by Bruce Hood
Cooke, Alistair 3
Coolidge effect 103, 146
Coontz, S. 9
co-operation 83, 160
copyright 21
countersignalling 98–9
coverture 9, 11
coveting 108–9
Credit Suisse Bank 69
crickets 30, 33
Crockett, M. 82–3
crowding out 86
Crowshoe-Hirsch, H. 6
Csikszentmihalyi, M. 159
cultural differences 126–35
Curtis, B. 124
Cusso, M. 155
Darwin, Charles 95
Das Kapital, Marx 123
Dawkins, Richard 34
Deaton, A. 113
declinism xiii–xv, 20
demographic time bomb 16
departure good 121
depression 113, 149
Dery, Wilhelmina 152
Dickens, Charles 15, 91
Dictator Game 73, 78, 84, 86
Diderot, Denis 120–21
Diderot effect 120–21
Dittmar, H. 158
divorce 12, 131
dogs 30, 59–60, 65–6
domestication 33, 66
system 10, 14–15
deaths 16
Duchamp, Marcel 49–50
Dunbar, Robin 139
Durrani, Nusrat 118
earthquakes 84, 154–5
Easterlin, R. 112
Easterlin paradox 112–13
eBay 146
eminent domain 152
Empire of Things, Trentmann 92
endowment effect 142–5, 150
envy 79, 99, 108–12, 115, 120, 164
benign 108–12, 115, 164
malicious 108–12, 115, 164 126
evolution 18, 28–9, 38, 66, 76, 83, 94–5, 135, 139
experiences 115–17
extended self 122–3, 126, 150
Extinction Rebellion xv
Facebook 23–4, 98, 115, 126, 162
Fagin 124
fairness 69–72, 77, 80
family annihilations 151
Farage, Nigel 14
Fechner, G. 136
Festinger, L. 105
fetishism 123–4
fight or flight response 18
filial support laws 14
Financial Times 112
‘finders keepers’ 2
First World War 18, 154
FOMO (fear of missing out) 162
Forbes 23, 116
Fountain, Duchamp 49–50
Frank, R. H. 104
Friedman, O. 57
frontier spirit 130–31
Furby, L. 51
gambling 137–40
Gates, Bill 90, 105, 160
Gates, Jennifer 89
Gates, Melissa 160
gender 61–2, 158
generosity 10, 37, 73–5, 78, 84, 100, 110
genes 30, 34, 37, 64, 75, 94–5, 139, 149
Geography of Thought, The, Nisbett 127
Gift Relationship, The, Titmuss 85
gifts 33, 35–6, 48, 75, 80, 85–6, 97–8
Gilbert, D. xi
Gilovich, T. 114
Gini coefficient 111–12
Gino, F. 98–9
Giving Pledge, The 159
Gjersoe, T. 64, 97
Godesky, J. 45
Golden Age 19, 93
Gollum 124
Gowdy, J. 45
graffiti 47–8, 59
Grande, Ariana 84
Great Depression 93–4
greed 79, 94, 124
Gregory, A. 154
grandparents 37–8
Guardian 82
guilt 65, 85–6, 98, 111, 163
Gurlitt, C. 121–2
habituation 102–3, 114, 148, 163
Haidt, J. 18, 20
happiness xi, xvi, 10, 66, 101–2, 115–17, 130, 137–8, 157–8, 163–4
Hardin, G. 43, 46
Harlow, H. 65
Harvard 2, 81, 98
hedonic adaptation 103, 141, 162–3
hermit crabs 38
Hitler, Adolf 73
hoarding 79, 121, 124, 148–50
Hobbes, Thomas 5, 92, 164
Hobbit, The, Tolkien 124
Holmes, Sherlock 57, 61
‘Homo Economicus’ 74–5, 81, 87
Homo sapiens ix, 31
honesty 77–8
‘honour’ killings 151
Hood, Esmé 63
Hood, Martha 64
hotels 116
hunter-gatherers 33, 40–41, 45, 60, 67, 80, 144–5, 160
hygge 111
illusion of control 138
Impunity Game 83
inconspicuous consumption 99
individualism 127–34, 142–4, 151, 160, 162–3
industrial revolution 15, 91–3, 165
inequality 18–19, 69–72, 120
infants 40, 51–3, 56–8, 60, 62, 65, 67, 70, 85, 120, 122
Inglehart, R. 19
inheritance 34–8, 60, 73, 160–61, 163
insurance xi, 34, 118–19
Instagram 115, 123, 162
interdependence 67, 76, 127
introspection 136
isolation 105
Jackson, Samuel L. 48
Jacobs, J. 23
James, William 119, 122, 146
job satisfaction 29
Jordan, Michael 106
jus abutendi 3, 45, 151
Kahneman, D. 113, 135–7, 141–2
Kanngiesser, P. 32
Kelo, S. 151
Kent, F. 110
kin selection 75–6
King, B. B. 122
Kinnernet 118
Knutson, B. 146–7
Lacoste 96
lagom 111
Law of Jante 111
Lee, A. 64
libertarianism 152
Little Dorrit, Dickens 91
Locke, John 5–7, 120
Loftus, E. 114
Lord of the Rings trilogy, Tolkein 124
loss aversion 136, 139
Louis Vuitton 99
Lloyd, William Forster 44
luxury 96–101, 105–7, 114–15, 121, 133
macaques 39, 65
Maddux, W. 142, 144
magical thinking 124–5
marriage 9–13, 15, 34
Martin, C. 61
Marx, Karl 92, 123
materialism xi, 46, 131, 157–8
McCracken, G. 121
McDonald’s 119
memory 114–15, 125–6, 133, 144
Mencken, H. L. 29
meritocracy 71, 130, 162–3
meta-analyses 158
Meyers, S. 110
Midas, King x, 49, 124
Mill, John Stuart 135
Milner, P. 147
Minuit, Peter 5
moral self-licensing 79
motivation xvi, 43, 71, 82, 86, 100, 109, 132, 146–7, 157–8, 160–61
MTV 118
Mueller, E. 53
murder 15, 106, 150
Mussolini, Benito 17, 73
National Health Service 72, 86
natural selection 28, 95
Nazis 18
Neanderthals 32–3
Neistat, C. 41
New York Times 89, 152
Nike 106
Nisbett, R. 127
Nobel prize 124, 135, 141
Norris, P. 20
Novak, M. 81
Obama, Barack 69
Olds, J. 147
Oliver Twist, Dickens 91, 124
Olympics 104
Oswald, A. 112–13
art 47–52, 58–9, 63, 67, 121–2
association 56–7
bodies 3, 23
cars xi–xii, 26–7, 99, 104, 106, 142, 159
children 12–16, 119
conscious 60
control 52–3, 60, 67, 72, 82–3, 120, 156–7
defending 55
; houses 93–4, 119–20, 150–54
identity xi, 33, 51, 57, 61–2, 67, 109, 115, 122, 133, 134, 149, 151, 154–7
intellectual property 22–3, 67
land 67, 91, 119–20, 153–7
language 54, 56–7
medicines 6
mutual/joint 2, 82
organs 2, 13
personal data 23–5, 126
pets 60
psychological 26–7, 46, 66
sentimental 65
slaves 6–9
software 6
toys 53, 57, 61–2, 64–5, 143–4
wives 9–13, 119
Pape, R. 17
parents 9, 12–15, 19, 34–8, 51–5, 58, 61–3, 67, 79, 87, 114, 121, 131–2, 161
Parkinson’s disease 147
partible paternity 37
peacocks 94–6
peekaboo 52
Pfizer 151–2
Piaget, Jean 51, 132
Picasso, Pablo 49
Pierce, J. 26
Pinker, Steven xiv
Plato 4, 92, 120
Playing Darts with a Rembrandt, Sax 3
political populism 17–18, 21, 72, 82–3
Pollock, J. 59
Pollyanna principle 114
Polynesian fishermen 110–12
pornography 103
Porter, E. 114
positional goods 105
positive contagion 124
possession 29, 32
adverse 61
possession – cont’d
first rule 30–31, 95
infants 51–3
primates 32–3, 39, 61, 65,
quarrels 53
post-materialism 19–21
poverty 8, 15, 69, 89, 91, 105, 107, 118, 137
Prelinger, E. 122
primates 32, 61, 65, 77,
property x, xii, 3–12, 30, 33, 38–43, 48, 51, 54–6, 58–61, 67, 120, 150–53
digital 23
intellectual 21–4, 49
virtual 23
prospect theory 141–2, 150
Prudential 34
psychographics 24
psychophysics 136
pufferfish 32, 95
Pulp Fiction 48
punishment xv, 3, 7–8, 39–43, 78, 80–82, 86, 140, 147
rat race 163–4
Reagan, Ronald 93
reciprocal altruism 76, 160
red sneaker effect 99
Redfern report 13
Reebok 99
relative comparison 102–5
religion 16, 18, 78–9, 108, 135, 156, 164
reputation 54, 76, 82, 119, 132
Rivera, Diego 3
Rocky Horror Picture Show 147
Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare 10
Rose, Ruby 110
Rousseau, J.-J. 38, 92
Rozin, P. 155
Ruble, D. 61
Ryman, R. 59
sacred value 155–7
St Columba 22
St Finnian 22
salaries 29, 69, 71, 73, 91, 93, 100, 120, 109–10, 138
Salvini, M. 17
Sartre, J.-P. 120, 122, 146
Sax, J. 3
Scandinavia 5, 111–12, 134
schadenfreude 108
schizophrenia 52
Schopenhauer, A. 162
Second World War 19, 93, 112, 156
security blankets 62–6
self-concept/construal 67, 119, 125–35, 144, 157
self-reference effect 133
Seligman, M. 52
sex 15, 20, 33, 95–6, 103, 123, 147
Shakespeare, William 10
children 79, 84–5, 132
collaboration 75–6, 83–4
cultural differences 80, 132
demand 41, 60, 144–5
primates 75–7
Sharon, Ariel 156
Shavitt, S. 133
Sheen, C. 97–8
Shepherd, Cybill 99
sibling rivalry 29
signalling 95–100, 112
silent revolution 19–20
Smith, Adam 44, 74, 87, 89–90, 135, 161
Smith, E. 100
comparison theory 105, 107, 161–2
facilitation 104
isolation 105
ladder 89, 105, 110, 114
media 115, 125, 160, 162
peacocking 96, 115, 125, 162
society 18, 20, 26, 28, 38, 42, 44, 67, 71–3, 79, 133–4, 159–63
Sotheby’s 48–9
Spinning Jenny 93
Starmans, C. 70
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 153
status xi, 53, 92, 96, 98–100, 104–6, 117, 131, 133–4, 141, 157–8, 162
Stenner, K. 18, 20
Stone, Oliver 94
storage 1–2, 119
stress 8, 18, 64–5, 89, 113, 119
‘stubborn son law’ 15
Stuffocation, Wallman 90
suicide 2–3
sumptuary laws 92
SuperCooperators, Nowak 82
System 1 and 2 thinking 136–7, 139–40, 145
tall-poppy syndrome 110–11, 134
Tarquin the Proud 110
testosterone 96
Thaler, R. 141–2
Thatcher, Margaret 11, 93
theft 39–41, 47, 118
theory of mind 40, 55, 160
Thinking, Fast and Slow, Kahneman 136
Titmuss, R. 86
toddlers 14, 40, 52–4, 57, 59, 61, 70, 144
Tolkien, J. R. R. 124
Tomasello, M. 76, 83
Tommy Hilfiger 96
tourism 116, 155
trafficking 15
tragedy of the commons 43–4, 81, 112
transitional objects 62
Travolta, John 48
Trentmann, F. 92
Trinity College, Cambridge 124
Triplett, N. 28
Trivers, R. 35–6
Trump, Donald 17–19, 24, 72, 83, 90, 97, 130
Turkle, S. 165
Turner, F. J. 130
turtles 100
Tverksy, Amos 135–6, 141–2
twins 63–4, 136, 139
Tyntesfield House 90
Ultimatum Game 80–83
unemployment 165
USA Today 110
utilitarianism 152
vampire bats 76–7, 100
Veblen, Thorstein 94, 99
Vidal, Gore 162
virtue signalling 100
Vohs, K. 124
voodoo 64
Wall Street 93–4
Wallman, J. 90
warm glow 85, 87
Washington Post 152
Wealth of Nations, The, Smith 44, 74, 112
Weber, E. 136
WEIRD 126, 158
welfare 12, 35, 72
Weltzien, S. 73–4, 127, 132, 144
whales 76
Whisnant, S. 1–2
White, R. 51
White, W. 124
Williard, D. 35–6
Winnicott, D. 62
Wolcott, R. 165
wolves 30, 66, 75
Wood, J. 1
Worldwatch Institute xii
Yadav, B. S. 89, 106
YouGov 20
Zuckerberg, Mark 98, 105
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First published 2019
Copyright © Bruce Hood, 2019
The moral right of the author has been asserted
Cover photo © Bela
Borsodi/Trunk Archive
ISBN: 978-0-241-40996-1
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