat left behind in my office. I am just a civilian now to anyone passing me by. No one but the other staff here would know I was a doctor now. I’m just wearing jeans, a t-shirt and a black jacket.

  I so badly want to get to Erika’s room and get her out of here before either an emergency arises that I need to deal with before I can leave, or someone spots me and Erika leaving together and makes a big deal out of it. I confess I like Erika. I really do. And I really want to see more of her once she’s out of the hospital. And technically she’s signed the discharge papers and is no longer my patient, but I still think it would be wise to at least wait until after she’s officially left the place to have colleagues whispering about us.

  I don’t know what it is about Erika that got my attention so quickly and then never let it go, but the way I feel when I look at her is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I mean obviously she’s hot and when I look at her, I want to taste her lips, taste her pussy, make love to her all night long. I want to hold her in my arms and never let her go. But it’s more than that.

  There is something vulnerable about Erika, and whenever I look at her, I just get this overwhelming urge to protect her. In my line of work, I see a lot of people who have been hurt by others, and while I’m always angry on their behalf, I have never felt it so strongly as I do with Erika. And I have certainly never called my sister and persuaded her to let a patient move in with her before.

  It doesn’t help that the police are no closer to finding Erika’s attacker than they were when they brought her in to the hospital. Th
e DNA sample they found didn’t match their records and neither did any of the fingerprints. The CCTV angle didn’t pan out – it seems like there are no active cameras close enough to Erika’s place to show anyone going to or from her property with any certainty. Her elderly neighbour who called the police hadn’t seen anything, and all he could say for sure was a male voice shouted something he couldn’t make out and there was a lot of banging. That didn’t give the police much to go on as they had already ascertained the attacker was likely a male by the size of the hand prints on Erika’s neck. None of her other neighbours had seen or heard anything suspicious or out of the ordinary. It was all just a bunch of dead ends.

  Officially the investigation is still open and the officers claim they’re still actively working the case, but I have my doubts about whether or not that’s true. I don’t doubt the case is still open – they have to leave it open if it’s not solved – but I seriously doubt they’re spending anymore man hours on it.

  I’m so glad Erika agreed to take the room at Nadia’s place. The thought of her being back in her own place alone so soon after the attack fills me with worry. I’m sure the police are right. That everyone is right. That the attacker is unlikely to come back. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible and I’ll just feel better knowing Erika is safely away from her house. And if I’m being honest, I like the idea of being able to drop around and see her without looking like a creep.

  Dropping around to see Erika at home could be seen as me crossing a major line and Erika could well be forgiven for thinking I was being creepy. But dropping round to see my sister whenever I want to isn’t weird and if that gives Erika and I a chance to get know each other a little better, then that can only be a good thing.

  I reach Erika’s room and tap on the door. I push it open when she calls for me to come in. She looks gorgeous. She’s wearing a pair of jeans and a white blouse with the top two buttons open, giving me just a hint of cleavage. She is sitting on the chair beside her bed with her bag in her lap. When she sees me, she smiles and her eyes twinkle.


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