Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story

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Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story Page 1

by Callista Hawkes

  Lure of the Sirens

  A Sci-Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story

  By Callista J. Hawkes


  Text Copyright © 2015 Callista J. Hawkes

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced

  in any format, electronic or otherwise without prior written permission.

  Cover photo © Maxahner/ Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

  Cover font effect © deviantART

  This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, alive or dead, is

  purely coincidental. All persons portrayed in this eBook are 18 years of age

  or older.

  This eBook contains sexually explicit situations and terms and is intended for

  a mature audience only.


  As a choose your own Erotic story, this book contains multiple paths leading

  to several different endings. At the end of each section, you will generally be given two or more choices. To progress, simply select your preferred option

  to continue the story. (No need for the page-flicking back and forth of

  similar books of yesteryear!) When you reach an ending, you can either skip

  back to the previous choice or choose to go to the chapter menu. Here you

  can start the story from the very beginning and enjoy an alternative path

  through the whole story, or skip to a later section to see how events might

  play out differently.

  You enter the smoky, grimy, neon lit interior of the bar. It’s been a while since you’ve been as far out on the rim as the asteroid mining colony

  in the Altair system. It was a hole when you were here last and it hasn’t

  improved with age. You’ve been in some dives in your time, but this place

  takes the prize. Still, after a week squeezed into the cramped interior of your ship, the Eclipse, even this hole will have to do. As you push through a

  throng of particularly rough looking Proxians, their deep set yellow eyes

  glare at you maliciously, their razor sharp claws flexing. Your hand rests on

  the blaster hanging from your gun belt and they decide discretion is the

  better part of valour. As you reach the bar, a slimy looking, thickset barman

  looks up as you. Unlike some of the clientele, he isn’t literally slimy: He’s

  human, just about.

  “Trent! As I live and breathe!” The barman grins, a gold tooth glinting

  under the neon lights.

  “I was kinda hopin’ you weren’t.” You reply sardonically. A pretty

  Vixian girl in a shimmering sequin dress standing next to you at the bar

  stifles a chuckle. The barman’s smile falters slightly, but he quickly recovers.

  “You’re a funny guy, Trent.” He replies. “Always said that about you.

  Haven’t seen you on the Rock for a while. What brings you back here?”

  The Rock is the affectionate name given to this mining colony, given

  that it is built into the side of the largest asteroid in the Altair belt. The

  colony was briefly abandoned decades ago when the bottom fell out of the

  Altairium ore market, but it was quickly taken over by pirates, smugglers and

  other criminal organisations.

  “Work.” You reply. “That, and this fine establishment.”

  “Very kind of you to say.” The barman smiles, your sarcasm lost on

  him. “Now what are you having?”

  A pint of Andromedan Ale (The best this side of Proxima)

  A shot of Abyssynth (The oh-so-wittily titled locally distilled Absinthe)

  Ask the barman for information

  “Andromedan Ale.” You growl, tossing your credit crystal across the bar.

  “Sure thing Trent.” The barman grins, scanning the crystal and tossing

  it back to you. As he pours the frothy green tinged ale, you glance around at

  the collection of reprobates, cutthroats and thieves. You always feel

  strangely at home in this kind of company, which makes you wonder just

  what that says about you. The barman slides the pint glass across the bar

  and you lift it to your lips, taking a good, healthy swig. Next to you at the

  bar, you notice the pretty Vixian girl’s eyes flick towards you. You’ve never

  travelled to Vix IV, but you’ve always found the exotic Vixian women

  strangely alluring with their pale blue skin, long, lustrous dark purple hair

  and tall, slender figures. Apart from their colour, the Vix, externally at least are humanoid, though they are spoken of reverently throughout the galaxy

  for their sexual prowess. Though you’ve come here for work, you are

  tempted to try your luck.

  Strike up a conversation with the Vixian girl

  Ask the barman for information

  “A shot of Abyssynth.” You growl, tossing your credit crystal across the bar.

  “Sure thing Trent.” The barman grins, scanning the crystal and tossing

  it back to you. As he pours a glass of the clear, blue spirit, you glance around at the collection of reprobates, cutthroats and thieves. You always feel

  strangely at home in this kind of company, which makes you wonder just

  what that says about you. The barman slides the shot glass across the bar

  and you raise it to your lips. Next to you at the bar, you notice the pretty

  Vixian girl’s eyes flick towards your drink.

  “You must be brave to drink that.” She remarks, gazing pointedly at

  your Abyssynth. “I’d sooner drink bleach.”

  You down the vile liquid, immediately screwing your face up at the

  awful taste and the burning sensation in the back of your throat as the liquid

  makes its way down your gullet.

  “I’d imagine bleach tastes better too.” You remark, pushing the empty

  glass away. The Vixian girl smiles at you. You’ve never travelled to Vix IV, but you’ve always found the exotic Vixian women strangely alluring with their

  pale blue skin, long, lustrous dark purple hair and tall, slender figures. Apart from their colour, the Vix, externally at least are humanoid, though they are

  spoken of reverently throughout the galaxy for their sexual prowess. Though

  you’ve come here for work, you’re tempted to pursue the conversation and

  try your luck.

  Introduce yourself to the Vixian girl

  Ask the barman for information

  “Trent.” You grin, turning towards the pretty Vixian.

  “Elira.” She returns your smile, her startlingly red eyes flicking in your

  direction. “You’re an Earthman aren’t you?”

  “Guilty as charged.” You admit.

  “I’ve never had a problem with Earthmen.” Elira replies. “I know many

  of the other older races find you young upstarts an annoyance, but I’ve

  always been rather fond of you.”

  “On behalf of the Earth Alliance, I thank you.” You reply with a little

  bow. Elira laughs, turning to you, giving you her full attention. Her tight

  fitting sequin dress shimmers in the neon lights of the bar and your eyes are

  drawn to the low cut neckline and a fine pale blue cleavage.

  “What are you doing in this awful place?” She asks, either oblivious or

  indifferent t
o your shameless gaze.

  “I was beginning to ask myself the same thing.” You reply, tearing your

  eyes from her breasts. “Though if I wasn’t here, I wouldn’t be fortunate

  enough to be chatting to such a beautiful Vixian.”

  “You’ve very kind.” She smiles, her face flushing a slightly darker shade

  of blue. “I’ve never spent any time with an Earthman. Perhaps I should have

  done if they’re all as charming as you.”

  She takes a sip from her drink, a strange purple concoction, while her

  hypnotic red eyes study you for a moment.

  “So Trent, you want to get out of here?” She asks, raising an eyebrow.

  Leave with Elira

  Make your apologies and ask the barman for information

  “I thought you’d never ask.” You grin. Pleased, she returns your smile and you leave the bar, walking out into the bustling street which forms the

  main thoroughfare for the colony’s spaceport. Overhead, beyond the

  latticework of the protective dome, the stars twinkle and the tumbling rocks

  of the asteroid belt hurtle past. As always, it is a balmy evening, the dome

  acting like a giant greenhouse for the Altairian sun. The street, awash with

  gaudy neon signs and battered advertising boards is full of drunken spacers,

  vendors selling street meats of dubious origin and ropey looking women of

  ill repute of various different species. As you walk together, Elira flashes you a wicked grin before tugging at your hand and pulling you into a narrow

  litter strewn alleyway. You follow her and she pulls you behind some wide

  pipes, presumably a relic of the colony’s mining days, emerging from the

  floor like tree trunks before bending over the roofs of the buildings to either side. As soon as you disappear from view behind them, she grabs you by the

  collar, pulling you to her, her lips press to yours and her tongue spears

  hungrily between your lips. As you kiss her back, her passion infectious, you

  embrace her, her firm breasts pressed against your chest. After a moment,

  she pulls back slightly, her nimble fingers quickly work down your chest,

  unfastening your buttons before pulling your shirt open. She pulls back, her

  eyes drinking you in.

  “I find you Earthmen so intriguing.” She murmurs, running her slender

  blue fingers over your chest. “Your skin is so pale, like a blank canvas.”

  “You like what you see?” You smile at the irony, finding her pale blue

  skin similarly fascinating. She nods, her gaze moving back up to your face.

  “Perhaps you would like to see a bit more of me.” She purrs, her pale

  red eyes locked on yours. “You haven’t been able to take your eyes off my


  She reaches behind her neck and pulls at the zip, your eyes widening

  as she tugs the dress off her shoulders and pulls it down. A sigh escapes your

  lips as her pert breasts are revealed to you, her dark blue nipples erect and

  contrasting with the soft pale blue of her fleshy mounds. She smiles, clearly

  enjoying your lustful expression.

  “Beautiful.” You murmur. She smiles at the compliment before turning

  her back to you and pulling the dress down. You watch enthralled as she

  peels it down to her waist and with a little wiggle of her hips, her firm

  buttocks are revealed before she allows the tight garment to slide down her

  long, slender legs to her feet. She turns around, boldly displaying her naked form to you. You can feel your pulse racing and a tightening in your groin as

  you gaze upon the beautiful Vixian girl before you. Her dark purple hair

  cascades down to her pert breasts, her waist is slender and her thighs toned.

  Your eyes drift to the patch of curls between her legs, her pubic hair the

  same dark purple as her hair. You take her back into your arms, pressing

  your lips to hers. She reaches down and unbuckles your belt, hooking her

  hands into your waistband, pulling your trousers and underpants down as

  one. You gasp as you feel her slender fingers wrap around your rapidly

  hardening cock. You slide your hands down her back and she moans softly

  into your mouth as your hands caress her firm buttocks. She breaks the kiss,

  her pale red eyes smouldering with desire.

  “What would you like to do next?” She smiles.

  Press her up against the wall and slide your cock inside her

  Go down on her

  Have her suck your cock

  You grasp her buttocks and pick her up, pressing her against the wall.

  She smiles, breathless with excitement as you prepare to enter her.

  “Fuck me.” She murmurs. “Slide your pale cock inside me.” You

  suppress a smile at her slightly awkward dirty talk. She hitches one of her

  legs up and guides the tip of your cock to her juicy slit, biting her lower lip in anticipation. You thrust your shaft up inside her, both of you groaning in

  unison as you slide your length deep inside her pussy. With your hands

  supporting her firm buttocks, she wraps her long slender legs around your

  hips and you begin to pump your cock into her. Her groans turn to moans,

  her hands gripping your back as you vigorously thrust into her. She presses

  her lips back to yours, kissing you aggressively. She pulls away, her eyes

  blazing with lust.

  “Fuck me harder.” She cries out. You obey, ramming your cock up her,

  the velvety walls of her pussy slick with her juices.

  “Yes Trent, yes!” She screams as she arches her back and shudders as

  a powerful climax consumes her. Her body quivers and trembles and Elira

  grins broadly as waves of pleasure radiate out from her pussy. Her eyes

  close and she pants, her chest heaving against you as she catches her


  “Not bad Earthman.” She smiles, her pale red eyes flicking open. “But

  don’t stop on my account.” You return her smile and resume your pumping.

  As you find a rhythm, you notice that her pussy seems to clench at the base

  of your cock before sliding upwards, effectively milking your shaft.

  “That’s different.” You pant.

  “Your Earth women can’t do that?” Elira grins. You shake your head

  and she squeezes her pussy muscles harder, before running them up your

  length. It feels almost like a hand pumping you. “You like that?”

  You groan and nod enthusiastically, no longer pumping but holding

  still as her pussy muscles stroke your cock. The unique sensation is too much

  and you can feel the tension building in your balls.

  “I’m getting close.” You warn her, suddenly wondering what a mixed

  race Human/Vixian offspring would look like.

  “Yes, come inside me.” She shrieks gleefully, before pulling back

  slightly and studying your face. “Unless you have a better idea?” She asks,

  raising an eyebrow.

  Come inside her

  Ask her to finish you off with her mouth

  Come on her breasts

  “No, that sounds good to me.” You grunt through gritted teeth as her pussy continues to caress your cock.

  “Come for me.” She hisses, her red eyes gleaming and her lips curling

  into a smile as she watches you close in on your climax. “I want to feel you

  erupt inside me.” Her hands claw at your back and she presses her lips back

  to yours, your tongue slipping and sliding over hers. Her breasts are crushed

  against y
ou and you can feel the hard buds of her blue nipples pressed

  against your chest. You wish you had your hands free to explore them, but

  they are still supporting her weight as you plough into her. Your own

  thrusting combined with the amazing sensations from the muscles of her

  pussy are too much and with one final loud grunt, you explode inside her.

  “Yes Trent!” She gasps. “Fill me with your seed!” Your cock pulses

  again and again, the milking action her pussy muscles prolonging your climax

  until it feels as if she is drawing every last drop of your semen from your

  balls. Finally, completely spent, your wilting cock slips from her and you

  carefully lower her back to the ground.

  “That… was… incredible.” You tell her as you catch your breath,

  slumping against the wall.

  “You weren’t so bad yourself Earthman.” She grins, before leaning

  forward and tenderly pressing her lips to yours. She breaks the kiss and

  takes a couple of steps back, studying you.

  “Of course, Vixian women tend to devour their mates after coupling.”

  Elira tells you. “Why do you think you see so few Vixian males?” Naked and

  several paces from your blaster, you suddenly feel very vulnerable. She

  steps towards you, baring her teeth, the exotic sexy woman replaced by a

  dangerous predator. You take a step backwards, feeling the wall behind you.

  No wonder she dragged you down this darkened alley: It’s a dead end and in

  more ways than one. The literal femme fatale takes one more step towards

  you before the corner of her mouth twitches and she erupts into laughter.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” Elira laughs, her eyes glinting with

  amusement. “You Earthmen are just too gullible!”

  “You bitch!” You reply hotly, before breathing a sigh of relief.

  “Trust me, the only part of you I would consume, you would have no

  objection to me swallowing.” She smiles before giving you a wink. “So long


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