Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story

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Lure of the Sirens: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story Page 40

by Callista Hawkes

your eyes, starting in surprise as you find yourself alone in a completely

  different place. You blink as the new environment slowly comes into focus.

  You are lying on your back in a vast chamber ringed with gantries and

  staircases stretching up several levels. A huge steel cylinder dominates the

  centre of the room and your eyes widen when you notice the yellow and

  black radiation warning symbol on the side. Your eyes focus on some


  “Impossible!” You croak, your mind reeling as you realise you are still

  on board the ancient ship. You try to scramble to your feet, but find your

  movements are restricted. Panic overwhelms you as you realise that dozens

  of dark red tendrils are wrapped around you and attached to your body. You

  manage to pull an arm free and quickly tear them from you, each tendril

  leaving a bloody mark and an angry weal on your skin where the filaments

  on each end had fastened themselves to your body. To your horror and

  disgust, you find that several tendrils have snaked down beneath your

  waistband to your groin. You cry out in agony as you tear them from the

  delicate flesh of your genitals. Finally free of the tendrils, you gingerly get to your feet, feeling groggy and weak. Your hand reaches for your blaster, but

  finds only an empty holster. You curse, looking around you, finding that the

  tendrils cover the entire floor of the chamber and stretch up to the levels

  above, winding around columns and gantries, spreading like ivy. Amongst

  the tendrils you can see other victims. Some are relatively recent, the skin of their corpses shrivelled and taut around their skeletons, while others are

  little more than a collection of bones. As your eyes search the room, you

  spot a familiar sight amongst the lifeless husks. Vanessa lies on her back

  across the chamber from you, the tendrils covering her from head to toe.

  You notice a huge bulkhead door to one side, just a few paces away. It must

  lead to the service corridor running the length of the Magellan’s midsection.

  You glance from the door to Vanessa’s prone body.

  Now is not the time to be gallant and selfless. Leave Vanessa and escape

  while you still can

  Try to revive Vanessa and escape together

  Banishing your doubts to the back of your mind, you slam your cock inside her, desperate to erupt inside her tight, hot arsehole.

  “You’re close aren’t you?!” Ffion moans, clawing at her breasts.

  “Yeah.” You grunt, your lust not dulled by the exhaustion that

  threatens to overwhelm you. Quentin and Vanessa, her face still streaked

  with his come, watch on intently as you thrust deeply into the warm, snug

  confines of Ffion’s arse one last time before your cock twitches and with a

  long, drawn out groan of pleasure and release, you erupt inside her.

  “Yes! Yes!” Ffion shrieks, her legs clamping around your thighs, pulling

  you in tightly while her sphincter grips the base of your cock, milking the

  come from your balls. “Come inside me. Fill my arse with your creamy

  come!” It feels as though your very life force is being drawn through your

  pulsing cock as it spurts again and again into the young nurse’s bowels. Your

  vision begins to darken and you slump forward onto her.

  “A tasty morsel, but hardly satisfying.” Ffion comments, pushing you

  off her. Your strength gone, you fall to the floor at Quentin and Vanessa’s


  “Vanessa?” You croak weakly, reaching up for the redhead. She slowly

  shakes her head, regarding you disinterestedly.

  “We’ll consume your friend soon enough.” She replies coldly as your

  vision fades to black. For a moment, your sight clears and you find yourself

  lying in a huge reactor chamber. Strange writhing red tendrils creep all over

  the chamber like ivy and are wrapped around your body, pinning you to the

  floor. As your body begins to shut down, you realise with a start that you are

  still aboard the Magellan and that your mind must have been under the

  influence of a strange organism infesting the ancient vessel. As you breathe

  your last laboured breath, your deepest regret is that you have led Vanessa

  to the same fate.


  Go back a few moments and rethink your actions

  An hour later, you check the cargo has all been loaded and seal the hold. The hydraulics whine as the hold door slowly closes, the heavy door

  shutting with a deep clang that echoes around the docking bay. Satisfied

  that you are ready to embark, you follow Vanessa up the ramp to the

  cockpit, your eyes drawn to her firm buttocks swaying mesmerizingly from

  side to side in front of you. She had started out as a Hostess droid in a

  nightclub on Titan, which was why she was fitted with such specialist

  features. Apart from these features, she was completely indistinguishable

  from a real human, even including imperfections to sell the illusion, such as

  freckles, moles and a little birthmark on the inside of her right thigh. She

  was in bad shape when you found her five years ago, alone and abandoned

  in the boarded up interior of the now dilapidated nightclub on Titan where

  you had sought refuge following a ‘disagreement’ with the local authorities.

  Her power source was all but exhausted and she was in standby mode,

  effectively unconscious. A few more days and the last of her charge would

  have wasted away and she would be returned to her factory settings:

  essentially dead. You had carried her back to your ship and charged her back

  up. Vanessa had been very grateful and had offered to work with you in

  exchange for keeping her charged up and maintained.

  “You going to stare at my arse all day?” She asks, still with her back to

  you as you enter the cockpit.

  “How do you do that?!” You ask, incredulous.

  “A woman’s intuition.” She replies, sliding into the co-pilot’s seat.

  Moments later, you manoeuvre the ship out of the dock and fly out

  into space, watching the mining colony, fixed like a barnacle on the side of

  the huge asteroid, shrinking on the rear view screen. You fly cautiously

  through the asteroid belt, Vanessa using the dorsal gun turret to blast any

  asteroids that tumble too close. After a tricky hour, you clear the belt and

  engage the main thrusters, accelerating into the void. You turn to the

  navigation computer and begin punching in the course to take you to Omega


  “What the hell are you doing?” Vanessa asks as she watches you

  deactivate the navigation computer’s fail-safes and plot a course through

  the Dark Nebula.

  “We’ve got to get there as quickly as possible.” You tell her as you

  clear a succession of warning messages relating to travelling through the nebula.

  “We go through the nebula, we won’t get there at all.” She scowls.

  “You’ve been spending too much time listening to old, drunken

  spacedogs talking about Sirens and other nonsense.” You reply derisively.

  “Besides, no one’s gone missing in the nebula for years.”

  “That’s because no one has dared travel through the nebula for

  years.” She reminds you. “Everyone thinks there’s a black hole in the centre

  of it.�

  “That doesn’t explain how some ships make it through unscathed.”

  You point out before flashing her a winning smile. “We’ll make it through.

  We’ve always been lucky.”

  “Oh yes, our partnership has been a classic rags-to-riches tale.”

  Vanessa replies sarcastically, sweeping an arm dismissively around the

  cramped interior of the cockpit. At that moment, a red light flashes on the

  console in front of you.

  “A distress signal.” You murmur, checking the scanner. “A stricken

  Starliner, the Spirit of the Stars. Damn.”

  Respond to the distress signal

  Ignore it. You’re on a tight schedule

  Skip to a section

  Just because you’ve reached an ending doesn’t mean you have to start from

  the beginning. If you would rather skip to the start of a particular part of the story, please select the appropriate heading below. To start from the very

  beginning, select “The Rock”.

  The Rock (Start)

  Distress Call

  The Cell

  Engine trouble

  Eridani II

  The Scrapyard


  Escape Pod

  The Cave

  Risa, the Pirate Queen

  The Dark Nebula


  Adam & Eve

  Medical attention

  Administrator Drax

  All tied up

  Fun in Zero G


  Also by the same author

  Also by the same author

  The Seductress of Andromeda: A Sci-Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story

  Disgraced and thrown out of the Galactic Navy, you now make a living as a

  smuggler and part-time bounty hunter on the fringes of the galaxy. When a

  beautiful but deadly assassin offers you the opportunity to join her on the

  greatest heist in Galactic history, you have to decide whether or not to trust


  This Erotic choose your own story puts you in control, utilising e-book

  technology to eliminate the page flicking of yesteryear and allow you to

  decide the outcome. The choices you make may lead to a gruesome death

  or into the arms of beautiful women, both human and alien, from the

  enchanting Takagi sisters to the exotic amphibious Aquilans deep below the

  surface of an ocean planet. Alternatively, your travels may lead you to

  encounter an attractive but enigmatic sole survivor of an isolated research

  base or discover a beautiful android woman in a dilapidated nightclub on

  Titan. You may find yourself marooned on a forest planet with a gorgeous

  Valkyrie woman or seduced by the pretty daughter of an Admiral. If you

  decide to embark on the heist, you may also fall under the spell of the

  alluring seductress of Andromeda herself, Eris the assassin.

  A prequel to ‘Lust of the Sirens’ this e-book can either be enjoyed without

  having read the previous book or alternatively as the backstory of the

  roguish hero’s formative days working on the fringes of the law at the edge

  of the known galaxy. At 110,000+ words, this Erotic choose your own story

  offers a wealth of content, with its intricate branching storyline offering

  several wildly different paths to multiple endings, ensuring you can read

  again and again and see how events play out differently depending on the

  choices you make.

  Sin in the City of Angels

  A jaded and burnt out Private Detective in nineteen-forties Los Angeles, you

  divide your time between drinking whiskey and enjoying the pleasures of

  your pretty secretary. All that changes when the beautiful blonde wife of

  one of the richest men in the city walks into your office and tells you her

  husband is trying to murder her.

  A hard boiled noir story of femme fatales, double crosses, passion and

  murder, this 105,000 word Erotic choose your own story puts you in control.

  Utilizing e-book technology to eliminate the page flicking of yesteryear, you

  may meet the beautiful but deadly daughter of a mob boss or seduce a

  sultry redheaded cabaret singer. You may find yourself being interrogated

  by an old flame in the Police department or enjoying the healing touch of

  your pretty secretary. The decisions you make might lead to success or

  failure, ecstasy or a violent death as you attempt to unravel a twisted web of

  lies and deception.

  Agent 69 - Stroken, not Stirred: A Choose Your Own Erotic Story Live the exhilarating life of British secret agent and Gentleman spy, James

  Hazard as you embark on a critical mission to find stolen nuclear missiles

  and track down the mysterious shadowy figure responsible.

  This Erotic choose your own story puts you in control, utilising e-book

  technology to eliminate the page flicking of yesteryear and allow you to

  enjoy the pleasures of many beautiful and seductive women, from the

  alluring French socialite Bérénice Marceau, the attractive Russian spy Anya

  Suchova to the voluptuous CIA agent Scarlett Bush and many more. While

  some cannot resist your charm, others have their own agendas. You will

  travel to exotic locations all over the world, danger and temptation waiting

  at every turn. Depending on the choices you make, you might find yourself

  in a high octane car chase, embroiled in a fight to the death atop the

  opulent Orient Express, escaping a doomed submarine in the middle of the

  Atlantic Ocean or breaking into a state of the art vault beneath a heavily

  guarded skyscraper. The decisions you make can lead to the heights of

  ecstasy or a quick and gruesome death.

  Inspired by James Bond, this 88,000+ word Erotic choose your own story

  offers a wealth of content, with its intricate branching storyline offering

  several wildly different paths to multiple endings, ensuring you can read

  again and again and see how events play out differently depending on the

  choices you make.

  Lust of the Pirates: A Choose Your Own Erotic Story

  As the Captain of a pirate ship, you are the scourge of the high seas, pillaging the merchant vessels travelling through the Caribbean. When the glamorous

  madam of Nassau’s brothel comes to you with a tale of lost Mayan gold and

  riches beyond your wildest dreams, you are thrown into a fantastic

  swashbuckling adventure where danger and excitement, pleasure and death

  are but moments away.

  This Erotic choose your own story puts you in control, utilising e-book

  technology to eliminate the page flicking of yesteryear and enjoy the

  pleasures of many beautiful and seductive women, from buxom serving

  wenches in Nassau to the enigmatic wife of a Spanish commander whose

  lustful urges rival your own. You will travel the azure seas of the Caribbean

  on your quest for riches where deadly perils or temptation await at every

  turn. Depending on the choices you make, you might find yourself rescuing a

  beautiful damsel from a burning vessel, diving to the depths of the sea to

  plunder a wreck or indulging in an orgy with the legendary pirate Anne

  Bonny. The decisions you make can lead to the heights of ecstasy or a quick

  and gruesome death.

  Inspired by numerous pirate adventures, this 66,000+ word Erotic choose

  your own story offers a wealth of content, with its intricate branching

  storyline offeri
ng several wildly different paths to multiple endings, ensuring you can read again and again and see how events play out differently

  depending on the choices you make.

  Spurtacus: A Choose Your Own Erotic Story

  A prisoner of the Roman Empire, you find yourself sold into slavery to the

  wealthy House of Felatius and your Domina, Servilia, known throughout

  Rome for hosting wild parties and for her insatiable sexual appetites. Having

  caught her eye, you must keep in Servilia's good graces while also planning

  your escape.

  This 50,000 word Erotic choose your own story puts you in control, utilising

  e-book technology to eliminate the page flicking of yesteryear and allow you

  to enjoy seducing beautiful slave girls, an exotic African woman, a

  sophisticated young noblewoman and the voluptuous Servilia herself.

  Featuring numerous paths to multiple endings and where leaving a woman

  unsatisfied will lead to a much more serious outcome than a cold shoulder!

  Spurtacus features several steamy sexual encounters including oral and anal

  sex, threesomes, lesbians and in the best traditions of the Roman Empire at

  its most decadent, a full on orgy.

  The Temptress of Upton Manor: A historical erotic novella

  Spring 1922. Jack Shaw enters employment as a footman at Upton Manor,

  the stately country residence of the aristocratic Wynthorpe family. He soon

  discovers that he his initial impression of dull rural life couldn’t be further from the truth and that the grand old house is a hotbed of sin and


  The Earl of Grangeborough, outwardly a Gentleman, finds a very

  ungentlemanly cure for his insomnia while his wife has desires of a

  forbidden nature. Their widowed daughter seeks solace in the arms of one

  of the staff, while her caddish brother pursues an attractive, naïve debutant

  and gets more than he bargained for.

  The decadence is not confined to the family, as Jack makes quite an


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