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Conor Page 17

by Ruth Ryan Langan

  Emma's eyes went wide with fear. "Do you think she knows?"

  Conor shook his head. "If she knew, she wouldn't knock. She'd have a

  guard break down the door."

  He thought a moment, then began to tear her gown from her

  shoulders. Startled, she slapped at his hand. "What are you doing?"

  "You heard Elizabeth. She thinks you're sleeping. Quickly now. Get

  out of these clothes and into a nightshift. And let your hair down."

  They raced to the sleeping chambers, emerging moments later with

  Conor pulling the combs from Emma's hair, while she smoothed

  down the skirts of her nightshift.

  "What about you, Conor? Where will you hide?"

  "Don't worry about me. I'm an old hand at spying. Remember?" He

  dragged her close and covered her lips with his.

  Then he released her and strode to the balcony. He stood for a

  moment, staring down into the darkness, before disappearing over the


  Moments later Emma hurried to open the door and admit the queen.

  "It's about time." Elizabeth strode into the sitting chamber, followed

  by her maid and several of the ladies-in- waiting. She turned to study

  the young woman. "Your skin seems flushed, Emma. Are you

  coming down with a fever?"

  Emma pressed .her hands to her cheeks. "I... believe so, Majesty."

  "Your eyes seem a bit bright as well. I'll send my physician later with

  a potion."

  "Aye, Majesty. As you wish."

  The queen settled herself on a chaise and waited while the others sat

  or knelt around her. ' 'I have come with some exciting news, Emma

  Vaughn. I have decided that your service to your queen is sufficient

  that you will join my other ladies-in-waiting."

  Emma kissed the hand that was extended to her. "I am most humbly

  grateful, Majesty. How can I ever thank you?"

  "I shall find a way, I am sure." Elizabeth smiled. ' 'There will be many

  services you can perform in the days and weeks to come when we

  leave here."

  "Leave here?" Emma looked up in surprise. "I don't understand."

  "In a matter of days we will leave Greenwich Palace." The queen

  looked as delighted as a child with a gift. "And now I must take my

  leave of you. There is much to be done."

  As if in a fog Emma watched the door close behind the queen and the

  others. Then she walked to the balcony, half expecting Conor to

  reappear. But all she saw was the darkness below. And above her, a

  midnight sky laced with stars.

  She pressed her hands to her heated cheeks. Her poor head was

  spinning with all that was happening. In a daze she made her way to

  her bed, wondering how in the world she would be able to sleep. In

  the space of an hour, so much had changed. She had gained the

  queen's confidence. And Conor's. Though it pained her to mislead

  him, the fact that he believed she was a spy for Ireland would

  certainly make it easier for her to do Celestine's bidding.

  But by far the most distressing piece of news was that, for some

  unknown reason, they would leave Greenwich Palace. If that should

  happen, any hope she had nurtured of saving her father and little

  Sarah would be lost forever.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "It is called a progress, my lady." Nola explained the queen's plans as

  she helped Emma with her morning toilette. By now, everyone in the

  palace knew that they would soon be leaving Greenwich and going

  into the countryside. "It is necessary for Her Majesty to move from

  one palace to another."

  "But why?" Emma couldn't imagine wanting to leave a palace as

  elegant as this.

  "It serves several purposes, my lady. The most important reason is for

  the queen to see her subjects, and to be seen by them." Nola led her to

  the dressing table, and Emma sat while the servant arranged her hair.

  "But there is another reason. With all the people and animals under

  one roof, even a home as grand as Greenwich takes on..." The servant

  wrinkled her nose, "...the odor of a barnyard."

  "How far will we travel?" Emma's despair was growing by the


  "The rumor is that we will head to the midlands." Nola added, a pretty

  comb to Emma's hair, and handed her a looking glass.

  "So far away." Emma looked at her reflection without even seeing.

  All she could see was a future without her father and little sister, who

  would be completely lost without her help.

  "Not so far, my lady." Nola appeared happier than Emma had seen

  her since her arrival. "I have family in the midlands. Perhaps I'll have

  a chance to slip away for a visit." She glanced down. "What is wrong,

  my lady? You seem unhappy this morrow."

  "Nothing." Emma shrugged. "I just wish I weren't going so far from

  my family."

  "We'll be back again within the year, my lady."

  A year. Emma put a hand to her mouth to stifle the little cry that

  sprang to her lips.

  "Hurry, my lady. The queen dislikes being kept wait- ing."

  As she made her way to the great hall, Emma felt as if she were

  carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. How could she

  remain here, dancing to the queen's tune, while her family was in

  grave peril? And yet, how could she leave and risk causing them even

  greater peril?

  Elizabeth looked up as she entered. "Ah, here you are, Emma. Come.

  Sit at my table. It looks as though your sleep was as restless as mine.

  There is nothing like a grand adventure to stir the soul."

  "Aye, Majesty." Emma's shoulder brushed Conor's as she took her

  seat, and she felt the first hint of comfort since she'd awakened. His

  smile added another layer of warmth to her soul. But still her heart

  was heavy.

  Across the table, Dunstan seemed in fine humor. "Your servants do

  an admirable job of keeping your many guests in food and clothing,

  Majesty. But I had begun to note that the scullery, the refectory, even

  the gardens were taking on a rather distinct odor."

  "Aye. I'm grateful for your suggestion, Lord Dunstan. A progress to

  more friendly environs will greatly lift my spirits. My messengers

  have already reported back that thegentry are eager to welcome their

  sovereign at every county and village through which we shall pass.

  We will partake of feasting and celebrations all along the way."

  Dunstan turned to the Earl of Blystone. "I'm told you have a lovely

  home in Warwick."

  "It's a pretty enough place, though I rarely go there since the death of

  my wife."

  ' 'Perhaps you should open your doors to your queen and her


  Blystone's smile of pleasure was quick and sincere. He turned to the

  queen. "I bid you to allow me to entertain Your Majesty at my home.

  If you agree, I will send riders ahead this very day to prepare."

  Elizabeth seized upon the invitation, since so many in the realm

  shrank from the prospect of such an undertaking. "I would be

  delighted, my friend. You realize you are inviting a great deal of work

  upon your staff."

  The earl waved a hand, ignoring the sheer numbers of people,

  baggage, clothing, animals tha
t would have to be accommodated.

  "My housekeeper and servants will consider it an honor, Majesty. As

  will I."

  "Then it shall be done." Elizabeth's smile was positively radiant. Just

  the thought of moving lifted her out of the boredom which had begun

  to set in. "Oh, the parties. The balls. The grand entertainment."

  Out of the corner of his eye Conor could see Emma's consternation,

  and understood. The thought of leaving her family at the mercy of

  Celestine was weighing heavily upon her heart. While the others

  laughed and chatted, he lowered his voice, for her ears alone.

  "Doir't despair, Emma. We'll find a way."

  "But there is so little time now."

  He yearned to draw her close and offer her the comfort f his arms. But

  all he could do was whisper, "We need but a single word from

  Edward, and we will move with all speed. Take heart, Emma. And

  keep a good thought."

  She looked up, about to say more, when she saw the queen glancing

  her way. Thinking quickly she said aloud, "Aye, my lord. This is all

  new to me. But, as our queen said, it will be quite an adventure."

  "It pleases me, Emma," The queen's voice had the others turning to

  look at her, "to see how quickly you have learned our ways."

  "Thank you, Majesty." A liar. A spy. A villain with no heart. That

  was what she had become. And all because of Celestine. The thought

  of it shamed her. ' 'I am most eager to please you."

  "You do please me, my dear child." Elizabeth got to her feet and the

  others followed suit. "Now I must meet with the household staff, to

  see to the arrangements for our progress.",

  Emma breathed a sigh of relief, hoping to find some time to herself.

  But those hopes were dashed when the queen said, "I will expect all

  of my ladies-in-waiting to attend me. There is much we must


  Emma had no choice but to follow the queen to her chambers.

  When they were gone, Conor excused himself from the company of

  gentlemen and made his way to the stables. He had need of a long,

  silent ride. Possibly all the way to Clermont House.


  At the sound of a deep, masculine voice whispering her name, Emma

  sighed in her sleep and burrowed deeper into the bed linens. She had

  spent the entire day and evening in the company of the queen and her

  ladies, and had even been forced to take her meals with them, while

  they had been fitted for suitable wardrobes for their journey.When

  Emma had finally been allowed to retire to her own chambers, she

  had been disappointed to learn that the gentlemen had been

  dispatched by carriages to a nearby village, for a night of cards, and

  ale, and presumably wenching. But even though the rogue, Conor

  O'Neil, had taken himself off for his own pleasures, he was now

  intruding upon her dreams.

  "Emma. You must awaken. There's no time to waste."

  She muttered something in her sleep and attempted to shrug off the

  hand at her shoulder.

  Hand? She sat bolt upright, peering through the darkness at the

  shadow beside her bed.

  "Conor? Is that you?"

  "Aye. Hurry. You must dress for riding."

  "It's the middle of the night."

  "That's true. But Edward informed me that his mistress, Lady

  Vaughn, would be out of Clermont House for the rest of the night."

  "All night? Conor, where would she possibly go for an entire night?"

  He shrugged and handed her a pair of dark breeches and tunic. "I

  know not. But put these on and let's be off."

  "What are these?" She stared at them with a doubtful expression.

  "Proper men's riding clothes. It wouldn't do for one of the queen's

  ladies-in-waiting to be out at such an hour. And the queen would have

  both our heads if she discovered me out riding with anyone but a

  proper gentleman."

  Emma studied the clothes. "I'll wear them. But first," she

  commanded, "turn around."

  At her imperious tone, he grinned and did as she bade. Keeping an

  eye on his broad shoulders she hurriedly stripped away her nightshift

  and dressed in the strange clothes.

  "Where did you get these?" She cast a quick look at herself, then bent

  to retrieve her boots.

  "I persuaded Meade to loan me his, since mine were far too big for


  "How very generous you are with the stable lad's clothes."

  "I paid him a gold sovereign for the use of them. And on the morrow

  he'll get them back." He grinned at the sight of her. "Now, perhaps

  you'd best hide those glorious tresses beneath this hat." He removed

  his own hat and placed it on her head.

  When she started toward the door he whispered furiously, "Not that

  way, Emma. I've barred the door so your maid can't enter your

  chambers and discover your empty bed."

  "Then how...?"

  He caught her hand and led her toward the balcony, where a rope

  dangled from the railing to the ground far below.

  "This is how you got up here?"

  "Aye, my lady. And how we must both get down."

  When she hesitated he added, "Unless you'd prefer to let this

  opportunity slip by."

  She squared her shoulders. "I'm not afraid."

  "Good." With the agility of a panther Conor pulled himself over the

  railing, holding firmly to the rope. When he was safely on the ground,

  he lifted his arms.

  "Come on."

  Following his lead, she pulled herself over the railing and slid down

  the rope. Her heart was thundering, but to her credit she made it down

  safely until she felt Conor's arms wrap around her. When he released

  her, she managed to dash toward the waiting horses. Within minutes

  they were galloping across the hills, on the road leading to Clermont

  House.She turned to him as the dark mists swirled around them. "It

  strikes me that you are quite adept at treachery, Conor O'Neil."

  He merely smiled. "It has held me in good stead from time to time."

  He turned, admiring her silhouette against the night sky. Despite the

  rough clothing, there was no mistaking the distinctly feminine curves.

  ' 'For a gently bred colleen from Dublin, I might say the same for you.

  Why is it that you have no fear of what we're about to do?"

  "Make no mistake, Conor. I'm desperately afraid. But my fear for my

  father and sister are far greater than my fear for my own safety." She

  looked up and caught her first glimpse of Clermont House in the

  distance. Her heartbeat quickened. "What is our plan? Surely I cannot

  pretend to visit, dressed like this."

  Conor shook his head. "Nay. It was a good plan, but now, with the

  queen's untimely meddling, everything must be changed. We'll

  secure the horses some distance from the house, and then climb the

  arbor together."

  He reined in his mount and Emma did the same. "I'll keep watch in

  the hallway while you determine the condition of your father and


  "The condition?" She felt her breath hitch in her throat.

  "Aye, my lady." He slid from the saddle and tied the reins to a tree.

  "The fact that you haven't been permitted to see them makes me think

>   Celestine's potions are keeping them drugged. If that is so, they may

  be too weak to leave their beds."

  "Oh, Conor." She put a hand to her mouth to stifle her cry.

  He reached up and helped her from her horse. "Don't tell me you

  haven't feared the worst."

  "Aye. But to hear it spoken aloud breaks my heart."

  "Shhh." He touched a finger to her mouth. Feeling the jolt he lowered

  his head and kissed her. Just one hard, quick kiss. Then he held her a

  little away. "Are you able to do this?"

  She swallowed, squared her shoulders, then nodded. "I'll do whatever

  it takes, Conor."

  He gave her a smile. "Good. Now follow my lead."

  It occurred to Emma that he showed absolutely no hesitation as he

  raced across the lawns and paused beside the arbor. After one quick

  test of its strength, he began to climb. When he reached the upper

  story he beckoned her to follow.

  When she was halfway up the arbor he heard her little hiss of pain as

  she closed her hand over a spike of rose thorns. Reaching down, he

  grasped her wrists. She was surprised by the strength in his arms.

  Then she quickly reminded herself that Conor O'Neil was not what he

  pretended to be. He played the part of a man who seemed to do

  nothing more strenuous than lift a goblet with the queen. And he

  played the part well. But he was, in truth, a spy, with all the strength

  of a seasoned warrior.

  He lifted her the final few inches until she was standing beside him on

  the upper balcony. "Are you all right, Emma?'

  She nodded, absently wiping blood down the leg of her borrowed

  breeches. "As a lass I was always climbing trees and racing across the

  meadows after the horses. But I'm amazed at how much simpler it is

  to do these things in men's clothing."

  "Aye." He winked, causing her heart to do a series of quick tumbles.

  "That was the easy part. The hard part is now." He framed her face

  and whispered fiercely, "No matter what you see, Emma, you musn't

  cry out. Do you understand?'

  She wasn't certain what he meant, but she nodded.

  "This nighttime visit is for one reason only. To determine the


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