Crushing On My Doctor: A Medical Romance

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Crushing On My Doctor: A Medical Romance Page 17

by Iona Rose

  She lifts her head back up and looks at me for a moment and then she begins to move again. She is so wet, so tight. I can feel my cock tingling as my own climax comes rushing on. I try to slow myself down, to hold back a little so that this can last longer, but I can’t do it. Erika is consuming me so completely that I lose control of myself.

  I am so close to the edge that I just can’t stop myself from wanting to go over. I move my hips faster, filling Erika fully, stretching her pussy out and making her take my full length time after time. She is gasping and writhing and when I hit my climax, she spasms around me again as she has another orgasm herself.

  We are both moaning, our hands all over each other as pleasure floods us. I feel like I’m floating away from my body, from the anchor to the world. I am filled with a euphoria so deep it’s almost spiritual. And then I’m coasting down, my body warm and relaxed.

  Erika collapses against my chest and I wrap my arms around her as she pants. Her body is shaking slightly as she tries to get herself back under control. I slip out of her, already missing the warm glove of her pussy, but I enjoy the feeling of just holding her in my arms, and I clutch her tightly to me as I slowly coast down from the ecstasy that filled me only moments ago and come back to myself.

  After a few minutes, Erika lifts her head from my shoulder and smiles at me. She kisses my lips, a soft kiss, and then she climbs off my lap. She stands up for a moment and takes off her shredded panties, pushing them into her hand bag, and then she pulls her skirt down and sits back down. I follow her lead, pulling my boxer shorts and jeans back up and fastening my button, zipper and belt. I sit back down beside her and we look at each for a moment before Erika finally shakes her head slightly.

  “I can’t believe I almost threw away what we have because of some jealous little bitch who was just trying to make trouble for us. I never should have believed a word she said. At least not without asking you for the truth,” she says. “Are you mad at me because I ignored your calls instead of talking to you about it?”

  “No,” I say, although that’s not strictly true. I decide I don’t want to lie to Erika ever and I change my answer. “A little bit maybe. But I get it. We haven’t known each other for that long and I can’t expect you to just trust me instantly.”

  “I’m sorry,” she says.

  I reach out and take her hand.

  “It’s ok,” I say. “There’s no harm done. And maybe this will give us a chance to really talk and establish some ground rules. How about we make a promise to each other right now that we’ll never lie to each other?”

  “I like that,” Erika smiles. “And I think we should also say that if something happens that upsets one of us, or makes us feel insecure, that we should agree to talk to each other about it. You know, instead of going into hiding like I did.”

  “Yes, I like that idea,” I smile. “Because I was really worried about you when you wouldn’t take my calls. So how about this? If you’re too mad to talk to me in that moment, just send me a text message saying that so that I know you’re ok.”

  Erika smiles and shakes her head.

  “You don’t need to worry about me so much Aidan. I know there was the attack, but even the police think there’s very little chance of that happening again. I don’t want to worry you any time I miss a call.”

  I know I should tell her about Jeremy, about why I was so worried, but the last thing I want right now is another argument. And it’s not like I’m lying to her. She hasn’t mentioned Jeremy. If she outright asks if this has something to do with him, then I’ll be honest with her, but I know she won’t, because she doesn’t consider Jeremy to be dangerous. She just thinks of him as a nuisance.

  “I’ll try to dial it back a bit,” I smile.

  She leans in and kisses me again.

  “Good, because I have no intention of going anywhere and I need you to believe that,” she says.

  “I do,” I promise her. And again, that’s not a lie. I do trust her not to run out on me again.

  I stand up and Erika looks up at me, a look of confusion on her face.

  “Come on,” I say. “It’s not too late to salvage the night and have dinner. Assuming you’re hungry of course.”

  “I’m starving,” Erika grins.

  “Let’s go out to eat,” I say. “I’ll take you somewhere nice and we’ll have a nice meal, and then we’ll go back to my place after it.”

  “That sounds good,” Erika says.

  “Don’t you want to put some panties on?” I ask as she stands up and walks towards the door.

  “No. I don’t think I do,” she says with a flirty smile. “I kind of like the idea of you knowing I’m naked beneath my skirt.”

  I moan as desire floods me.

  “Be careful Erika,” I grin. “We might not even get to the restaurant if you keep talking like that.”

  She laughs and ducks away from me as I grab for her. The second time, she lets me catch her and I kiss her long and deep and then pull away, leaving her breathless.

  “Now we both have something to think about over dinner,” I grin.

  “Oh that’s cruel,” Erika laughs.

  I wake up to Erika shaking me.

  “It’s almost seven o’clock,” she says. “We’ve overslept. You’re going to be late for work.”

  I roll over and smile at her.

  “I’m off today,” I tell her. “I thought maybe we could do something later on if you fancied it?”

  “Oh dammit, I can’t today,” Erika replies. “I assumed you would be working so I made plans with Jennifer for this afternoon.”

  “And tonight?” I ask.

  “Tonight I’m all yours,” Erika grins at me.

  I pull her into my arms.

  “Good,” I say.

  I kiss her and then push the sheet back.

  “I don’t have to meet Jennifer until lunch time. We could still do something now,” Erika says, making it clear with her raised eyebrow what she’s referring to when she says we could do something now.

  I grin at her and pull the sheet back over myself.

  “I do have something I need to do this morning, but it can wait a little while longer,” I tell her.

  “What do you have to do?” she asks.

  I sigh. I didn’t really want to tell her what I’m planning on doing but we promised each other we wouldn’t lie to each other and so I decide to be honest. She probably won’t like the idea, but it has to be done.

  “I’m going to the hospital to have a word with Stacy about her staying the hell out of my business,” I say.

  “Oh God no, please don’t do that,” Erika says. “I don’t want her to know she got to me.”

  I kiss the tip of her nose and smile.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to give her the satisfaction of thinking she got under your skin. I’m going to tell her we laughed at how pathetic she is. But I do need to have a conversation with her though. What she did crossed a major line and I want to make it clear to her that she is to stay out of my life from now on,” I say.

  “I guess it will be kind of fun to have her think her little plan did nothing but amuse us,” Erika admits.

  “Exactly,” I grin. “Now do you want to talk about Stacy, or do you want me to kiss you?”

  “Oh that’s a tough one,” Erika grins.

  She purses her mouth up like she’s thinking. I can’t wait any longer for her to make her decision so I take it out of her hands by leaning closer and fitting my mouth over hers. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me closer, confirming the decision was the right one.


  I check my watch as I pull up in the hospital parking lot. Its good timing. That extra half an hour I spent with Erika this morning was good for two reasons. The first and most important reason was obviously because I got to spend more time with Erika and I got to make her come so hard her eyes rolled back in her head. The second and slightly less important reason is because I have managed to t
ime it so that Stacy is about due to come off shift. If I had had to, I would have taken her into my office and had this conversation with her while she was working, but its better that I can have it when she’s off the clock really. It feels a little bit unprofessional to have the conversation in work time, despite the fact that Stacy seemingly caused the problem while she was on her way into work.

  I pull my phone out of my pocket and send Stacy a text message asking her to meet me in the staff canteen when she’s finished work for the day. I don’t say why. If I do, I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t come to meet me. She’s probably thinking that I’m going to confess my undying love for her or something. Oh well, she’s going to be disappointed then isn’t she.

  I don’t wait for Stacy to reply. I just throw my phone on the passenger seat and get out of the car and head for the canteen. I know she won’t be able to resist coming to see what I want.

  I slip into the canteen and order a coffee and go to sit down at a table that’s far enough away from the others to be marginally private, but that is easily visible from the counter so that Stacy will see me. I can feel my temper starting to rise as I sip my coffee and look out of the window. Stacy’s meddling could have caused Erika and me to break up and I want nothing more than to blast Stacy for what she did. I remind myself that’s not the way to play this. I don’t want her to be able to take any satisfaction from her little stunt, and besides that, I don’t want her to know that Erika and I are still so fragile that her little game almost worked on us and ruined what we have.

  I look up as a shadow falls across the table. Stacy grins at me and sits down opposite me. She doesn’t have a drink or anything.

  “What’s going on?” she asks.

  “I just wanted to talk to you about something,” I say.

  “Go on,” she prompts me.

  She doesn’t seem in the least bit uncomfortable. She has no idea I know what she’s done. She’s so brazen, messing with my life, trying to get Erika to leave me, and then sitting here all sweet and innocent like nothing has happened.

  “I was just curious to find out what you hoped to accomplish by lying to Erika about us sleeping together,” I say.

  She smiles. She actually fucking smiles.

  “Oh come on Aidan. It’s only a matter of time before we do. I just thought I would speed up the process. I mean neither of us is getting any younger right? And I hate to see you wasting your time on these random girls when we could be together sooner,” she says.

  Holy shit she really is totally fucking delusional. In her mind, what she told Erika is actually how she sees this playing out. That we both play the field for a while and then one day, we get sick of doing that and we end up together. God how have I gotten myself into this mess? I surely have never given off any sort of signal that implies that could happen.

  “I have tried to save your feelings in the past Stacy, but let me make this crystal clear to you. I do not have feelings for you. I am not attracted to you. And whatever little fantasy you’ve built up in your head about us is never going to happen. Do you understand me?” I say.

  I keep my voice low and firm, but not nasty. I don’t want to hurt her. I just want her to understand that this thing she believes is between us is never going to happen. She looks down at the table and nods her head.

  “And for the record, Erika isn’t just some random girl,” I add.

  “I bet she was really mad though huh? When she thought she had some competition,” Stacy says with a sly grin.

  She’s beyond belief. I was worrying a second ago about her feelings and now she’s pulled this one out. She’s quite a piece of work. Screw her feelings.

  “Actually, we both thought it was pretty funny. I mean in some ways I suppose it’s not funny. It’s actually a little sad. Like how desperate you have to be to pull a stunt like that,” I say.

  “I … I thought you liked me Aidan. I thought you just needed to be sure I felt the same way,” Stacy says.

  If I believed that for a second, I might be able to bring myself to feel sorry for her again, but I don’t believe it. Nothing I have ever said or done could have given Stacy the impression I liked her as anything more than a colleague. When she started getting flirty with me, I made damned sure I never did anything that could be seen as me leading her on or encouraging her behavior.

  “Well now you know differently,” I say. “And let me make something else clear to you. We might have laughed at your little game, but don’t think I’m underestimating how serious this is. You could have caused some real trouble there and I won’t have you messing with my life anymore. If you ever pull another stunt like this again, or if you insist on continuing to flirt with me, I will have you fired. Do you understand me?”

  “I … Yes,” Stacy says.

  She looks down at the table and then back up at me. Her face is flushed now and she looks ashamed of herself. Tears sparkle in the corners of her eyes.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking,” she says. “Please don’t get me fired Aidan. I really need this job.”

  “As long as you never try anything like this again, I won’t get you fired,” I say. “But don’t mistake my kindness for weakness Stacy. If I get so much as a hint of you trying anything like this again, you’re gone.”

  “I swear I won’t,” she says. “I really am sorry.”

  She gets up and practically runs from the canteen. I go back to sipping my coffee. I think I got through to her. I’ll be keeping an ear out for any gossip being spread about me though, and I’m going to be very careful to not end up alone anywhere with Stacy if I can avoid it. She really is a strange girl, but she’s a good nurse which is the only reason I am giving her this second chance.

  I finish the last of my coffee and head out of the canteen. I really wanted to spend the day with Erika, but I wasn’t going to try and get her to ditch her friend and spend time with me instead. That would have felt all too Jeremy of me. I debate what to do with myself until I see her tonight.

  I walk out of the hospital still thinking about it. I have been meaning to catch up with Tim, a good friend who I don’t see often enough these days, and I decide I’ll call him and see if he’s free for a couple of drinks this afternoon. I reach down to my pocket for my phone and I realize it’s not there. I left it on the passenger seat of my car after texting Stacy. I sigh. It’s no big deal though. I can call him from the car.

  As I approach the car, I see that once more, Jeremy is standing by my car. At least he’s not sitting on my hood today, but his keeping on turning up like this is getting damned annoying.

  “What do you want?” I demand.

  “Oh I was just making sure no one broke your car window to get to your phone. It’s not a good idea to leave your valuables on display you know,” Jeremy says.

  “Cut the bullshit Jeremy. What are you doing here? Have you been following me?” I say.

  He must have been or how would he have known where to find me? He ignores my question and smiles at me.

  “Look Aidan, I think we misunderstood each other last time we talked,” he says. “You see, I thought we had agreed that you would stay the hell away from my girl, but it seems that you missed that part.”

  I snort out a laugh.

  “Are you kidding me? Do you really think you can intimidate me into leaving Erika?” I say.

  “Well here’s the thing. I was really hoping I could reason with you. And that’s why I’m giving you one more chance to do the honorable thing and step aside. That’s twice I’ve asked you nicely now and I don’t intend to ask you a third time. If you continue to ignore my friendly warnings, then I’m going to have to take matters into my own hands,” Jeremy says. He smiles coldly at me. “Just so we’re clear and there can be no misunderstanding this time, if you don’t stay away from Erika, I’m going to kill you. And then I’m going to teach her a lesson for being a filthy little whore who invited you to jump into bed with her. Is that clear enough for you?”
/>   I can feel my temper rising to the point where I know I’m going to see red. I want to punch Jeremy right in his ugly fucking face. I want to break every last bone in his body. I want to make him feel the pain he made Erika feel, because after this last little threat, there’s no doubt left in my mind that he was the one who hurt her.

  “You screwed up little fucker,” I start.

  I take a step towards Jeremy, my fists balled up at my sides. I tell myself to calm down, to think rationally about this. As much as I’d love to knock the fuck out of Jeremy, this area is on camera and he’s not worth losing my career over. And after what he did to Erika, a beating isn’t enough for him. I want him to really pay. I want him to do time for what he did to her.

  A plan starts to form in my mind. A way I can make that happen and I back off slightly. I smile at Jeremy and he frowns.

  “You think this is funny?” he demands.

  “Not particularly,” I shrug. “In fact, I think it’s pretty sad that Erika has made it so clear she doesn’t want anything to do with you and you’re still this hung up on her.”

  “She’s the love of my life,” Jeremy snaps. “And you’re getting in the way of that. Don’t you see it?”

  “All I see is a sad little man who can’t accept something is over,” I say. “Now you’ve said your piece so let me say mine. Erika is with me now and nothing you can say or do can change that. I’m going out of town this evening and I won’t be back until tomorrow morning. And when I come back, I’m going to ask Erika if she has seen any sign of you, and she’s going to say no, because you’re going to stay the hell away from her. Am I making myself clear?”

  “Oh crystal clear,” Jeremy says with a smug smile.

  He turns and walks away without another word and I smile to myself as I get into my car. He’s taken the bait. He thinks Erika will be alone in the apartment tonight and I’d bet my last dollar he’s going to show up there. Now I just have to finish setting everything up to make sure he shows his true colors without Erika getting hurt.


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