Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story

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Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story Page 31

by Callista Hawkes

cleavage or down her stomach to collect at the hollow of her navel.

  “Enjoying the view?” Xanlya asks, collecting some of your creamy fluid

  on a fingertip and raising it to her lips, her forked tongue darting out and

  tasting it. “Not bad.”

  Vanessa evidently agrees, dropping her head to Xanlya’s chest and

  licking your come from her scaly body. You groan at the erotic sight as

  Vanessa sensually laps at Xanlya’s body, the Eridanian moaning with delight

  as she feels her tongue gliding over her breasts. Having licked every last

  trace of your seed from her body, Vanessa slumps back next to her, the two

  women smiling up at you.

  “The hyperspace coil’s all yours.” Xanlya pants, catching her breath. “I

  think I got the better end of the deal.” She relaxes, spread-eagled on the



  With a long, deep, guttural groan of pleasure, you feel your balls twitch and a powerful surge of semen race up your cock to explode deep

  inside Xanlya’s quivering pussy. Xanlya moans with delight as she feels your

  creamy fluid erupting inside her. You grip her scaly hips and grunt with each

  twitch of your cock, your shaft pulsing again and again as you empty your

  balls inside her. As your climax subsides, Xanlya grins up at you while

  Vanessa lies next to her, biting her lower lip as she watches on, enthralled.

  You slip your softening member from Xanlya and slump down onto the bed

  beside her, the now sated Eridanian sandwiched between you and the


  “The hyperspace coil’s yours.” Xanlya pants, catching her breath while

  Vanessa tenderly caresses her scaly curves. “I think I got the better end of

  the deal.”


  A couple of hours later, Vanessa helps you close the hyperspace engine cowl, the replacement coil now fitted. Xanlya stands in the doorway

  to her office and seeing you are ready to depart, wanders down the ramp

  towards you.

  “It’s been a pleasure doing business with you.” You quip, flashing the

  Eridanian a cocky smile.

  “The pleasure was all mine.” She grins. “I hope you have need of my

  services in the future as I will definitely have need of yours.”

  “I’ve never found the thought of engine trouble more enticing.” You

  laugh. Vanessa rolls her eyes and nods towards the Eclipse.

  “When you two have quite finished.” She grumbles. You make your

  way up the boarding ramp and moments later the thrusters fire and you

  watch the floating scrapyard drop away as you take off and accelerate into

  the sky.

  “You think she realised you weren't actually human?” You muse as you

  climb towards the outer atmosphere.

  “If she didn't, she's in for a disappointment if she thinks all humans

  have vibrating tongues.” Vanessa laughs.

  A few minutes later, you are clear of the atmosphere, the hazy outline

  of Eridani II just visible through the cockpit window.

  “Lay in a course for the Dark Nebula.” You tell Vanessa. “Let’s give our

  new hyperspace coil a good shakedown.” Vanessa nods, her fingers gliding

  over the console in front of her.

  “Coordinates laid in.” She confirms. “Ready when you are.” You lean

  forward and press the hyperspace button. The engines hum and the stars

  fade away to be replaced by the spiralling red vortex of hyperspace as you

  hurtle through space towards your destination.


  A few hours later, you drop out of hyperspace at your destination. The constantly shifting red patterns of hyperspace are replaced by the inky

  blackness and twinkling stars of normal space and just ahead of you, the

  silvery grey spindle of Omega station, slowly rotating in the orbit of the

  ringed gas giant, Tau Ceti IV.

  “Let's see if anyone's still alive.” Vanessa grumbles. You reduce your

  velocity to port speed and pilot the ship towards the station's docking bay.

  As you near the gaping maw of the rectangular entrance, a loud voice

  booms out over the cockpit speakers.




  You ignore the warning, continuing on towards the station.

  As you set down in the cavernous docking bay, you can tell Omega

  station is in the middle of a catastrophe. One side of the docking bay is piled high with long crates which can only be makeshift coffins and as you follow

  Vanessa down the boarding ramp, there is an atmosphere of deep despair. A

  dockhand hurries towards you.

  “Get back on your ship and leave!” He tells you. “Didn’t you hear the

  warning? Omega station is under quarantine. We’ve had an outbreak of the

  Xevon virus here!”

  “You won’t want my cargo of antidote then?” You grin.

  “You have the antidote!” His eyes widen incredulously. “We weren’t

  expecting it for weeks!” As you open the hold doors, he waves the other

  dockhands over and they immediately begin to unload the crates of ampules

  containing the precious antidote.

  An hour later and the ship has been unloaded, the crates transported

  to the station’s medical unit where the antidote is distributed amongst the

  remaining population.

  “We’ve lost a third of the station’s population since the outbreak.” The

  dockhand tells you. “We were starting to worry that there would be no one

  left to save by the time the antidote arrived with having to navigate around

  the Dark nebula.”

  “We went through.” You tell him. The dockhand’s eyes widen and he


  “That’s a brave thing you did.” He tells you.

  “It’s a stupid thing.” Vanessa tells him. “We only just lived to tell the


  “Still, you did and you’ve both saved a lot of lives.” He tells you


  “You’re welcome.” Vanessa replies, distractedly glancing around the

  docking bay. “Now who’s a girl got to blow to get a drink around here?”

  “There’s a bar in the Astral Hotel...” The dockhand tells her, making

  you wince at the mention of the luxurious though expensive galactic hotel


  “Nice.” Vanessa interrupts turning to you. “I think the least you owe

  me is a suite in the Astral Hotel and a few celebratory drinks in the bar.”

  “…though the station commander, Administrator Drax has requested

  an audience.” The dockhand adds.

  You're too busy. You’ve got a salvage claim to investigate

  Go to the Astral hotel and have a few drinks in the bar

  “If Administrator Drax wants to see us, she can buy us a drink at the Astral hotel’s bar.” You tell the dockhand “My partner and I will be enjoying

  a well-deserved drink or ten!” Vanessa grins and you leave the docking bay,

  walking the bustling wide corridors of the station towards the commercial

  quarter. There is a tangible atmosphere of relief as the station’s residents

  hurry past you in the direction of the medical unit to have the antidote

  administered to them.

  You emerge into the brightly lit commercial section, a vast hall lined

  with shops and businesses. At the far end is the gr
and columned entrance to

  the lavish Astral hotel. You walk in, crossing the gleaming marble floor of the lobby and entering the bar. Undoubtedly it is a classier establishment than

  you are used to, with sophisticated clientele dressed in expensive suits or

  glamorous dresses sipping their drinks. You order an expensive bottle of

  champagne and find a table.

  “Well, here’s to us.” You grin at Vanessa, raising your flute.

  “To us,” The beautiful redhead smiles, “And a long and lucrative career

  in salvage.”

  “Sounds a bit dull, doesn’t it?” You comment after a moment.

  “I’m relieved to hear you say that.” Vanessa chuckles. “How about

  selling our salvage rights and getting back to what we do best.”

  “I can drink to that.” You laugh, swigging down the contents of your

  champagne flute and cheerfully ignoring the look of disgust from the

  occupants of the next table before reaching for the bottle.

  You stir, blinking away the fog of sleep, wincing slightly at the mild

  hangover. Your eyes widen as you realise you are blindfolded and spread-

  eagled on your back, your wrists and ankles bound. From the slight draft

  cooling your body, you realise that you’re naked. You pull at your bonds, but

  the ropes are tied tightly and securely. You can feel a springy mattress

  beneath you, but beyond that, your location is a complete mystery.

  “He’s awake.” An unfamiliar female voice comments nearby.

  “About time.” A second female replies, her voice equally unknown to


  “You seem to have me at a disadvantage.” You grin, trying to keep the

  fear out of your voice.

  “We do.” The second voice agrees without elaborating any further.

  You wrack your brain, trying to think of who you have crossed in the past

  that would abduct you. Most would no doubt kill you as soon as look at you,

  but the two female voices should narrow it down. Maybe that job you did all

  those years ago with the Takagi sisters. You wouldn’t imagine they’d have

  been too pleased after you slept with each of them without the other

  knowing and then made off with the loot, but that was a long time ago. Still,

  hell hath no fury…

  “Aki? Mariko?” You call out. “It’s been a while.”

  “Who?” The first voice chuckles.

  “Who are you then?” You ask, feeling increasingly vulnerable as you

  listen to the two women moving closer to you.

  “You talk too much.” The second voice tells you. “I think you would

  prefer it if you remain silent.”

  Keep quiet

  Attempt to talk your way out of the situation

  You remain silent.

  “Good.” The second voice murmurs approvingly. “Obedience is


  You feel the mattress move as one of the women joins you on the bed.

  You flinch as you feel her fingers run over your cock, which twitches at her

  touch. The first woman chuckles sexily and you presume it must be her. You

  feel her fingertips sliding between your legs and a moan escapes your lips as

  she caresses your balls, your cock quickly beginning to stiffen. It quickly

  becomes fully engorged and you feel the mattress move again as the second

  woman joins you. Her fingers wrap around your shaft and begin to slowly

  pump it.

  “That feels so good.” You murmur. The pumping hand is immediately

  withdrawn, as is the soft caress of the fingers playing over your balls.

  “You must remain silent.” The second woman reminds you. You nod,

  willing to do whatever they say as long as one of them stimulates your

  aching cock. After a moment, the hands return to your groin, stroking your

  shaft and caressing your aching balls. You feel the weight of the women shift

  on the bed, their fingers leaving your genitals. You stifle a groan of delight as you feel the unmistakable moist warmth of a tongue against the taut head

  of your cock. It swirls around the tip before slowly sliding down your length,

  flicking over every inch of your straining shaft. Simultaneously, you feel hot

  breath against your scrotum and the touch of a tongue lapping against your

  sensitive balls. You bite down on your lower lip to keep quiet as you enjoy

  the delicious torture of the two talented tongues at work on your groin. The

  tongue on your shaft slides back up to the bulbous head of your cock and

  you cannot stifle a moan of pleasure as you feel her mouth envelop the tip,

  lips gliding down your thick shaft before beginning to slide up and down.

  Your pleasure is amplified by the tongue working on your balls. You feel your

  legs eased wider apart and fingers lifting up your balls as the tongue snakes

  lower, the tip running along the sensitive ridge of skin behind. Feeling

  incredibly exposed, you feel her warm breath on your arsehole. Your eyes

  widen as you realise what she intends.

  Allow her to continue

  No thanks, that’s not for you!

  You stiffen as you feel the tip of her tongue slide into the tight knot of your arsehole and can’t help but moan in pleasure. Her tongue dances over

  your puckered hole making you squirm with delight as the other mouth

  continues to slide up and down your cock. You can feel the pressure building

  in your balls under the relentless assault of the two women. The sensory

  deprivation and your constrained limbs only serve to heighten your

  excitement. The room is filled with the sounds of your decadent pleasure

  from your own breathless panting and the sucking of the mouth on your

  cock to the lewd slurping of the tongue lapping at your sensitive arsehole.

  You can feel the come churning in your balls and you groan, wondering

  whether you should break your silence to warn them. Your balls contract

  and powerfully convulse as the decision is made for you. You grunt in

  pleasure as your cock twitches in the sucking mouth as your come races up

  your shaft to erupt from the tip. You hear a squeal of surprise as the lips

  quickly slide up your shaft, closing tightly around the tip as spurt after spurt splashes into her waiting mouth. The tongue at your arse continues to press

  and lap at your tight arsehole, intensifying your pleasure as your hips raise

  off the bed in ecstasy. As your climax finally subsides, you slump back onto

  the mattress with a satisfied sigh. With a playful kiss on your puckered hole,

  the tongue is withdrawn from between your buttocks while your cock slips

  from the other woman’s mouth and you listen as she gulps down your thick

  seed, mewing contentedly.


  You flinch and squirm away from her. She chuckles but relents, sliding her tongue back up to your scrotum and resumes running her tongue all

  over your balls. You relax and enjoy the delicious sensation of the two

  talented mouths working at your groin. You can feel the pressure beginning

  to build in your loins and you try to imagine what the mystery women look

  like, one sucking and slurping on your cock while the other licks at your

  sensitive sack. The tongue leaves your saliva covered balls, leaving them

  feeling cool as a breeze, perhaps from air conditioning, sweeps over them.

  “You’re getting close aren’t you?” The first woman asks. You nod and

  she chuckles. “I can feel his ball
s tightening.” She tells the other woman,

  who slides her lips from your cock.

  “You want to taste him?” The second woman asks, her fingers

  returning to your shaft and stroking it, keeping you on the very edge of your


  “Yes.” The first woman eagerly replies and you feel her lips close over

  the end of your cock. You groan in pleasure at the new sensation, her

  technique different, but just as accomplished as she swirls her tongue

  around the tip and bobs her head rapidly up and down your aching cock. She

  immediately sends you over the edge and you tense, howling in ecstasy as

  your seed races up your shaft and explodes inside her sucking mouth. She

  greedily slurps and swallows the first couple of powerful spurts before her

  mouth leaves your cock and the other takes over, not spilling a drop as she

  sucks the remaining come from your twitching shaft, enthusiastically gulping

  it down. As your climax ebbs, you relax and let out a contented sigh. The

  mouth pulls back from your cock, your softening shaft slapping wetly against

  your stomach and you hear her lick her lips.


  “Listen ladies,” You grin, “Why all this subterfuge? I’m sure we can all come to some arrangement.”

  “I told you to stay quiet.” The second voice tells you brusquely. “Gag


  “There’s no need for that.” You protest, feeling the mattress move as

  one of your captors moves towards you. You gasp in surprise as you feel

  weight pressing against the mattress on either side of your head and smell

  the unmistakable aroma of a pussy just above your face.

  “I warned you.” The second voice tells you from across the room. With

  that, you feel the warmth of a juicy slit pressed against your mouth. Your

  surprised objection is muffled by the moist folds against your lips, making

  the second voice chuckle and the first let out a sharp gasp of delight. You

  can taste her arousal on her puffy labia and can’t help but flick out your

  tongue, parting her lips and slipping inside her.

  “He’s licking me!” Moans the first voice in surprise. Encouraged and

  finding your predicament strangely exciting, you begin to enthusiastically lap


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