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Just This Once

Page 5

by Diana X Dunn

  “Sorry,” he chuckled and sat back in his seat. “I met a woman there earlier in the year, and I can’t stop thinking about her. You remind me of her somehow. Something really strange happened in Erie after I met her, and I’ve been wanting to talk to her about it.”

  He rubbed a hand over his face in a frustrated gesture. “Sorry,” he said again. “I may be a bit obsessed.”

  “Lucky girl.” Pixie tossed her hair and pouted at him. “What was so special about her, then?”

  Alex shook his head. “I don’t know really, maybe it was just that I wanted to get to know her better but I didn’t get the chance.”

  “Should have got her number, pal.” John spoke for the first time.

  “I did get her number.” Alex shook his head again. “She answered a few of my messages at first and now she doesn’t.”

  “So she’s got a boyfriend, a partner, a husband, she’s gay, she just isn’t interested. Hell, take your pick and then move on. Lots of other sheep in the flock. Check out that one,” John suggested.

  He pointed out the window at the dance floor and everyone else followed his gaze. A young woman wearing nothing but a few strips of cloth was dancing on a raised platform. Her movements were barely inside the bounds of decency and she was attracting a lot of male attention.

  “She’s out of her head on something,” Julia frowned. “The club should take care of her quickly enough.”

  She’d barely finished speaking when the man from the door and two others, equally large, pushed their way through the crowd and scooped the girl up. Some of the men watching tried to argue, but within minutes the girl was gone and the club had returned to normal.

  “Jack and the guys will take good care of her,” Pixie cooed. “It is part of their job to look after anyone who gets too carried away.”

  Julia nodded but she was still frowning.

  “Hey Julia, relax, I told you to have some Chillax before we left. We’re supposed to be having fun, remember?” John poured himself another drink as he finished talking.

  “I don’t like Chillax, remember?” Julia replied. “ I am having fun, anyway. I just don’t like to see other people having so much that they get into trouble.”

  Alex cleared his throat. “My name is on the room, so I’d rather no one did anything illegal in here.”

  John only laughed. “Relax pal, I didn’t bring anything with me. You don’t need to worry here, anyway. We could order up anything we wanted and the waiter would bring it up super quick. They have some good suppliers at Greenwoods.”

  Alex frowned. “I’d rather not know that.”

  “Why are the good looking ones so impossibly dull?” Pixie sighed and stretched, the fabric on her dress shifting to reveal even more perfectly tanned skin.

  “Oh come on, let’s just get drunk and forget about it.” Julia leaned forward and topped up everyone’s glass. “Cheers.”

  Everyone grabbed their glass and drank quickly, the conversation already forgotten.

  “So what do you write?” Pixie put her hand on Alex’s arm to regain his attention.

  “Oh different stuff. Whatever they’ll pay me to write,” Alex answered, filling his glass again. “What do you do?” he asked Pixie, sounding not at all interested in her answer.

  “I’m a model,” she yawned as if bored by the very idea. “And sometimes I’m an actress. And sometimes I just hang around and live off my parents.”

  Alex nodded, looking unsurprised.

  “And you?” he asked John.

  “Me? I’m the manager of the Ultimate Shopping Extravaganza on Long Island.” He waved a hand as if to dismiss the world’s largest and most glamorous shopping mall as nothing important. “Long hours, filthy pay, common trash customers, I love it.”

  The women both laughed at the truth in John’s words. “Now I need to find a woman who will be impressed by all that.” John stood up. “These two know me too well to fall into bed with me, unfortunately.”

  “Not if you were the last man on earth.” Pixie’s bored tone sounded harsh but John only laughed.

  “Right, I’m off to find tonight’s lucky twirl. Okay if I bring her up here to try to impress her?” he checked with Alex.

  “Hey, whatever works,” Alex grinned at the other man.

  “Just remember that we’ll be here to tell her about how you keep your lucky underpants under your pillow.” Pixie smiled sweetly. “I just can’t wait to see who you’ll bring back.”

  John shook his head and waved a rude gesture at Pixie as he left the room.

  “Pixie, be nice. He’s had a bad week. He could do with finding a nice girl and having some fun.” Julia reminded her friend.

  “Just teasing.” Pixie pouted at the rebuke. “Anyway, the last thing he wants is a nice girl. Besides, I’ve had a bad week and I need someone to have some fun with too.”

  She stretched out on her couch and managed to drop her head onto Alex’s shoulder, staring up into his eyes. She licked her lips and shifted so that he could again see clearly down the front of her dress. “Someone not so nice that wants to have a really hot spin,” she murmured in his ear.

  “Well, don’t let us stand your way.” Alex stood up suddenly, nearly sending Pixie to the floor. “Off you go and good luck. Feel free to bring him back to impress him, by all means.” He swept the door open and smiled brightly at her as she slowly climbed to her feet.

  Under the circumstances she had little choice but to leave the room. The only alternative was to cause a scene and that wasn’t Pixie’s style. She tossed her hair into place and smiled at Alex.

  “Wish me luck. I’ll be sure to bring him back for everyone’s approval.” She glided out the door and down the corridor.

  As Alex shut the door, Julia burst out laughing. “That was the most amazing handling of Pixie I’ve ever seen,” she told Alex, still laughing.

  “Is she always like that?”

  “Pretty much.” Julia smiled. “Most men just go to bed with her because it’s easier than fighting her off all night.”

  “Not really my way of dealing with things,” he told Julia. “Besides I’m not interested in your friend.” The implication behind his words was clear and Julia found herself blushing lightly.

  “Pixie has a way of making men interested in spite of themselves,” she told him, determined to ignore the fluttering in her stomach.

  “Not this man.”

  Alex reached down and pulled Julia to her feet. “Come on, let’s watch the fun.” He led her over to the window and touched the red button above it. Within seconds Julia had spotted John and she and Alex laughed together as they watched him circle the room, assessing his prey.

  “I bet you ten dollars he picks the blonde in the tiny green and purple dress,” Julia said, pointing out the stunning woman she meant.

  “No fair, you know what his taste in women is like. I’m not willing to bet money, but I’ll bet you a kiss, if you’re brave enough.”

  Julia drew a deep breath. Was she brave enough? She looked into Alex’s eyes and found herself wanting that kiss regardless of the outcome of the bet. “It’s a bet,” she muttered, offering her hand.

  “Right, so if he chooses the blonde and brings her back here, I win a kiss. If he chooses someone else, you win a kiss.” Alex clarified the rules, as he took her hand and held it gently.

  Julia laughed. “Not quite, but nice try,” she shook her head. “If he picks her, I win, and I get to choose whether you get to kiss me or not.”

  Alex kept hold of her hand and turned so they were closer together. He looked into her eyes again and she felt dizzy. “What do you think you’ll decide?” he asked.

  Julia felt a rush of emotions from fear to lust before she looked away. “You’ll just have to wait and see,” she answered, her voice and her emotions now firmly back under her control. She forced herself to ignore his hand that was still holding hers and focused on the crowd again.

  “Looks like Pixie is getting noticed,” Ale
x’s tone was amused as he too turned his own attention back toward the room below.

  “She certainly knows how to do that.”

  The two watched as Pixie danced on one of the raised platforms, first inviting one man and then another to join her. By the end of the song, there were twelve men crowded onto the tiny platform with Pixie. Before the security team could try to separate them, Pixie slipped off the back with one of the men in tow. Moments later there was a knock on the door and Alex opened it to Pixie and her new friend.

  “Alex, Julia, this is Bob.” Pixie announced in a silly voice. “He has only just turned twenty-two and isn’t he just the cutest little thing?”

  The “little thing” was at least six foot four and nearly as broad with pure muscle. He was handsome in a brutish way but a look in his eyes revealed nothing behind them.

  “Hey,” he said, looking as if finding the right word had been a real struggle.

  “Hey,” Alex raised a brow at Julia who shrugged and turned back to the window. Her friend’s lovers were not her concern. Bob was big and dumb, but he looked harmless enough.

  “We need another glass and some more to drink,” Pixie purred, looking from Alex to Bob and back again.

  “I’ll pay.” Bob offered, pulling out a wallet that was bulging with notes.

  “Wow, and he’s got money too.” Pixie pushed herself against him. “I’ll have to think of a good way to thank you for the drinks later,” she whispered loudly.

  Bob blushed and ran his hand down her back and bottom possessively. Alex shook his head and turned back to the window. He looked over at Julia and she shrugged.

  Pixie persuaded Bob to buy a couple of pitchers of some sort of gooey florescent drink that arrived quickly with another set of glasses. Alex took one look at the concoction and ordered another bottle of wine for himself and Julia.

  “You really don’t know how to have fun,” Pixie challenged him as she stuck out a tongue that had now turned bright green from the drink. “Greenwood Punch is the sizzling drink of the moment. Everyone drinks it.”

  “Everyone who wants to wake up massively hung over with a florescent tongue,” he answered under his breath. Julia chuckled her appreciation.

  “You whiz blue for a week afterwards.” Bob added to the conversation.

  Alex and Julia looked at each other. “Far too much information,” Julia murmured. Alex nodded and they laughed softly.

  A sudden knock on the door surprised everyone. Alex swung it open and let John and the scantily- clad blonde into the room.

  “Told you so.” Julia whispered as Alex rejoined her by the window.

  John didn’t bother to introduce his date. He simply poured them each a glass of punch and then pulled her down on a couch where they began to kiss passionately. As her tiny dress began to disappear under hands and arms, Alex glanced at his watch.

  “Wow, is that the time?” he asked loudly.

  Once New York had been the “city that never sleeps” but today’s New York still had a curfew in place. At midnight the clubs and bars would start shutting down and shifting their customers out into the streets. By one o’clock the only people left on the streets would be ones who shouldn’t have been there.

  It was only ten now, but the VIP room was getting increasingly uncomfortable as John and his new friend got more intimate. Behind John, Pixie and Bob were watching the show and getting ideas of their own. As they slid down onto the couch on the other side of the room, Alex turned to Julia.

  “I think now would be a good time to head out,” he told her. “Want me to walk you home or somewhere else?”

  “Leaving now seems a good idea. I wouldn’t mind getting home early.” Julia told him, shaking her head at the behavior of her friends. Nothing they were doing was unusual. Most nights out with these two were strikingly similar, but tonight it felt uncomfortable with Alex there.

  “Come on then.” He held the door open for her and they made their escape. Alex then took Julia’s arm and guided her out through the crowded club and onto the equally crowded sidewalks outside. They walked together, arm in arm, through the busy streets. It was too noisy on the street for any conversation. Simply walking together arm in arm felt oddly comfortable to Julia. After a few minutes, they reached her apartment building.

  “This is me,” she told him, stopping at the front entrance.

  “I should let you go, then,” Alex answered, but instead of releasing her arm he turned so they were facing each other.

  “I have a busy day tomorrow. I should get some sleep.” Julia began to make excuses, suddenly very aware of how attracted she was to the man.

  “It’s only ten o’clock,” Alex grinned. “Maybe we could grab a bite to eat. I know this great little pizza place down the block.”

  “Pizza?” Julia frowned. “I’m not sure if I’ve ever had pizza. I’m more of a FADS bars kind of girl.”

  “Food and drink substitutes don’t provide the same pleasure that eating real food does. While they can be useful on occasion, real food is so much better.”

  “You sound like one of those real food advertisements that continually go on and on about eating rather than just eating bars, but I know that a ton of scientific research has shown that bars are just as good for the body as real food. Even better sometimes because you are sure you get everything you need. If you eat real food, you might miss out on some vital nutrient because it simply isn’t in your pizza or whatever.”

  “Clearly you need someone to teach you about the real pleasures of life,” Alex answered her, giving her a carefully considered look.

  As Julia remembered how much she had enjoyed the pizza in Erie, she thought that he just might be right. “I really should go,” she tore her eyes from his and tried to regain her control.

  “You haven’t told me yet what you want for winning the bet,” Alex shifted slightly bringing them even closer together. “A kiss, or something else?”

  Julia felt the warmth of his body against hers and against her better judgment she raised her head and met his eyes.

  “I did win the bet, after all,” she remarked as she licked her lips. Then she shut her eyes and told herself not to let the kiss affect her.

  Alex touched her lips so softly that for a moment she thought she was imagining it. Then again and again, softly, softly, the gentlest of touches that sent sparks through her body and left her mentally screaming for more.

  Just when she thought she couldn’t stand it a second longer, his arms closed around her and his hand moved to the back of her neck. He tilted her head closer to deepen the kiss. His lips moved expertly over hers, pushing harder now and sending waves of lust surging through her body.

  After what felt like a lifetime lost in the kiss, Alex raised his head slowly. As he pulled back, he dropped a few more whisper-like kisses onto Julia’s mouth.

  “Invite me upstairs? Or come back to my place?” The whispered invitation was full of meaning.

  Julia was more tempted than she had been in a very long time. Her job didn’t lend itself to having a relationship, but she’d had a few short-term lovers over the years. It had been a while since her last lover had moved away. She didn’t allow herself to give much thought to what was missing in her life. Her work kept her busy.

  Tonight had been a rare night out with friends. Going to bed with Alex would be amazing, she knew that, but it would also complicate her life. A man had to be something very special in order for her to allow such complications. Alex hadn’t quite managed to convince her yet that he would be worth the bother, in spite of the strong connection she felt with him. With huge reluctance she pulled herself away from him.

  “I’ve really got to go,” she told him, staring at the ground.

  “Can I at least have your number? Maybe we could go out another time. Get to know each other better.”

  Julia knew she should refuse, but she couldn’t. Having been strong enough to resist the urge to drag him upstairs and tear his clothes off, she couldn
’t say no to his simple request for her number.

  She dug in her bag and found a card with her name and personal number on it. She had been using the Julia Randall identity for nearly two years now and she knew it would be time for a change in the near future anyway. If things with Alex got too complicated, she could always make the change sooner rather than later.

  As soon as he’d tucked the card in his coat pocket, Julia said a quick goodbye and dashed into the building. If he had kissed her again, her resolve might have disappeared completely, and that was a chance she couldn’t take.


  The view from the windows in her apartment always made Julia smile. She locked her door behind her and looked out over the city that she was currently calling home. Glancing casually down at the spot where she and Alex had been standing, she was almost surprised that there weren’t scorch marks on the sidewalk from the heat of that kiss.

  The entire wall of windows gave her a stunning view of the new New York City skyline and allowed her to watch Alex as he walked away. She sank onto a comfortable couch positioned for people watching in front of the glass wall, but quickly got bored with the people below once Alex had disappeared from view.

  An expensive modern kitchen filled one wall of the apartment, with a peninsula counter running in an arc that swept gracefully onto the edge of the living room. Julia grabbed a glass and filled it with ice-cold water dispensed from her refrigerator. She swallowed a bedtime top up FADS tablet, as well as an alcohol neutralizer. After slipping the glass into the sanitizer, she waited the requisite thirty seconds before returning it to its place on the shelf. Her senses were still tingling from being in Alex’s arms, and she paced around the apartment in frustration for a few moments before heading to bed.

  Her bedroom was nearly as large as the living room and was dominated by a huge bed. In the adjoining master bathroom, Julia rinsed away her makeup and enhancements. Back in the bedroom, she settled into bed to watch an old movie on a video screen that lowered from the ceiling. As she watched Julia Roberts and Richard Gere fall in love for the thousandth time she couldn’t get Alex Knight out of her mind.


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