The Vinyl Man; An Erotic Short Story

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The Vinyl Man; An Erotic Short Story Page 1

by Pepper Pace

  Vinyl Man

  An Erotic Short Story

  Pepper Pace

  ©Pepper Pace Publications

  Copyright © 2016 by Pepper Pace. The vinyl man is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Pepper Pace. For information regarding permission contact; [email protected]



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  For more information about Pepper Pace and upcoming projects subscribe to the Pepper Pace Newsletter. A free read is included in each newsletter!


  What would a woman do for her man? Cherrelle loves everything about her boyfriend Lewis. His kinky side brings her to new heights of pleasure. But then he introduces her to the vinyl suit.

  While wearing the suit Lewis becomes a new person--a sexier, anonymous boy toy. But Lewis has secrets that he would like to share with Cherrelle. How far down the road of sexual adventure will a woman travel to please her man? Warning; this is an erotic short story that includes graphic language and descriptions. All characters are consenting adults.

  Chapter One

  Cherrelle signed off her computer and gave her co-workers a hasty goodbye. It was Friday—which was always a good reason to dash out of the office. But this Friday was going to be particularly nice.

  “I have something to show you … “ Lewis had whispered into her ear the night before.

  Lewis was the first white guy that she’d ever dated. Dating outside of her race was unexpectedly thrilling, almost like she was walking a dangerous line. Cherrelle had always prided herself on being a proud black women. She was a woman with mocha skin and no hint of cream, brown eyes that were not an exotic shade of hazel or grey. Her hair was short and natural and she rocked it with pride. She was an outspoken black woman that was proud to be a black woman.

  But Cherrelle was also a black woman that had found excitement in the most unexpected ways.

  In truth Cherrelle had not been able to conceive of a time that she could have a relationship with a man who didn’t share her history, culture and racial identity. She had bought into the belief that white men didn’t have the rhythm to ‘rock her boat’ and could do nothing more than annoy her with their social differences.

  And then she had met Lewis.

  He was fun and sexy, and best of all he had helped her to lose her sexual inhibitions. Sex with a white man wasn’t taboo, not in this day and age. But it still felt daring, especially when one had a partner that was kinky and sexually adventurous.

  Cherrelle pulled into the underground garage of Lewis’ urban condo. Once upon a time, a white man wouldn’t dare walk down the street in this neighborhood. Now, in the time of gentrification the neighborhood was renamed OTR; a place where four-star gastro pubs drew in rich white patrons and half million dollar condos sprang up amidst the squalor of the surrounding neighborhoods that continued to be referred to by its rightful name; Over The Rhine.

  Cherrelle loved spending time in Lewis’ place. He had exquisite style. She entered the elevator and with the use of a key the elevator opened directly into his apartment.

  She was greeted by the soft sounds of a funky jazzy fusion of music that she never knew existed until she met him.

  He walked from the kitchen and met her with a pleased smile on his sexy face. Lewis wore a casual t-shirt and dark jeans that outlined a toned body. He was the blonde haired blue-eyed man that she always thought gravitated to blond hair blue-eyed woman. But from the first moment they’d set eyes on each other Lewis had pursued her and she was the one that ignored his attention … not his beauty—that was unavoidable. He was gorgeous. But dating a white man was not something that had interested her.

  Lewis captured her against the counter, his arms on either side of her, keeping her pinned to the spot while his lips ran sensual kisses down her neck.

  His touch was always commanding. He knew what he liked and just as he had pursued her he was direct in his desires.

  “You taste so good … ” he murmured while his lips trailed over her skin. His hand slipped into her pants and he gently gripped her ass. “Damn … is it mine, baby?” He unfastened her pants and his hand sought her mound, cupping it over her panties, which were rapidly becoming damp. “Is it? Is it mine?”

  “Yesss,” she hissed. His middle finger then pressed forward as he massaged the slit of her pussy.

  “I want to show you something,” he murmured in his naughty-boy voice. Cherrelle sucked in a sharp breath as her pleasure began to grow. “Would you like to know what I have to show you?”

  Her eyes fluttered closed and all she could manage was a whimpered response. “Unh … yes. Yes!”

  He removed his hand from her pants and Cherrelle’s body seemed to deflate at the loss. She gave him a longing look but wouldn’t ask—no beg him to return it the way she wanted.

  Lewis brought his fingers to his lips and sucked them as his eyes held hers. She could see by the expression on his face that he thoroughly enjoyed the taste of her. She had never met a man that loved the taste of her pussy as much as Lewis seemed to.

  As if her essence broke the dam to his control, Lewis gripped her and roughly pulled her against his body. His kisses became forceful and he moaned dirty words into her mouth before dropping to his knees and pulling her pants and panties down.

  He didn’t wait for her to kick out of the clothing. He gripped her leg at the knee, causing it to bend just enough for him to bury his face into her pussy. He lapped and sucked, moaning and murmuring that her pussy was all his.

  “Tell me this pussy is mine!” he demanded.

  Cherrelle leaned back against the counter, fighting to stave of the orgasm that was peeking just around her awareness.

  “It’s your pussy, Lewis!”

  His fingers dug deep into the flesh of her ass while his face burrowed between her thighs, his long tongue sweeping her sensitized flesh.

  “I want to devour this pussy…” he managed between mouthfuls of her hot flesh, “while men watch. I want men to desire and want … fuck, I can’t wait!”

  He moved to his feet and in a swift movement he lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. Cherrelle tugged at his shirt, lifting it, not thinking that to take it off would cause him to drop her. She just knew that her flesh had to be in contact with his or the heat rising in her would engulf and obliterate her.

  Lewis placed her on the bed, his mouth covering hers as he finally pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the floor.

  Cherrelle sat up to remove her clothing but her hand touched something soft and rubber, which was lying across the bed. She looked at it and her brow drew together.

  Lewis was above her, unbuckling his pants. He glanced at the black object, which fell neatly across the bed. His face held a pleased smile when he looked at her again.

  “It’s a vinyl sex suit.”

  Chapter Two

  Cherrelle had a normal sexual appetite and considered herself sexually adventures. When she and her girlfriends talked about sex she was norma
lly not the one saying; ‘Eww you did what?’.

  She liked oral and experimenting in different positions. She even got a huge thrill the time she had given her boyfriend a hand job in a crowded Italian restaurant.

  But then she had met Lewis and he had shown her that she knew nothing about sexual adventure.

  He swatted her ass hard the second time they’d had sex and instead of turning around and swinging on him she had buried her face into the mattress and allowed him to kiss and lick her ass cheeks. She ended up mewing like a kitten as he spanked and teased her.

  The next day he had used silken scarves to bind her hands to his bed. She couldn’t believe that she had allowed it but he assured her that they wouldn’t be knotted and just as promised they fell away easily with a slight tug. But an hour into it, Cherrelle found herself gripping the silken binds and holding on while Lewis ate her with a fervor that caused her to experience orgasm upon orgasm.

  In the three months that they’d been involved Cherrelle had been introduced to new and exciting experiences but she looked at the rubber suit with doubt.

  “Do … you want me to be a gimp?” She asked.

  He leaned forward, his naked body over hers without allowing them to touch. “It’s not for you,” he murmured. He placed a peck on her lips and then stood. “Besides, it’s not a gimp suit.” He lifted the very unsexy black rubber outfit. “When I put this on I cease to be Lewis.”

  Cherrelle sat up intrigued. She reached out and touched the sleek rubber, which felt soft and pleasantly cool against her fingertips.

  She chuckled at the expectant look on his face. “Jeez Lewis, how many fetishes do you have?” He tossed the suit on the bed and swooped down to cover her with his body, this time grinding his hips and his erect cock against her thighs.

  “I can show you better than I can tell you …” His hips moved in rhythmic circles. “Imagine the smooth rubber against your skin. When you look at me I am nothing more than an instrument of pleasure—your instrument of pleasure.” His lips swept her mouth as he whispered to her.

  “And what about your pleasure?” Cherrelle whispered breathlessly.

  He lifted his head back enough to scan her face. “When I put on the suit … I don’t think. I’m like …”

  She waited but he didn’t immediately continue. “You’re like what?” she prompted.

  “A slave. Maybe not quite a slave—more like a non-person that exists just for your pleasure. You’re right. It is a fetish but it’s also a huge turn-on.”

  Cherrelle refused to ask just how many partners he’d shared this ‘huge turn-on’ with. She would not be one of those girlfriends.

  She shrugged. “Put it on.”

  Lewis carried the suit into the bathroom. She had wanted to watch him put it on but he assured her that it was very un-sexy so she waited in bed both curious and anxious to feel him work his magic on her.

  Ten minutes later he came out looking like a scuba diver. She resisted laughing because the latex stretched over his impressive frame and it was incredibly sexy—especially the sight of his full erection that rested along his left thigh, allowing clear sight of every luscious inch of him.

  He held a black mask in one hand and swept back his long blond hair with the other.

  “I’m going to put the hood on-”

  “Hood? You mean the mask?”

  “Yes. This is called a hood because it doesn’t have eye or nose holes. It just has a cut-out for the mouth.

  “And how are you going to breath and see?”

  “It’s latex. I can see through it just fine and I won’t have any problems breathing.” He held it out for her to examine and she did. He stopped her when she moved to place it over her head.

  “No,” he said firmly.

  She gave him a curious look. “Why? I want to know how it feels.”

  He held out his hand for the hood and she gave it back to him. “It’s Pavlovian. I react a certain way with the vinyl suit—but the hood is the final piece that removes me and replaces me with him. Once the hood goes on we are in the scene. Do you understand? The mask takes away my identity but it will also take away yours—and that is not what I desire.”

  He bent down and kissed her lips.

  She watched him. “You’re really into this, aren’t you?”

  “I hope you will be as well.” He straightened. “Now, here are the rules. Once the hood goes on I won’t speak. This helps me to remain a neutral being and it helps me to focus on you … “ his fingers grazed one of her nipples,” … and your pleasure.”

  Cherrelle ran her hands up his muscular thighs and along the prominent bulge that allowed her to see just how much he enjoyed this.


  He ran his hand through his wavy hair and once it was behind his ears he pulled on the hood.

  After a moment of adjustment the thin black material was on straight and she found that he was right--the six foot three inch being in front of her ceased to be Lewis.

  Why did it make her a bit nervous? Maybe because he just stood there silently watching her—waiting.

  Cherrelle came to her feet and tentatively reached out to run her hand over his strong chest.

  The Vinyl Man shuddered.

  Cherrelle looked at him, waiting for him to touch her or to sweep her off her feet and toss her to the bed the way Lewis would have done. But the Vinyl Man seemed to be waiting with bated breath for her to continue.

  Cherrelle circled him admiring the way the latex stretched over his ass and thighs. She had never noticed how broad his shoulders were and the way his torso tapered down to a perfect V.

  Cherrelle allowed her fingers to trail along the sleek latex, sweeping past his ass and down his thigh. She felt his muscles flex in response to her touch. When she returned to the front of him it was easy to see that his erection had grown. His cock trailed along his thigh in its tight confine and Cherrelle wondered if it felt like being gripped in warm hands.

  Using just the tip of her finger she lightly grazed his cock and saw it strain forward. The Vinyl Man’s head fell back and a gush of air rushed from his hooded face.


  Cherrelle began to tingle. It was sexy the way he stood there allowing her to take control. She liked the roll switch.

  Her eyes locked on to the sight of his nipples, which had formed hardened little beads that pressed against the material. Leaning forward she kissed one of the tight peaks and then she licked at the vinyl, the tip of her tongue pressing and burrowing at the hard nipple. The Rubber Man gasped in pleasure.

  Yes. She enjoyed making him groan with need. Her pussy became wet enough for her to feel a slow stream of her essence coating her inner thighs. And then suddenly she had to feel his rubber clad body between her thighs, against her wet pussy, and along her aching clit.

  “On the bed,” she said, her voice husky and commanding and slightly foreign to her ears.

  He moved to the bed without hesitation, his head turned in her direction as an indication that he watched and understood her. He lay down on top of the bed with his arms to his sides. Cherrelle noted the black zipper that began at his crotch and ran between his legs to his ass. But for now she didn’t want to release him. Climbing onto the bed she straddled him, positioning her legs along each side of his hips until her spread pussy lips hovered right over his rubber-clad dick.

  She saw him watching and although she couldn’t see his expression she knew what he wanted. His breath came out in a harsh groan and Cherrelle looked down and saw that her essence was now leaking from her body right onto the vinyl. His cock twitched violently for release but she merely sat her weight down on his thighs. Cherrelle swept her own hips back before slowly moving forward, grazing her exposed labia along the length of the tight rubber encased cock.

  The Vinyl Man’s head fell back against the pillow as Cherrelle’s hips circled and rolled causing her pussy to mercilessly tease his cock. Soon her humping became frantic when each thrust of her pelvis ca
used her clitoris to rub against the sleek material. Cherrelle felt his hips rise slightly to meet her thrusts and she groaned. Quickly she continued to assault his cock, brazenly sliding her slick pussy along his rock hard shaft.

  The Vinyl Man’s breath gushed out. His restraint surprised her. By now, Lewis would have rolled her over to fuck her mouth or pussy. But the Vinyl Man merely allowed her to take control. It gave her a sense of power, which thrilled her even more.

  “I want your cock,” she whimpered.

  But he didn’t move other than to writhe beneath her. Oh right … she was in control. She moved to un-straddle him and heard his relieved sigh. She must have been pushing him to his limit.

  Cherrelle shimmied down the bed, her eyes locking on to the black zipper situated at his crotch. She dragged the zipper down to the sight of his dark blonde pubes. Cherrelle captured her lower lip between her teeth and then reached inside the vinyl to grip his cock. Once her hand made contact the Vinyl Man jerked, his head rolling back onto the pillow again.

  Cherrelle quickly took his swollen cock head into her mouth. This time the Vinyl Man didn’t remain still. He thrust upward, pushing his cock deep into her mouth. Cherrelle backed off and lightly gripped his shaft. She quickly straddled him again, positioning him between her swollen labia folds. He groaned, craning his neck up from the pillow in order to watch her.

  Cherrelle settled onto his cock, impaling herself on his length, which felt harder than she’d ever felt him before. He’d always had an impressive girth but now his shaft was even more swollen and throbbing with a new life.

  She actually winced as she took too much of him too quickly. She felt his hands on her thighs. Because his hands and feet were concealed by rubber, when he touched her it gave her the strange sensation that she wasn’t being touched by a man but by a sex toy.

  Cherrelle groaned at the feel of his warm flesh covered cock rapidly pushing in and out of her while his vinyl covered hands rubbed up along her thighs.


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