Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story

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Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story Page 5

by Callista Hawkes

  head back between her lips and into the delicious warmth of her mouth. She

  drops her head down to your balls, taking one and then the other into her

  mouth, swirling her tongue all over your scrotum.

  “Please suck it.” You plead, desperate now, her tongue on your aching

  balls keeping you on the razors edge between pleasure and pain. She pulls

  back, her green eyes gazing up at you as she chews her lower lip

  thoughtfully for a moment. She finally relents, licking her way back up your

  shaft and taking the bulbous head back into her mouth. Her fingers on your

  balls resume their vibrations and her other hand pumps your shaft. She bobs

  back and forth on your cock, not taking you too far into her mouth as she

  prefers to taste you. Whether this is a genuine preference or simply how she

  is programmed to massage your ego, you don’t know, but as she slurps and

  sucks you towards your climax, you couldn’t care less. You can feel the

  pressure building to the point of release and you let out a long groan, just

  moments away now. Just as you are about to explode into her mouth, a

  thought crosses your mind.

  Pull your cock from her mouth and come over her face

  Let her continue and erupt into her waiting mouth

  As you feel your balls twitch and the come race up your length, you pull yourself free of her lips, grunting loudly as you reach your climax. Her

  eyes widen in surprise a split second before a thick rope of your creamy

  come shoots from the tip and splatters across her face, hitting her high up

  on her cheek. She opens her mouth, trying to guide you back between her

  lips, but you hold yourself away from her, grinning broadly, enjoying your

  revenge as your cock twitches, spurting again and again as you cover her

  face in your creamy white seed. The damage already done, she deliberately

  aims your cock at her face, catching the remaining spurts across her cheeks,

  nose and lips. As you catch your breath, you gaze down at Vanessa’s

  beautiful face, defiled with your pearly white come. Your seed dribbles

  down her chin and a couple of drops have splattered onto the tops of her


  “You son of a bitch.” She tells you, her green eyes blazing with fury.

  “Serves you right.” You reply with a cocky grin.

  “Maybe.” She concedes. “Still, you know how much I like to taste you.”

  She pouts.

  “There’s always next time.” You suggest with a cheeky wink.

  “Next time, I’m going to sit on your face.” She tells you hotly. “I’ll

  make you lick me to three climaxes and leave you with a face covered in my

  juices for a change.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad.” You grin. Vanessa can’t help but smile at

  the prospect and gets to her feet.

  “I’d better get cleaned up and then I guess we’d better get underway.”

  She replies, pulling the zip back up on her catsuit.


  You let out a long drawn out groan of ecstasy as you feel your balls tighten before twitching powerfully and sending your come shooting up

  your shaft, erupting into Vanessa’s waiting mouth. She locks her lips around

  the bulbous head and continues to stroke you with her hand as you quickly

  fill her mouth with your seed, your hips bucking with each powerful pulse.

  The fingers of her other hand continue to vibrate on your balls, coaxing the

  last of your come from them. A satisfied sigh escapes your lips and Vanessa

  sits back on her haunches before opening her mouth to show you your

  creamy white come pooled on her tongue. As she closes her mouth and

  happily gulps it down, you are reminded that Vanessa and her line of

  Android companions’ level of sexual prowess combined with their unique

  extra features put real human women to shame. As you slump back into

  your chair, you reflect not for the first time, that it is as well for the

  continuation of the human race that Hyperion Cybernetics went bust.

  Vanessa climbs back to her feet and zips up her catsuit.

  “Well, I guess we’d better load the cargo and get underway then?” She

  grins, running her fingers through her dishevelled red hair.


  “You know I prefer redheads.” You reply. The brunette Vanessa looks up and smiles before her hair returns to its previous length and colour while

  her breasts increase to their former fuller size.

  “Is this more to your liking?” She purrs, taking a step towards you,

  tugging the zip on her catsuit and slowly pulling it down to her waist. Her

  large, shapely breasts spill out and you feel your lips curl into a smile as you gaze at her erect nipples.

  “Yes, much better.” You murmur.

  “I bet you’d like to touch these wouldn’t you?” She teases, reaching up

  and pressing the beautiful fleshy mounds together. “And you’d like to suck

  on these wouldn’t you?” She continues, pinching her nipples between her

  thumb and forefinger. You nod as she takes another step, now standing

  before you, her green eyes glinting mischievously. She slides her right hand

  down her body, her fingers splaying as she runs them down her toned

  abdomen before her hand slips lower, disappearing inside her catsuit. You

  watch enthralled as she reaches between her legs, smiling broadly, her eyes

  rolling up.

  “I’m so wet.” She tells you before biting her lower lip, her eyes flicking

  closed as a low moan escapes her lips. She pulls her hand from between her

  legs and presents it to you, her fingers glistening with her juices.

  “Vanessa…” You groan, your hardening cock aching for stimulation and

  now uncomfortably restricted within the confines of your trousers. Vanessa

  grins wickedly and presses her fingers to your lips. You can smell the aroma

  of her arousal and you open your mouth, sucking her juices from each digit.

  Though you know her juices are synthetic, it smells and tastes just like the

  real thing.

  “I need you inside me.” She pants. “I just can’t decide whether I want

  you in my mouth or my pussy…” She softly bites her lip in a theatrical display

  of indecision, her eyes flicking down to meet yours.

  Bend her over the console and enter her from behind

  Have her suck your cock

  “Maybe later.” You tell her. “We really need to get underway.”

  Vanessa pouts, her breasts shrinking to their default setting.

  “Whatever.” She replies as she brushes past you and stomps down the

  ramp to the dock. You hear her taking out her frustration on one of the

  dockhands, shouting at him to get them loaded. You smile wryly, once again

  surprised at how human Vanessa can be.


  You press a button and the red light stops flashing.

  “Someone else will have to attend to it.” You tell Vanessa. Her eyes

  narrow, but she remains silent. “We’ve got a job to do and time is a factor.”

  “I know.” Vanessa concedes with a sigh. “It just feels a bit callous to

  ignore a distress signal.”

  “I don’t like it either,” You add, continuing to plot your course to the

  Dark Nebula, “But we’re already on a mission of mercy here and this one

  we’ll be well paid for.” You lock in the destination and press the hyperspace

; button. The hum of the engines build to a crescendo before you hurtle into

  the spiralling red vortex of hyperspace as the Eclipse is thrown across the

  galaxy over vast distances that would take years to traverse in normal space.

  “Hyperspace engine two’s coil is running hot.” Vanessa murmurs,

  studying the console in front of her. “Not a problem at the moment, but we

  should really set down and have it repaired. If it fails, we’ll drop back into

  normal space.”

  “How long to have it repaired.” You groan.

  “A day maybe?” Vanessa replies.

  “A day we haven’t got.” You wince.

  “We’ll lose longer than that if we drop into normal space light-years

  from any civilised planets.” Vanessa points out.

  Set down for repairs

  You can’t afford to lose any time. Risk it and continue your journey

  “We’ll have to risk it.” You reply. “We haven’t got time to set down for repairs. Keep an eye on it and hopefully our luck will hold out.” Vanessa

  nods and you gaze out at the crimson hyperspace vortex, feeling tense as

  your eyes continue to flick over to the flashing red warning light on the

  console in front of Vanessa.

  Your journey continues without incident for several hours, Vanessa

  studying the console intently for any sign of the engine coil’s condition

  deteriorating. Then, just as you start to relax, Vanessa speaks the words you

  have been dreading all day.

  “Hyperspace engine coil two overheating.” She tells you.

  “Temperature now beyond design parameters and increasing.”

  “Shit!” You curse. “Shit, shit, shit!”

  “Coil failing.” Vanessa continues. “Dropping back into normal space.”

  She glances at you before echoing, “Shit.” The hyperspace vortex fades away

  to be replaced by the inky blackness and twinkling star field of normal space.

  “Where are we?” You murmur, gazing at the navigation screen on the

  console before you. Before you can establish your location, the whole ship

  shakes violently, nearly knocking you from your seat.

  “Someone’s fired on us!” Vanessa tells you, her eyes scanning the

  screen in front of her. “Looks like a pirate marauder. Transmission


  “Prepare for boarding.” A voice snarls through the speakers. “Comply

  and we’ll relieve you of your ship and cargo. Resist and we’ll relieve you of

  your lives.”



  “Great.” You sigh, cancelling your course to the Dark Nebula and plotting a new one to the source of the distress signal.

  “It’s the right thing to do.” Vanessa soothes. “And it’s only an hour


  “An hour we don’t have.” You snap, locking in the course and angrily

  thumping the hyperspace activation button. The stars vanish from existence

  to be replaced by the swirling red vortex of hyperspace.

  “Hyperspace again.” Vanessa groans, throwing her feet up on the

  console and reaching for a dog-eared book. You roll your eyes, recline back

  in your chair and close your eyes.

  The jolt as you drop out of hyperspace wakes you from your sleep.

  “There it is.” Vanessa murmurs, putting her book down. The Spirit of

  the Stars is directly ahead but still a distance away. Even at this range, you

  can tell you're too late. There is no red glow from the engines, no running

  lights, nothing. It’s a lifeless hulk. You both sit in silence for the next few minutes as you close in.

  “Any life signs?” You ask as you reach the wreck, already knowing the

  answer as you gaze out at the damaged hull shrouded in debris.

  “None detected.” Vanessa replies. “Still, you know what the sensors

  are like on this piece of shit.” You bristle at her derogatory comment about

  your vessel, but you let it slide as truth be told, she has a point.

  “How many aboard?” You ask. She punches up the ship’s records on

  the screen in front of her.

  “One thousand, six hundred and thirty seven souls.”

  “Shit.” You murmur, reaching forward and flicking a switch. Spotlights

  play across the hull of the vast starliner.

  “This doesn't look like an accident.” Vanessa says quietly. “Look at the

  pattern of the damage. It's consistent with hits from energy weapons.”

  “Who'd attack the Spirit of the Stars? It's just a starliner.”

  “Pirates?” Vanessa suggests.

  “I've never heard of them hitting anything this big.” You reply

  doubtfully. “Besides, where's the profit in attacking a starliner? They're not

  in the business of snatching purses and jewellery from overweight, middle-

  aged space tourists.”

  “Whoever it was, I hope they're not still about.” Vanessa replies, nervously studying the scanner.

  “Me too.” You reply grimly as the spotlight slides across a huge rent in

  the side of the hull, with several decks exposed to the vacuum of space.

  “Is it worth going aboard?” Vanessa asks. “This looks like a lost cause

  and you said yourself, we don't have the time.”

  Abandon the search and return to your previous course

  Continue with the search. There may yet be survivors

  “You’re right.” You reply reluctantly. “Let’s plot a course back to the Dark Nebula. There’s nothing we can do here. We’ll leave it to the

  authorities to clean up.”

  Vanessa nods and you turn the ship around as her fingers dance over

  the controls, plotting a new course.

  “Ready?” She asks, her finger poised over the hyperspace button. You

  glance at the rear view screen, the wreck of the Spirit of the Stars filling the screen. You pause for a moment, wondering if anyone might still be alive,

  trapped in a sealed section of the wreck, their oxygen slowly running out.

  Unlikely. Everyone’s dead

  Damn your conscience. You’d better make sure

  “We’ve come this far. We may as well be certain.” You reply, bringing the ship into docking position alongside one of the numerous airlocks. You

  press some buttons and the whole vessel vibrates as the docking tube

  extends from the side until with a loud clank that echoes through the ship,

  the docking tube makes a hard lock.

  “You want me to come with you?” Vanessa asks.

  “No, you’d better stay here just in case whoever did this is still in the

  vicinity.” You reply, climbing out of your seat. “I’ll suit up and go aboard


  “Watch your back.” Vanessa replies.

  “Sweetheart!” You grin. “I didn’t know you cared!”

  “Get out of here!” She glares at you, not quite disguising a smile

  playing at her lips.

  You stand in the docking tube, examining the heavy steel airlock door.

  Without power, you’ll have to manually open it. You pull open a panel and

  unsnap a winch lever from within. You push it into a square hole and begin

  to wind the door open. As the door opens a crack, there is a hiss as the air in the docking tube meets the vacuum on the far side of the door. After a few

  minutes, you have wound the door far enough open to squeeze through in

  your bulky spacesuit.

  As soon as you step aboard, you wish you hadn’t. You shine your torch

  down the darkened corridor and straight into the eyeless cor
pse of one of

  the unfortunate crewmen. You stifle a scream of shock.

  “Everything ok over there?” You hear Vanessa’s concerned voice over


  “Oh everything’s just peachy.” You deadpan, your heart thumping in

  your chest as you shove the corpse out of your way, sending it floating

  across the corridor. You continue on, your magnetic boots clanking on the

  deck plates.

  “The bridge should be about two hundred metres along the corridor.”

  Vanessa continues. “You’ll be able to check from there if any of the vessel is

  still pressurised.”

  A couple of minutes later, you enter the bridge. Emergency power is in

  operation with the dim red emergency lights lit while monitor screens eerily illuminate the corpses of the unfortunate bridge crew as they float at their

  stations. You locate the damage report station and check the screen, grimly

  confirming that the entire vessel has been depressurised.

  “This place is a tomb.” You tell Vanessa. No answer. “Vanessa?” Still

  no answer. You notice one of the other screens flashing red. You move

  closer, your eyes widening as you read ‘Proximity Alert’.

  “Vanessa, I don’t know if you can hear me, but it looks like we have

  company. Might just be another ship responding to the distress signal or it

  might be whoever is responsible. Warm up the engines and the weapon

  systems. I’m on my way back.” As you leave the bridge, you feel a vibration

  through the deck. Looks like the newcomer is boarding. You curse yourself

  for not bringing your blaster and decide what to do.

  Head back to the airlock and get back aboard the Eclipse

  Hide and wait to find out whether the newcomers are friend or foe

  You return to the bridge, panic threatening to overwhelm you as you desperately search for a hiding place.


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