Timothy Crump's Ward: A Story of American Life

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Timothy Crump's Ward: A Story of American Life Page 20

by Jr. Horatio Alger

  THE anxiety of Mr. Abel Crump's family, when Jack failed to returnat night, can be imagined. They feared that he had fallen amongunscrupulous persons, of whom there is no lack in every large city, andthat some ill had come to him. The baker instituted immediate inquiries,but was unsuccessful in obtaining any trace of his nephew. He resolvedto delay as long as possible communicating the sad intelligence to hisbrother Timothy, who he knew would be quite (sic) overwhelwed by thisdouble blow.

  In the mean time, let us see how Jack enjoyed himself. We will look inupon him after he has been confined four days. To a youth as activeas himself, nothing could be more wearisome. It did not add to hischeerfulness to reflect that Ida was in the power of the one who hadbrought upon him his imprisonment, while he was absolutely unable tohelp her. He did not lack for food. This was brought him three times aday. His meals, in fact, were all he had to look forward to, to breakthe monotony of his confinement. The books upon the table were not of akind likely to interest him, though he had tried to find entertainmentin them.

  Four days he had lived, or rather vegetated in this way. His spiritchafed against the confinement.

  "I believe," thought he, "I would sooner die than be imprisoned for along term. Yet," and here he sighed, "who knows what may be the lengthof my present confinement? They will be sure to find some excuse forretaining me."

  While he was indulging in these uncomfortable reflections, suddenly thelittle door in the wall, previously referred to, slid open, and revealedthe old man who had first supplied him with food. To explain themotive of his present visit, it will be remembered that he was undera misapprehension in regard to the cause of Jack's confinement. Henaturally supposed that our hero was acquainted with the unlawfulpractises of the gang of coiners with which he was connected.

  The old man, whose name was Foley, had been favorably impressed by thebold bearing of Jack, and the idea had occurred to him that he mightbe able to win him as an accomplice. He judged, that if once induced tojoin them, he would prove eminently useful. Another motive which ledhim to favor this project was, that it would be very embarrassing tobe compelled to keep Jack in perpetual custody, as well as involve aconsiderable expense.

  Jack was somewhat surprised at the old man's visit.

  "How long are you going to keep me cooped up here?" he inquired,impatiently.

  "Don't you find your quarters comfortable?" asked Foley.

  "As comfortable as any prison, I suppose."

  "My young friend, don't talk of imprisonment. You make me shudder. Youmust banish all thoughts of such a disagreeable subject."

  "I wish I could," groaned poor Jack.

  "Consider yourself as my guest, whom I delight to entertain."

  "But, I don't like the entertainment."

  "The more the pity."

  "How long is this going to last? Even a prisoner knows the term of hisimprisonment."

  "My young friend," said Foley, "I do not desire to control yourinclinations. I am ready to let you go whenever you say the word."

  "You are?" returned Jack, incredulously. "Then suppose I ask you to letme go immediately."

  "Certainly, I will; but upon one condition."

  "What is it?"

  "It so happens, my young friend, that you are acquainted with a secretwhich might prove troublesome to me."

  "Indeed!" exclaimed Jack, mystified.

  "Yes; you see I have found it out. Such things do not escape me."

  "I don't know what you mean," returned Jack, perplexed.

  "No doubt, no doubt,", said Foley, cunningly. "Of course, if I shouldtell you that I was in the coining business, it would be altogether newto you."

  "On my honor," said Jack, "this is the first I knew of it. I never sawor heard of you before I came into this house."

  "Could Peg be mistaken?" thought Foley. "But no, no; he is only tryingto deceive me. I am too old a bird to be caught with such chaff."

  "Of course, I won't dispute your word, my young friend," he said,softly; "but there is one thing certain; if you didn't know it beforeyou know it now."

  "And you are afraid that I shall denounce you to the police."

  "Well, there is a possibility of that. That class of people have alittle prejudice against us, though we are only doing what everybodywants to do, _making money_."

  The old man chuckled and rubbed his hands at this joke, which heevidently considered a remarkably good one.

  Jack reflected a moment.

  "Will you let me go if I will promise to keep your secret?" he asked.

  "How could I be sure you would do it?"

  "I would pledge my word."

  "Your word!" Foley snapped his fingers in derision. "That is notsufficient."

  "What will be?"

  "You must become one of us."

  "One of you!"

  Jack started in surprise at a proposition so unexpected.

  "Yes. You must make yourself liable to the same penalties, so that itwill be for your own interest to keep silent. Otherwise we cannot trustyou."

  "And suppose I decline these terms," said Jack.

  "Then I shall be under the painful necessity of retaining you as myguest."

  Foley smiled disagreeably.

  Jack walked the room in perturbation. He felt that imprisonment would bebetter than liberty, on such terms. At the same time he did not refuseunequivocally, as possibly stricter watch than ever might be kept overhim.

  He thought it best to temporize.

  "Well, what do you say?" asked the old man.

  "I should like to take time to reflect upon your proposal," said Jack."It is of so important a character that I do not like to decide atonce."

  "How long do you require?"

  "Two days," returned Jack. "If I should come to a decision sooner, Iwill let you know."

  "Agreed. Meanwhile can I do anything to promote your comfort? I want youto enjoy yourself as well as you can under the circumstances."

  "If you have any interesting books, I wish you would send them up. It israther dull staying here with nothing to do."

  "You shall have something to do as soon as you please, my young friend.As to books, we are not very bountifully supplied with that article. Weain't any of us college graduates, but I will see what I can do for youin that way. I'll be back directly."

  Foley disappeared, but soon after returned, laden with one or two oldmagazines, and a worn copy of the "Adventures of Baron Trenck."

  It may be that the reader has never encountered a copy of this singularbook. Baron Trenck was several times imprisoned for political offences,and this book contains an account of the manner in which he succeeded,in some cases after years of labor, in breaking from his dungeon. Hisfeats in this way are truly wonderful, and, if not true, at least theyhave so very much similitude that they find no difficulty in winning thereader's credence.

  Such was the book which Foley placed in Jack's hands. He must have beenin ignorance of the character of the book, since it was evident to whatthoughts it would lead the mind of the prisoner.

  Jack read the book with intense interest. It was just such a one as hewould have read with avidity under any circumstances. It gratified histaste for adventure, and he entered heart and soul into the Baron'splans, and felt a corresponding gratification when he succeeded. When hecompleted the perusal of the fascinating volume, he thought, "Why cannotI imitate Baron Trenck? He was far worse off than I am. If he couldsucceed in overcoming so many obstacles, it is a pity if I cannot findsome means of escape."

  He looked about the room in the hope that some plan might be suggested.



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