Dark Haven

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Dark Haven Page 9

by Leigh Allen

  I almost wanted to hug him, but my eyes and focus were turned to something else. A beautiful woman with shoulder-length blond hair and piercing blue eyes stepped out from behind Lucas. I hadn’t seen her before, but something about the air around her made her demand the presence from everyone around her.

  “Brad, I agree. I think we can all just get along if we can come to an agreement,” she smiled.

  Something about the way her eyes scanned over Brad made me insanely jealous.

  “Hello, Loreli,” Brad spoke through gritted teeth.

  Hearing her name roll off his tongue and past his lips made my stomach drop. This was Loreli. The only other woman Brad had felt emotional about. The only other woman he had turned into a werewolf. Seeing her in person made me feel like I was plain and un-special. I hated feeling jealousy.

  Looking back at me, Brad took a step back too. He came to my side and placed my hand in his. It was a simple movement but he was making a very bold and strong statement. I was his. He was mine. Watch out Loreli.

  Displeasure at seeing our joined hands washed over Lorelai’s face. I had to hide my smug smile and delight.

  Nelly, Sarah, and Ally all stood off to the back and I notice they were watching me carefully, as was Loreli.

  “Brad, it seems you found a new pet,” Loreli snarled.

  “Watch it,” Sarah warned as the mother figure of our group stepped up to my rescue.

  Thankfully, I wasn’t some girl who needed saving anymore. “Thanks, Sarah, but I’ve got this,” I smiled. “Loreli is it? I’m sorry, I have only heard your name from Ally,” I said staring at her. I wanted her to know Brad had never mentioned her to me. She wasn’t important enough to be on his mind. Continuing, I made sure to keep a joyous smile on my face as I spoke. “I am not Brad’s pet. We are in a relationship,” I stated.

  Laughing, Lorelei turned to the rest of her clan. “Isn’t she adorable,” she hissed.

  Rolling his eyes, Lucas seemed displeased by our immature argument. “Ladies, I am sure you can fight over Brad later. Right now, we need to discuss more important matters. For instance, as per our agreement, it is time you leave Dark Haven. We would like to take over the lodge and your company. It would be a shame to just let such a profitable business go,” Lucas said.

  “We are not leaving Dark Haven. That agreement was created when we feared the humans were going to discover who we were. Now, we have all kept to ourselves and maintained a very secluded lifestyle. The people in town don’t even really know who we are. All they know is there is a business that is run out here in the country. We all change our appearances every few years, no one has suspected anything yet,” John stated.

  “That may be the case, and we will continue to discuss the matter, but there is something else that may hinder your being able to remain at Dark Haven,” Lucas argued back.

  “Yeah, and what is that?” Brad asked as he squeezed my hand for support.

  Taking a step closer to Brad, Lucas looked him up and down. “The girl who you so carelessly turned, has been the focus of a nationwide search. Did you know she was from a very wealthy and prominent family who has been in the news for years? Did you know she was some socialite in New York City?” Lucas asked as he stared at me and not Brad while he talked.

  I shuddered at the thoughts being provoked in my mind. I had left my glamorous life in New York City behind to go to a small private college in Kentucky. My friends and family disowned me after what my parents did. I had no one, but now that I am missing, everyone cares now. This is bullshit.

  “No,” I spoke up.

  All eyes turned to me and I suddenly felt like I had made a mistake by being so vocal, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to let my new family and friends lose Dark Haven, their home, because of me.

  “I was shunned from that world. There is no way anyone cares where I am. You can’t use that as a reason to take over Dark Haven. These people love this lodge. They take care of it like a home. It is a home,” I added.

  Pulling out a large newspaper, Lucas began to display my face on the cover of several papers. Loreli pulled out her cell phone and began showing me news clips and social media coverage about the missing socialite. I was headline news.

  “Her involvement here could lead to some unwanted visitors,” Lucas finished.

  “We will be back in two days to discuss how to move forward with Dark Haven. I suggest you all do some research on your new friend,” Lucas said as he eyed me.

  The group turned and left the house. Leaving us all speechless.

  I was shocked and fuming. This couldn’t be right. I was an adult, so what if I am missing. By the way, who would report me missing?

  “What do we do now?” Davis asked as he looked around the group.

  “We fight this,” Brad spoke.

  “No,” I said shaking my head. “I won’t allow you all to lose Dark Haven because of me,” I argued.

  “We need to protect our home,” John agreed. “Amelia, you are our family now. Regardless of who you were, Brad found you special enough to bring you into our clan so you are part of us now. We protect our own,” John finished.

  Sarah leaned over and kissed his cheek and a tear escaped my eyes. “Thank you, John,” I said as I nodded toward him.

  Those were some of the kindest words I had ever heard before.

  “We have two days to figure this out,” Nelly said. “I suggest we get started. First, we need to find a way to deal with the missing person’s case on Amelia. Then we need to be prepared for war. Lucas’s clan is deadly, I think we all know that,” she stopped short.

  “How deadly?” I asked.

  Turning to me, Will finally spoke. “Amelia, we are peaceful werewolves. Yes, we are monsters, but we don’t hurt to get our way. Lucas’s clan has been known for centuries as a group of deadly werewolfs who will kill and abuse and torture anyone who comes in their path and attempts to stop them from getting what they want. Years ago, John secured an agreement that would allow us to keep Dark Haven in our possession. Lucas tends to do favors for others in exchange for what he wants. He offered to help us buy Dark Haven by providing us with a loan. Of course, we knew better than to be in his debt so we declined. Lucas has been upset with us ever since. He has been waiting for years for the opportunity to find a reason to come after us and take Dark haven,” Will finished.

  “And I am the reason?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Yes. We always knew this day would come. werewolves each agree to take certain areas so humans don’t suspect anything. We agreed to take central and eastern Kentucky. I guess Lucas finds value in our business and now wants it as his own. With you here and your predicament, he now has leverage to fight us for what he wants,” Will finished.

  Putting his arm around me, Brad offered me comfort and support. I was growing anxious knowing I had put these amazing people...werewolves, in danger.

  I had to think of something and fast. As much as I hated to remember my old life or who I was, I needed to rely on my life as a socialite to help me now. One thing I knew was that in any given circumstance, you needed good public relations. I needed to figure out a way to get the news media to grow tired of my story. Suddenly, an idea was brought to me.

  “I need to reach out to the papers,” I suggested.

  “What?” Everyone cried out at the same time.

  “Yes,” I began. “When I was featured in those social magazines, it was only because I was doing something wonderful or scandalous. That is what drives the media. I need to do an interview and explain my story. I left New York after scandal rocked my family. I decided to live a life out of the spotlight and without the money from my trust funds. It would be boring and people would stop caring,” I said with a smile.

  “That is brilliant,” Ally cheered.

  “How will you do that?” Davis asked.

  “I will call one of the magazines, my family and I were featured in when we were still royalty in New York. Then, I will
go on social media and write a quick blurb and then delete all accounts when I am finished. When Brad turned me, I never once looked back and closed all of the doors to my life. I had a roommate, professors, a dorm room, and a story. I just vanished, I can understand now why people might come looking for me. But, I need to stop this from drawing attention to myself,” I finished.

  Hugging me tight, Brad pulled me close to him and kissed me. “You are wonderful,” he beamed. “And, feisty too,” he whispered into my ear. “It was so hot watching you take on Lorelei,” he growled.

  My body tingled from his touch and I desperately wished we were alone and not surrounded by our friends. “I wanted her to know you were taken,” I whispered back.

  “Oh she knows,” Brad said as his eyes smoldered looking at me.

  “Ok you love birds, we need to prepare. You can get it on later,” Will joked as he brought us back to the situation.

  Agreeing, Brad and I decided to save our fun for later in the bedroom, or at least anywhere where we didn’t have an audience.

  We all sat around for the next few hours and discussed my plan to take down the attention from my disappearance. Next, we decided to secure the property with surveillance cameras and stock up on my guns and ammunition. We needed to be prepared for whatever they would bring at us.

  I COULDN’T GET THE idea of Lorelei out of my head. I went out to the outdoor patio and sat alone to clear my head. I knew I was Brad’s but there was still a part of me that needed to know the story behind Brad and Loreli.

  “Why are you out here alone?” Nelly asked as she stepped out onto the patio and slowly closed the door behind her.

  The air was cool with the onset of fall approaching and the world around me was silent, almost like it knew I needed peace and quiet.

  “I guess I just needed to think,” I admitted as I tried to force a smile.

  Sighing, Nelly walked over and sat on one of the patio chairs next to me. She turned to face me and I could see the concern on her face. “Amelia, I may be out of line here, but I know what is wrong. You want to know about Lorelei,” she said.

  I only shook my head yes. I didn’t want to say the words aloud.

  “I spoke with Brad and he gave me permission to share his story with you. Talking about Loreli brings up too much anger and resentment, he doesn’t want you to see that side of him,” she began.

  “Did he send you out here to talk to me?” I asked.

  “Yes, and I think it was a good decision too. You need to hear this, if only to ease your fears. Brad loves you. Only you,” she stated firmly. “Years ago, Brad met Loreli through a friend of his. This friend,” she said using air quotes and a roll of her eye,” was always going against our rules and ethics. He loved to play with humans. They were like toys to him. Most of the women he slept with he would kill or turn. Anyway, this friend, Thomas, brought Loreli to Brad. He claimed they were in love and wanted Brad to meet her. I guess I should add, Thomas and Brad were best friends, almost like brothers. Loreli began to make passes at Brad. Of course at first, he denied her. But, then Thomas and Lorelei had a huge fight and she came to Brad and told him she loved him and always had. Stricken and confused, Brad took Loreli in and when Thomas found out, the two ended their friendship. Loreli really played Brad. She made him believe she loved him. When he made the decision to change her, everything blew up in Brad’s face. Loreli had just been using Brad and Thomas the entire time. She hadn’t really loved either one of them, she just needed an excuse to be turned. When Brad discovered this he was so angry and heartbroken, he vowed to never turn another human again. News about what Loreli did spread to other clans and none would accept her into their families. Loreli tried to make amends with Brad, even claiming she truly did love him. But, Brad was smarter than that. He denied her which enraged Loreli. Finally, she found solace and a home with Lucas’s clan. Of course, it would be a clan that hated us. Brad hates Lucas and Loreli. Any anger you see from him in relation to Loreli isn’t out of love or spite or some type of heartbreak. It is the idea that she lied to him. She used him. She made Brad go against his ethics as a werewolf and turn a human not for love or safety, but out of selfish need.”

  She stopped talking and I sat back, wowed by what she had just told me. I hated Loreli even more and loved Brad with a stronger force than before. He truly was an amazing guy and had been wronged by someone who he thought cared for him. He didn’t deserve that.

  Now that I had a clear picture of who we were dealing with, I felt ready to get down to business and shut this bitch down.


  I spent the entire night and early into the next morning preparing my statement for the press. I had written the perfect statement to explain my absence and make myself seem boring and not newsworthy anymore.

  My first step was to contact High Society Magazine, a news text that used to profile my family and our elaborate parties, vacations, and sightings of myself and friends when we were out on the town visiting clubs and restaurants.

  I began dialing the number and a lady picked up on the third ring. ‘High Society Magazine,” she cheerily spoke into the phone.

  “Hello, I need to speak to one of your writers,” I stated.

  “And who may I ask is calling?” the lady asked, sounding skeptical.

  “This is Amelia Raines,” I spoke.

  My family name spoke volumes in that world, there wasn’t anything else I needed to say.

  “Just one moment,” she said as she began shuffling around on her desk.

  In mere seconds, another woman rushed to the phone. “Yes, Ms. Raines?” she asked almost like she didn’t believe it was really me.

  “Yes. I believe people are looking for me and I want to clear up any misconceptions about my absence in the public eye,” I stated firmly.

  “And how do I know this is really Amelia Raines?” the woman asked clearly skeptical.

  “Because I can provide you with information only I would have given to you in the past. First, you wrote a feature article about me two years ago, and you focused on a large diamond ring my father had given me for my birthday. It was a black diamond worth over a million dollars. We both agreed last minute to not have that piece of information in the feature due to the safety concerns of my family. My life was already under the public eye and the last thing I needed was people trying to get to me for my elaborate jewelry,” I spoke with confidence.

  The article was later published about my favorite fashion designers and my upcoming plans to spend my summer in the south of France. Only she and I would know about this piece of information.

  “Wow, it really is you,” she sighed in awe. “So tell me, after scandal rocked your family, where did you go?” she asked intrigued by my situation and the story she was about to receive.

  I began to tell her about how I was admitted into a small college in Kentucky. Using the small fortune I had left that the government didn’t seize, I had paid for my tuition and for a dorm room so I could live a normal life. Only, people still recognized me and I couldn’t get out of the spotlight. So, I decided to move to a small country town and live a quiet life with new friends. The writer seemed pleased and a little bored with my story. She said it would be published and in their next edition of the magazine, a front-page story.

  I then proceeded to call the police department and explain my absence. I told them I wasn’t missing, I just wanted a quiet life. They understood this need, but chastised me for not telling my friends or the college I was attending that I was leaving. Finally, I went to all my social media accounts and shared the same story I had with the writer of the magazine. As I finished typing, I could already see the hundreds of comments and reactions pouring in on all social fronts. I quickly deleted each account before I gave myself the opportunity to review what everyone had to say. It didn’t matter anymore. That life was over and I was embracing this new life full force.

  Feeling confident in what I had done, I joined the rest of the group as they
began to prepare for our looming visit from Lucas and his clan.

  I found Brad in the barn where the animals were gutted and the blood was drained and stored. He was checking how much blood we had in stock.

  “I did it,” I said as I stood in the doorway.

  Turning to face me, a bright smile grew on his face. He was writing something on a clipboard but gently placed it on a nearby table and made his way over to where I stood. Wrapping his hands around my waist, he pulled me to him.

  “What did you do?” he asked, amused.

  “I talked with Nelly and she shared your story about Loreli. I hate that bitch,” I grumbled.

  Laughing, Brad leaned in and kissed my forehead. “You have nothing to worry about princess,” he smiled.

  “I know, but no one should ever treat you that way,” I argued.

  “It’s over and done. I don’t care about her, I just don’t want her messing with your head. That is what Lorelei and Lucas do- they manipulate people. They can spin any story and any piece of information into whatever they want you to believe. They are wretched people,” he said shaking his head.

  “Well, either way, I trust you and know that Lorelei won’t come between us. Anyway, what I really came in here to tell you was that I called the police and the magazine. I even went to social media. I shared my story. The search for me is over. Lucas can’t use that as a reason to take Dark Have,” I beamed.

  Lifting me into the air, Brad spun me around as his strong hands stayed firmly on my hips. “That’s amazing. You are so wonderful,” he exclaimed.

  Slowly bringing me back to the ground, Brad kissed me as my lips met his. It was a slow kiss at first but quickly turned into a hungry need. I loved how desperate we were for one another. I loved how I craved his touch and his presence. More than anything, I loved how much I loved him.

  TWO DAYS LATER, WE were prepared for our visit from Lucas. We had the property under surveillance cameras, extra ammunition, and we were all on guard in case they decided to pull something. We waited all day and they never arrived.


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